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See Me

Page 24

by Michelle Lee

  “I’m feeling everything you are,” she told him softly. “I opened myself up for you. Thank you for not holding back,” she whispered against his lips as she kissed him gently.

  “You’re a real live angel. Here on earth. On my lap, kissing me,” he said between kisses.

  “Will you be my experimental guinea pig?” she asked him, her eyes wide and shining with a love that he couldn’t explain if he tried.

  Smitty groaned, “I don’t know what you are asking of me baby girl, but I will happily be your guinea pig for anything if it means you are touching me.” He shifted under her so she could feel the affect she was having on him.

  “It’s not going to be weird between us after?” she clarified.

  “Not for me no. It might be different with the others, at least until they know the reasons behind it,” he thought out loud.

  “When I first met you,” she said, dragging her lips down across his jaw making his breath catch, “I saw flashes of the future. You are a part of it, but you aren’t mine, you belong to someone else, maybe it’s Jillian, I don’t know. I feel greedy wanting this,” she went on, switching to the other side, “but I want that permanent connection with you that Taklishim told me about. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but at the same time, I know I love you in a way that comes from somewhere deep inside.”

  “If it furthers the cause and helps, I don’t see that as greedy,” Smitty groaned as she slid her hands under his shirt. He tore the damn thing off making her smile a sexy smile, and as she ran her tongue along her lips, Smitty had to fight to control the urge to throw her back on the couch and devour her.

  “Are you sure you are okay with this?” she asked, her voice pure sex, her nails skimming down over his chest and his blood feeling like it was on fire as it raced through his veins. He swore he was going to come from her voice alone.

  “Baby girl, if you don’t touch me more and keep going, I think I will literally go insane,” he growled, capturing her lips in a deep kiss, his tongue stroking hers in the way he wanted to taste the rest of her. He loved how she was just taking what she wanted as he gave willingly. She ground herself down on his lap as she kissed him.

  He stood abruptly, cupping her ass in his hands and walked them backwards to the bed where he dropped them both. “I don’t have a whole lot of experience,” she said, straddling him. “But I’m willing to learn.” Her eyes held a light that captivated him, they almost looked amber.

  “Fuck,” he ground out, “you are doin’ just fine baby girl.” He pushed up against her again. She slid down him a little bit and groaned at the contact. She reached forward and unbuttoned his jeans and Smitty stopped breathing. The buzzing along his skin intensified to a point just shy of painful. He lifted his hips and she pushed his jeans off him.

  Climbing off his lap, she pulled them free of his feet and he was naked before her. Smitty saw his cock standing up begging for attention and it nearly undid him to see her standing there before him, staring at him in awe. “Don’t leave me hanging baby girl, get your sexy ass over here,” Smitty rasped.

  She suddenly looked at him shyly, “I-I don’t have a very nice body,” she whispered, her own fears taking over.

  “Look at me Airiella, does my body’s reaction look like I’m disgusted by you?” Smitty pointed gently. “I want you so badly that I’m afraid it will be over way too soon,” his voice ragged.

  Her chest was heaving with heavy breath’s she was dragging in and out of her lungs. She put her hand out in front of her and Smitty felt his blood go electric. “Can you see it?”

  “See what baby girl? You’re killing me here,” he gritted out.

  “Can you see me?” she asked, captivated by something. Smitty felt every move she made with her hand even though she wasn’t touching him.

  “Yes, I see you, you are damned beautiful,” he growled.

  She pulled her dress off and stepped out of her boy shorts. She touched the tattoo he had on his thigh and his cock bounced with need. His body was strung so tight he vibrated. She leaned over and licked the tattoo and hips bucked as she ran her tongue up and over his balls. He knew she wanted to set the pace, but he was pretty sure his heart was about to beat right out of his chest.

  “Airiella,” he warned and then lost all rational thought as she sucked his cock down her throat. She moaned and he came in wild jerks, the connection they shared now visible to him as she touched it and swallowed him down.

