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Shelly's Forbidden Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 40

by Lynette Bernard

  “Janine, if we knew where you were living, we would have come to get you a long time ago,” Mia said honestly. “Dean and Mitchell have been very worried about you.”

  “They’ve been worried about me?” Janine couldn’t help the small thrill that raced through her at Mia’s words.

  “Yeah. Dean was being especially annoying,” Mia offered. She turned to face Shelly and her mates and pushed open the screen door even wider. “Please come in. I’m sorry about being so cautious.”

  “You did the right thing, Mia,” Max told her, his deep voice firm as he thought about the safety of the cubs of their pack.

  Mia stepped back and allowed everyone to come inside the home that Jace and Jackson had given them with such generosity. Once everyone was safely within the foyer, she turned to close the door and lock it behind them when she saw a truck pull into the driveway to park beside the truck that she assumed belonged to Max, Shelly, and Eli.

  Her stomach fluttered with nerves and excitement as she saw the two men who stepped out of the truck. She watched in silence as Luc and Cole walked toward her slowly. They were carrying three pizza boxes each. Mia couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Six pizzas!

  As they got closer, she saw the golden glow of their eyes and understood in that moment that their wolves were making themselves known. She thought about Jace’s words to her earlier. Luc and Cole had endured physical pain by being away from her. They had sacrificed much for her, knowing that they would suffer, but willing to take whatever pain they would experience in order to give her the time away from them that she had told them that she needed.

  “Do you think you got enough pizza?” she teased them as they stepped up onto the cement step and waited while she pushed open the screen door for them.

  “It’s nice to see you, darlin’,” Luc said softly, his deep voice suspiciously hoarse.

  “It’s nice to see you, too,” Mia admitted quietly.

  “Really, baby?” Cole asked, surprised.

  “No, not really,” Mia said, huffing slightly in annoyance. She had no one to blame but herself for making the men question their worth in her eyes. “Of course I’m glad to see you. Come inside and get out of this cold.”

  She stepped back and remained silent as the two men entered the pack home. Waiting until they stepped further into the foyer, she turned, closed the screen door and locked it securely before doing the same to the heavy steel door. When she turned to face Luc and Cole, she was overwhelmed by the expression of pure need on their faces as they looked down at her.

  “How are you, Mia?” Luc asked gently. He took firm control of his wolf and cautioned him patiently. His wolf was insisting that Luc take Mia in his arms and claim her, but Luc knew that Mia needed gentle coaxing. He wanted to love her tenderly. He knew Cole did, too.

  “I’m okay. How are you?” There was worry in her voice. She did nothing to hide it. Ever since speaking with Jace, she couldn’t help but think about the pain that Luc and Cole had suffered because of her.

  “We’re better now that we’re here with you,” Cole answered honestly. “We’ve missed you, Mia.”

  Mia smiled then sighed softly. She crooked her finger at both men and laughed as they bent down to get closer to her. When their faces were even with hers, she ran her fingertips over their jaws with cautious tenderness then leaned forward to kiss their cheeks lightly.

  “I guess I’ve missed you both, too,” she admitted. Before either man could react, she started walking toward the large kitchen. “Bring the pizza into the kitchen. I think everyone is hungry.”

  To say that Luc and Cole were shocked by Mia’s show of affection was a massive understatement. They had no words to express the joy that they experienced because of the innocent kisses that she had placed on their cheeks.

  It took them a moment to realize that Mia was walking away from them. Once they did, their wolves kicked their asses in gear to get them to follow their mate.

  “We might have a chance, Luc,” Cole whispered as they carried the pizzas through the huge living room to follow Mia into the kitchen.

  “Maybe,” Luc said softly, afraid to jinx this unexpected turn of events.

  There was the sudden sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs that led to the bedrooms on the second floor. Max and Eli stood, ready to protect the women if they had to. In just moments, two men hurried down the stairs and stopped at the bottom as they looked at the gathered group. One man was six feet two inches tall with hair so dark it was nearly black. His brown eyes were wide with surprise before they softened with happiness. The other man was just two inches shorter and had blond hair and piercing gray eyes that mirrored shock and sadness as he looked at the gathered group before a slow smile bloomed on his lips.

