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Destroying the Game

Page 4

by L. Grubb

  I’m dragged through a door into a dark room and the click of the door sounds ominous in the utter stillness of the space. He flips the switch and the light bulb above basks us in light. Dylan’s room. A wash of memories floats over me as I stare at the same bed from Junior year, the same bed that Kevin Jonas fucked me as I cried silently into the pillow, he knew I didn’t want it but he pushed past my barriers anyway. I gulp past the stupid lump in my throat that has no place there and jump when Dylan’s lips caress my neck. I tilt my head to give him better access and feel his hands slide along my hips, one hand continuing and resting on my stomach. My belly flutters at what’s to come; the knowing of an orgasm at the end of the night lifts the foggy thoughts from my head.

  The feel of his hands riding up my thighs makes me thrust my hips towards his hand, begging for friction, anything. His hands stroke down my landing patch to my pussy which is pulsing with need. Two fingers get lost straight inside me and I cry out as pleasure teeters on the edge with pain. Fuck my life, I was not expecting that. I’m practically on my tip-toes as I ride the waves as they crash through me, sinking me under.

  Before I can get used to the feel of the invasion, he pulls out and unceremoniously flips me onto the bed where I bounce in a stunned silence for a few seconds. His smirk is sexy, showing off a dimple I never knew existed and I find myself smiling when he starts unbuttoning his shirt. His toned pecs come into view and I swallow the spittle collecting in my mouth. He doesn’t have any tatts that I can see, which is a complete bummer, but he’s still beautiful. And I can appreciate beauty in a guy like every other woman.

  Climbing on the bed beside me, I roll into his side as the mattress dips, coming face to face with lust filled eyes. His hand skims slowly up my leg, toying with the edge my dress. I admit, I’m fucking squirming on this bed right now, I’m nothing short of desperate.

  Before his hand can reach higher though, the door slams against the wall, shaking the various trophies and frames scattered around on the shelves in the room. We both jump, Dylan more and flies off the bed with arms and legs flying. I suppress a laugh as I look at our intruder. I smirk but in the corner of my eye I notice Dylan’s face draining of color. This is going to be interesting.

  Jogging down the stairs after fucking a random girl, I start to scan the place for a second girl. The first one wasn’t enough. It’s never enough.

  The room is jam packed with people now, wall to wall bodies fill the main room and the hallways are crammed with people making out.

  Pushing my way through them, I grab a beer and lean against the back wall, watching everyone. I’m determined to find someone else I can take upstairs.

  Hmm… I fancy something different, something quirky. Maybe a red head?

  My eyes skim past Callie and then I snap my head back to her, zooming in on who she’s talking to. I shake my head at her, there’s no point in her trying to bed Dylan there’s no way that he’ll go there with her. Not bothering to give them much attention, I look away, intent on finding a redhead.

  Movement from the corner of my eye catches my attention and I look back over to Dylan and Callie, watching as they walk out of the room, heading to the stairs. I can feel the blood pumping in my ears at seeing them go. I take a deep breath, trying my hardest to stay calm. My hands clench into fists as I stare at the empty spot where they were stood.

  I can’t believe she’s actually gone there. Of all the people, she actually went there, and Dylan, I can’t believe he fell for it. Surely he knew that she’s doing this to get back at me.

  My breaths come faster and my fists clench harder and I can’t stop my feet from stomping forward as I push way through the dancing crowd who are laughing and drinking.

  Several people call my name but I ignore them all, keeping my focus on the door that they just walked through.

  My feet move me autopilot, jogging up the stairs and placing my hand on the doorknob to his room. I wait for a second, listening. I can hear their moans from out here and that just makes it even worse.

  I breathe in deeply and close my eyes, counting to three, trying to prepare myself for what I’m about to see.

  Pushing the door open, it slams against the wall, echoing throughout the room. My eyes zone in on them, lying on the bed together, his hand sitting on her leg. I want nothing more than to rip his hand clean off his body but I refrain… for now. Turning my eyes to Dylan because, fuck, he’s meant to be my best fucking friend, I raise my brows, silently asking him ‘what the fuck?’

