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Lily Learns to Perform part two

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by Matthew Lee

  She was drugged. I saw the signs on her face and read it in her body. Her legs flexed and more of the cock disappeared inside. Ragged breath escaped her lungs as she cried out from overpowering pleasure.

  “God! What’s happening to me?”

  She bit her bottom lips and lifted her heels and the head sank farther up inside until reaching her cervix. Her head rolled from the exquisite sensations.

  “Unnnghh,” she groaned. “So good… why so good?”

  Deep lines of disbelief etched her gorgeous face. She scanned the crowd for answers but found none. She looked down between her legs and watched as she fucked herself on this monster cock and her breathing became short and ragged. She leaned forward, hands on the floor, and pumped her tight pussy up and down. Her eyes rolled back. She drooled.

  “Aaaaa, what, what’s happening? God help me.”

  Her little pussy rose and fell faster. The dark shaft, solid as marble now, gleamed with her copious juices. Her hands became fists and she closed her eyes and her head slowly sank to the floor.

  “Aaaargghhh! Christ!”

  Her orgasm slammed her like a truck. She shook her head.

  “Oh! God! Oh, fuuuuuuck!”

  Ripples rolled her stomach. All the muscles across her back tensed and flexed. This thing buried in her guts electrified her, turned her inside out and upside down. She slammed her cunt up and down the monster cock and her climax thundered on without end. Her eyes were squeezed shut. She shrieked as a jolt of orgasmic pleasure stabbed her and refused to let go, like her orgasm was no longer her own but was being done to her. Her mouth opened and hung limp as another wave smashed her and then another. She started to sob but still her pussy pumped the stiff creature inside. The longer she rode the beast, the longer her climax continued.

  The crowd went nuts. Couples grabbed whomever was nearest and the room dissolved into a fucking frenzy. Jean dropped to suck my penis into her mouth but I pushed her back and slid into her hairy cunt. I fucked her hard, our eyes on the gorgeous girl impaled on the devil-dick rising from the floor.

  Lily never stopped fucking the thing. Her cries filled the room, driving us wild, until pleasure fried her brain and she passed out. Jay had to come lift her off the appendage and carry her back to his cabin, stepping over the writhing floor like he’d done it many times before.

  I filled Jean with cum as Lily sailed over my head.

  Chapter 5

  So much for the evening gown. The party was still raging when Lily and Jay reappeared a couple hours later. I’d lost Jean somewhere in the crowd but I think she was finished with me anyway.

  Lily and Jay appeared fully nude and holding hands. I knew he’d taken her back to his cabin and fucked her brains out because her swollen pink nipples and labia told me so. She looked a little dazed but satisfied and happy. She still clung to him constantly and he loved it. They never stopped touching. I took a seat to keep an eye on them. Much later, when the party began to die, I watched them leave and determined which cabin was theirs when the light came on. I worked my way forward until I saw through their porthole. I pretended to watch the moon and stars.

  The moment the door closed she was on her knees and orally worshiping his cock again. Once he was hard he made her face the wall and fucked her from behind standing up. She had to be drugged. Her orgasm came so fast and powerful there could be no other explanation. I jacked off into the ocean watching them.

  Sunday the yacht was almost silent. The primal orgy from the night before had lasted until sunrise and drained everyone. The stewards moved about, cleaning up, as well as myself and a handful of others. I drank a gallon of orange juice and lay in the sun. About half the passengers put clothing back on but the other half did not, including all the Gorgeous Youth.

  Sebastian is a genius. I surveyed the fantastic young bodies parading around and realized this man had created for himself an Eden. He climbed on deck moments later and a few raised a weary toast to him. He waved back graciously. He had with him a nude young man, fit, blonde, hairless, and sporting a long cock. He saw me and sent the boy on some errand while looping around to my lounge.

  “Intact?” he asked.


  “I appreciate your discipline.”

  “Lily was drugged?”

  “A bit. She was stunning, was she not?”

