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Lily Learns to Perform part two

Page 2

by Matthew Lee

  “Then you’re not a whore. But who cares if you were? Morals are more about crimes than sex. What’s the difference if he buys you dinner or just hands you the money he would have spent on dinner anyway. Judgements are so stupid.”

  “For almost three days I’ll be his wife, not yours. Will it drive you crazy?”


  “will you masturbate in your cabin at night while I’m getting fucked in his?”


  “Is it weird that turns me on?”

  I chuckled. “Fuck yes. We’re both freaks.”

  “This will be the greatest role of my career; three days of pretending I’m not married to you. Three days of ignoring your handsome face and sweet eyes. Three days of pretending I don’t see the longing way you look at me. This will be hard on us both. I need your arms around me. I really wish I could kiss you.”

  “Me too,” I agreed.

  I heard steps approach so I turned to face the waves as if Lily did not exist. Two older men, including one in a green sweatshirt, shuffled by to talk to her. My wife and I ignored each other but I listened intently to their conversation.

  Jay seemed like an all right man, maybe a little full of himself, but not a physical threat. I tried to relax with the idea but every glance I stole showed me his arm around her shoulders or his hands covering hers. She leaned into him. My last look saw them kissing. My heart shrank and my stomach turned queasy. She played her part perfectly. So well it seemed she truly adored him. The other gentleman left and Jay turned Lily towards the bow. He moved behind her and wrapped my wife in his arms, kissing the nape of her neck. She tilted her head to give him better access.

  These three days were going to kill me.

  Chapter 3

  Friday night almost everyone turned in early. I unpacked and put everything away and then brushed my teeth. I got into bed and tried to read but seething curiosity would not leave me alone. What was Lily doing right now? I jabbed my bookmark and left my cabin.

  Sebastian was on deck speaking to a young man who looked about twenty but I ignored them both, heading to the other end of the ship. I admit I carefully peeked in portholes along the way trying to find Lily’s cabin, but I did not. The breeze was much cooler and I wished I’d brought a jacket. I made my way down to the lower sundeck and dropped into a lounge chair. Mist filled the air down here, churned by the powerful blades spinning just beneath the surface. The ship rumbled and vibrated from the turbine engines.

  A uniformed steward came by and asked if I needed anything and I requested a hot chocolate. Left alone with my thoughts, of course they turned to Lily.

  When she went to New York last time and landed in Trevor’s bed again, I felt like that was something we did together. She communicated everything from his invitation and her interest in it, to telling him yes and then the hot sex that followed. We shared that experience as a married couple. Lily and I discussed every detail and I knew exactly what was happening. Trevor was a pawn to be maneuvered around our board.

  What I felt now was entirely different. I was the pawn. Lily and Jay were the players. I was on the outside, blind. Lily’s connection was to him and not me.

  A strange and perverse pleasure flowed through my veins. Some part of me liked that she was temporarily his.

  My hot chocolate arrived followed by Sebastian, alone, pulling a lounge chair closer to mine. The steward took his drink order, a Douro Red, and departed.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  I shrugged but then realized he couldn’t see me in the dark. “Fine, I guess.”

  “Can’t be easy, watching Jay with Lily.”

  “It’s not. What are you fishing for? Just ask.”

  He grinned. “Good ole Luke; always direct. All right then. I’ve taken a big chance with you. If you cannot maintain your deception Lily and I will suffer for it. I’m looking for reassurance. I need these people. So does Lily”

  “Did you say something to Leo?”

  “Yes. You won’t see him again.”

  “I’ll let you know if that turns out to be true.”

  An uncomfortable silence settled on us. I realized he was waiting for an answer.

  “Yes, I’ll maintain the illusion. I’ll follow the script and play my role.”

  “Excellent. Who knows? Perhaps nothing will happen.”

  I scoffed. “She said he’s already offered her an absurd amount and she accepted. Trust me, something will happen.”

