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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  “You’ve made us the happiest motherfuckers in the world,” Hawk says. “Are you happy about this?”

  “I’m excited and I can’t wait to have this little one in my arms,” I tell them honestly.

  “Good. I told you we’d make all your dreams come true,” Chains says.

  “Just don’t go all he-man on me and make me sit around in bed all day or something. I’m pregnant and can still work. You know how important this is to me,” I tell them seriously.

  “Can’t make any promises, Pixie,” Chains says.

  “Well, try. Please,” I beg them.

  The guys have to go back to work, and there’s some things I want to do in the office. So, I walk them back over to the construction site and they walk me through all the changes. It’s not even done yet and I already love all of the space for the different classrooms. There’s more than enough room to accommodate the women and whoever the instructor I hire is.

  Speaking of instructors, I have to start looking for them. Or even just a few people that want to teach a few classes to these women. I’d prefer women just because of the situations they’re getting out of, but that’s not as important to me if the women are comfortable around them. I’ve already been planning on talking to Hawk about teaching the women basic computer skills and things like that.

  After kissing my men goodbye, I head back over to my office. I pull the folders for the new women out and make sure all of the necessary information is in them before filing them away. One or two of the counselors should be here soon to start working with the women. They’ll be in two other offices down the hall from mine.

  For now, I work on putting together folders for any time we get a new woman here. This way I can just pull one out and begin filling in the information. It’s important to know what we’re working with so we can figure out the best way to help them. I think the next step is making sure we get Vanessa to the courthouse to file for a restraining order and her divorce. The sooner we get that started, the better off she’ll be.

  The rest of the day passes quickly as I work on paperwork, meet with the women to finish going over the rules and expectations, and spend a few minutes with Vanessa and the kids. As I’m leaving her house, I watch Grave pull up and park in front of her house.

  He gives me a small wave as he jogs to her door and waits for her to answer. That’s interesting. But not my business. I’ll never say a word about one of the men from the club spending time with one of the women here. I know they’ll never hurt them and will do everything in their power to protect them.

  Right now, I’m ready to go home and relax for the rest of the night. I want to spend time with Hawk and Chains as we celebrate the news of our family expanding. And forget about work for a little while.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  SINCE FINDING OUT Cassidy is carrying our child, I think the time has come for Chains and me to talk about finally building a house on the clubhouse land. We’d be the first to build on the property, but not the last, I’m sure. Building a house is something we’ve discussed before but renting the one we have now was good enough for just us.

  Now, we have Cass and a baby on the way, and we need better. Cass and any children we bring into this world deserve more than a rented house we can’t change the way we want. Chains and I have already drawn out some basic plans. So we need to get those back out and make some basic adjustments so it’s worthy of Cassidy.

  I text a message to Chains before leaving the house.

  Me: Meet at the clubhouse? Need to talk.

  Chains: Yep. Meet in twenty minutes.

  Me: Building plans for the house at the clubhouse?

  Chains: Yeah.

  His habit of answering my texts with one word or just a letter is annoying as hell, but I head out to my bike. After grabbing what I need for the day, I text Cassidy that we’d be at the clubhouse when she gets done for the day. I can’t wait to get the building started. We have to be moved in before this baby comes, so we can bring him or her straight to the new home; their forever home.

  When I walk into the clubhouse, I see Grave, Psycho, and Renegade already sitting at the bar. Heading over to them, I tell the Prospect to get me a beer and let him know Chains will need one too. I sit and chat with my brothers until Chains walks in. Grabbing my beer and his, we go to a table in the corner to get working.

  “Let me run and get those plans,” he tells me while heading towards his room.

  “What are you two workin’ on?” Renegade asks walking over to where I’m left sitting.

  “We’re goin’ to get the plans ready to show Cass for the house we want to build,” I tell him knowing he’ll be able to answer any questions we come up with since his and Psycho’s company will be the ones building it. “Do you have time to stick around and help us with it?”

  “Sure, nothin’ else goin’ on tonight. Thank God!” he says with a laugh.

  Chains comes back to the table with the plans we started before we even met Cassidy. There are so many things we need to change. The original plans call for plenty of bachelor ideas and we no longer need those.

  I want to make sure we have an office for Cassidy, as well as one for my computers. I have kinda talked to Cassidy in passing about dream ideas for a home. She has no idea we already have the land here. One of the things she wants is for us to be close to the clubhouse and secure but not far from the DV compound. She dreams of a big kitchen and a big bathroom with a soaking tub that fits all of us.

  “So I think we should basically start over,” Chains says once he lays out what we have. “The original plan as far as footage needs to be expanded to at least three thousand square feet. We need to make sure we have everythin’ Cass could ever want as well.”

  “I’ve been talkin’ to her,” I say letting Chains know we’re on the same page, “I didn’t tell her we have land or anythin’, just a question here and there about what she wants in a home.”

  “What did she say she wanted?” Renegade asks as he pulls a new paper out to start drawing ideas.

