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Destroying the Game

Page 5

by L. Grubb

  Pushing through the frat house door, I take a deep breath. I’m getting too old for this shit. Beer bottles, solo cups and empty baggies are everywhere. Add that to the random people who are asleep on the floor and even on the kitchen table, it’s too fucking much.

  I was all up for a good party and to let loose but they have no respect. Sure, we have a cleaner come in a couple of times a week to tidy the place up but the constant flow of people coming in and out is getting tiring. I don’t want to be coming home to this everyday, I want to be able to lie down on the couch, flip the top off a bottle of beer and play videogames with my frat brothers, not have to climb over people just to get to the stairs.

  Gritting my teeth, I step over the wasted chick lying spread eagled on the floor and jog up the stairs two at a time.

  I frown when I see my bedroom door left open a crack. Nobody ever goes in my room. They know fucking better than to do that. Stomping forward, I shove my door open, my eyes zooming in on the used condom sat dead center in the middle of my bed.

  My nostrils flare as I look around, noting that nothing has been touched apart from the bed. The obvious smell of sex fills my nostrils and I just know who did this. The condom is screaming a big fuck you.

  I’m furious… so fucking furious that I can’t hold it in. I want nothing more than to pull my room apart, to destroy the place and yank the door off its hinges. I don’t though… I take a step back out of my room and close my eyes, taking a deep breath and clenching my hands into fists. Trying to get myself under control.

  It doesn’t work so instead, I run back down the stairs and straight out of the door.

  If she’s brave enough to leave that crap on my bed, she can come back here and remove it. I’ll carry her ass all the way here if I have to, no way am I touching that shit.

  Having no classes today, I sit on the grass of the campus park, soaking up the California sun. My sunglasses shield my eyes from the glaring sun as I tilt my head back. Nothing better than topping up a tan when you have nothing better to do with your day. Well, studying should probably come first but I couldn’t give a fuck today. Who the hell studies on a bright sunny day like this anyway? My mind flits to Jasmine who’s holed up in our dorm room with her nose attached to one of her books. I shake my head, my lips thinning, I did invite her to come study outside but she said the sun bounces off the pages making it hard to read. I smell bullshit but I couldn’t be bothered to call her out on it.

  Goosebumps rise along my sun kissed skin and I can feel Dante before he blocks the sun from my view. I smile inwardly because I’m pretty sure, by the pissed off look on his face, that he’s found my little parting gift. “Good morning, handsome.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Callie.” The deep rumble of his voice goes straight to my panties and a pool of sweat collects on my top lip. “You need to come remove that nasty piece of shit from my bed.”

  “What the hell are you going on about, Dante?” I look at him confused. One thing I’m good at? Acting. It’s the only darn class I give a shit about in this school. Two subjects mean extra work but I know I’m smart as fuck.

  “You’re telling me the used condom on my bed wasn’t left by you and Mr. Tatted?” He folds his arms, his muscles flexing which makes me all the more turned on.

  “Damn good idea but that’s not how I roll.” Inside, I’m dancing with glee that I’ve gotten him this riled up. There’s no fucking way I’m admitting to it though, I know what he’s like and he’ll drag me the whole way back to the frat house to put it in the trash.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Callie,” he growls. I want to laugh in his face because he looks fucking hot yet completely ridiculous all at the same time but I hold it in and I don’t change the neutral expression on my face. Not even a twitch can be seen or felt. I just hope he can’t see the incessant beating of my heart that’s threatening to come through my chest. He looks menacing but delicious at the same time and I wish I could break my rule, end the game and lick every inch of his tanned skin.

  “I’m not fucking with you anymore than usual, Dante, don’t get your underwear in a twist. Did someone not get any last night?” I smirk as he narrows his eyes on me. “I didn’t leave anything for you and I wouldn’t go in your room. Playing by the rules is my middle name.” He scoffs at that and I smile because he knows I like to play dirty.

  He moves away from the sun and my eyes flutter shut as warmth washes over me. I don’t even get a minute to enjoy it because I’m yanked up by my arms and pushed against the nearest tree. Squealing as the top of my back hits the sharp bark of the tree, scratching it and making me hiss through my teeth, I give him a death glare. “What the fuck are you doing, Dante?”

  He growls, his face inches from mine. I can smell his minty breath and smell his cologne and I want to groan loudly and rub my thighs together… or just hump his leg like a dog in heat. “I’ve had enough of this fucking sex game we’re playing. I’m getting too old to bother with a little girl like you.”

