by Tom Acitelli
with Association of Brewers team, 144
association president positions, 279, 312–13
background, 79–80
beer festivals cofounded by, 90
on craft beer movement growth, 120
festivals founded by, 313
GABF and single draft systems, 143
magazine of, 188–89, 192, 193, 288, 313
marketing director positions, 81, 92
North Carolina relocation, 188
publishing business of, 80
Brand, Bill, 189, 191
Brannon, Kevin, 212–13, 269
Breckenridge Brewing, 277
Brewers Association (BA)
American Craft Beer Week, 333
association mergers and founding of, 313
beer sales statistics, 320
brewery operation cost statistics, 321
craft brewer definition, 10, 314, 332–33
membership statistics, 342
president of, 313, 342
Recognition Award, 335
Brewers Association of America (BAA), 10, 62, 267, 278, 312–13
Brewer’s Companion, The (Mosher), 189
Brewers Digest, 124
Brewery Ommegang, 278 (renamed, 281–82, 285, 287–88, 322, 330
Brewhouse Grill and State Street Brewing, 257
Brewing Lager Beer (Noonan), 172
brewing process, xvi, 15
Brew Masters (television show), 331
Brewmaster’s Table, The (Oliver), 308–9, 311–12
brewpub crawl marathons, 229
brewpubs. See also specific names of brewpubs of Big Beer companies, 206–7
chains, development of, 199–201
early, 84–85, 98–100, 99, 109, 128, 135, 171
growth, 141–42, 161–63, 164, 198–99
legislative restrictions on, 98, 198, 300
statistics, 294
Brewsletter, The, 192
Brickskeller, 119, 120–21, 277
Bricktown Brewery, 302
BridgePort Brewing Company (formerly Columbia River Brewery), 100, 125, 219–20, 269, 270, 301
Bronder, Mark, 127–31, 155–56, 240. See also Pete’s Brewing Company
Brooklyn, 6, 7
Brooklyn Brewery
brewery location and construction, 201–4
brewmasters of, 226, 227, 228, 342
contract brewing business, 150, 152, 156–59
distribution, 278, 291
labeling, 158
opening, 226
popularity and growth, 159
Brooklyn Lager, 158
Brooks, Jay, 190, 191, 336
Brown, Jerry, 98
Bruso, David, 111
Bryson, Lew, 189, 190, 191
Buccaneer Gold, 179
Buchanan, Bill, 285
Buck, Bill, 9
Budhook, 210, 251, 328
Bud Lite (formerly Budweiser Light), 89, 122, 225
Budweiser, 29, 35, 225, 253–54
Buffalo Bill’s Brewpub, 98–100, 99, 128, 171
Burch, Byron
Anchor Brewing tour, 57
beer festival attendance, 90, 92
Grossman meeting, 66, 68
homebrewing guides by, 33, 57, 91, 172, 188
as magazine contributor, 192
Burrell, Peter, 164
Busch, 29
Busch, Adolphus, 29
Busch, August, IV, 205
Busch, August Anheuser, III, 89, 215, 221
Busch, August Anheuser, IV, 337
Bush, George H. W., 167
Calagione, Mariah, 229–30
Calagione, Sam
association merger board member, 313
background, 182
book by, 331
breweries of (see Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats)
brewery planning, 183, 230
brewpubs of, 331
celebrity of, 331
consumer-criticism and response, 287–88
description, 182, 230
homebrewing of, 181–82, 182–83
magazine articles featuring, 323
Slow Food trade show presentations, xiii–xiv, 310, 332
California brewing history, 7, 22, 255–57
California Steam Brewery, 70–71, 88
Camusi, Paul, 69, 292, 328. See also Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Canandaigua Wine Company, 212
Cancro, Jim, 262–65
cans and canning, 8, 14, 17, 25, 77, 305–8
Carey, Dan and Deb, 177, 293
Carling, 134–35, 300
Carlsberg, 297
Carnegie Hill Brewing Company, 229
Carpenter, Mark, 23, 27, 39, 88, 326, 329
Carter, Jimmy, 59, 84–85, 94
