Book Read Free

Jane Jamison

Page 6

by A Wolf's Lust

  “Where do you keep your sheets?”

  She craned her head around, still not understanding what he was doing. “In the cupboard in the hall. You’re standing right next to it.”

  He opened the cupboard and began rifling through her neat piles of sheets. Soon, he was pulling out parts of one set then another.

  “What are you doing?”

  He waited until he was back in front of her to answer then held up a handful of pillowcases and a couple of sheets. “You’ll find out.”

  She watched as he grabbed one hand and wrapped a pillowcase around her wrist in a makeshift handcuff. He did the same to the other wrist then looped one of the sheets around both wrists to form a rope connecting both arms. Taking the ends of the sheet, he came around to the back of the recliner and pulled the rope over the top of the chair, bringing her arms above her head.

  Sam tugged on the bindings, not to get loose but to see how tightly he would tie her. After securing the sheet somewhere behind the recliner, he came back and took one of her legs then wrapped a pillowcase around her ankle in the way that he’d done with her wrists.

  “Blake, I don’t know about this.”

  He stopped and searched her. “You know you can trust me, right? But if you want me to stop then just say so.”

  She teased herself by lingering her attention over his granite-like chest then down to the toned six-pack abs. Finally, when she couldn’t take any more of her self-inflicted torture, she dropped her gaze to his fully erect cock. He was longer than any man she’d ever been with. Not that she’d been with many men, but even a virgin would’ve recognized that he was unusually well endowed. His cock’s skin was lined with purple veins, with one large vein running from the base to the bulbous cap. It curved at just the right angle, and her pussy twitched in anticipation of having his dick score a bull’s-eye with her sweet spot. Pre-cum oozed from the slit, and she could smell his arousal.

  She shook her head before she could get the words out. “Don’t stop.”

  He took her other leg and did the same with her ankle using another pillowcase. This time, he used a fifth and sixth pillowcase to tie each ankle and bind them to the metal parts underneath the recliner.

  She had her arms above her head and her legs spread-eagled. He stood and surveyed his handiwork.

  Flipping the footrest of the recliner down brought her legs down along with it. He knelt in front of her and pushed her pussy lips apart with his fingers. If she hadn’t been so turned on, she would’ve died of embarrassment as he looked at her pussy.

  “You’re perfect. So pink and ripe. Just ready for me to take you.”

  Her breathing had quickened, and her chest heaved. He was teasing her as much as he was relishing his time studying her.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Her mouth fell open. “What now?”

  He didn’t answer as he bolted to his feet. She heard him rifling through the kitchen. A few minutes later, he was back and holding a can of whipped cream.

  She chuckled. “Are you planning on making an ice cream sundae with whipped cream on top?”

  “I have something much better in mind.”

  She expected him to squirt the cream on her mons, but he surprised her by cranking the recliner backward until she was lying down with her head lower than the rest of her body.

  He swung his leg over the chair and straddled her, putting his cock close to her face. He was so close, yet she couldn’t quite reach him. Grinning wide, he shot whipped cream over the top of his cock then down the length, too.

  “Want something yummy, Sam?”

  She arched up but still couldn’t reach him. He pulled the top of the recliner up just far enough. Whipped cream dropped off the end and onto her face.

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll clean you up when we’re finished.”

  She stuck out her tongue and flicked the cream off the end of his cock. The sweet taste of the cream mixed with his pre-cum to make a wonderful new taste. A taste that made her want more.

  Straining against the makeshift bindings, she turned her head and skimmed her tongue down from his tip to his base. He held his cock for her, bringing it even closer so she wouldn’t have to work to reach him. Sucking on the tender skin under his cock, she dragged her mouth up to his mushroomed cap and took it in.

  He groaned, and his cock jerked as she drank in the cream that had become liquid in her mouth, letting her wonder how his own cream would taste. He worked his hips, pushing into her mouth then sliding his cock back out.