  His control snapped, and even though he came he was far from done with this angel. He yanked her up and had her on her back with her legs over his shoulders spread beneath his hands in two seconds flat. He lapped at her, letting her taste fill his mouth and he groaned as it was her turn for her hips to be bucking under his mouth as she shuddered into an orgasm.

  He kept licking, loving the sweet torture he was giving her. She clawed at his arms trying to pull him up. Kissing his way back up to her lips, he slid into her, his cock still hard as a rock. Smitty forced his body to slow down, she was so tight around him he felt like he was going to hurt her, but she rocked against him increasing the pace.

  Every point of contact their skin touched was sparking with energy, Smitty could swear they were glowing. Nothing in his entire existence had ever felt this good or this right and nothing he could do would make it last longer, it pulled him down and he felt her tighten around him even more as she came with a cry, he fell right into it with her, the connection between them slamming in to place as she bit his shoulder shuddering beneath him.

  He didn’t have any words, he just pulled her tight to him and rolled to his side, their bodies both trembling. He ran his fingers over her skin and tentatively touched the connection he could now see and watched in amazement as they both glowed. He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him and held her tight to him.

  She laid her cheek on his chest and as their breathing slowed, he realized he was still buried in her body. He started to get hard again and felt it when she smiled into his chest and gyrated her hips a bit. “Let’s finish this in the shower baby girl or we will both be sleeping in wet spots,” he said with a laugh in her ear.

  She slid off him and his body felt empty without her, but she took his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. Thankful it was a large shower he cleaned her off, then made her all sticky and dirty again. Finally, clean and spent they crawled back into bed again. Smitty smiled as he drifted off to sleep holding her, knowing every word she told him was true and having no clue how to explain it.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ronnie woke up early in the morning fighting back waves of jealousy. Jax and him were the only two not in relationships. Granted he knew about how open Smitty’s was, but he was still jealous. If he had been the one in the building when she got back it would have been him in that room with her.

  Ronnie was happy though that he and Jax had a few moments to work out some of the tension they had. It didn’t feel good to be fighting with him like that, and while he knew it wasn’t fixed, he could be in the same room without wanting to hurt him now.

  Jax was pretty harsh when he talked about Airiella, but Ronnie didn’t think that was really Jax talking. It was either that darkness inside him, or his fears. Maybe a bit of both. He rolled over and looked at his phone and decided to hell with it, he was texting the lucky bastard.

  “Smitty, you awake?”

  “Yep,” was Smitty’s reply. Followed by another text, “About to be busy. Talk to you later.”

  Ronnie growled and punched his pillow. Totally not fair. Well, at least it wasn’t Jax in there with her right now. He was pretty sure that would have sent him over the edge. Especially after the talks they’ve had about Winnie. He wasn’t ready to share Airiella with him yet.

  Knowing he wasn’t going to be able to go back to sleep, he got up and decided to hit the gym in the hotel to release some of this energy. They were all going to be there for the final meeting today back in that damn room. Who knew how long that
was going to last.

  He spent an hour in the gym and headed back to shower when he ran into Airiella and Smitty coming out of her room looking all shiny and happy. Ronnie couldn’t help the grin that lit his face as he saw them. Airiella blushed, but he just gave her a lip tingling kiss, smacked her ass and kept going.

  She had quite an effect on him. He showered as fast as possible so he could join them in the dining room before the others were up. Getting dressed he chose a little more care with his outfit than just jeans and a t-shirt, but not really thinking it mattered what he wore. He ignored the interested glances from other women he passed, there was only one that captured his attention now.

  He found them sitting at a table with a chair open for him. He grabbed some food and sat down, grinning. “Have a good night?” he joked.

  Airiella blushed and Smitty smirked. “Good morning Ronnie,” she said, ignoring his question.

  “Hi angel. I’m just messing with you because I’m jealous,” he said with a smile.

