American Holocaust
Page 55
Holy war, 177–78
Homer, 165, 167
Homosexuals, genocide against, 152
Honduras, 34, 37, 39, 73, 81–82, 86, 198
Hopewell culture, 18–19
Hopi Indians, 24, 26, 128
Horowitz, Irving Louis, 152
Houma Indians, 26
Howells, William Dean, 245–46
Huacaloma, 41
Hualapai Indians, 24
Huaricoto, 41
Huguenots, 61, 191
Huitzilopochtli, 76, 81
Huizinga, Johan, 59
Human depravity, Christianity and, 155–60, 231–32, 242, 249–50
Human sacrifice, 51–52, 79–80
Hundred Years War, 189
Hupa Indians, 22
Huron Indians, 28, 30, 128
Huss, John, 187, 195
Ibarra, Francisco de, 81
Ibos, genocide against, 75, 150
Iglulik people, 20
Ignatius, Saint, 158
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko, 264
Illinois Indians, 128
Imago Mundi, 195–96
Incas, 12, 41–46, 134, 218
Influenza, 53, 57, 68–69, 91, 119, 128, 134, 136, 138
Ingalik people, 20
Inquisition: Spanish, 62, 98, 182–83, 216, 221
in Mexico, 218
Iowa Indians, 19
Iraq war, 253–54
Irish: English treatment of, 98–99, 223–25
compared with treatment of American Indians, 104, 224–25
Iroquois nations, 28–30, 52, 119–20
Irritilla people, 81
Isabella I, 192, 205
Iztapalapa, 4–5
Jackson, Andrew, 121–23, 240–41, 252
Jacobs, Wilbur, 277
Jamaica, 49, 213
James I, 103
Jamestown, 101–7
Japanese, racism and, 252
Jauja, 43–44
Jefferson, Thomas, 120, 240–41, 249
Jehovah’s Witnesses, genocide against, 152
Jennings, Francis, 14, 112, 114–16, 277
Jerome, Saint, 156–57
Jesuit mission, California, 136
Jews: expulsion from Spain, 62, 192–93, 196, 206
Christian attitudes toward (see Anti-Semitism)
genocide against, 75, 124, 150–53, 184–85, 246–47
early attitudes toward Christians, 174–75
Christian violence against, 175–76, 181–83, 190, 248
Jicaque people, 39
Jicarella Indians, 24
Jívaroan culture, 47
Joachim of Fiore, 186–87
João III, 92
Johnson, Anthony, 275
Johnson, James Turner, 177
John the Dwarf, 156
Jonassohn, Kurt, 279
Jones, Howard Mumford, 104
Jordan, Winthrop D., 220, 270–73, 276
Kalapuya Indians, 128
Kalispel Indians, 21
Kamchatka Peninsula, 9
Kaminaljuyú, 37
Kampucheans, genocide against, 75, 150
Kansa Indians, 19, 128
Karok Indians, 22
Kaska people, 20
Keres Indians, 24
King Philip’s War, 115–17, 238
Kiowa Indians, 19, 128
Knivet, Anthony, 91–92
Konkow Indians, 22
Kootenay Indians, 21
Kovel, Joel, 276
Koyukon people, 20–21
Kroeber, Alfred L., 266–67
Kroeber, Theodora, 143
Kulchin people, 20
Kuper, Leo, 256
La Bruyère, Jean de, 59
Lafitau, Joseph François, 31, 227
La Galgada, 41
Lake of the Moon, 3–4, 34, 39
Lakota Indians, 126–27
La Mojarra, 36
Landa, Diego de, xi, 82
Lane, Ralph, 104–5
Languages in the Americas, 11, 21–22, 24, 33, 36, 263–65
La Purísima Mission, 137
La Salle, Robert Cavelier, sieur de, 129
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 49, 70–74, 80, 97–98, 210–11, 217, 225, 236–37, 266
Lassik Indians, 22
Lawson, John, 107
Lea, Henry Charles, 188
Leach, Douglas Edward, 117
Leakey, Louis, 264
Le Goff, Jacques, 155
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 226
Lemkin, Raphael, 279
Lenape Indians, 109–10
Lenca people, 39
Léry, Jean de, 47
Libro de las Profecías (Book of Prophecies), 197, 199
Lifton, Robert Jay, 246
Lillooct Indians, 21
Limpieza de sangre, 208–9, 212–13, 249, 277
Lipan Indians, 24
Loaisa, Rodrigo de, 89
Locke, John, 226, 234
Lopez, Barry, 21, 241
Lost Bird, 127
Louderback, David, 133
Lourie, Elena, 207
Luchootseet Indians, 21
Luther, Martin, 233, 248–49, 251–52
Luxán, Diego Pérez de, 26
Ma’aseh Yeshû. See Tôldôt Yeshû.