  “Hi, Dean. Hi, Mitchell,” Janine said softly, her nerves getting the better of her as she shrugged off her coat and draped it over the end of one of the comfortable brown couches. She pressed her hands against the stuffed cushions of the couch to ground herself, taking that little bit of time to gather her courage in order to face the two men that she had never stopped thinking about.

  “Janey,” Dean whispered, taking the five steps he needed to take in order to stand in front of the woman that he ached to hold.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Mitchell said softly as he stepped closer and reached out to gather their woman within his arms and hug her gently.

  Dean was encouraged by Janey’s acceptance of Mitchell’s touch. He wrapped his arms around the both of them and held them gently. Sighing with complete contentment, he nuzzled against her left temple and breathed in her scent. She smelled like all things good and beautiful. She smelled like theirs.

  He was thankful for the process that he had gone through before he had left for college. Mitchell hadn’t wanted to bite him repeatedly over the course of the summer months, but Drew had explained that it was the only way to infuse Dean with his triad partner’s DNA so that Dean would be able to claim their destined mate when they found her. Dean and Mitchell had both known that they had already found her. Janey was theirs. There was no doubt about it.

  Now that Dean had completed the physiological changes that had been needed, their triad mating could be accomplished. He knew it was something that he and Mitchell wanted. They just had to get Janey to accept them.

  “We’ve missed you, Janey,” he whispered against her ear. “It’s so good to have you here, my sexy wolf babe.”

  Janine growled softly and pushed out of their arms. “You’re asking for it, Dean,” she warned him.

  “I’m asking for you, Janey,” Dean told her quietly.

  Janine cleared her throat nervously. As much as she tried to deny her need to touch and to be with Dean and Mitchell, the mate pull was just too strong. She ached for their kindness and their caring. She wanted to belong to them.

  “You’re wearing the necklace,” Mitchell said as he spotted the garnet heart stone that hung beautifully against the pink sweater that she was wearing. “Does that mean that you care about us and value our gift? Does that mean that you want to be with us, Janey?”

  “I think we have a lot to talk about,” Janine said softly, blushing lightly when she realized that they had become the focus of Shelly, Max, and Eli. “Privately.”

  Mia walked back into the living room carrying one of the pizzas on the cardboard disc that had been inside the pizza box and smiled as she saw Janine in the middle of a Dean and Mitchell hug. Dean looked over the top of Janine’s head and smiled at his sister. The suspicions that Mia had that Janine was her brother and Mitchell’s mate had just been confirmed. She would never tell anyone what she now knew to be true. That was Dean, Janine, and Mitchell’s announcement to share. Mia knew that her brother and Mitchell could now relax. Having Janine there, living with them for the next four years, would be perfect. Maybe everything would work out for them, after all.

  Looking over her shoulder, Mia smiled at Luc and Cole as they stepped up behind her, carrying two
more of the pizzas on the cardboard servers and smiling gently at her. She was a goner. There was no way she was going to be able to resist them if they stayed in the pack house. Jace probably realized that. What was even freakier was that her mother had to have realized it, too.

  “I hope everyone is hungry,” Mia announced, walking over to the coffee table in front of the brown, overstuffed couch and placing it in the center of it. “Luc and Cole seem to think that we’ll eat six pizzas.”

  “I’m pretty hungry,” Shelly spoke up as she slid to her knees before the low table and reached for a piece of pizza with bits of sausage on it.

  Max and Eli knelt beside her and took a slice each, biting into them and humming with appreciation. Dean took Janey’s hand and led her over to the coffee table. Mitchell walked beside them and knelt down beside Janey when she sat down on the rug and accepted the piece of pizza that Dean offered her.

  “You look tired, Janey,” he said softly.

