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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  “Cassidy, you came into our lives when we were least expectin’ it. You continue to show us how strong, carin’, lovin’, and amazin’ you are. Every day you show us another side of you; sexy, playful, sweet, and a warrior. I love you more than words will ever be able to convey. You’re givin’ us a child and I hope to have more in the future. As many as you’ll give us,” I say to her.

  “Cass, our Pixie, you have no idea what you’ve come to mean to both of us since meetin’ you. You’ve become the air we breathe, the light to our darkness, and the tamer of our beasts. We can function when you’re with us and not let everythin’ goin’ on overtake us. Cassidy, will you make us the happiest men on the Earth and marry us?” he asks, both of us down on one knee in front of her.

  Cass looks at us with tears running down her face. Her eyes are bright. What really captures my attention is the smile on her face. She’s absolutely stunning as she beams down at us and nods her head yes. Cass is too overcome with emotion to say the words, I’ll take her nod though.

  I grab the ring of the cake and make sure it’s clean before sliding it down her finger. She jumps in our arms in the middle of the dining room as applause surrounds us. The same people judging us when we walked in an hour ago are now applauding our engagement. Fuck them!

  “Let’s get out of here,” I tell Cass and Hawk. “It’s time to go home and celebrate properly.”

  Grabbing my wallet out of my back pocket, I throw a few hundred-dollar bills on the table to cover our meal and a generous tip for the waiter; the only person not judging us. We leave the restaurant and I make a mental note to talk to Renegade about the possibility of opening a place like this. Somewhere we can go without judgment when we want to go somewhere nice.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I’M SITTING IN my office at the compound, just thinking about everything that’s happened in my life recently. Not everything is good but things have been great. I have two amazing men that keep me sane and love me for me. The men and women of the Phantom Bastards MC are becoming my family. Hadliegh is crazy, but I love her as one of the best friends I’ve ever had in my life.

  My parents have kept their word and are trying to be active participants in my life again. They’re trying to atone for making such a huge mistake with Craig. There’s really nothing they can do to make up for that. But, I’ll eventually forgive them and ensure they’re a part of their grandchildren’s lives.

  In fact, I’m supposed to be going to have lunch with my mom tomorrow. Hadliegh and Callie are coming with us because they want to meet the new friends I’ve made since leaving Craig. I appreciate the effort they’re putting in and it will go a long way in the healing process for me.

  I haven’t thought about Craig since coming home. I’m not sure what the guys did to him, and I don’t care to know. What I do know is I don’t miss him at all. He’s an evil, vile person I don’t even classify as a man. A real man doesn’t beat on and rape the woman he’s supposed to love.

  When I was with him in that house, the pure evil I saw radiating from his eyes every time he looked at me still haunts me sometimes. The nights that happens, my men wrap me in their arms and make sure I know I’m safe and protected. Craig can’t hurt me anymore and he has no control over me.

  Hawk and Chains, and the rest of the guys in the club, aren’t the monsters people make them out to be. They’re loving, caring, sweet, and a little overprotective at times. Who am I kidding? They’re alpha assholes when they want to be and take the overprotective thing a little crazy.

  We’ve already had more than one argument about what I’m doing at work and how they want me to slow down. It’s not gonna happen with the construction nearly complete at the compound. Hawk and Chains aren’t happy with my decision but I have my ways to make them see my point.

  Each man got the best blow job they’ve ever had. They were quick to change their minds about me working. I mostly sit down at work anyway. The main time I’m on my feet is when I’m teaching a class. But, I’m working on finding people to come in and teach them for me so I can worry about the administrative side of the compound.

  Vanessa has her good days and bad days. When she’s having a bad day, she doesn’t come to any of the classes I know she loves taking. She hides away in the house with the kids. Grave spends a lot of time with her and I’m thankful she’s letting him through the door. I’m not sure what his interest is in her, but I’m not gonna say a word unless she’s hurt.

  The women the guys brought in from Slim are a different story altogether. They barely come to the classes and one or two of them continue to miss their appointments with the counselors. If it continues, I don’t know what I’m going to do about them. I can’t help them if they’re not willing to use the resources we’re providing. I’ll have to talk to the club and Renegade before I make any decisions regarding them.

  Cindy is the only one making sure she keeps her appointments and attends classes. The only one she doesn’t go to is the computer class with Hawk. She told me she feels intimidated by him, even though she knows he’s my man. I don’t blame her one bit. It was the same way I used to feel about the men in the club.

  My hope is the rest of the girls will just need some time to get used to being in a safe environment again. Some of them were with Jorge and the assholes for a long time. One of the girls here was with them for over a year. I can’t imagine being with scumbags like that for so long.

  I’ve talked to the women here about my past with Craig. They know every dirty little secret I used to hide in shame when it comes to my former relationship with him. Hawk and Chains also know every little secret now too. Instead of being ashamed of me or disgusted with me for what he did, my men proved to me once again how much they don’t care about that part of my life. They only care about the life we’re creating now.