  He asked me how much and I told him. His small hand came up to cover his mouth. Four black fingernails stared back at me. The steward returned and deposited a glass of red wine, asked if he could get us anything else, and then left us alone.

  “That’s a fantastic sum,” Sebastian said. “Good Lord.”

  “Is she safe with him?”

  “Absolutely. He’s been married for years but he and his wife do enjoy their dalliances. Serious scandal would rock their empire so yes, Lily is safe.”

  I believed him. “By serious you men criminal.”


  “Cold comfort. I spoke to her briefly. She says you describe Jay as a stud.”

  “That is his reputation. I’ve…procured…other girls for him and that’s what they tell me. Stamina. Size. Passion. Lily is in for a treat.”


  “Come now, Luke. I remember our talks; Lily loves a strong, thick cock attached to a handsome man. Who doesn’t? Smaller men, men like you and me, we meet our partner’s needs in other ways.”

  “I meet all her needs.”

  “Don’t be contrary. You know exactly what I mean.”

  He was right; I did. I just hated to be lumped in the small-penis category with him. I sipped my hot cocoa, staring at the truth. Whatever.

  “What did you say to Leo?” I asked.

  “I reminded him I demand discretion. I reminded him my clients and friends are off-limits. I threatened him and he knew I meant it.”

  “Any chance you can get that recording from him?”

  “Already destroyed.”

  “By you?”

  “No, by him. Trust me, Leo knows I’m to be taken seriously. I told him to delete all copies and he assured me he did. I believe him.”

  “I don’t? He’s kind of a snake.”

  Sebastian studied my face, debating. He leaned closer. “I’m not a simple little faggot that loves theater, Luke. Don’t define me too quickly.”

  I heard that edge in his voice again and after pondering for a moment, believed him. Sebastian had a hard side. I had a sudden insight.

  “Does all this have something to do with that inverted pentagram tattoo?”

  Bingo. I’d struck a nerve. Sebastian’s face went blank, his eyes unreadable.


  He lied. I wasn’t going to call him on it but I knew.


  He drank some wine. “The party tomorrow night will be…difficult, for you.”

  “How so?”

  “You know how I love my parties.”

  “Legendary. Why difficult?”

  “Costumes. Nudity. Sex in the open.”

  “Sounds like all your parties.”

  “Lily will be a featured guest. Jay loves to brag. He wants everyone to know she belongs to him. He controls her. That’s what he likes.”

  “Will he fuck her in front of a crowd? I’ve already seen Lily taken like that. One more time will be easy to handle.”

  “Possibly. But he may have other plans for her.”

  Imagination is worse than reality. I felt a strong tingling at the base of my penis. I wanted to ask Sebastian to explain what that meant, exactly, but I saw in his eyes he’d evade me. Perhaps he had no idea what to expect either.

  Chapter 4

  The next day dawned bright, clear, and hot. We’d left land behind during the night and the horizon was ocean in every direction. They slowed the engines and the crew put a dozen Sea-Doo into the water and many of us spent h
ours running circles around the yacht. Snorkeling, scuba-diving, and parasailing were available too. The party girls looked stunning in their fashionable bikinis.

  I saw Lily after an hour, sitting on the top deck with Jay. I thought she’d want to try the Sea-Doo but she seemed perfectly happy to just sit with him and a few of his friends. When they did come down to the sundeck, I saw she wore a tiny, red, G-string bikini. Her ass looked fantastic and Jay must have thought so too because he always kept his hand on her butt cheek. I’d been watching them together for several minutes when I realized they’d had sex last night. The air of intimacy was unmistakable. The barriers of personal space had been obliterated. Lily hung on his arm or held his hand. Jay held her close with an arm around her shoulder or a tight hug. I was instantly jealous and aroused.

  I aimed the Sea-Doo away from the boat and blasted full throttle, jumping waves and spraying water. A blonde man about my age suggested a race and we were off. I glanced back at our floating island of activity and saw Lily kissing Jay on the mouth.

