Book Read Free

Adonis Rising

Page 8

by K. Lyn

  “What do you mean?”

  “You going back to Camden?”

  “He doesn’t want me.” Why does he have to do this when my head is pounding?

  “Are you saying that you’re ready to move on with you life?”

  “I don’t know, Jack. I really don’t know. I should be where you are, a graduate student, but I’m a lowly freshman and I don’t fit in with the others. Maybe I should quit school.”

  “And do what, Leah? Just out of curiosity, why are you a freshman?”

  As Leah’s headache began to wane, she told Jack of her woeful beginnings in war torn Israel but she didn’t get the look of pity she had come to expect when telling her story to those fortunate to have not known adversity. Jack listened thoughtfully and when she was finished, all he said was, “Hmm.”

  “Hmm is all you have to say?”

  “What did you expect…pity, a few tears?”


  “Sure you did, but you won’t get it. There are a lot of people who have suffered far worse atrocities than you. You had people who loved you and cared about your future.”

  As he stood there appearing to mock her, Leah didn’t ask about his childhood or how he had grown to have such insight. She dressed quickly and grabbed her purse. Jack had hit a nerve and she needed to get away from him.

  With her hand on the doorknob, he didn’t try to stop her. “Feel free to stop by the bar again. It was fun.”

  Leah turned and said, “Fuck you”, and walked out the door. Jack smiled as he sipped his coffee. He had gotten to her, but more than that, he knew she would be back.

  When Leah returned to the dorm, her roommate was just waking up. “Leah, where have you been? It’s Sunday.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I kept your car for so long.”

  “Forget the car, sweetie. Tell me about your weekend. You had sex, didn’t you?”


  “I recognize that look, the disheveled hair, the blouse buttoned all wrong, and the smell of cologne mixed with perfume. Was it everything you dreamed of?”

  Leah didn’t feel like discussing her ordeal, so she told Britni the one thing that would satisfy her. “He was big, if you know what I mean.”

  Britni lay down on her bed mumbling about how lucky Leah was. “I like them big.”

  Leah was glad that was all it took to get Britni to stop asking questions because she didn’t feel like talking. She lay on her bed trying to force the ache from her head.

  “Ooh, exhaustion is always a good sign.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty tired.” Leah turned away from her and pulled the cover over her head. She knew that Britni would leave at some point that day with one of her many friends, and Leah envied her. Britni didn’t know a stranger. Leah could hear her changing clothes and she pretended to be asleep.

  The doorknob turned and then Britni called out, “Oh, Leah, I almost forgot.” Leah uncovered her head to see Britni waving a piece of paper. “You had a call yesterday afternoon. Said his name was Cam and did he sound sexy! If you don’t want him, I’ll take him. Here’s his number,” she sang, and laid the paper at the foot of Leah’s bed. “See you later.”

  Leah waited until she was certain that Britni was gone before daring to read the note. All it said was that he called. Britni had written down his phone number but Leah had it memorized. She turned the piece of paper over and over in her hand, wondering what he wanted, but she knew she was going to call him. She couldn’t help it. When she heard his voice, she nearly threw up.


  “Leah, I’m so glad you called. About yesterday, what was that? I mean, I don’t know what I was thinking. Can I see you…soon?”

  Leah stared at the telephone. What was with this guy? “Um, what about…”

  “Mike? I don’t know what I was thinking. I miss you, Leah.”

  Leah couldn’t believe it. Was it over with Mike? Was Camden lonely? There was only one thing that Leah knew for certain. She was in love. What she didn’t know was who she was in love with. Jack was real, and what you saw was what you got. But he infuriated her…with the truth. Camden melted her heart. He was like a puppy dog that had lost its way home. She felt sorry for him. “I have school all week, Camden. You know that.”

  “Next weekend, then. I promise, Leah…no funny business…just you and me.”

  “Sure,” she said, and rested her aching head.