Cartwright Portland, 72–73, 88, 117, 301
Cascade hops, 37–38, 39, 41, 91, 97, 174, 225, 301
Cask Brewing Systems, 305–6, 307
Catamount Amber, 261
Catamount Brewing Company, 140, 162, 261–62, 266–67
Catamount Gold, 261
Celebrator Beer News, 284–85, 286
celebrity, 322, 331
Celis Brewery (Peter Celis), 221
Celotto, Vince and Mario, 277
Centenniale, 278
Centennial hops, 201
Center for Brewing Studies, 93
Chalone Wine Group, 212
Chateau Jiahu, 331
Cheers Beverage Festival, 319
Chelsea Brewing Company, 229
Cherry Brew, 182–83
Chesapeake Bay Brewing Company, 96–97, 141
Chez Panisse, 41–42
Chicago Daily News, 35
Chicory Stout, 232, 232–33
Chicvara, Jerome, 161
Child, Julia, 27
Chimay Red, 182
Chisholm, Scott, 126n
Christian Schmidt and Sons, 134, 158
Cicerone certification programs, 317, 318–19
Cilurzo, Natalie, 301, 331
Cilurzo, Vinnie, 299, 300–301, 301–2, 330–31
clubs, homebrewing, 32–33, 57, 70, 123, 135, 286
Coe, Lee, 58
Coja, Maurice, 120
Colbert, Stephen, 333
Collins, Susan, 296
Columbia River Brewery, 100. See also Bridge-Port Brewing Company
Commonwealth Brewing Company (Boston), 135
Commonwealth Brewing Company (New York), 229
Complete Joy of Homebrewing, The (Papazian), 34, 80, 81–84, 151, 172, 188
Connecticut Brewing Company, 162
consumer education, 31–35, 121
consumer preference polls, 35, 85, 143, 153, 164, 185
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 34
consumption trends, 6–9, 16, 26, 30, 121–22
contract brewing
advantages of, 94–95, 242, 243
business model examples, 94–95, 115, 129, 239
challenges of, 127, 131
criticism of, 186–87, 238–40, 245–53, 266
Conway, Daniel and Patrick, 161–62
Cooking with Beer (Saunders), 190, 309
CooperSmith’s Pub and Brewery, 179
beer festival attendance, 92
craft beer competition and product development, 205, 206–8
distribution, 74
in history, 18
hops research by, 38
production and market share, 28, 160
Coors, Bill, 8, 77
Coors, Jeff, 74
Coors, Pete, 207–8
copy and copyright accusations, 109, 252
CoreStates Center, brewpubs in, 263
Cornell, Martyn, 47–48
Corona, 255–56, 270, 291, 337
Coury, Charles and Shirley, 72–73, 88, 117, 301
Covaleski, Bill, 178
Cowan, Jeremy, 289–92, 331, 339
craft beer movement, overview
breweries and brewpubs
, statistics, 294, 332, 338
criticism and conflict within, 238–40, 243–44, 245–53
decline and shakeout, 265–67, 275, 277–78, 339
early years, 103
financial challenges, 76, 87–88, 94, 95, 144
growth, xv, 110, 144–45, 160, 163, 176–77, 243
growth, postshakeout, 292–96, 320, 322–23, 332
investment partnerships and business model development, 108–11
market share, 204, 320, 332
philosophy and purpose, 103, 177
production totals, 103, 160–61, 293, 320
sales statistics, 320
craft brewer, defined, xv, 10–11, 102, 251–52, 314, 332–33
Craft Brewers Alliance, 328
Craft Brewers Conference (formerly Microbrewers Conference), 163–64, 275–76, 295, 296–98, 305, 329
Cramer, Chris, 256
Cranston, Alan, 58–59
criticism, beer
brewers’ response to, 287–88
classes on beer evaluation, 257
early development of, 91–92
instruction booklets on, 32, 33
Internet and, 281–83, 285–86
professional writers for, 188–94 (see also Eckhardt, Fred; Jackson, Michael)
style distinctions and debates, 174, 187–88, 283
Crosby, Nancy, 58
Cross, John, 172–73, 237
Cummings, Rush, 141
D’Addona, Robert, 109
Dale’s Pale Ale, 306–8, 307