  “She says an open floor plan is a must,” I tell them, knowing that her ideas are exactly in line with what we want. “She said a bakers kitchen is a dream of hers. We, of course, need at least three or four bedrooms. I want to add a basement that’ll include an office for each of us, as well as room for a pool table or somethin’. The master bedroom needs to have room for all of us, too.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Chains says, agreeing with what’s been mentioned. “We need to make sure we add a wraparound porch and a fire pit. When do you want to tell her about all this?”

  “Maybe after we break ground and get the foundation poured,” Renegade suggests. “Then bring her by and let her see. If she wants to make changes, there will still be time before any walls go up.”

  We both agree that it would be a good plan and set a date for Jackson Construction to begin working. It will be about two or three days after that when we can take Pixie to see the site. While we’re waiting for our ol’ lady to get done at the compound, we sit around the clubhouse and have a few more drinks.

  It’s been almost a week since we sat down with Renegade to go over the plans for the house. The foundation has been dug and the cement has been poured. We’re planning on showing Cassidy today what’s going on. She’s at the DV compound giving a cooking class, and she used her extreme blowjob talents to get me to agree to teach a couple of the women how to do the basics on a computer.

  It shouldn’t take long to teach them how to do email and some google searches. Once the class is over, I’ll bring her to the clubhouse to meet Chains. After we show her what’s going on with the house, hoping she’ll be excited. We want to take her out to dinner tonight to celebrate all the amazing changes in our lives.

  “Hey Pixie,” I say before kissing her once I step into her office, “How’s your day goin’? Did you guys make anythin’ good in the cookin’ class? Even more important, did you save me any?”
/>   “Hi babe,” she says between giggles. “It was a great class. The ladies really had fun. We did baking today. They made some banana bread, snickerdoodle cookies, and chocolate cake. I may have put a sample plate on the desk in the computer room for whoever is teaching today.”

  Her laughs follow me as I hustle down the hall to get the sweets before one of the other brothers or even a Prospect decides to check out what’s going on down here. I’m stuffing my face full of different goodies as Vanessa walks in for the class. There’s supposed to be three ladies here today according to what Cass told me, but Vanessa says she’s the only one coming.

  The other two women have decided to stay in their houses today. They’re still adjusting to being able to walk around free and not have to look over their shoulders. That will make this class easier, and I can probably teach her more than planned if she picks it up quickly. We spend about forty-five minutes working on different things she can do on the computer. I was even able to show her how to start using Word for a resume.

  We agree that we’ll meet in a few days to see how she’s doing with it and if she needs any more help. I told her she can always have Cassidy call me over if she needs anything before that. Vanessa leaves the computer room and I grab the plate of unfinished snacks before heading to Cass’s office.

  “You ready to leave, Pixie?” I question as she sits at her desk.

  “I’ve been waiting on you,” she says with a smirk. “You promised dinner and I just want to relax tonight. I have been getting tired easier now that I’m pregnant.”

  “Baby girl, I promise we’ll feed you and let you rest. We just need to run by the clubhouse for a few minutes, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me. I’m afraid a whole cow won’t fill me up today. And I’ve been munching all day long,” she says with a sigh.

  I begin laughing at this, because she’s always hungry. Usually after she gets about seven or eight bites she claims to be full. Then, an hour or so later she’s hungry again. I sent Chains a text to let him know she’s tired and hungry so we can’t be at the site for the new house too long.

  “Let’s get out of here, Pixie.”

  We arrive at the clubhouse less than fifteen minutes later, and find Chains waiting outside for us. He walks over to us and pulls our girl into his arms so he can kiss her. There’s nothing sexier than seeing her flushed with desire when we kiss or touch her in any way.

  “Can you take a walk with us, Pixie?” Chains asks her when he pulls away from her lips. “It’s not that far, just down the lane a bit. “

  “That sounds wonderful, Chains,” she sighs as she leans into his side, “A nice walk before dinner with the men I love is just what I need.”

  I walk up to her other side and take one of her hands while Chains takes her hand in his and leads us down the long drive toward the back of the property. We talk about how our day has gone up until this point. Cass tells us all about the things happening with the ladies at the DV compound as far as the class goes. She won’t talk about anything else. It only takes a few minutes before we come up on the freshly laid pad for the house.

  It shouldn’t be considered a pad because the crew filled the bottom of the hole that will be our basement with concrete and started pouring the walls too. They’ve only got one more wall for the basement to pour as we look down at the hole.

  “Wow that’s going to be a big house,” Cassidy says when she sees the site in front of us. “Look, it’ll even have a basement. That’s so amazing. Who’s gonna live here?”

  “Pixie,” I begin with a small bit of worry that she won’t like this after all. “This land was picked out a few years ago as the place Chains and I would someday build a house. We feel this is the perfect time to build a house for our family. Our hope is to move in before you have our baby, so everythin’ is calm and settled when he’s born.”

  “Or she,” Chains quickly throws out.

  “You mean, this is going to be our home?” she questions with tears rolling down her face. “You two are building us a forever home?”