Machu Picchu, 41–42
Macpherson, C.B., 233–34
Mahican Indians, 28, 118
Maidu Indians, 22
Mair, John (Johannes Major), 210
Makah Indians, 21
Makuan culture, 47
Malaria, 53, 68, 136
Maliseet-Passamaquoddy Indians, 118
Malnutrition among California mission Indians, 137–40
Manau people, 94
Mandan Indians, 19, 128
Mandeville, John, 197, 207
Maori people of New Zealand, 244, 268
Marco Polo, 197
Marcus Aurelius, 177
Margolin, Malcolm, 23
Marr, Wilhelm, 249
Marrus, Michael R., 255
Marshall, John, 122
Martin, Roque, 88
Martyr, Peter, 51
Mason, John, 111–15, 177
Massachusett Indians, 28, 118
Mather, Cotton, 114, 117–18, 238, 241, 246
Mather, Increase, 117
Matienzo, Juan de, 219–20
Mattole Indians, 22
Mauser, Ulrich, 173
Maya civilization, 36–39, 82, 86, 94
Mayer, Arno J., 153, 184, 254
Mayo people, 82
Mazrui, Ali A., 11, 13
McDougal, John, 144–45
Measles, 53, 57, 68, 91, 102, 128, 136, 138
Mecklin, John, 253
Megasthenes, 167
Meherrin Indians, 28
Melanchthon, Philip, 233–34
Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 219
Mentally and physically handicapped, genocide against, 152, 185, 245–46
Mercator projection, 11–12
Merton, Robert K., 230
Mesa, Bernardo de, 210
Mescalero Indians, 24
Methow Indians, 21
Mexico, xv, 3–8, 11, 12, 18, 24, 26, 33–39, 52–53, 75–82, 85–86, 93, 211–12, 214–15, 222
Miksch, Amos C, 132
Millennialism: in Christian thought, 185–87, 190, 191–92
Columbus and, 196–97
Mimbreno Indians, 24
Minaya, Bernardino de, 211, 216
Miwok Indians, 22
Mixtecs, 39
Modoc Indians, 22
Mogollon people, 24
Mohawk Indians, 28, 118, 120
Mohegan Indians, 28
Mojave Indians, 24
Monroe, James, 120
Monstrous races, 47, 167–69, 172–74, 191, 206–7, 226–31
Columbus and, 197–98, 206
Montaigne, Michel de, 229
Monte Albán, 35–36
Monte Verde, 262
Montezuma, 5, 76–77, 109
Mooney, Jame
s, 121, 123
More, Thomas, 64, 233–34
Morgan, Edmund S., 52–53, 106–8, 234
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 13, 68
Morrison, Toni, 149
Morton, Samuel G., 243, 245
Muhammed II, 187
Muisca people, 40
Mumps, 91
Munsee Indians, 28, 128
Murúa, Martín de, 42
Muslims, 150, 178–79, 181, 183, 187, 190, 191–92, 196, 207–8, 213, 224
Nabesna people, 20
Nabokov, Peter, 25
Nagasaki, 119
Nambiquaran culture, 47
Narraganset Indians, 28, 112–17, 276
Naskapi people, 20
Natchez Indians, 26
“Natural slaves,” concept of, 173, 209–11, 216, 219–20, 247
Nauset Indians, 28
Navajo Indians, 24, 26
Nazca people, 42
Nazis. See Holocaust, Nazi.