  She blushed even more, and Ronnie laughed warmly. “Back off bro,” Smitty said in a tone that told him to not argue.

  Curious now, Ronnie looked him over, “Everything okay?”

  “She had a rough interview process,” he said slowly. “Let’s just keep things light for now. We can talk more after the meeting today.”

  Ronnie looked Airiella over carefully, noting a few more bruises and tamping down his need to demand to know how they got there. “I’m okay Ronnie. I promise, I’ll tell you everything that I told Smitty. We’ll have our chance.” She smiled at him, her face softly glowing, her curly hair wild around her head. He melted. He felt cheesy, but that’s just how it was with her.

  He nodded at her; a promise held in his eyes that she didn’t even try to hide from. Smitty noticed and started laughing. “You’ve met your match dude,” Smitty told him.

  Ronnie widened his eyes again at Airiella, “Oh angel, challenge accepted,” he purred, his voice low and husky. She blushed, bit her lip, which made him hard, and held his gaze with heat in her own. He was a dead man.

  I felt so invigorated after last night, that I was openly challenging Ronnie to a wild ride in the middle of the dining room to Smitty’s delight. Secretly I was pleased that it wasn’t an awkward morning after scenario. Incredibly enough, it was anything but that. It was perfectly comfortable. I had no idea who I was anymore.

  The connection experience was amazing. If I had the balls, I would tell Taklishim that, but it wasn’t his business. I felt the jealousy on Ronnie, but he wasn’t angry, and I started to think that just maybe all this was really real. Maybe I could have actual connections with all these people I felt something with. Even if they didn’t turn into a sexual relationship it was something I could see happening at least once to make the connection solid.

  After the sex with Smitty I noticed that I could feel more from him without having to use my senses. Almost like I could anticipate his moves as if he were an extension of me. I wondered if it was the same for him. In my usual style of speaking what comes into my head, I asked, “Smitty can you feel me now?”

  Ronnie looked flabbergasted, while Smitty got thoughtful. “Well I can feel the connection you talked about, and I can even see it without touching you. I can feel your mood, but not really read your thoughts. I guess that’s a yes. I’m assuming the reverse is true, which is why you asked me?”

  I nodded, biting my lip again. I felt the jealousy coming off Ronnie again and put my hand on his. The connection between us was stronger than it had been with Smitty so I can only begin to imagine how strong it would be after sex. He calmed under my touch and stroked my palm with his thumb.

  That gave me little tingles inside that I didn’t want to think about just now, so I carefully pulled my hand away and continued to eat. “So, today they will either tell me to take a hike or offer me the job?” I asked diverting my attention.

  “They’ll offer the job after Stone gets his rocks off by throwing his professional opinion around about your mental state. Be prepared to get pissed off at him,” Ronnie said, sounding sure.

  Smitty nodded his head in agreement as he ate his waffle. “You think they will offer the job?”

  “I’m sure of it,” Ronnie said.

  “After last night, I am too,” Smitty added. Ronnie narrowed his eyes again.

  I patted him on the leg. “So, then I go home and do what? I am assuming I’ll have to move?”

  “They’ll go over all that. I’m not sure what their plans are. I know they want you on the next shooting location,” Smitty replied.

  “Because big, old, bad me can’t be trusted to do my job,” came an angry voice from behind me. I jumped, surprised I hadn’t felt him come up behind me.

  Smitty stood, “Jax,” his tone hard in warning.

  “Relax, I’m just here for food before we get to this circus act,” he fired back over his shoulder as he walked off. His body tense with anger, his tone dripping in derision.

  I clicked my tongue. “I have a feeling this is going to be a very hard job,” I said quietly. Neither Smitty or Ronnie answered, but their stiff postures told me they thought so too. “I’m not going to let him win, nor do I need you guys fighting my battles for me,” I told them sternly. “I can handle him.”

  “Never doubted you, baby girl,” Smitty said, finished with his breakfast. Ronnie had pushed his plate away and sat there with his arms crossed over his chest saying nothing. Damn testosterone.