  The week seemed to drag as Leah went from class to class and tried to concentrate on her home work. She was a good student and she was determined not to let her grades fall because of a man, or two. When Britni ran in out of breath Wednesday evening announcing alcohol-free night at a bar not far from campus, Leah couldn’t help but get caught up in her enthusiasm. As Britni parked her car, however, Leah wanted to run. It was Jack’s bar and Leah prayed that he wasn’t working tonight, but as she opened the door he was there, in his element, placing arm bands on those two young for alcohol.

  “Let’s see…Leah, is it? I guess you are free to do as you please. No scarlet bracelet shall bind your wrists,” he said, as he checked her I.D.

  Britni thought Jack’s remark was funny, but Leah found no humor in it. She knew what he meant. But tonight he would not get to her. “Yes, I am,” she smarted back, with venom in her voice. She tried to become involved with Britni and her friends, but she found them childlike and boring. What did they know about life? She was intrigued by Jack and she wanted to know his story. When she noticed him put on his jacket, she pretended not to feel well and stepped outside before he saw her. Leaning against the building, she closed her eyes and held her stomach.


  Slowly she opened her eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Not really.”

  “Can I give you a ride?”

  Leah noticed that he didn’t offer her a ride back to the dorm. “Thanks. I don’t think Britni is ready to leave.”

  But after telling Britni that she was getting a ride with someone from the dorm, she stepped into the car of the man who both infuriated and excited her. “It’s no limousine, but it’s paid for.” The small car was noisy and Leah feared that it might break down at any moment. Jack’s apartment was darker than she had remembered, but she had been drunk the last time she was there. Tonight she noticed how very small it was and how much it contrasted to the luxuriousness of Camden’s home.

  As soon as she put her purse down, Jack started in. “What are you doing here, Leah?”

  “I thought you were taking me to the dorm.”

  Jack stood in front of her and slowly eased downward, straddling her on the sofa. He pressed her into the back of the sofa and held her head in his hands. “You did? Then why didn’t you say something?” The commanding tone in his voice and the way that he was demanding of her was a turn on for Leah. He was the exact opposite of Camden. He kissed her, his lips and mouth as demanding as his words. “You wanted to come here, didn’t you, Leah?” Leah didn’t answer. She couldn’t give him the satisfaction. She sat there unable to move as he pulled the ends of her shirt from where they were tucked inside the waistband of her jeans. When his hot hands claimed her young breasts, he smiled knowingly. “You did this for a reason, didn’t you, Leah?” It was true. She had chosen not to wear a bra in the hope of enticing Jack tonight, but she would never admit it to him. He kissed her roughly as he molded her breasts with his hands, pushing them hard and causing her nipples to hurt.

  She turned her head and gasped for air. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Am I, Leah? Or do you want it this way?”

  As he pulled her off of the sofa and led her to his bedroom, she couldn’t fight him. She wanted him again. She wanted to feel his thick hard cock between her legs and deep inside of her, splitting her until she screamed. Jack pushed her onto the bed and she caught herself just as his hands were at the top of her jeans.

  “Why so rough, Jack?”

  He smiled as he pulled the denim from her b
ody and smoothed a hand between her legs onto the soaked crotch of her silk thong. “You like it rough.” He held her legs apart as he pulled the wet thong from her crotch with only his mouth. The heat from his breath blew a gentle breeze across her clitoris, causing a gasp to escape her lips. Jack spread Leah’s legs wide and pulled her to him. She could see the outline of his cock, and the size of his manhood both frightened and excited her. “Take it out, Leah.”


  “You heard me. Take it out.” He motioned to what the young woman’s eyes were fixed upon, and Leah obediently ran the zipper down and reached inside for what they both knew she wanted. Jack pulled her up and ordered her to undress him completely. Her trembling hands slowly reached out for the massive tube of meat but he pulled back. “Spread your legs, Leah.” As if in a trance, Leah dutifully lay back and spread her legs wide as she had been commanded. Jack slowly came toward her, looming over her, and then he pressed the head of his cock between her pussy lips, sliding it downward, masturbating the sensitive organ as Leah’s breath caught. His meaty hands held her thighs as he forced her to climax again and again. Her eyes were closed as she gasped and mumbled what sounded like Camden’s name.