  His balls flapped against her chin as he thrust forward then back. She held onto him as much as she could without her hands. Alternating between using her tongue to slide along him to lightly skimming her teeth to the bottom and back again, she sucked on him, silently urging him to let his seed go.

  She growled, an animallike sound, when he pulled away and swung his leg over. Sinking to his knees beside her, he scooped up the remaining whipped cream on her face then pressed his mouth to hers. She tasted the cream mixed with that unidentifiable taste that was his alone as he fondled a breast and tunneled his fingers into her hair.

  He broke the kiss just as she needed more air then gave her a peck on her cheek. “Now it’s my turn.”

  “I thought that was your turn.”

  He chuckled. “Point taken. Okay, then, it’s your turn.” Going to the end of the recliner, he pulled her back up then knelt between her legs and sprayed a generous portion of whipped cream on top of her mons. She licked her lips and tried to spread her legs even wider.

  Blake dipped one finger into the white mountain then put his finger into his mouth and sucked, making a noisy display of delight. “I bet your cream tastes even better.”

  She squirmed, her pussy aching to have him find out. “Then eat me.”

  Flattening his tongue, he slurped up the whipped cream from her mons then pushed her pussy lips apart and dove in. She cried out as he pressed his mouth against her clit and sucked. Nibbling, sucking, flicking his tongue over the throbbing mass of nerves sent tremors rushing outward into the rest of her body. He shoved two fingers into her pussy, never stopping his delightful torture on her clit.

  Sam pushed against his hand, loving the feel of his fingers inside her, wanting the feel of his cock soon. She clenched her vaginal walls, holding his fingers inside her, foretelling of the pleasure he’d know when he replaced them with his cock. He moaned, letting her know her ploy succeeded.

  Without warning, she climaxed, jerking her head side to side as thunderous waves rolled through her. An explosion of light and dark erupted behind her closed eyelids, and she released again, flutters spreading outward from her pussy. She screamed his name, a sound filled with lust and need.

  “Easy, baby.” He slid a hand under her buttocks and found the tight rings of her anus. Plunging a finger into her dark hole, he renewed his attack on her clit and finger-fucked her harder than before.

  She couldn’t think, could only react. Her body jerked into another frenzy, already ready to explode again soon. Thrusting her hips upward, she lifted her head to find him watching her. He kept hold of her, his fingers in both her holes. The sounds he made lapping up her juices put her over the edge, and she cried out as yet another orgasm rushed outward.

  He kept his fingers where they were, pushing in at the same time from both sides. Her panting grew louder, and she kept her gaze to his, unable to ask for more or to plead for him to stop.

  “I wish Reed and Victor were here.”

  She blinked, at first surprised by his words, then found herself loving the idea. “Tell me what they’d do to me.”

  He smiled, his expression filled with a sexual wickedness. “Right now, tied up like you are, Reed would love to have you suck on his dick.”

  She could almost feel Reed’s cock and ran her tongue around the inside of her mouth, imagining circling his cock as he thrust in and out.

  “Victor would want you to pump his cock. He’d want you to take h
im to the brink, and then he’d push you onto your side and fuck you in the ass.” He shoved another finger into her butt hole as she flexed her fingers, trying to grasp Victor’s invisible cock.

  Blake shoved another finger into her pussy. “We all want you, you know. We want to fuck you until you scream our names one after the other. Would you like that?”

  She nodded, her hard panting drying her mouth.

  “Then say so. Tell me you want us all to fuck you.”

  She gritted her teeth and moaned. “I want all of you to fuck me.”

  “Tell me what you want them to do to you.”

  She had no doubt he could think of lots of things he and his friends could do to her body.

  “I want to suck on your cock and then their cocks. I want one of you fucking my ass, one of you shoving his cock into my pussy, and the other one giving me his cock to suck on.”

  “Does it turn you on to think about them taking you?”


  He narrowed his eyes. “That’s a fantasy of yours, isn’t it? Getting fucked by more than one man?”