Nelsilik people, 20
Nelson, Richard K., 20–21
Netherlands, Spanish massacres in, 216
Newman, A.K., 244
Nez Perce Indians, 21
Niantic Indians, 28
Nicaragua, 34, 39, 81–82, 84–86
Nicola Indians, 21
Nipmuk Indians, 28
Nisenan Indians, 22
Nitinat Indians, 21
Nobrega, Manuel, 47
Nomlaki Indians, 22
Nongatl Indians, 22
Nooksack Indians, 21
Nootka Indians, 125
Norridgewock Indians, 118
Nottaway Indians, 28
Ntlakyapamuk Indians, 21
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Mission, 136
Nuestra Señora de Loreto Mission, 136
Oaxaca, 33, 35, 39
O’Connell, Robert L., 216
Ohlone Indians, 23
Okanagan Indians, 21
Olbés, Ramon, 140–41
Oldham, John, 112
Olmecs, 34, 41
Olschki, Leonardo, 201
Omaha Indians, 19
Onandaga Indians, 28, 120
Ona people, 48
Oneida Indians, 28
Opechancanough, 107
Opitsatah, 125
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, ix
Origen, 155, 177
Orta, Garcia d’, 209
Ortiz, Tomás, 217–19
Osage Indians, 19
Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de, 69, 206, 211, 225, 228, 253, 266
Pachon, 156
Padilla, Dávila, 218
Pagden, Anthony, 172
Pagels, Elaine, 155
Paiute Indians, 22
Palenque, 37
Palladius, 156
Palmer, Lucien, 132
Palos, 57, 62, 193
Palóu, Francisco, 136, 140
Palouse Indians, 21
Pamlico Indians, 28
Panama, 39, 81–82, 215, 216, 266
Papago Indians, 24
Paracelsus, 209
Paradise on earth, 65, 164–66, 186
Columbus and, 197–99, 206
Paraguay, xiv
Parkman, Francis, 243–44, 245
Patagonia, 48
Patterson, Orlando, 165, 181
Patuxet Indians, 108
Patwin Indians, 22
Pawnee Indians, 19
Paya people, 39
Peasants’ War, 59
Pedra Furada, 262
Pennacook Indians, 28
Pennington, Loren E., 225–26
Pensacola Indians, 26
Pentlatch Indians, 21
Pequot Indians, 28, 112–15, 131, 276
Percy, George, 105–6
Peru, 12, 21, 26, 41–46, 53, 88–91, 93, 97, 220, 222
Peter the Hermit, 176, 179
Petun Indians, 28
Phelan, John Leddy, 197
Philip II, 89, 183, 215–16, 223
Piegan Indians, 19
Pigwacket Indians, 118
Pima Indians, 24
Pine Ridge reservation, 256–57
Pires, Francisco, 92
Piro Indians, 24
Pizarro, Hernando, 45, 87–88, 134, 206, 214
Pliny the Elder, 167, 195, 197, 207
Plutarch, 197
Pneumonia, 136
Pocumtuck Indians, 118
Poggio, 161
Porno Indians, 22
Popelinière, Henri de la, 217
Popocatepetl, 6
Population of the Americas, pre-Columbian, 10–11, 21, 23–24, 28, 31, 39–40, 48, 222, 266–68
Poseuinge, 25
Posidonius, 164–65
Potosí, 90–92, 215
Powhatan, 105, 107
Property, private, 233–36, 243
Ptolemy, 203
Pueblo Bonito, 25
Puerto Rico, 49, 213
Punchao, 43
Punta Maisi, 70
Purisima de Cadegomó Mission, 136
Puritans, 109, 111–18, 136, 153, 230–32, 235–36, 238–39, 270
Quapaw Indians, 128
Quejo, Pedro de, 101
Quileute Indians, 21
Quinault Indians, 21
Quiripi-Unquachog Indians, 118
Race and racism, xii, 119–20, 126–27, 129–31, 145, 164–74, 185, 198, 204–13, 216–21, 224–32, 238–41, 243–46, 247, 249–54, 256, 269–78
Raleigh, Walter, 99
Reeves, Marjorie, 186–87
Remy, Nicolas, 163–64
Repartimiento, 73, 237
Requerimiento, 65–66, 258
Roanoke, 52, 105, 237
Robinson, John, 136
Rocky Mountain News, 129–30, 133
Rogel, Juan, 102
Rogin, Michael Paul, 122
Romani people, genocide against, 75, 150–52, 247
Rome, sexuality in, 154–55
Roosevelt, Theodore, 134, 245–46
Rouse, Irving, 49
Rousselle, Aline, 156
Russell, Frederick H., 177
Russell, Jeffrey Burton, 162, 169
Sacsahuaman, 43
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 76–77
Sahlins, Marshall, 48
Said, Edward W., 14–15
Saladoid people, 49