  When she turns to see both of us nodding, Cassidy throws herself into our arms. She’s kissing us all over our faces, while we both laugh at her antics. We’re so focused on her, we don’t hear anyone walking up toward us. Not like we really have to worry when we’re on the club’s property about someone trying to take us out.

  “I take it she approves,” Renegade says walking up to us with laughter in his eyes.

  “She hasn’t said so,” I reply in laughter. “But, her actions say she does. We haven’t told her what the house plan is yet. So, as always, you have perfect timin’.”

  Renegade pulls out the plans and lets us show her everything we talked about with him. We told her there’s time to make changes to anything she doesn’t like. But, the only thing she wants is to have the nursery with a connecting bathroom. She’s fine with it being Jack and Jill style as long as she’s able to get in there quickly if need be.

  After we make those additions to the plans, she gives an enthusiastic seal of approval. We say our goodbyes to Renegade and head back to the SUV so we can head out to dinner. Cass would prefer taking the bikes, but she knows we don’t want her on the back now that she’s pregnant. The rest of the night, we’ll let her relax and pamper her a little before we go to bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  WE PULL UP to the restaurant and I help Cass out of the SUV after Hawk pulls in. We’re at a steakhouse just outside of Shadowville. Cass loves going to Corrinth’s diner, but we didn’t want to take her to the same place again tonight.

  Walking in, I give the hostess my name as Cass looks around. The steakhouse is a nicer restaurant and we’re definitely underdressed. But, it doesn’t matter. Not when the smile on her face lights up the entire room.

  The hostess gives us a look of disdain before showing us to our table. All of the other customers cast looks in our direction and we walk to our table, ignoring them all. Tonight isn’t about what anyone else thinks, it’s about celebrating our love for Cass, our baby she’s carrying, the new house, and the amazing job she’s doing with the Domestic Violence compound. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” the hostess says before walking away.

  “This place looks so expensive. If I’d known we were coming here, I’d have changed first,” Cass says, looking around the room at the other diners.

  “Don’t worry about them. They don’t mean shit when we’re here to celebrate our lives and movin’ forward,” Hawk tells her.

  Cass nods her head and we sit in silence waiting for the waiter to come over to us. It’s not long before he’s at our table, eyes bugging out of his head as he takes in our cuts.

  “Would you like to hear the specials for today?” he asks, giving a weak ass smile.

  “No thank you,” I answer. “We know what we want.”

  After we order steaks for the three of us with water and tea, I sit back in my chair and relax. The restaurant is very nice. It’s got exposed beams on the ceiling with lights hanging from them. As soon as you walk in, you feel like you’re inside a log cabin. I think maybe we’ll have to implement the exposed beams in our house. It’s a nice look and one I’ve always appreciated.

  The waiter brings our drinks over as Cass leans over and grabs my thigh. She rubs her hand up and down and I’m sure she’s not even thinking about what she’s doing. Unfortunately, it’s all I can concentrate on. Her small hand slowly slides up and down, getting closer to my cock every single time. Yeah, she knows what the hell she’s doing.

  “Pixie, you keep that up and we’ll be cuttin’ dinner short,” I tell her, looking at Hawk.

  He’s not looking much better on the other side of her. I know she’s working us both up. She’s letting us know she wants us. Our little Pixie could have chosen a better place to let us know, but I’m not going to complain one bit. Cass is getting better about letting us know what she wants and
when she wants it.

  I’m not sure if it’s because she is slowly becoming more confident. Especially since taking on the compound and the ladies there.

  “We could always change our order to go,” Cass puts out there.

  “You’re playin’ with fire, Pixie,” Hawk tells her.

  “Maybe I want to get burned,” she answers.

  Hawk and I sit back with our mouths hanging open. This is a playful, flirty side of Cass we’ve never seen before. Yeah, she’s opening up and making her own path in life. We’re expanding our family and she’s never been more radiant than the last few weeks. She’s a warrior and we love it. But, this side of her is one I want to bring out in her even more.

  “We’ll eat here and then go home. You can play all night long, Pixie,” I tell her, placing my hand over hers.

  She gives me a pout before taking a sip of the water in front of her. It’s not long before the waiter is bringing our food over. Cass has a plate of steak with a baked potato and a small side salad. I’ve got steak with a potato and shrimp. Hawk’s got a steak, baked potato, and steamed vegetables. The food looks, and smells, amazing.

  We eat our food in relative silence. Thoughts of what’s going to be waiting for us when we get home fill our heads. But, there’s one more surprise waiting for Cass here. We’re just waiting on dessert.

  Dessert has been ordered already. I ordered it when I made the reservation a few days ago. Hawk and I have everything planned out. Callie helped us make these plans and I’m chomping at the bit to get this surprise over with.

  The waiter brings the plate of cake over to the table as he grabs our empty plates. Cass looks down at the plate of chocolate cake with syrup decorating the outside of the plate. Sitting directly on top of the cake is an engagement ring. She looks up at us with tears already shimmering in her eyes.

  Hawk and I designed the ring we’re about to give her. It’s silver with a sapphire sitting in the middle instead of a traditional diamond. Nothing about us is traditional so our ring won’t be either.


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