  Our house is almost done. They took me to see it a few days ago. I’ve fallen in love with the work the guys have been doing and I can’t wait until we can move in. The downstairs is an open floor plan. There’s the living room, a dining room, bakers kitchen, and an entryway. On the left side of the house are the bathroom and laundry room.

  The basement will house an office for each of us on the right side of the house. There’s a game room that’s going to be set up with a gym in the rest of the basement. Upstairs are five bedrooms. Our room is the biggest bedroom I’ve ever seen in my life.

  The room is big enough for a custom-made bed for the three of us to share. They’re putting a TV on the wall at the end of the bed. On the left side of the room are two closets for each man. The right side of the room contains the bathroom and my closet. I have a huge walk-in closet with a built-in dresser and more than enough room for hanging clothes.

  My favorite part of the house so far is the bathroom attached to our room. It’s got a garden tub large enough for the three of us. There’s a huge stand-up shower at the end of the tub. The shower has a bench seat in the back of the shower with multiple shower heads so no matter where you stand, water is hitting you. A toilet sits in the far corner plus a his and her vanity across from the shower. I’ll have to get a cabinet for our towels and other bathroom necessities, but that’s fine by me.

  I go in a month to have an ultrasound and find out what we’re having. The guys don’t want to know, but I’m kind of torn. Part of me wants to know what we’re having. But, honestly, as long as the baby is healthy, I’ll be happy. I have a month to decide if I’m going to find out or not.

  Getting up from the desk, I know it’s time to get on with my day. I’m going to teach the girls to make stuffed shells and chocolate chip brownies for dessert. The guys love my stuffed shells so I’ll make sure they have some for dinner tonight. The chocolate chip brownies will be layered with peanut butter and then chocolate frosting on top of that. It’s very rich, but so good.

  We’re also going to make garlic bread from scratch. It’s a lot to teach them in one day, but we’ll make it more than once
so they’ll be able to pick it up. Vanessa, Cindy, and one other woman named Connie show up for the class. We get to work and I get lost in the cooking and baking for the next few hours.

  By the time we’re done with everything, I’m exhausted and ready to go home. The women have tried all the food and want to make it again. I wrap up the food I’m bringing home with me and lock everything up. I’m done for the day. I just want to go home and relax with my men for the rest of the night. Tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll get more accomplished then. For now, home is calling my name even if it’s our temporary home.



  THINGS SEEM TO be improving around here. Cassidy is doing amazing things with the domestic violence compound. She’s got a ton of ideas to improve the place and add programs for the girls to work in. She has several counselors come in during the week to meet with the women and figure out what help they need the most. Other than that, she’s been running around like crazy to make sure the program really gets off the ground.

  We still haven’t found Diablo or his guys. He’s gone way underground and none of our contacts have seen or heard from him. Everyone we know is putting out feelers for him with no luck. At this point, I’ll take the silence from him. We’re still going to remain vigilant and make sure we’re prepared for when he pops back up. Because sooner or later he will resurface.

  There haven’t been any more abductions since the last little girl was taken. We’re out searching every day for the two who have been taken from their families. The cops are acting like they’re helping each family, but in reality, they’re not doing a fucking thing. I’m ready to call them all the fuck out for not doing their job so they can sit on their fucking asses.

  Today, I’m taking a day off. I wrapped up the paperwork I needed to complete yesterday and we don’t have church scheduled for today. I’m hoping nothing comes up and we have to have an emergency meeting. I’ll go to church if I have to, but for now, I just want to go to my room and hide out for a little while.

  I love being at the clubhouse. If I didn’t, I’d have found a house by now away from my family. Lately, it’s getting to be too much with the guys settling down. Bear, Psycho, Hawk, and Chains have all found their women and are having kids.

  Everyone is expanding their families, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about more and more lately. I want to settle down, have a family, and find the same happiness everyone around me seems to be finding. My nieces and nephews are around all the time and I love spending time with them, spoiling them. But it’s not the same as having your own kids.

  The one woman never far from my mind is Natasha. I’ve seen her around town a few times, and I want to go up to her and make her mine. Unfortunately, she always seems to be on the go. She’s working at a local law firm and her boss is a complete douche canoe. That’s the only thing stopping me from going to see her when she’s at work. Her boss, Tanner, has been trying to take the club down for a long time. I won’t jeopardize her job.

  Hadliegh has talked to her a few times. The only thing she tells me is Natasha doesn’t want a relationship. She just wants to work, rebuild her life, and have fun. I’m all about having fun, but I want more from her. I want everything; heart, body, and soul.

  “Renegade!” I hear called out. “Renegade, we got an issue at the gate.”

  “What’s goin’ on, Shane?” I ask, walking toward him.

  “There’s a young girl at the gate. Says her dad is here.”

  “Who’s her dad?” I ask, confusion lacing my voice.


  I stop dead in my tracks. What the fuck? I don’t have any kids. Practically running toward the gate, I see a young girl standing just inside the gate. There’s no adult or car around to make sure she’s okay. This situation is so fucked up and I don’t even know what’s going on.