  She was still in her bikini when I got back to the ship about three hours later. A dozen passengers had gathered on the upper sundeck for drinks and I felt I could blend in without notice. I ordered a beer and took a seat across from Lily and Jay.

  She sat with her legs behind her and her head on his chest. One arm snaked around behind him and the other disappeared into his far armpit. He tenderly stroked her head. It was a pose for high school sweethearts except it was my wife and another man. Her eyes swept over me without a flinch. A heartbeat later she tilted her head back for a kiss, which I know was aimed at me, and he accommodated. Their lips touched soft and wet.

  My heart started racing. He brought his large hand up under a breast and lifted slightly. I saw the red strings of her bikini move. His thumb grazed her nipple and it hardened. I knew their tongues danced together by the movement of her cheek.

  Nobody cared. This jaded group of the super wealthy had seen it all. Each of them was accustomed to taking what they wanted, doing what they wanted, and on the rare occasion some force opposed them, money thrown at the situation made the problem go away. They allowed each other the benefit of their riches; I grant you complete freedom, so you do the same for me.

  Lily melted. She slid down his lap until she knelt between his ankles. Her fingers fumbled at his snaps and then she lowered her face over his crotch. Her black hair fell forward, obscuring our view, but her bobbing head and soft sucking sounds told us everything. An older gentleman seated to Jay’s right asked him about his investment in Kuwaiti Oil and Jay responded intelligently and concisely. The men carried on a conversation while my wife sucked Jay’s dick.

  No, not sucked; worshipped. Lily’s entire body endeavored to orally please him. Her hands worked. Her shoulders hunched. She needed his dick in her mouth. Jay graciously allowed my wife to service his cock. He and his colleague debated various financial intricacies as Lily bobbed joyfully on manhood.

  She adjusted her legs beneath her and he was briefly exposed; a pillar of turgid pink flesh, covered with squiggly blue and red veins and arteries. He looked hard as glass. Her mouth quickly vacuumed the purple helmet and her hair once again hid him.

  His voice never varied, nor did her pace. I slowly realized she had no intention of making him climax, my wife simply craved his cock in her mouth. He understood her need and graciously obliged.

  I had to look away. The carnal display matter to me only, and that gave me away. I forced myself to follow the flight of a seagull headed for land and then scanned the endless whitecaps. When I finally permitted my gaze to return, just for a moment, Lily’s smooth suction continued, as did his conversation. I couldn’t stand it. I had to leave.

  I spied my blonde racing companion on the deck below and waved and he waved back. I left to join his group and we chatted like old friends. From the corner of my eye I watched Lily’s head, one deck above, rise and fall. After some time, I returned to the lower deck and tried parasailing and then snorkeling.

  The sun traveled across the sky. Lunch was served and then, later, an early dinner. Every glimpse I caught of my wife showed me the same thing; Lily, clinging to Jay like they were high school sweethearts. Was this real or was Lily truly that great an actress? How could she have such feelings so fast? What had happened? I imagined he’d fucked her so majestically all night she was now in love with him, or, more accurately, in love with his big veiny cock.

  About an hour later the captain fired a green flare into the night sky and everyone cheered. The man next to me saw my confusion and volunteered, “We’ve crossed into international waters. Anything goes.”

  I thanked him. All around the ship stewards step up small tables topped with brightly colored bottles and jars. I saw individuals snort blasts of cocaine or pack bowls with weed. Music started on each deck. The party had begun.

  Minutes later, the first bikini top hit the deck. The party girls were in their element now and excitement rose. People started laughing and talking loud. More tops flew and bottoms followed. Within minutes the Gorgeous Youth were naked and the guests quickly followed.

  Less than fifteen minutes after the green flare, every passenger was nude. I struggled mightily but caved. Remaining clothed while everyone around me partied naked was simply too much pressure. I undressed and a steward swept in and collected my garments, quickly making notes on a clipboard. I found myself standing in a forest of nudity. I wasn’t the worst body revealed, but I sure as fuck wasn’t the best, either. Not even close. I searched the faces of those around me and discovered I was the only one that cared. Everyone else paraded naked and unashamed.