  She must’ve looked startled, because he laughed, a satisfied sound. She’d bet he and the others would enjoy bringing her fantasy to life. He pulled his fingers out of her ass and pussy.


  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not finished with you yet.” A couple of hard yanks and he’d freed her legs from the chair. Taking her by the ankles, he tugged her body closer to the end of the chair. Her arms were stretched as far as they could go.

  Placing his cock at the opening to her pussy, he helped her wrap her legs around his waist. He eased his cock inside her pussy, and, just as she was about to complain that he wasn’t in far enough, he shoved his dick deep inside her.

  She cried out then thrust her hips against his. He plunged harder, driving his cock deeper until she was sure he would reach her belly button. Her body trembled as much from the force of his thrusts as from the climaxes she’d already had.

  Keeping their gazes locked, they worked together, pushing together to form squishy sweat noises as their bodies slapped against one another. She rocked in the chair and fought to reach for him. Clutching her hips, he slammed into her with an even harder burst of energy.

  Again she cried out, his name dissolving into indecipherable sounds. Sweat glistened on his skin as he took her nipple in his mouth. A growl escaped him, sending sound waves to rush over her breast.

  Her soft uhs echoed around the room as she rotated her hips and clenched her pussy. She held onto him, forming her own sexual binding tie to him. Leaning over her, he bumped his head against her bouncing breasts and caught one nipple then the other with his mouth.

  He paused then ripped the sheet holding her arms above her head, giving her hands freedom to grip his body. He grabbed the chair’s arms to keep his full weight off her.

  Giving into the need to touch him, she ran her hands along his side then down his back, feeling the rippling of his muscles as she dug her nails into his flesh.

  He nibbled her shoulders, the slight pain urging her to tilt her neck. His teeth against her skin quickened her already speeding pulse.

  He tensed, and she knew his release was near. Shoving against him one last time, she brought both of them to their release. Blake groaned out his climax as she screamed hers.

  Sam closed her eyes, relishing the emotions and sensations running through her. She inhaled, committing his scent to memory, the way his slick skin felt under her hands, the way his soft grunts accented his heavy breathing. As though from a primal instinct buried deep within her, she knew she was his woman. But she wanted more, needed more. Her thoughts strayed to Reed and Victor.

  Was it a part of their game playing, or did Blake really want his friends to share her?

  Blake’s body shuddered, letting the last of his climax ripple out of him. He rested on top of her with just the right amount of pressure, not too hard but not too gentle. They stayed together, each unmoving as their breathing returned to normal.

  “Holy shit!”

  Sam gasped and covered her body as well as she could. Blake flung his body off hers to land on the floor beside the chair, most of his body hidden behind the recliner.

  Loren dropped her purse, her eyes wide as she darted her gaze from Blake to Sam then back again. Her surprised expression soon morphed into a grin as she snatched up her purse and dashed out of the room. “I didn’t see a thing, I swear. But damn, Sam, good for you. He’s hung like a horse.”

  Chapter Five

  “For shit’s sake, Reed, stop pacing. You’re acting like a parent waiting for their wild teen to finally get home.”

  Reed shot Victor the bird then flopped onto the other end of the big sectional couch. “You saw her, man. You smelled her. Plus, her connection to Blake, their having met ten years ago and now him saving her again, can only mean one thing. She’s the one we’ve been waiting for.”

  Victor glanced up from his medical magazine, his face an expressionless mask. “We don’t know that yet.”

  “Bullshit. You felt the pull to her. I saw it in your face. And man, I felt it, too. Who would’ve ever thought it? I mean, werewolves sharing a mate with a werecat? That alone is unheard of, but for the werecat to feel the bond, too? It’s fucking amazing, is what it is, and I’m not going to sit here and deny it’s not happening. And I’ll bet money Blake will say the same damn thing when he gets back.” Reed did an exaggerated sniff. “Maybe your canine sense of smell is screwed up.”

  “My everything is just as good as yours, you feline fucker.”