Dalldorf, Tom, 284–85, 316
Dangerfield, Rodney, 31, 122
Daniels, Ray, 317–19
Dateline (television show), 245–51
Daume, John, 33, 55
Davis, Alan, 140, 162, 261–62
Davis, Mattson, 198, 304, 328
Day, Frank, 199–200, 209
DeBakker Brewing Company (Tom de Bakker), 70–72, 75, 86, 88
DeGroen, Theo, 178
Deschutes Brewing Company, 162, 249–50, 277, 292, 293, 296
D. G. Yuengling & Son, 92, 94, 340n
Diat pilsner, 29
diet beer, 30–31. See also lite/light (low-calorie) beers
DiMichele, Luke, 302
Dixie Brewing Company, 141
D. L. Geary Brewing Company, 139–40, 190, 339. See also Geary, David
D. L. Geary’s Pale Ale, 140
Dock Street (beer), 168
Dock Street (brewpub), 161
Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats
brewery planning, 183, 230
brewing philosophies, 310
distribution challenges, 234, 339
growth and expansion, 320–21, 338–39
marketing strategies, 233–34
ownership, 182, 230
product development, 231–33, 232, 320
dogs in advertising, 129, 130, 178, 252
Dos Equis, 255–56
Double IPA Festival, 301, 330
Doyle, Rich, 135–38, 137, 144, 162, 279, 313
Drake, Francis, 43
Dresler, Steve, 78, 163
dry hopping, 37
Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery, 323
Dye, Rich, 70–71
Eames, Alan, 190
Earth Day, 34
East Coast brewing history, 134–35
Eastwood, Clint, 149
Eataly, 331
Eckhardt, Fred
on alcohol per volume content, 21
background, 16–17
beer-tasting booklet of, 32, 33
brewery research, 18–19
at Brickskeller, 125
description and personality, 16
Grossman meeting, 68
homebrewing classes taught by, 18, 19–20, 57
homebrewing journals by, 18, 61, 123
on homebrewing laws, 58
homebrewing manifesto by, 16, 20–21, 33, 58, 67
magazine columns by, 192, 288–89
national reputation of, 32–33
newspaper columns by, 100, 124–25, 188
Sierra Nevada specialty beer collaborations, 335
Egelston, Janet and Peter, 210
Eilert, Robert, 222–23, 224
Elhardt, Merlin, 31–33
Elk Mountain Ale, 205, 225
Erickson, Jack, 189, 254, 309
Erickson Report, The, 189
Eureka, 258
Eureka California Lager, 258
Evans-Young, Darren, 304
extreme beers, 232–33, 323, 331
Facebook, 322
Fancy Lawnmower, 302–3
fast food, 149–50, 165–68, 177
Fat Tire, 179, 321
Faust, 225
“Fearless Spectator, The” (McCabe), 19
Federal Jack’s, 178
Feinberg, Donald, 278
Festival Lager, 153
Finkel, Charles, 47, 48, 129
Fire Rock Pale Ale, 198
Firestone Walker Brewing Company (Adam Firestone), 301
Firmat, Irene, 161
Fish, Gary, 162, 249–50, 277, 292, 296, 313
fitness trends, 167–68
Flying Dog Brewpub, 178
Flying Monkey Brewery, 222–23, 224
Foglio, Tony, 324–29
Foley, John, 162
artisan, 231
books on beer and, 308–9, 311–12
brewing combined with (see brewpubs; specific names of brewpubs)
locavore movement, 11, 103, 168, 231, 278
promotion of beer with, 120–23
publications promoting beer with, 190
Puck on partnership of beer and, 258
Slow Food movement, 149–50, 165–68, 288–89, 309–11, 310, 332
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 50
Ford, Gerald, 63, 74
Forder, Tony, 284
foreign beers and breweries
acquisitions and consolidations, 271, 297, 337
Big Beer products imitating, 41
as influence, 16, 17, 29, 32, 36, 37, 231
market share, 41, 86
Mexican imports, 255–56, 270
Formosa Springs, 29
Forsley, Fred, 177–78, 220, 277
Frank Jones Brewery, 210
Franks, Norman, 100
Freccia, Nico, 285
Frederick Brewing Company, 212–13, 215, 269
Free State Brewery, 223