  I spotted the older woman from yesterday. She had her back to the railing, watching the crowd and sipping her drink. Her breasts sagged some and her legs looked soft but she did not care. Nobody gave a shit. I was the only one to even notice. I made my way towards her. She smiled when she saw me.

  “It takes some getting used to,” she said, raising her voice above the music. “But once you do it’s wonderful!” She laughed and rocked her hips side to side. I smiled back and faced the crowd with her. They all seemed to be having a good time.

  I took a while to relax, but eventually I gave in. Before too long I was dancing naked with the natives. Jean, the older woman, became my spirit guide and had me smoking and dancing like a wild man. I let myself go and have fun. I danced until my legs grew weak. Jean steered me towards the far railing and brought me some water. We looked back at the crowd as we caught our breath and then she said: “Let the young dance. I’m too old to go for very long. Are you ready to see something truly wild?”

  I said I was and she took my hand, leading me one level below deck. We approached a set of double doors guarded by bouncers.

  “He’s with me,” she announced. They stepped aside. I was starting to feel my nakedness again. Beyond the doors were stairs down which led to double doors again and more bouncers. She gave them a nod and they opened the doors to us. Inside was a double-sized room with a high ceiling. Dim red bulbs lit the scene. A naked crowd of about a dozen stared at something on the floor in the center of the room.

  Jean and I circled until we found a gap and stepped to the front. A large black pentagram marked the floor and arising from the center of the glyph a large black cock swayed like a blade of kelp connected to the seafloor. It looked roughly as big as my arm from elbow to fist.

  I turned to ask Jean what the fuck but she silenced me with a finger to her lips. I’m not stupid. I knew what was coming. Sebastian’s warning came back to me in a rush and I hurriedly searched the crowd for Lily. I found her, off to my right, still clinging to Jay like he was everything to her. Quiet conversations scattered around the room, filling the space with a soft murmur. I turned to Jean again but she redirected my attention with a jerk of her head.

  Lily stepped from the circle of people. Jay stood at the edge, large penis more than half erect, encouraging my wife to move to the center. She looked worried and unsu
re and scanned the gathering for support. She did not see me.

  “Show me, Lily” Jay murmured. “Show us all.”

  Lily took tentative steps, her big tits gently swinging as she crossed the black lines. She kept looking back at Jay for encouragement. I caught a glimpse of her huge pupils and wondered if Jay had drugged her or if she’d merely imbibed like all of us.

  When she reached the center, she knelt and stretched a cautious hand out to touch the appendage. Her face lit up.

  “So warm!” she exhaled.

  I watched her dainty fingers try to circle the girthy member. She appeared enthralled by the size and shape of the thing and more focused with each passing moment. She placed her knees on either side and hugged the cock, rubbing her slit up and down on the shaft. She lifted her big tits and teased her nipples.

  “She’s beautiful,” Jean breathed. “Look at that body. I wonder where Jay found her. He always finds the most gorgeous women.”

  Jean’s fingers closed around my penis and I instinctively let my hand fall back to find her bushy slit. We masturbated each other as the spectacle of my wife unfolded.

  Lily’s touch had affected the solitary cock, causing it to lengthen a little, curve backward some, and thicken a lot. She rubbed it with her clit while stroking the length with both hands.

  Jay played with his formidable erection, his eyes a fevered glaze of lust. Lily’s arousal grew until she was twisting her nipples. I saw her struggle with her decision and then suddenly cave, unable to fight her need anymore. My wife stood over the pulsing erection and lowered her soaked cunt down onto it. She controlled her penetration with her legs but she was eager to be filled. I watched the dark shaft spread her lips and smoothly push inside. Lily moaned. Jay jacked his cock rapidly. Lily’s head fell back and a deep groan rose from her throat.


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