  The girl can’t be more than twelve or thirteen. She’s got long dark hair with big blue eyes. Sitting on the ground next to her are two suitcases and a bookbag. She looks scared and nervous as hell. I wish I had the words to calm her down, but I don’t. This young girl looks so much like me when I was younger. There’s not a doubt in my mind this is my daughter, that’s how much she looks like me.

  “What’s your name, darlin’?” I ask when I find my voice.

  “It’s Kora. Are you Renegade?” she asks, her voice timid and shaky.

  “I am. Where’s your mother?”

  “She dropped me off and took off. Her new man doesn’t want kids and I guess she was tired of raising me. So, here I am,” she says, a sadness filling her voice.

  “How old are you?” I ask, needing to narrow this down.

  “I’m twelve.”

  “Let’s get you inside. We’ll talk and I’ll get you somethin’ to eat. That sound good?” I ask her.


  Kora and I walk in the clubhouse and I can’t help but feel my entire life is about to change. I send Shane out to get her bags and put them in a room close to me. Leading Kora into the kitchen, I have her sit at the table and grab a plate to fill with whatever the ol’ ladies made for dinner tonight. I didn’t have any so I’m not sure what there is.

  For now, I have to figure out what to do with Kora. She can’t stay here in the clubhouse long term. I don’t want her around the house bunnies or to see all the craziness the guys can get up to. It’s nothing a twelve-year-old little girl should see at all.


  We’ve got a big case coming up at work. Tanner has sent me home with a few files to go over so we know everything is in there. He doesn’t want to lose this case because he wasn’t prepared. What it really means is that I'm going to be up all night working my ass off for him to get all the credit. Credit he’ll take and never once acknowledge anyone’s help. I’m tired of working for this asshole, but I need the money.

  Deciding I need some snacks if I’m going to work all night, I grab my purse and keys before heading to the mini-mart just down the road. It’s not the safest place to be at almost midnight, but I don’t have a choice. I should’ve stopped earlier on my way home. I thought I’d have enough time to get it done before I went to bed though.

  It takes me a matter of minutes to get to the mini-mart. I look at the cashier as I walk in and make my way to the aisle of chips. Taking my time, I look at the selection of chips and dip. I’m not sure what the hell I want, I just want something to snack on.

  Before I choose a bag, I decide I better go to the bathroom.

  “Um, do you have a restroom?” I ask the cashier.

  “Back to the left,” he answers.

  Making my way over to the corner of the store, I find the bathroom and lock the door behind me. The light is blinding while the noise of the fan makes it so I can’t hear a damn thing outside this door. Quickly taking care of business so I can grab some snacks and get back home, I open the door.

  Gunshots stop me in my tracks with the door barely open. Peeking out the crack in the doorway, I see four men. They’re dressed all in black with cuts on over their shirts. The cuts aren’t like Satan’s Anarchy though. They’re dirty and not taken care of at all.

  The men go through the store and fling things down on the floor, smashing it under their boots. I watch as they go to the coolers and grab several cases of beer before finally leaving. I wait a few minutes before opening the door and making my way from the store.

  As I run to my car, I feel my heart rate speeding up, my body starts shaking, and tears fill my eyes. Shock is taking over as I hastily make my way home. I’m surprised I make it home in one piece with the way I’m driving. I couldn’t even see the fucking road half the time.

  I run into my house and lock the doors. Afterward, I go to each window and make sure it’s locked before plopping down on the couch. I can’t stop shaking and crying. What am I supposed to do now? Call the cops?

  I don’t know the cops will do anything. If anything, it may end up resulting in me being accused of whatever hap
pened in the mini-mart tonight. Not what I need right now. I want to stay under the radar and not draw attention to myself. It’s the last thing I need.

  My only other option is calling Psycho. He’ll be able to tell me what to do. But, I don’t want to drag him, or the club, into this. For all I know, no one knows I was there tonight and everything is fine. No, I don’t remember seeing the cashier as I was running out of the store, but I didn’t exactly look for him either. My only goal was to get out of there and make it back home before anyone came in or realized I was there.

  I’ll need to see what happens tomorrow. If no one follows me, then I’ll forget what happened and go on with life as always.

  The End

  Cassidy’s Resurgence Playlist

  Ready When You Are – Trapt

  If You Want Me – One Less Reason

  Back To Me – 3 Doors Down

  Broken – Seether feat. Amy Lee

  Not Meant To Be – Theory Of A Deadman

  A Day To Be Alone – One Less Reason

  Last Stand – Adelita’s Way

  Addicted – Saving Abel

  Angel – Theory Of A Deadman

  Scars – Papa Roach

  Right Here – Staind

  Torn To Pieces – Pop Evil

  By & By – Royal Bliss

  I Don’t Mind – Royal Bliss

  Drowning – Saving Abel

  I Hate Everything About You – Three Days Grace

  You Make It Easy – Jason Aldean


  First and foremost, I’d like to thank my kids. You have unbelievable faith in me and your support means more than you’ll ever know. I love you all to the moon and back!

  To our beta readers. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Your willingness to help us put out the best book possible is amazing.


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