Salcedo, Lopez de, 82
Sale, Kirkpatrick, 68
Salisbury, Neal, 277
Salteaux people, 20
Samana Cay, xiii
San Antonio Mission, 138
Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 29
Sand Creek massacre, xi, 129–34
Sanger, Margaret, 274
San José Cumundú Mission, 136
San José del Cabo Mission, 136
San Miguel Mission, 138
Sanpoil Indians, 21
San Salvador, ix
Santa Barbara Islands, 23
Santa Bárbara Mission, 137
Santa Cruz Mission, 140–41
Santa Inés Mission, 137
Santarém, 47
Santa Rosaliá de Mulegé Mission, 136
Santiago de las Coras Mission, 136
Santillan, Hernando de, 89
Santo Tomas, Domingo de, 88–89, 145
Sauer, Carl O., 32–33, 51, 68, 73, 267
Saxton, Alexander, xii
Scarlet fever, 91
Schiller, Friedrich, 191
Schlatter, Richard, 233
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 254
Scott, Winfield, 123
Sechelt Indians, 21
Secotan Indians, 28
Sekani people, 20
Self-fulfilling prophecy, 230
Seminole Indians, 26, 124
Seneca, 195
Seneca Indians, 28, 120
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 64, 210–11, 233, 246
Serpent Mound, 18
Serra, Junípero, 139–40
Serrano culture, 81–82
Settlement of the Americas, earliest human, 8–10, 261–66
xual repression: in Christian thought, 154–64, 169, 170–71, 174, 179, 190
among New World settlers, 229, 231–32
Shasta Indians, 22
Sherman, William, 84
Short, Mercy, 230–31, 232
Shoshoni Indians, 19, 257
Shuswap Indians, 21
Siberia, 264
Simeon Stylites, Saint, 157
Sinkyone Indians, 22
Sioux Indians, 19
Sissa, Giulia, 154
Slavery, New World: of native peoples, 66–67, 80–81, 82, 84–85, 87–94, 107–8, 112, 115, 117, 137–44, 200–201, 205, 217–21
of Africans, 94, 138, 142–43, 236, 270–75
Slavery, Old World, 61, 154, 180–81, 207–8, 277
Slave trade, African, xi, 62, 66, 180–81
and genocide, 151
Slotkin, Richard, 230–31, 232
Smallpox, 53, 57–58, 68, 77–78, 81, 87, 91–93, 108–9, 128, 134–36, 138, 268
Smith, John, 104–5
Smith, John S., 133
Sobibor, 256
Solomon bar Simson, 176
Sousa, Tomé de, 92
Spelman, Henry, 111
Spiro Mound, 32
Sprenger, Jakob, 162
Squamish Indians, 21
Stampp, Kenneth, 270
Stoddard, Solomon, 241
Stone, Lawrence, 58, 59–60
Strait Indians, 21
Sullivan, John, 119
Suma Indians, 24
Sumu people, 39
Susquehannock Indians, 28
Sweet, Leonard I., 187, 199
Syphilis, 53–54, 68, 129, 134, 136, 138
Tacuba, 5
Tagish people, 20
Tahltan people, 20
Taino people. See Arawakan culture.
Tanana people, 20
Tarascan Kingdom, 39, 81
Tawney, R.H., 233, 236
Taylor, Maxwell, 253
Tehuantepec, 34, 39
Tenochtitlán, 3–8, 33, 39, 43, 75–81, 101, 109, 214, 221, 225
Teotihuacan, 34–35, 37
Tepeaquilla, 5
Tepehuán people, 81
Teresa, Saint, 250
“Terror famine,” Soviet, 150
Tewa Indians, 24
Thevet, André, 92
Thirty Years War, 225
Thomas, Keith, 227
Thomas, William, 99
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 173, 210, 247
Thompson, Leonard, 13–14
Tierra del Fuego, 48, 249
Tikal, 37
Timorese, genocide against, 75, 150
Timucua Indians, 27, 49, 101–2
Tiwa Indians, 24
Tlaxcallan, 39
Tlaxcaltec people, 75–76
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 122–23, 258, 272
Todorov, Tzvetan, x–xi
Tohome Indians, 26
Tohono O’Odham reservation, 257
Tôldôt Yeshû, 175, 183
Tolowa Indians, 21, 128
Toltecs, 39
Tompkins, Jane, 276
Torquemada, Tomás de, 182
Towa Indians, 24
Trail of Tears, 121–24
Treblinka, 256
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 13
Tsetsaut people, 20
Tuberculosis, 53–54, 129, 136, 138
Tucanoan culture, 47