Book Read Free

Adonis Rising

Page 9

by K. Lyn

  Jack laughed at Leah’s question. “No. I rarely have the time or the money.”

  “Wouldn’t it be perfect to have one of those houses?” Leah pointed to one of the expensive properties lining the beach.

  As he killed the engine, Jack turned to retrieve his bag from the backseat, stopping to answer Leah’s question. “Nothing is perfect.” He gave her one of his ‘winks’ but Leah ignored him.

  The apartment reminded Leah of Camden and how she had felt after first meeting him, but she tried to erase the memories. She showed Jack to her bedroom and plopped down on the bed.

  “Better than the dorm, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Oh, I miss my bed. The dorm seems like a prison compared to this.”

  Jack made himself at home as he searched the refrigerator for a cold beverage. Popping the top off of a cold bottle of soda, he gulped half of it and set the bottle down. “You brought me here. Now what?”

  Leah opened the living room curtain to a spectacular view of the ocean, and stretched. “I don’t know. You like the beach?”

  Sneaking up behind her, Jack placed a firm hand between Leah’s legs and grasped her crotch. “You just want to see me fill out a pair, don’t you?”

  Leah’s face was as bright as the sun. “No,” she denied, though she knew how well he would fill out anything with what he carried around with him.

  Jack stripped out of his shirt and tossed it onto the floor. When Leah heard the belt buckle of his jeans, she turned around. “Could you change in the bedroom? Someone could see us in here.”

  “Pardon me, little lady,” he teased, carrying his jeans and shirt with him as he and his tight fitting shorts made their way to the bedroom.

  As promised, he filled out the swim trunks better than any man Leah had ever seen on the beach. They fit snugly in the back, with no sagging anywhere, counterbalancing the extra burden of the front. As she tried not to stare, she couldn’t help but notice that the daylight didn’t diminish a thing about this man. She was beginning to find him attractive in a crude sort of way.

  “Ready?” he asked.


  “For the beach, you dirty minded woman.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about that,” she protested.

  “Were too.”

  He grabbed another soda from the frig and waited for Leah to walk past him on her way to change. She scurried past him like a frightened rabbit and pulled her bikini out of the drawer. She could detect the faintest hint of seawater and sand and once again her mind wandered back to Camden and her first time. She grabbed a couple of beach towels and rested her sunglasses on her head. Noticing Jack’s eyes upon her breasts, their hard nipples stretching the cloth, she thought she would give him a taste of his own medicine.

  “Now who’s staring?”

  “Honey, I make no secret of it. I could look at your body in or out of clothes all day and all night.” He moved toward her and grabbed her ass as he pulled her to him. “And I could fuck your hot juicy cunt all day and all night, too.” He kissed her just long enough to make her want him and then he pulled away. “Let’s go to the beach.”

  Leah opened her eyes feeling dizzy and confused. Jack made her feel off balance. It was late afternoon and they stopped for sandwiches on the way to Leah’s favorite spot on the beach. It seemed like nothing had changed and she was waiting for Camden to meet her before taking her to his beach house. But everything had changed, and she was here with Jack, not Camden. As darkness set in, Leah felt a chill, and Camden leaned his chair back and urged her onto his lap. She sat down, but he said, “Not like that, Leah. Face me.” The commanding tone made Leah quickly obey and she turned around to face her new lover. Jack grabbed her thighs and pulled them apart, resting one on either side of his own. Then he pulled the blanket around them at waist level. He kissed her with aggression and passion and as he did, he untied the sides of her bikini bottoms, threading the garment between her legs, and slipping a finger into her pooling wetness.

  “Jack, not here. We can’t.” Ignoring her pleas, Jack quieted her with a lingering kiss as he tossed his trunks aside. “Jack,” she mumbled. “Are you really going to fuck me on the beach?”

  As he swept the hair from her neck, he corrected, “It would appear that you are fucking me.”