  “I can’t deny it. You’re an interesting man, Sebastian. Pentagrams?”

  “Never underestimate their shock value.”

  “They do set a mood.”

  He judged the bodies strewn across the deck, declared the party a success. “Last day; can you make it?”

  “If I kept my shit together watching Lily fuck herself on some devil-cock and then watching Jay fuck her afterward, I think I can make it the rest of the way home. Those had to be high points, right? What can happen on a Sunday afternoon to top those moments?’”

  “I’m just checking on you.”

  “Leo has a pentagram tattoo, just above his cock. Related?”

  Sebastian eyed me warily. “In good time, my friend. Private things are private.”

  Interesting man, indeed. Most telling, to me anyway, was his constant absence from the festivities. Why only throw parties for others? He was always dressed even when those around him are not. I’ve never seen him indulge in the same drugs he gives all of us, and that rare edge to his voice all combined to make me reevaluate the man. There were layers and depths here I’d missed.

  The return trip to the marina went much faster. The captain announced when we were just a few miles out and the naked reluctantly got dressed. Lily and Jay sat on the top deck eating breakfast and when Lily saw me she got flustered and dropped her fork.

  We took separate limos to the airport but didn’t interact with each other until we were safely on the plane and headed home. I had an open seat next to me and Lily stuffed her bag in the overhead and plopped down, exhausted. We made sure no one from the party was on our flight.

  “That was interesting,” I said, opening conversation.

  “How much did you see?”

  “I saw you all over Jay. I saw you in the pentagram with the devil-cock. I saw you below deck and against the wall in his cabin.”

  “That’s all?”

  Until this moment, I had been feeling on top of things.

  “Yeah, what’d I miss?”

  She leaned closer, her voice low. “Me with a woman. Me with Jay and five of his geezer friends. Me in the pentagram again for a private ceremony only this time the devil-cock ejaculated inside me.”

  I made a face. “Ejaculated what?”

  “Cum. Sperm from Jay and all his Masters of the Universe.”

  I leaned back from her. “You mean a little from each of them?”


  I was simultaneously strangely disgusted and wildly aroused. “When?”

  “Just before sunrise. Almost everyone on board was asleep. Jay and his closest friends took me down there and watched.”

  “That devil-dick got to you.”

  “Jesus, Honey, it vibrates and undulates and radiates heat. My poor pussy never had a chance. I’d taken a pill to enhance everything too. I almost lost my mind riding that dark fucker.”

  I pictured her on top again. “So you’re full of them at this moment?”

  “Yeah. Which is why I’m wearing three pairs of panties.”

  I took her hand and whispered: “I’m going to fuck you senseless when we get home.”

  “I expect nothing less,” she whispered back, squeezing my hand.

  Chapter 6

  I didn’t fuck her senseless, not right away. We got home and unpacked and hit the shower. When her panties came down she was such a slippery mess she wanted a nice long bath. After that she was too sleepy and tender. Cum continued to leak from her slit for a long time.

  I hated that she’d had sex out of sight and incommunicado. I felt like the intruder in our extracurricular sex life. Certain aspects of it were excit
ing to me but overall I preferred total involvement. I promised myself to avoid this arrangement going forward. I loved watching Lily with a long, fat cock. She has a streak of sexual abandon running through her and when it blossoms I want to see it. That’s the thrill for me. So much this weekend was done out of sight and behind my back. I was left feeling estranged.

  Nevertheless, when I saw milky sperm leaking from my wife’s slit, my dick grew hard. When I thought about how many men swam around inside her right now, I got even harder. We had no sex that night or the next and when I did finally have her, we both went a little crazy.

  Four days later, Sebastian sent her a completed contract with a large check attached. Money was nothing to these people. For a check that size I thought we’d dance around the kitchen or open some champagne and celebrate, but we didn’t. We leaned on the kitchen counter and stared at it until Lily said she’d make the deposit tomorrow.