  Her I expect this from, but him? He should know fucking better.

  “Get out,” I bark, looking away from them. I can’t look at either of them right now and if they want to do this shit, then they can do it somewhere else.

  “Awww, don’t talk to him like that Dante.” Her hand comes up and strokes Dylan’s pale face. I don’t miss the slight flinch; the fucker knows what he’s done.

  I turn my eyes to Callie, not shielding one bit of the anger that I have towards the both of them. I watch as her eyes widen at the look I’m giving her but she still doesn’t move off him.

  “Both of you,” I grit out between clenched teeth and point at them. “Get. Out.”

  “W… what?” Dylan stammers, like a big fucking baby. Yeah that’s right motherfucker, you should be scared.

  “If you’re not out of this house in ten seconds…” I warn, taking a threatening step forward.

  Dylan jumps up, pushing Callie off the bed as he goes and runs past me. I don’t acknowledge the weak apology that he gives me as he goes past. Instead, I focus on Callie and her smirking face.

  She thinks she’s got what she wants. She’s wrong... so very, very wrong.

  “You pleased with yourself now?” I ask, taking another step forward.

  “Well…” She smirks, her finger drawing circles on her chest. “You moved the goal post, I just scored the winning goal.”

  She shrugs and lifts off the bed, doing her best attempt at sauntering toward me but the slight sway in her movements and the pin pricks she has for pupils, alerts me to just how fucked off her face she actually is.

  Once she’s one step away from me, she places her finger on my chest, dragging it down and stopping at the waist of my jeans. My heart speeds up the more she touches me and there’s nothing I want more than to throw her down on the bed and ram my cock so hard inside her… but I won’t, not with how wasted she is.

  Her chuckle brings me out of my daydream, back to the here and now. She knows exactly what she’s doing, I need to snap the hell out of it and show her that she doesn’t affect me.

  “You know Jasmine won’t open her legs for you, right?” she sneers, completely changing the conversation.

  “What would you care if she does, huh?” I ask, moving my gaze down to her face. We stand there for several seconds, just staring. My eyes flick down to her lips and I could swear she leans forward a little.

  Pulling away suddenly, she looks down at her feet and for a second I think she’s unsure of herself. That is, until she looks back up, her eyes flashing with pure hatred.

  “Stay away from her,” she growls, her hands clenching into fists.

  Chuckling, I turn around and walk back to the door. “Too late.” Looking back at her, I shrug. “You just changed the whole fucking game. You may think you’ve won right now but I’ll come out on top. I always do.”

  With that, I walk away, leaving her standing inside Dylan’s room with no one to fuck. Me? I’m going to find me that red head and fuck all night long.

  Anger is sending bolts of electric shocks through my system, my hands are clenched and I’m sure my face is turning purple. How fucking dare he? Is that the way he treats all of his friends?

  I don’t regret what I did but I do sympathize with Dylan. I just possibly cost him his best friend and we’ve only just started senior year. Dylan’s pale face is all I can see when I squeeze my eyes shut to push past the anger. I think he was so consumed with lust he didn’t give a shit a
bout Dante, until the fucker walked in.

  He just cost me a good fuck, and to say I’m pissed is an understatement. I actually growl deep in my throat, trying desperately to hold in the scream of frustration that wants to escape.

  I won’t stamp my foot like a petulant child, I won’t scream and give him the satisfaction of getting under my skin and I won’t chase after him like a bitch in heat. I will get Dylan; he knows it and I do to. I know Jasmine wouldn’t betray me like Dylan would Dante but it’s still great to fuck with him.

  The anger fizzles into irritation and my breathing returns to normal, my fists unclench and the need to rip shit off the shelves and smash them to pieces leaves my system. I’ll find another fuck for tonight. It’s not too fucking hard with college boys.

  I look around the room and find the mirror on the back of the door. Dylan is too vain not to have his own mirror and the thought makes me smile. He’s a great guy and the guilt of involving him in my shit swims in my stomach. I don’t apologize for shit and I’m not about to start now. The dude wanted to fuck me… how is that my fault after all?