  “I’m a little tired,” Janine admitted. “I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  “Why not, Janey?” Mitchell asked, reaching out and caressing her hair slowly.

  Janine shrugged as she bit into the pizza, delaying her answer. As Dean handed Mitchell a slice of pizza then took one for himself before sitting down beside her, she realized just how caring and protective Dean was of them. When she thought about the times she had already spent with Dean and Mitchell, she remembered how Dean always looked out for the both of them. He always made sure that Mitchell was given food, water, and care. He did the same for her. Shelly was right. Dean was a mature man who was a natural caregiver and nurturer. It didn’t matter that he was the youngest of the three of them. He had taken on the role of protector.

  Looking at Mitchell through the veil of hair that covered her eyes, she saw that Mitchell was no slouch in the protection department. Dean may look out for both of them, but Mitchell was equally committed to protecting both her and his triad partner. Janine had to admit that she was just as invested in caring for both of her men. As much as she fought it, she couldn’t deny it. She hadn’t been able to walk away when Dean had been injured. She truly thought that claiming him would help him heal. She hadn’t realize that, although it had helped him survive the attack Randall had made on him, it had also caused him great pain to be claimed and then to have her leave him.

  “Eat, Janey,” Mitchell encouraged her. He was concerned that she had stopped eating and seemed lost in thought.

  Janine took another bite and looked at Mitchell with new eyes. Mitchell was just as protective and nurturing as Dean was. Being mated to both men would be a good thing. Janine was certain of it. It was her own worth in the relationship that gave her pause. Dean and Mitchell deserved a good and kind mate. She didn’t know if she was worthy to take on that role.

  Mia went back to the kitchen and returned to place paper plates and napkins on the coffee table. She looked around the living room and felt happy that so many members of their pack family were there. She suddenly felt the love and support that she had been missing. She hadn’t realized just how much she had come to rely on the wolf family dynamics until just then.

  She suddenly felt completely overwhelmed by it and had to leave the living room. Going back into the kitchen, she stood in front of the sink and closed her eyes to center herself. She took a moment to take calm, even breaths.

  “What’s wrong, Mia?” Cole asked from behind her, careful not to crowd her. They were making progress in their attempt to reunite with their mate. He wasn’t about to jeopardize it by pushing too close to her.

  “I guess I’m just overwhelmed by everything.” She opened her eyes and eased over to stand in front of the refrigerator.

  “Is that bad?” Luc asked.

  “No. Not bad. Just something I have to wrap my head around. I’m actually happy that we’re all together,” Mia admitted as she opened the refrigerator door and took out the large pitcher of sweet tea. “Grab the plastic cups, please.”

  Luc did as she requested, his heart filled with joy that Mia was happy that they were there. He followed Cole back out to the living room and waited while Mia poured everyone a cup of the sweet tea. He was impressed by her natural tendency to care for everyone. He knew that she would be a wonderful mate and a loving mother to their cubs.

  “Jace asked us to come here to check on the four of you,” Max said as he reached for another slice of pizza. “He wanted to make sure that you were safe.”

  “He also wanted us to check on the security of this pack home,” Eli added. “He wanted to make sure that the four of you are well protected.”

  “Janine will be staying with us,” Mia spoke up as she handed a slice of pizza to each of her men. It was so very easy to think of them as hers. Maybe someday she would be able to tell them that she wanted them as hers.

  “You’ll be staying with us, Janey?” Dean asked, surprised.

  “For now. If it’s okay with all of you,” Janine answered hesitantly.

  “Of course it’s okay,” Mitchell blurted out. “We want you here with us. We always have. Not just for now.”

  Janine blushed but smiled at Mitchell’s outburst. It was apparent that both Dean and Mitchell wanted her with them. The way that they sat so close to her, their legs pressed gently against hers, made her know that they craved the connection to her. She had to admit that she was craving their touches, as well.

  “Okay then. It’s settled,” Shelly said happily. “We can go back to pack land and tell Jace and Jackson that the four of you are safely living together.”