  Just like that our credit card balances were reduced to zero, we knocked a big chunk off the principle on the house and gave her brother some money to help him get back on his feet after a nasty divorce.

  Weeks flew by and Leo made no appearance.

  “I hope Leo’s okay,” Lily said one night while we were out at dinner. “Weird that he’s vanished.”

  I sensed disappointment. “Maybe his wife caught your scent.”

  “Maybe. Leo seems like a cautious man, but maybe. I sure as fuck don’t need a crazy Latina woman pounding on my door.”

  Leo forced himself into our lives and into my wife. He coerces sex and extorts obedience. He intrudes. He demands. I finally discover a way to remove him only to discover Lily misses his indelicate touch. I feel our path forward narrowing. With Trevor and Jimmy out of the picture, Leo becomes Lily’s only choice, a choice I just eliminated.

  “What do you want?” I hear my mouth ask.

  She looks up from her plate, a question behind her eyes, concern on her face. She toys with a noodle. For a moment, she’s about to speak something serious but backs away.

  “Dessert,” she giggles.

  I know what’s happening. More than Trevor’s striking looks and Jimmy’s hot passion, Lily misses Leo’s rough manhandling. She misses his conquering phallus and the way he forced her submission. She wants the one man I do not want her to have.

  “Brownie and ice cream?”

  She purses her lips. “Or German chocolate cake?”

  I’m comfortable with one night stands; hot sex with handsome strangers soon forgotten. I’m even cool with two night stands with colleagues. But I’m intimidated and threatened by repeated session with the same man. Too much can happen. Feelings will form. A connection will grow.

  “Brownies are like cake, and then you get ice cream too.”

  “You’re right. Good call. I’m going to go use the restroom. Will you order for me?”

  We kiss briefly and I watch her ass as she walks away.

  This is complicated. I consider telling her the favor I asked of Sebastian and what truly happened to Leo. I realize I’m worried she’ll react poorly. I’m trapped between her desires and mine. I want her to have what she wants but I want that for me too.

  The waiter arrives and I place our order and Lily returns and we eat and laugh and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. She’s horny on the drive home and blows me in the car. I enjoy her as my second dessert and she falls asleep right after and I lay there thinking, wondering what I should do.

  Chapter 7

  More time passes. I sense a growing need in Lily. I begin to understand we’ve set something in motion that has no simple fix. Simple denial won’t work. Abstinence won’t work. We’ve awakened a hunger which requires feeding. I frequently dream of her cheating on me with Leo. I ask myself hard questions about my confidence in her fidelity and about my own insecurities. If she’s capable of cheating, shouldn’t I know that? Would knowing be better than not knowing? Would it even be cheating? She has no idea the steps I’ve taken to eliminate the man. Leo is still on the table from her perspective.

  I either tell her what I’ve done or find some way to undo it.

  I dream again that night; I catch Lily in bed with Leo and demand she stop and she instantly climbs off his cock and hugs me, telling me everything is going to be okay. Her choice is so easy and spontaneous and natural; I wake up feeling like a bitch. No way would Lily fall for Leo. This really is just sex. It’s a sex only he can give her and that’s hard for me to accept, but it’s the truth.

  After I check in at the main office the next day, I drive to our Spring Valley store. Leo is on the phone when I arrive so I wait outside his office, wandering the aisles. He runs things well, if you subtract the occasional siphoning of funds from the till. He finds me after his call and we sit in his small office with the door closed. He looks wary.

  “You stopped your visits,” I said.

  “As Sebastian demanded. He found out about the tape I have of Lily and how I was using it. I was sure it was you who told him.”

  “It was.”

  He snorted. “So your visit today is about my store?”

  “No. Lily wants you.”

  “Lily wants my cock.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself; Lily obtains cock easily.”