  “Say my name, Leah. Say it!”

  “J…Jack,” she stammered.

  “That’s right. Jack is the man you want. Jack is the man who can make you scream. “Scream for me, Leah!”

  As he pressed harder, Leah did scream, or at least she thought she did. She heard someone scream.

  “You want me, Leah? Am I too big for you? Are you almost a virgin?”

  Leah opened her eyes and glared at him. How dare he taunt her? She tried to move away but he held her in place.

  “Do you really want to run away?” As the head of his cock formed a kiss around her clitoris, she felt as if she had been shot with bolt after bolt of electricity.

  “Jack!” Leah was dizzy. Jack made her dizzy and uninhibited. “Give me…”

  “What? Give you what?”

  “F…fuck me.”

  The words were as soft as a whisper but they sounded like a shout to this man who wanted no other woman than the one who lay beneath him. He eased slowly into her this time, giving her time to adjust to his length and girth. Leah spread her legs wider, opening herself to this man who wanted her. He was a stallion and Leah rode him like a cowgirl. Her eyes were closed and from her lips low moans filled the lust filled bedroom. Jack pushed harder and became more demanding with her. “Turn over,” he ordered. Leah’s eyes opened in fear. Slowly, Jack forced her onto her knees and eased into her depths. She had never imagined doing it this way but it was good. He pulled her to him, lifting her knees off of the bed as he brought her ass to his chest. When she felt his tongue make a long swipe along her butt, she felt a release of fluid from somewhere deep inside of her, enabling Jack to enter her harder and deeper. He leaned over her, his heated breath on her back, as he stroked her clitoris while he fucked her. Leah grabbed onto the bed sheets as climax after climax jolted her. She screamed his name as he pounded her, wearing down her defenses and staking his claim on her. He forced her flat onto the bed as he came, and he lay on top of her with his lips and mouth on her smooth flesh. Leah lay beneath him, her clitoris pulsing against the massive hardness that was determined to remain inside of her. Jack forced a hand beneath Leah’s left breast and lightly pinched her nipple. Her body jerked from the shock but she felt the ache in her begin to stir once more. Jack felt the juices from deep inside of Leah surround his cock, and he kissed her neck. Leah shivered at the touch of the familiar lips. This man excited her, aroused her, and satisfied her.

  “Time to take you home, don’t you think?” Leah felt a twinge of embarrassment as her vagina spontaneously squeezed, as if trying to hold onto what had given her such pleasure. “You will be back,” he whispered hoarsely into her ear. He withdrew quickly, swatting Leah on the ass, and leaving her feeling satisfied yet empty. She watched as her lover dressed in the dark, stuffing the mass of swaying manhood into its denim prison. When Leah turned onto her back, Jack had already left the bedroom and was waiting for her at the door of his underground apartment.

  On the ride to the dorm, Leah didn’t know what to say to him. There were a million things she wanted to say, a billion questions she wanted to ask him, but she didn’t know where to begin. When he pulled into an alley about a block from the university, Leah looked at him with fear in her eyes. He was going to dump her out right there. She was certain of it.

  “What did I do?” She blurted out the words before she could stop herself.

  Jack turned toward her and held out his hand. Very slowly, Leah slid her much smaller hand into his. “Don’t waste time, Leah. It is too precious.” He kissed her hand and then he dropped her off at her dorm.

  Before she closed the car door, she looked at him and said, “I won’t.”

  Jack watched as the cold brick building swallowed the woman he could not deny that he loved.

  Leah had been at Jack’s place for only an hour and was home long before her roommate returned. She fell asleep quickly from sheer exhaustion. When Saturday arrived she felt like a caged animal, pacing the little dorm room as she thought about Jack and Camden. Camden and she had so much in common, with their love of classic literature, and the time they spent at his beach house, well, that was magical. Then there was Jack, who infuriated her with his smartass attitude and the way that she felt unbalanced whenever he was near. Sex with Camden was loving and sweet. Sex with Jack was wild and untamed. He unleashed something inside of her that she had never known existed. Maybe if she could get him away for awhile. They could go to the beach together. That was the answer. She would arrange for a weekend alone in Galveston. Her mother often had weekend conferences to attend and she and Camden could have the apartment to themselves. She jumped when the telephone rang.