  Leah laid her head on Jack’s shoulder. She could not resist this man. With the head of his cock pressing her clit into submission, she wrapped her arms around him and eased her wanting pussy down over his thick mass of hard cock. She held onto him as he slowly bounced her skyward and back down, stopping occasionally to still an orgasmic scream from echoing across the beach. He held her tonight as he had never held her, telling her how beautiful and sexy she was. He never denied her pleasure, but instead he found new ways to bring her to even greater heights of ecstasy. He pulled her breasts from inside the bikini top, bringing pleasure to one handful at a time and slipping each one back inside so that no one but he would dare to enjoy the beauty of the perfect treasures. Leah tried desperately not to bite down into Jack’s shoulder as the most climactic wave hit her, as it always did when he released his overabundant seed into her depths. She pushed down as hard as she could, squeezing with everything she had, and causing Jack to gasp. She swept her lips along his chest, bringing them to rest on a hair covered nipple. The towel had slipped downward and she felt a breeze across her butt.

  “Jack!” she said in a loud whisper, and he brought the towel back up, but a little too far, exposing the roundness of her bottom below. “I’m exposed,” she teased.

  “Mmm, yes you are.”

  Leah leaned forward to force the towel down a little.

  “Ready for more already?”

  Leah giggled. “Jack, you are too much.”

  “But not too much for you, right?” He thrust into her to prove his point.


  Leah looked out at the water lapping against the shore. It was beautiful tonight. The stars seemed to twinkle more brightly than usual and the air smelled fresher. The moon was full and it seemed to be smiling down at her.



  “Are you asleep?”

  “Almost,” he admitted, as he smoothed her hair with a hand.

  “Let’s stay here tonight.”

  He kissed her head and whispered, “Anything you want, Leah.”

  Leah thought she detected a hint of genuine kindness in the usually teasing voice and she snuggled into him, feeling safe and perhaps even loved. She awoke to the sound of laughter in the distance. She thought she was dreaming but the voices were unmistakable. She smiled thinking that others were as happy as she.

  Jack was startled by her movement and he shifted. “Did you say something?”

  It was then that Leah noticed their towel on the sand and her naked ass in the air. She pulled the towel over her and tucked it into the back of the beach chair.

  “Such modesty!”


  Then she heard the voices again. “Hear that?”

  “Sounds like we’re not alone.”

  Leah leaned back just enough to see what was going on. They were men’s voices that she had heard and they were coming closer. Two men ran along the shoreline, weaving in and out of the water, playfully trying to remove each other’s swimsuit bottoms. She laid her head on Jack’s chest and watched the two men who were obviously lovers. They played in the water, splashing each other and throwing each other down in a sort of mock wrestling. They kissed, and every now and then Leah caught a glimpse of an erect penis having gotten out of its protective sheath. She smiled at their playfulness. They seemed so happy. As they came closer she closed her eyes, not wanting them to think that she was spying but occasionally peeking at them. When they came closer and the moon illuminated their masculine forms, she felt as if she had been stabbed in the chest. She buried her face in Jack’s chest and pulled the towel over her head, not caring that her ass was in plain view and Jack’s oversized
cock was deep inside of her.

  “What was that about?”


  The two men paid them no attention and as their voices faded, Leah lowered the towel and swallowed hard. One of the men was Camden, though she didn’t know the other man. He was not the gray haired gentleman who had been introduced to her as Mike. This guy was young enough to be one of Camden’s students. Leah felt sick but she didn’t move a muscle. She was in shock. This was the something that had come up. How could he?

  Jack had felt Leah tense and he held her close to him. “What is it, Leah?”

  She sniffed, trying to disguise the hurt in her voice. “Nothing.”

  Jack forced her to look at him, holding her face with his hands. No tears were shed but her eyes were full. “Leah, what is it?!”

  As she looked into his eyes, she was afraid. He sounded upset but she noticed a look of concern in his eyes, as if he had done something to cause the pain that he saw in her eyes. “It was him…that man.”

  “Ah, the good professor.”