  “Not like mine, with my ass driving it deep, and my rough hands pulling her hair. She likes my cock because it’s attached to me, an ugly man with an ugly body and an ugly personality. She can’t believe such an unattractive man is fucking her and that reminds her she’s only in bed with me because my cock is so big and gets so hard. She loves it. She’s slumming, Luke. I make her feel dirty and slutty. She gets her loving, nurturing, marital bliss with you and her dirty, whorish impulses satisfied with me. Trust me, dude, she’s not my first little suburban housewife.”

  Deep down, I suspected he was right. Insightful for such an ugly man. I kept my mouth shut.

  “But it doesn’t matter,” he continued. “Sebastian says no, and that ends it. I am not about to cross Sebastian.”

  “Why not? What’s the deal with that guy?”

  He shook his head slightly like he had no intention of explaining anything to me.

  “What if he doesn’t find out?” I asked.

  “How do you guarantee that? He could be watching your house. He could have a private detective following you right now.”

  “That sounds a little paranoid.”

  “You don’t know him, Luke. At all.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “So, tell me why you are here, and don’t say it’s because Lily wants me. That doesn’t tell me why you are here. That only tells me what Lily wants.”

  I chuckled nervously. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I thought if I talked to you we could reach an understanding. I want her to fuck someone else but she wants you. I hate watching you two now. You’re the only man she’s fucked more than twice. I see a growing intimacy between you and I don’t like it.”

  “You’re jealous.”

  “Yes, and frightened.” I felt so stupid for coming. Talk about casting your pearls before swine.

  “I threaten you. You worry Lily will develop feelings for me, maybe even leave you for me.”

  “Yes.” This conversation could not be over soon enough. He gloated. Of course he did.

  “So you drove out here to give Lily what she wants despite how it makes you feel?”


  “You’re a good husband, Luke, I’ll give you that. At first I thought you might be setting me up for trouble with Sebastian but I can see you’re sincere.”

  He studied my face. “All right,” he said, after a long pause. “I’ll fuck her again but not at your place. We need to be careful. There’s a Motel Six off freeway Fifteen and Craig Road in the north. Tomorrow night around eight get a room in the back facing the freeway. Make sure you aren’t followed.”

  He tugged at his pants bunched in his crotch.

  “I’m getting hard just thinking about it. I love that you came begging. I l
ove that you’re inviting me to fuck your hot wife. Tell Lily my wife is getting suspicious and that’s why I haven’t been around.”

  I had a nasty reply but, again, I kept my mouth shut.

  He went on: “I’m a happily married man, Luke. I told you that. Lily can crave me all she wants but she’s not getting anything more than a fuck from me. All I want is her hot pussy wrapped around my cock and all I want to give her is a steaming batch of fresh cum. Does that make you feel better?”

  “Yes.” It did. I’m so fucked up. This situation is so bizarre.

  “Good. Then I’ll see you tomorrow night. Keep your eyes open.”

  I stood and closed my briefcase.

  “One last thing,” He said, his eyes mocking. “Buy some new lingerie to dress her in. I want you to hand her over to me like a beautiful Christmas present.”

  Chapter 8

  My hands shook as I drove back to the office. I buried myself in work and got home late. Lily was in the bath. We chatted about our day and then, as the conversation wound down, I told her.

  “Listen, I arranged for Leo to fuck you tomorrow night.”

  Her face lit up. “Really?”

  “Yes. I visited his office to see why he no longer comes by. He said his wife was snooping around.” I hated that I was lying to her.

  “When will he arrive?”

  “Eight O’clock, but not here. We are to meet him at a Motel Six on the north side. He needs to be more careful.”

  “Do you think his wife is suspicious?”


  “Luke, I can’t believe you did this. You’re the most wonderful husband ever. Are you sure this is all right?”

  I smiled on the outside. “Yes. He set a condition though; I must buy you new lingerie for him to remove. He wants you dressed like a sexy Christmas present.”

  Her eyes flared. “Honey, that’s hot. You’re taking me shopping so I have a sexy outfit for Saturday night?”


  “A sexy outfit for him?”


  “That’s wicked. God, that will put me in such a slutty mood. I can’t wait. I’m already feeling it.”


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