  Victor rarely uses curse words unless he’s nervous, too. Or as excited as hell.

  Why Victor was holding back on proclaiming her the one was beyond him. But he had no doubt Blake would put Victor’s indecision to rest.

  Still, it was difficult to tell with Victor. He kept his cards close to his chest for almost everything. Sometimes he thought his friend acted more like a cat than he did although Victor had been born to a werewolf mother and a human father.

  Victor even had traits that were more feline than canine. He liked solitude but enjoyed being on the fringes of social activity. He was aloof, setting himself apart from others, but he was there when you needed him and would fight like a madman to keep his friends safe. Aside from the fact that he turned into a wolf instead of a large mountain lion, Victor was very much like Reed’s other friends.

  Most of his werecat friends didn’t understand how he could make friends with a werewolf. In fact, the majority of werecats wouldn’t be caught dead socializing with one werewolf, much less end up living with two werewolves. But Reed didn’t care what anyone else thought.

  He’d felt the same way until he’d needed Victor’s medical help. After first getting changed by choice by a werecat who had quickly deserted the novice shifter, he’d wound up a day later getting shot with silver bullets by a shifter hunter. Reed had made it from Denver to Passion before passing out at a friend’s home. His friend had tried to remove the silver bullet lodged in his foot, but it was too deep to be dug out by an untrained person. That’s when his friend had asked around and had found out that a werewolf ex-doctor had a clinic that catered to paranormal clientele.

  He’d come, wary of asking for help from a werewolf but with no other options. To his relief, Victor hadn’t flinched when Reed told him what he was. From that point on, Reed had decided to hang around and help the shifter doc by any means necessary, including stealing supplies from the local hospital.

  Later, Blake had come along, literally running into Reed and Victor as they’d loped through the forest on a moonlit night. The three had become fast friends within the hour, and Blake had moved out of his father’s home and into Victor’s.

  He glanced at Victor and noted that he hadn’t turned a page of the magazine for several minutes. But he wouldn’t let Victor see him smile. That would just make his friend clamp down on his feelings even more.

  They’d talked often about
sharing a woman. Yet they’d never voiced aloud the concerns that their mate’s bond might not exist between all of them. Reed had privately worried that once they’d found their mate, he’d get cut out of the picture. Or, at best, that he’d be allowed to stay on even without the connection. But that might mean he’d be giving up the chance to find the one woman who was fated to be his real mate. He’d tussled over the problem, often losing sleep over it, and had never come to a decision on what to do if that happened. Now it looked like he’d worried for nothing.

  They’d already agreed that once they’d found the one destined to be their mate, it would be her choice to change into a werecat or a werewolf. She could even stay human if that’s what she wanted. The main thing was that she wanted to live out her life with them.

  Blake burst through the front door and bypassed Reed’s attempt to get him to talk. Blake stirred the air as he rushed by.

  Reed pivoted to confirm what he already knew was true. “Did you smell that? He’s already taken her.”

  Victor was on his feet and following him into the kitchen. The light of the refrigerator shone on Blake as he lifted the milk carton and drank.

  “Aw, come on, man. How many times have I told you how disgusting that is? Especially when it’s my milk. Can’t a cat get any respect around here?”

  Victor bumped Reed out of the way. “You took her, didn’t you?”

  A snarl came to Blake’s lips obviously before he realized what he was doing. He wiped it away and shrugged. “Nothing gets by you two, does it?”

  Reed snatched the carton out of Blake’s hand. “Damn it. First you take her, and then you take my milk. This really blows.”

  “Can’t say that I blame him.” Victor leaned against the counter, but there was an underlying edge to his casual body language.

  “Thanks, Vic. I knew you’d understand.” Blake pushed past them and led the procession back to the living room.

  “What are you saying? Is this a werewolf thing that the poor werecat can’t get?”

  Blake spilled his body into the recliner. “Don’t go making it into a ‘we’re different shifters’ thing. I couldn’t reject her when she came on to me.”


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