  “Hey, Leah, it’s Cam. Something has come up. Can we make it next weekend. I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  Leah felt her heart sink. She wanted to scream at him and accuse him of using her. She wanted to ask if Mike was the something that had come up. Instead, she choked back the tears of anger and hurt and said, “Sure.” She slammed the phone down and cursed, but she was determined to do something about it. She texted Britni and begged for her car for the weekend.

  “Bring it back in one piece,” giggled her one-of-a-kind roommate when she called to see if she was upset.

  Leah had lied and said she was fine, but she was anything but fine. She called her mother but she got her voicemail which said that she would be in Corpus Christi for the weekend. Perfect, thought Leah. She stormed into the bar and looked around for Jack but the bartender told her that he had the day off. Crap! She hated to look desperate and show up at the man’s apartment but she was desperate and she didn’t give a damn how she looked. It wasn’t until she raised a hand to knock on the door of Jack’s apartment that she realized he might not be alone. He could be in there shoving his massive cock into some other woman, but Leah didn’t care about that right now either. She balled up her fist and hit the door as hard as she could. Refusing to give up, she continued to knock long after she feared he was gone. When the door finally opened, she tried not to look relieved.

  With a towel at his waist and water droplets on his exposed flesh, Jack was just what Leah needed this weekend. She glanced down at the shadow cast by the massive thing that hung between his legs, and she heard Jack chuckle. “See something you like?”

  “Can I come in?”

  As he opened the door, he said, “I don’t know, can you?”

  Leah was on the edge and this guy was pushing all the wrong buttons.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

  “Are you busy this weekend? They said you were off today. Can you go to Galveston?” Leah was rambling so fast that he couldn’t keep up. “I’m sure I can go to Galveston. Are you asking me if I would like to go with you?”

, okay, I am. Will you go to Galveston with me today…right now? We can come back tomorrow night, or Monday. I can wait until Monday.”

  Jack took Leah by the hand and led her to the sofa. He sat down beside her, giving her a sneak peek as the towel pulled apart. “What’s this all about, Leah? Yes, I would love to spend the weekend with you. I haven’t had a weekend off in a long time. But it seems to me that you might be running away from something…or is it someone?”

  “Please, let’s just go.”

  Jack nodded and packed a bag. “You’ve got Britni’s car?”


  “I’ll drive. You’re too upset, Leah.” He held out his hand for the keys which were given reluctantly. They were halfway to Galveston when Jack noticed that Leah had no luggage. “Traveling light, I see.”

  “Oh, I have stuff at the apartment. We can stay at Mom’s apartment.”

  “I see, and will Mom be joining us for this weekend rendezvous?”

  “No.” Leah wanted to slap the smug look off of his face but she was too upset. She was quiet as she stared out the window at the fleeting scenery. Oil wells pumped, longhorn steers could be seen in the distance, and a haze seemed to cover the land, the same haze that seemed to blanket Leah’s future. The rearview mirror on Britni’s car was tilted and Leah caught a glimpse of Jack’s profile. He was concentrating on the road and paid no attention to what she was doing. She was watching him, trying to figure him out, as if she could somehow read him. But Jack was no book. Jack was a puzzle that Leah could not put together, like one of those logics puzzles that always confused her.

  As they left the mainland and headed out across the water to Galveston Island, Jack forced her from her daydream. “You’ll have to direct me. I don’t read minds.”

  “Okay,” she answered, dismissing the sarcasm. They drove past the ice cream shop where she had worked last summer. It seemed like a million years ago now. The sand shimmered when the sunlight landed just right and the gentle waves kissed the shore as they swept lazily in and out of the gulf. Leah directed Jack to the apartment but she could see that he found the beauty of the island breathtaking. “You come out here often?”


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