  “He said that he wanted to see me this weekend and then he called yesterday to tell me that something had come up.” She unleashed the venom that had been building up inside of her, but she didn’t realize what she was saying or rather, who she was saying it to.

  “So that’s why we’re here in Galveston. Is this a game to you, Leah?” He lifted her up, his cock slowly sliding out of her, and placed her firmly on her butt in the sand.

  Leah was naked except for her bikini top, her legs were spread wide, exposing everything to anyone who might pass by, but Jack did not offer to cover her. “Jack,” she whined.

  “No, Leah. I’m going back to the apartment and then I am going back to the city.”

  Leah scurried to grab the towel and wrapped it around her. Jack was way ahead of her, having pulled on his swim trunks as he hurried to get away from her. She didn’t catch up with him until they were at the door of the apartment. It was a little after midnight when Leah looked at the replica of Big Ben that her mother kept on the wall. Jack went into Leah’s bedroom and slammed the door.


  “Leah, do not come in here. I mean it!”

  The commanding voice frightened Leah, just as it had frightened her in Jack’s apartment, and she left him alone. She curled up on the sofa in the fetal position and stared out through the glass door into the darkness. She had not meant to hurt him, if that was what she had done. She let the tears fall from her eyes. She had used him and he knew it. But things were different now. She felt something for him. Maybe it was love. Right now she wasn’t sure. She blamed Camden for this. If he had not canceled on her…but then she wouldn’t be here with Jack. She liked Jack or at least she liked having sex with Jack, but he was closed off about something, but what? When she heard the door of her bedroom open, she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She could hear Jack in the kitchen but she didn’t get up. She heard the faucet and what sounded like a glass being filled with water. She could hear everything that was going on, but she wanted to see him, talk to him, and be held by him.

  “Jack?” she whispered. She heard the glass on the counter and the slow footsteps coming toward her.

  “Ready to go?”


  He kicked his shoe against the foot of the sofa. “Come on, Leah.”

  Leah sat up and looked at him with pleading eyes. He was dressed and appeared to be serious about leaving Galveston. “I’m sorry, Jack.”

  He looked at Leah’s eyes. He was in no mood to play games. “For what?”

  “You know.”

  “No, Leah, I don’t know. Tell me.”

  Leah thought about reaching for some far fetched lie, making up a fairly believable story, but Jack had seen through her their first night together. Whatever she told him now would have to be believable, so why not the truth? She couldn’t fall any further than she already had. “I’m sorry I used you.” She held his gaze, expecting scorn or shame, but she received neither. Instead, Jack sat down beside her and pulled the blanket over them both.

  “Was that so difficult?”


  “Telling me the truth…was it so difficult?”


  “Okay, tell me why. Why did you use me? What did you hope to accomplish? There had to be a tradeoff, or a perceived tradeoff. What was it?”

  “I didn’t want to hurt you, Jack.”

  “That wasn’t the question. What was the tradeoff?”

  “I wanted to feel something, anything…but rejection. He pushes me away, but you never do. You give it all, everything, to me…until I’m…exhausted.”

  “So after you have been with me, after I have exhausted you, the pent up rage is gone, and the energy you would have wasted on him has been expended on me.”

  Leah noticed the emphasis that Jack had placed on the word ‘wasted’ and for a moment she wanted to lash out at him, but deep down she knew he was right. “Yes,” she answered.

  “What do you want to do, Leah? Because you know you can’t have it both ways.”

  “You mean…what do you mean?”

  “I think you know what I mean.” He leaned in as if to kiss her, but he whispered instead, “Don’t you?” He didn’t kiss her. He took her hand and she dutifully followed.

  In the bedroom Leah waited while Jack undressed. He opened the bed covers and told her to get into bed. With the blanket still wrapped around her waist, she scooted in and over against the wall. Jack left his underwear on and lay on his side facing her. With a swift movement, he pulled her to him but he did not make love to her. He told her where he stood and where they stood. “You do what you have to do, Leah, but I will not touch you again until you come to me…because you want to be with me.” He noticed Leah’s eyes full of tears and he gently touched her cheek. “It’s not about you this time, Leah. It has to be this way because of me.” He wiped the lone tear that fell from her eye and then he turned away from her.