  “Okay then,” I stood up. “I’m going to go pack my bags up and bring them with, so I can just go straight home. I miss my cats.”

  Smitty’s eyes followed me. “We’ll ride their together,” he said.

  I shook my head no. “I think it’s better if we arrive separately.” His eyes narrowed at me, but Ronnie was nodding his head in agreement. I smiled at them both and went back to my room.

  I got all my stuff packed into my backpack, throwing away both the shirts I had picked up at the discount store as they now had holes in them, and I called the driver telling him I was ready whenever he was. I still had an hour left before he was supposed to even be there to pick me up, so I told him I would wait, I had a book to read.

  I spent the time alone reading and allowing it to relax me, then grabbed my bag and headed down to the lobby. Mentally preparing myself on the way, to get belittled by a pompous psychiatrist. I focused my emotions on how it felt connecting with Smitty instead. Immediately my confidence was boosted. I found he was a rational, calming influence on me.

  When I arrived at the building, I noticed right away that something felt off to me. I pushed it off as nerves, but the closer I got to the conference room, the stronger it got. As the receptionist led me in to the conference room, I felt the energy easily. The vibe in the room was hostile, and it put me on edge. I opened my senses half way to read the energy and quickly found my connection with Smitty and felt the others. That explained the energy to me then. Jax was back there.

  I sat at the table and waited. Degataga was the first one to come in and he gave me a small smile and flapped his arms like wings. He slid across the table a container. “What we talked about. Drink it in hot water before you go to sleep.” He winked and sat down.

  I put it in my purse and made polite small talk as Dr. Fields, Aminda, and Kalisha walked in. Both Aminda and Kalisha said hello to me, and Dr. Fields gave a brief nod. Not unfriendly, but it wasn’t warm either. Asher came in next with Father Roarke. Asher gave me a weak smile, while Father Roarke came around the table to give me a hug before he sat down.

  Then in walked the twins and Taklishim. Tama had a noticeable limp but seemed to be doing okay and was walking unaided, and I was thankful for that. The only person missing was Dr. Stone. Taklishim was trying to get my attention so I looked over at him. He tapped his head and had a question in his eyes, but I wasn’t picking up on it.

  Two minutes later Dr. Stone walked in. The tension in the air ratcheted up a notch and I did some y
oga breathing to calm myself. I think Taklishim wanted me to open my senses, so I did a little bit and noticed immediately again, that bad energy. I felt bad for Jax having to carry that around all the time.

  “Let’s get started then,” Dr. Stone said brusquely. “I have the reports from everyone, and I have to say that they are all complimentary. Given your abrupt nature with me, I don’t agree with these reports that you will be sufficient to do this job. Unfortunately, the decision is not mine, it is theirs, he gestured to the table.”

  At that moment, Numbers One through Three walked in to the room and I felt a moment of shame for not remembering their names. “Dr. Stone,” Number One said, “we went over this already and have spoken to each of the members here. You are the only one who seems to have anything negative to say.” The three sat down and Dr. Stone stood.

  “It is unwise to dismiss my concerns gentlemen,” he fumed. His face was turning an interesting shade of red. Taklishim tapped his head again, something was definitely going on.

  “Airiella, we do apologize for the unprofessionalism being shown at the moment, but it was an almost unanimous vote that you will be able to handle the stresses that taking this job would provide, and that your unique skill set would benefit the team greatly. Dave, Tom and I would like to offer you the job, we will provide details after the council gives its recommendations on things that can aid you in the duties,” Number two said.

  “Thank you, Stephen,” said Number one. “Dr. Stone please take a seat.”

  Okay, Stephen was number two. Got it. I was pretty sure number three was Dave, that left number one being Tom. Process of elimination for the win. I smiled and saw my connection with Smitty glowing and moved my arm a bit so I could touch it, loving the soothing feeling that rushed into me.


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