  “Little girl? Darlin’, I’m far from a little girl as you very well know. Don’t try to insult someone who can’t be insulted.” I lick my lips and I don’t miss the way his eyes follow the movement. Dante still likes me? Well, well, well, you learn something new every day. “Ooh, are you jealous?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Callie.” His ragged breaths have his chest pushing against mine and this time I do groan out loud. His eyes turn to molten lava and I swallow hard. His lips crash to mine in an inferno of lust and I give it back just as hard.

  What the fuck are we doing? I want to push him away yet pull him closer, I want to end the kiss but kiss him harder. My conflicted feelings have me standing still, pushed roughly against the sharp edges of the bark on the tree.

  I soon come to my senses and push hard against his rock hard pecs. “What the hell, Dante?” My lips feel swollen and the heat in my cheeks can’t be hidden. He knows I want him and I know he feels the same. So why are we skirting around that and playing each other off?

  “Fuck!” he screams into the quiet afternoon air. His hands pull at his hair but he doesn’t move away from me. I’m still pressed against the tree, pinned by his hips. His erection hasn’t gone unnoticed but I’m sure my arousal isn’t lost on him either.

  We stand there awkwardly, silent and contemplating. I can see the cogs working in his mind as he figures his next move. I just stand there like a lemon, my hands clenching my jean skirt as to not reach for him. How long can we resist this lust, this pull? How long can we play the game yet yearn for each other? Fuck if I know but I’m about ready to break my one-time rule for him.

  What am I doing? Why can’t I control myself? I stand here, my hands pulling so hard on my hair that my scalp burns with the pain. I don’t move, not one fucking inch. If I do, I won’t be held responsible for what I’ll do. I fully intended to come here and drag her back to my room, not to fuck her but to have her remove the present that she’d left for me.

  The more she battles against me the hotter she becomes. Her mouth turns me on like no other ever has and the way she talks is so fucking hot. I can feel her wetness as it soaks into my jeans, the sensation of it making me shiver. Fuck, I’ve never been so turned on in my entire life.

  Flicking my eyes down to her face, I scan it looking for… what?

  Her tongue comes out and wets her bottom lip making me want to bite it, to sink my teeth into it and pull at it. My gaze moves down and I see how hard she’s gripping her skirt, yeah, it’s not just me that this is affecting.

  She moves slightly, rubbing against my dick in just the right way. I can’t stop the groan that comes out of my mouth and the way my eyes flutter closed. My hands go to her waist, gripping hard. I don’t know whether to pull her closer or to push away from her.

  Is it time that we gave up this game? Call it quits and just fuck until our hearts are content?

  I’m under no illusion that if that’s what I want, that she would agree to it. My mind whirls with a million questions
; is this the reason that she was always at the frat house?

  If she really just wants to fuck anyone and everyone then she wouldn’t keep coming back to the house and rubbing it in my face. No, instead she’d go to the local bar and pull anyone she wanted to.

  Looking into her eyes, I see it. For the first time, I see it clearly. How much she wants me and I know that she can see how much I want her too.

  How much I want to pick her up, spread her legs wide and sink deep inside of her, burying my dick to the hilt. I can imagine what it will be like to be back inside her wetness. Fuck… I’ll never forget what it was like.

  Maybe we can be more? Maybe, just maybe, this can work between us.

  My nostrils flare as I move closer, my body deciding for me. She parts her lips, her chest rising and falling as I come closer.

  “Hey! Callie?” I stop moving, registering the deep voice but not knowing who it is. I turn my head to face where it came from, my eyes scanning up the body of the tattooed dude. I don’t move my hips, keeping her pinned against the tree.

  For a second, I think she’s going to tell him that she’s busy. Then we’ll go and find somewhere that no one will disturb us and finish what we’ve just started. But when she doesn’t respond to him, I turn my eyes back to her.

  Her eyes are flitting between us, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. How can this be so hard? All she needs to do is tell him to fuck off and then he can be on his way.

  But, after several seconds, she still doesn’t say anything. I let go of her waist suddenly, almost as if she’s burning me.

  I pull back, looking her square in the eyes and whisper, “Callie?”

  “I… I…”

  “You know what?” I say, chuckling and backing away while holding my hands up in the air. “Forget it.”

  I walk past tattooed dude and smirk, not wanting to show him how much it’s killing me to walk away from her right now. I will my hands to stay open and not close into fists because if they do, I won’t be able to stop it from flying straight at his face.

  “’Sup.” I nod, sauntering down the path like I don’t give a fuck.

  Why did I do that?

  My self-control is becoming non-existent when it concerns Callie. I mean, shit, in the space of two days, I’d lost my best friend and showed her how I really felt about her.

  I’m losing, I’m losing big time. The games are becoming tiring; I don’t want to play them anymore. But if she still wants to, then I won’t be giving up. I’ll play this last game and blast her out of the stadium.