Frito-Lay, 195–96
Full Sail Brewing Company, 162, 219
Full Sail Golden Ale, 161
F. X. Matt Brewing Company
awards, 169
beer festival attendance, 92
contract brewing at, 94, 108, 115, 157, 159, 168, 245
financial challenges and marketing strategies, 157, 168–69
management, 341
signature beers of, 169
visitors to, 132
Gablinger’s Diet Beer, 30–31
Galanis, Gary, 279n
Gambrinus, 219–20, 239, 269, 270, 328n, 343
Gardner, Rob, 192–94
Geary, David
on Anheuser-Busch’s Redhook deal, 210–11, 221
awards, criticism on, 244
background, 138–39
breweries of, 139–40, 190, 339
conference presentations, 164, 238–40, 243
pubs frequented by, 190
with Senator Collins, 296
survival tips, 277, 295
Geary, Karen, 138–40
General Brewing, 69
Genesee Brewing Company, 92, 231, 247
Genesis ale, 290
Genuine Draft, 157
George Washington Porter, 161
G. Heileman Brewing Company, 92, 303
Glaser, Milton, 156–57, 158, 202
“Glass of Handmade, A” (Heat-Moon), 126, 323
Godfrey, Nick, 211
Goose Island, 164
Gordon, Dan, 162, 200, 270, 290
Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant
, 162, 200, 269–70, 293, 293n
Gorky’s, 257
Grant, Bert
background, 84–85
on Big Beer craft beer imitations, 206
brewpubs of, 85, 108, 125, 128, 270
criticism of Koch, Jim, 240
death of, 339
Great American Beer Cookbook (Schermerhorn), 309
Great American Beer Festival
Alaska brewery participants, 133
beer tasting and criticism development, 91–92
competitions and awards, 103, 143–44, 153, 155, 169, 179, 185, 209, 244, 261, 301, 302, 308, 332
consumer preference polls, 85, 108, 143, 153, 164, 185
early years and attendance, 90
founding, 90
growth and popularity of, 313, 323, 331–32
locations, 91, 92
magazine articles featuring, 323
organizational challenges, 143
program and schedule, 91–92
purpose, 91, 92
Great Britain, 14, 271
Great British Beer Festival, 86, 87, 90
Great Cooking with Beer (Erickson), 309
Great Lakes Brewing Company, 161–62
Greenlee, Bob and Diane, 199
Greggor, Keith, 324–29, 342
Griffin Group, 325–27, 329
Grossman, Ken
on Anchor Brewing sale, 329
Anchor Brewing tours, 68–69
association merger board member, 313
background, 66–68
beer festival attendance, 92
breweries of (see Sierra Nevada Brewing Company)
homebrewing classes taught by, 68
homebrewing of, 34, 68, 69–70
with McAuliffe, 335, 335–36
New Albion tours, 69–70, 74–75
Grundy tanks, 172–73, 173
Grupo Modelo, 337
Haberich, Klaus, 197
Haffenreffer, 134, 154, 187
Hagerman, Pat, 284
Hale’s Ales (Mike Hale), 101, 136
Hale’s Pale American Ale, 101
Hankins, Don Alan, 303–4
Hansen’s Times Square Brewery, 229
Harpoon Ale, 138, 211, 243
Harris, John, 162
Harrison, Steve, 103, 225
Hart Brewing Company (renamed Pyramid Breweries), 101, 102, 211–12, 277
Hartwell, Beth, 101, 211
Harvan, Dave, 299–300
Harvest Pumpkin Ale, 207
Haunold, Alfred, 38
Hawaiian brewing history, 196–98, 200
Hawaii Brewing Corporation, 197
Healy, Cameron (Nirbhao Singh Khalsa), 194–96, 197–98, 304
Heartland Brewery, 200, 229
Heat-Moon, William Least, 98, 125–26, 323
He’Brew, 290
Heineken, 154–55, 291, 297
Heissner, Russ, 138
Hennepin, 278
Heritage Brewing, 257
Hibernia Brewing Company, 138
Hickenlooper, John, 198, 200, 253, 272, 285, 294–95, 332
Hieronymus, Stan, 47, 117n, 189, 191, 336
Hindy, Steve
association merger board member, 313
background, 150–51
breweries of (see Brooklyn Brewery)