  I check my appearance in the mirror, noting my make-up is still perfectly applied and smooth my hair back in place. Good, I’m shit hot and ready to trot.

  Leaving the confines of Dylan’s bedroom, my heels click along the laminate flooring of the landing and down the stairs where people are milling about with their stupid red cups. The loud music and bassy beat rumbles through me, shaking my bones and I wiggle my hips in time with the tune.

  Fuck looking for a man, they can come to me so I grab a bottle of beer and sway my way to the makeshift dancefloor.

  Finding some girls from my class already drunk dancing, I make my way to them and they squeal with delight. Yeah, I have other friends as well. After saying hello with hugs and kisses on the cheek, we gyrate on each other and dance ‘til our hearts content.

  I can feel Dante’s eyes on me even though I can’t visually see him, I’m too busy having fun to look around for that asshole. Fuck knows how long we’ve been dancing and my beer is long since gone but I don’t stop as the cocaine in my system keeps my energy going.

  Hands land on my waist and hips grind into my ass. I don’t give a shit who it is to be honest and push myself back against him.

  “You should have been a stripper, gorgeous,” the deep rumble of a voice says in my ear. I don’t recognize his voice but the gravel undertone has my panties wet.

  I take the comment as a compliment, I mean not many girls could be a stripper, right? They have to have the moves and they have to be hot. “I’d be your stripper for the night.” I tilt my head back to look at him and I have to say he’s pretty darn hot. Five o’clock shadow covers his face and the thoughts of the beard burns between my legs has me all hot and bothered. He has a crooked nose, showing he’s been in one too many fights and he’s bald. That’s a turn off but I can always shut my eyes, right? He has tattoos running up the sides of his neck and he looks like a serious bad boy. Right up my street.

  Turning in his arms, I smile coyly at him as I blink slowly at him. “How about we find a room and I can show you my moves.”

  His smile lights up his face, dimples showing on either side of his mouth. I think that must be the only cute thing about him. I like it. “Lead the way, beautiful.” He’s not short on compliments either so at least he knows how to stroke my ego.

  Grabbing his hand, I march us across the room and back up the stairs… at this rate, I won’t ever need to hit the gym. Not that I need to anyway with the amount of sex I have.

  An amazing idea comes to my head and I make my way to Dante’s room, he always forgets to lock it and I know he never fucks anyone in his bed. Well, I’m just about to christen his bed with tall, dark and mysterious here. Fuck, I’m good.

  Waking up the next morning, still in my dress from the night before and a cracking headache, I smile because last night was good. I made sure to leave a present on Dante’s bed… the used condom. I hope he likes my little present, serves him right for fucking up my plans.

  “How’s the head?” Jasmine asks as she closes our room door. Her hair is a curly tangle of knots and she is dressed for the day.

  “Meh, manageable. How was your evening?” I ask, removing myself from my tangled sheets and heaving myself off the bed.

  “Alright. Had an early night for once.” Her eyes shift downwards, a tell that she’s lying and a small blush graces her face, which she tries to hide behind her hair.

  “Bullshit. What are you hiding from me?” I walk to her and grab her shoulders. “You can tell me, Jas.”

  “I had a… a date?” Why she poses it as a question I have no idea but I’m actually fucking speechless for once.

  My stomach drops though, what if it was Dante? No, it can’t be because he was at the party. I’ve never seen Jasmine even talk to a guy before let alone date one.

  “Dante’s brother.” She hangs her head and my eyes widen. Holy shit, the dude has a brother? Double the fucking trouble? Dammit, why can’t Jasmine just stay to herself?

  I take a few steps back and rub a finger on my lips. This can’t be good. If he’s anything like Dante, he’ll take her V card and break her heart. “Please don’t tell me he’s anything like his prick of a brother.”

  “We have a history. No, I’ve never slept with him, obviously. But it’s… complicated to say the least.”