  Leah closed her eyes, the tears seeping out from beneath her lids. Jack didn’t see the tears but he knew they were there. Leah, as well, was blind to the hurt that was streaming down Jack’s face.

  It was early afternoon on Sunday when Jack and Leah left the island to return to the city of Houston. There was no animosity between them, but they weren’t exactly the picture of young love, either. Leah slipped behind the steering wheel at Jack’s apartment after a fake but friendly goodbye. “Leah,” he said, and then stopped. Her eyes pleaded with him to say more. “Have a good week,” he added, and then waited for Leah to drive away. He missed her already and he feared that she would be gone forever, but that was a risk he knew he had to take. He had given his heart to someone a long time ago and it had nearly caused his demise. He took the photograph out of his wallet and looked into the eyes he would never forget. As he tucked the photograph away, he thought of Leah and he wondered if he could ever have the same with her. Do we ever really get a second chance at love?

  As the elevator clicked off every floor on its way to Leah’s room, Leah hoped and prayed that her roommate was not in. It wasn’t that she disliked Britni. She was a wonderful roommate. She was just young and carefree and Leah envied her a little. Britni had never experienced life in a war torn country. A rancher’s daughter, she had grown up about an hour’s drive south of Dallas. With her sweet southern drawl and easy way with people, she was never without an entourage. She had a way of cheering Leah up when she needed it most.

  Leah tried to turn her attention to her studies. Midterms were looming and she had to keep her grade point average at a respectable level if she hoped to keep her scholarships. If her grades dropped, she would have no choice but to work full-time and become a part-time student. If that were to happen, she would be thirty before she graduated. She realized her mind was wandering and she tried to concentrate, but she thought about Camden and his beach baby boy toy. The kid must have been ten years younger than he, barely old enough to shave, b
ut Camden had wanted him. Leah could see that. The two men were laughing, playfully pushing each other into the water and splashing each other, practically ‘doing it’ on the beach. Leah laughed out loud. She and Jack had been ‘doing it’ on the beach for real, stuck together like glue, and she wished he were inside her now.

  After six hours of hitting the books, she was finally caught up. It was nearly dark and she thought about Camden. He was probably home now, with classes to teach tomorrow, but had he brought his plaything home with him? Maybe he kept his secret life at the beach and his mature life at his home outside of Houston. When the phone rang she expected to hear Britni’s voice, but it was Camden.

  “Hey, Leah, how was your weekend?”

  “Good.” She didn’t ask about his weekend.

  “Let me make dinner for your Wednesday night.”

  Leah wanted to forget all about him, but she couldn’t. “Okay.”

  “Great. Can you come out? It might not look good if my students saw me in the dorm.”

  “Sure.” Leah wanted to ask when he had become so concerned about keeping up appearances. He certainly had kept nothing hidden at the beach. Everything was hanging out, and Leah meant everything.

  Leah didn’t see Britni again until Monday night. The free spirited woman had been at a sorority party that had gone on a little too long. She was chatty as usual, but Leah wasn’t ready to disclose her man troubles, at least not yet. She was thrilled that her roommate was so generous with her car, and Leah’s mother insisted on paying her a little something, at least enough for the gas, though Britni assured Leah that it wasn’t necessary.

  All day Wednesday Leah expected a call from Camden, canceling once again, but it was six in the evening and he had not called. On her way out of the city, she swore that if another man opened the door she would rip Camden’s head off with her bare hands. It was a thirty minute drive to the palatial abode, and with midterms right around the corner she didn’t have any time to waste. She recognized Camden’s car in the drive and with no other car around, so far so good. But that didn’t change what had occurred over the weekend. She rang the doorbell and steeled herself against the inevitable.


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