  “Luc and I will come back to stay with you until you graduate,” Cole said cautiously. “Jace told us to clear it with you first.”

  “Are you willing to have me and Cole live here, too?” Luc asked cautiously.

  Luc’s words gave Mia a jolt. Jace was giving her the power to decide, and Cole and Luc were willing to abide by her choice. Never in her life had anyone except her mother, her brother, and Aunt Nikki ever respected her opinions and choices. Everything was so different now that she was a valued member of the shifter world.

  “I think that would be a good idea,” Mia said after a moment, her voice strong with conviction. She saw the happiness that immediately registered on Cole’s and Luc’s faces and knew that she always wanted them to feel that way. Maybe she could help them feel that way.

  “Jace also wants us to make some renovations to this house while we’re here,” Luc added. “Once the four of you have graduated, this place should be perfect.”

  “I already love this house,” Mia spoke up as she took another bite of pizza.

  “That’s good, darlin’, because you’re going to be living here for four years,” Luc told her, smiling at their mate.

  “I guess you guys are, too,” Mia told them, warmth filling her at the pleased expressions on their faces.

  “So, you’ll be staying here, too, Janey?” Mitchell asked gently, needing to hear Janey commit to being with them.

  “Yes. She’ll be staying here,” Dean said firmly.

  “Dean. It’s my choice,” Janine told him just as firmly.

  “You already said you wanted to stay,” Dean reminded her. “You asked us if we were okay with it. We are. Right, Mitch?”


  “It’s settled,” Dean said as he grabbed another slice of pizza. “We’ll all be together.”

  Shelly sighed as the happiness of the people in the room filled her. She reached out for Max’s and Eli’s hands and pulled them toward her mouth to kiss the back of their knuckles lightly.

  “Are you feeling okay, baby?” Max asked her gently.

  “I feel great,” Shelly answered without hesitation. “Your baby is making me happy. She’s also making me hungry.”

  Eli laughed as he reached for another piece of pizza and handed it to their mate. “Eat, sweetheart. Don’t be shy. Our baby needs nourishment.”

  “Congratulations, Shelly!” Mia said at once.

great news. She was so happy for Shelly. It was obvious that she was very much in love with her mates. Mia couldn’t help but feel soft and warm at the thought. As much as she fought the way of triad matings, she couldn’t help but recognize and accept the deep love and happiness that each of the triads had demonstrated to her by their words and actions. It was something that she was slowly accepting as not only true, but destined.

  “You already know it’s a girl?” Mia questioned after a moment when she realized what Shelly had said.

  “We saw our little Allison in a vision,” Shelly told all of them. “She’s beautiful.”

  Mia was amazed by the revelation. She hoped one day that she would share that kind of vision with her men. Looking at Luc and Cole, she could picture the babies that they would make together. She suddenly realized that she wanted that very much.

  “Allison Brooks-Lancaster is going to be as beautiful as her mother,” Max said softly, leaning over and kissing Shelly’s temple tenderly.

  “You’re hyphenating both of your names?” Mia asked the men, not quite sure how the whole name thing worked. How did they end up naming their children? Did they take both fathers’ names? She didn’t think that they did. This was the first time she had heard that a child’s name was hyphenated in any of the pack members’ names that she had met.

  “No, Mia,” Cole explained. “The cubs take the mother’s name.”

  “Shelly’s last name is hyphenated to include her two fathers’ names,” Max told them all. “She had two kind and loving men that Shelly and Synthia have chosen to honor by taking their names.”

  “The woman who gave birth to us was a cruel woman who hurt my fathers,” Shelly explained, sadness heavy in her voice. “Neither my sister nor I would ever honor her by taking her last name. That’s why we took our fathers’ names and hyphenated them.” She looked at Mia and Dean and felt the need to apologize. “Your mother was almost hurt by her cruelty. She tried to give her herbs in her tea to make her lose her baby. I’m so sorry.”

  Mia looked at Dean in shock. “Your mother is Vera Moore?” she asked softly.


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