  Not many people can render me speechless, mainly my parents, but I’m lost for words. Does Dante know? Or is he just being an asshole to Jasmine, me and his brother? Fuck, I can see this ending in a pile of stinking shit and I don’t want Jasmine to get hurt. Hell, I wouldn’t know what to fucking do if it happened.

  After watching Callie and the rough looking dude walk up the stairs, I couldn’t stay in the house any longer. Knowing my brother was in a new apartment, I made my way to his place, not even bothering to call and ask him. He shouldn’t have told me where he lives if he doesn’t want me to turn up unannounced.

  I jumped in a cab to get there, glad that I had just enough money on me. I didn’t want to jump and run but I would have if I didn’t have enough to pay him.

  Stepping out of the cab, I look around. The whole street is full of apartment complexes, restaurants and bars.

  Whistling as I walk to Jay’s apartment building, I saunter inside and lean against the front desk and smile at the shit hot chick standing behind it. She’s working the hell out of that pencil skirt. The way it grips her hips and skims down her thighs, I pray for a split in the back and when she turns around to grab me the keys to Jay’s apartment, I’m rewarded with one.

  Damn, I can almost see her ass cheeks from here. Running my finger over her hand as she passes me the key, I watch her eyes dilate. Yep, I can make a chick wet just by looking at her. I’m sure if I sniff hard enough I can smell her juices. Fuck, just thinking about it has me as hard as a rock.

  “Wanna come up and join me?” I whisper in her ear as I lean over the top of the desk, making sure to breathe down her neck.

  I smirk as I watch goosebumps prickle all over her skin. Damn. If I can do that just by whispering in her ear, imagine what I can do if she was laid out, on a bed, naked for me.

  “I… I…” I smirk at her. She’s speechless. Fuck, I’m good.

  “Step away,” I hear Jay rumble from behind me.

  Winking at her, I turn and smirk at him. “What are you doing here?” he asks, walking straight for the elevators.

  “Another time,” I say to the chick and she replies with a nod. I’ll have to come here more often, especially if all the chicks look like that.

  I follow Jay with wide eyes, damn he’s come up in the world. The whole place shines like only the top hotels do. White walls and shiny floors to match and shiny metal on all the surfaces. Stepping into the elevator, I chuckle at the music that’s playing. This shit is insane.

  “Well?” Jay leans against the wall, staring me down.

  I look away from him, not
wanting to admit the real reason why I’m here. I won’t admit it to myself, so there’s no way that I’ll be telling him. “Just wanted to hang.” I shrug, only now taking notice of the suit that he’s wearing. “Been anywhere nice?” I nod to his jacket.

  He doesn’t answer, just huffs and turns to face the elevator doors. Frowning at him, I go to ask him what’s up his ass but decide to leave it instead.

  Jay has always been an open book when it came to me. He’d tell me secrets that he never told anyone else. It wasn’t until he ‘moved away’ that things started to change. I resented him for a while, for leaving me behind. But once I got to college, I tried to let it go and have fun because as soon as college was over, so were the games and fun that came with it.

  The thought of games brings me straight back to Callie. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to get the image of her and that tattooed guy out of my head. With Dylan, I feel like I have a say in it but when it comes to other guys, I have to grin and bear it.

  The elevator doors open and I follow Jay into his apartment, whistling as I look around. My eyes are drawn straight to the floor to ceiling windows that take up one of the walls. I make my way over to them, looking out at the whole town from up here. Shit, this is one cool ass apartment. Turning back around, I imagine living here. I can just see myself lying on the giant black leather couch as I watch the game on the huge plasma screen he has hanging off the brick wall opposite.

  I wonder if Jay has a spare room?

  I love living in the frat house, at least... I used to. The idea of going back there in the morning actually makes me feel sick. When did I start to feel like this? This isn’t right, this isn’t how I should feel. I should be loving college life, I’m in my senior year, the star of the football team and I have chicks lining up to bed me but I’m just not feeling it anymore. Something is missing.

  I step forward to find Jay, shaking my head to try get all this shit out of it before it drives me insane.


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