  She wants to play? We’ll play. I’ll put my fucking all into it and when she comes to me, crying and sniffling like a baby, I’ll walk away.

  At least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself.

  I watch as Dante saunters off, watching his tight ass until it rounds the corner. Why didn’t I just speak up? I’m no good with shit like this, which is why I’ve stuck to casual sex. I’m not a relationships kind of girl. Everyone knows that from the one disastrous relationship I had that erupted into flames. People got hurt, including myself, and I promised never to do it again.

  Maybe this is for the best. My brows are still scrunched up and my body has gone cold from the loss of Dante against me. Tatted guy walks up to where I’m still standing against the tree and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Callie? You okay?”

  “Y-Yeah, I’m good. What are you doing here?” I stutter. I don’t look him in the eye because I know what he just witnessed. Everyone on campus knows the growing tension between Dante and me, we’re not ones to hide our distaste for one another in the hallways of school, or at parties. No one, and I mean not even Jasmine, knows of the desire that courses through my system when I’m in the same room as him. I keep that shit deep down in my system, locked in a metaphorical safe. “Well?”

  “I thought I was stopping something escalating to something you definitely don’t want.” He sounds so sure of himself that I have to laugh.

  “Tatt guy, you have no idea of the shit me and Dante do. You don’t have a real clue about anything. You did do me a favor and stopped something happening that most certainly shouldn’t but it definitely wasn’t what you were thinking.” I laugh as his face scrunches up in confusion.

  And the only thing he can say from all that is, “Do you not remember my name? We only slept together last night.” I can see his shoulders sag in disappointment. Like seriously? Is this really a guy who looks hard as nails? One night with a woman and he’s pussy-whipped? Though what can I say? I have a golden pussy.

  “Nope. I was drinking last night, though I remember the mind blowing sex so for that I thank you. But I don’t do the dating thing.” I wave a dismissive hand and shrug his hands off my shoulders. I’m glad for the sunglasses on my face so he can’t see how my eyes aren’t on his or that I’m not really invested in a conversation with him.

  “Well, you’ve truly showed your true colors today,” he mutters, shaking his head from side to side.

  “I’ve always been real, not once faked anything. Sex is sex, Tatt guy. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some sun to catch.” I push past him and sit back on my spot next to my bag, laying back and sighing as the heat beats down on me.

  I hear his shoes stomp through the grass and my body relaxes. My mind is far from chilled out as thoughts of what just occurred between me and Dante fly through my brain like a slideshow on speed. My lips still tingle from the punishing kiss he gave me and I can still smell his cologne in the air. Why can’t we just give into each other and fuck each other out of our systems? I love this game, don’t get me wrong, but the one guy I want is the one that is my opponent. I can’t cope if he does that to me again. I’ll give in and rip his clothes from his body to feel his hard pecs under my hands. My panties have practically combusted at the thought.

  I’m so in lust with him it’s unbelievable and now I know he feels the same… shall I make a move? Or let him come to me again? Though I doubt he will after this dude showed up, though I’m so fucking thankful that he did.

  I growl in frustration and beat my fists on the grass beside me. Mixed feelings are running toxic through my bloodstream. They say lust is easy, roll with it, but it’s so much more complicated than I thought it would be.

  “Hey, Cal.” Jasmine’s monster bag thumps to the ground by mine and she sits with a groan beside me.

  “Hey, Jas. What brings you out of the cave today?” I turn my head to look at her and she’s changing her glasses for her varifocals. She looks stupidly tired and I tell her as much. She gives me a funny look before laying back in the grass.

  “Just studying too much. Needed a break, I guess.” Her voice is barely above a whisper and I know something deep inside of her is niggling away, eating her up. She’s not one to express herself or her feelings so I don’t even bother pushing.

  Shrugging a shoulder, I place my hands behind my head and say, “Fair enough. About time you got some sunlight. Before long, you’ll be a vampire.”

  “Shut up, you weirdo.” She laughs before slapping my hip playfully. “Any signs of Dante today?”

  “What? Why? No… should I have seen him?” I can feel the heated blush take over my cheeks and I look away.

  “Don’t lie to me, Callie, it’s written all over your face. You don’t usually react with any emotion except anger towards him.” She pauses and I can feel the heat of her stare drilling a hole in the side of my head. “Something happened?”

  “No. It never will if I have anything to do with it. Can you drop it now?” I turn my stare to her, thinning my lips to show my displeasure for the subject.

  “Okay, chill out.” She puts her hands up in surrender.

  “Anyways, you’re the one that looks guilty as shit. What have you really been up to?” I smirk at her because I know something more is going on with her. We may be great friends but we don’t tell each other everything, obviously.

  She looks at her little blue wristwatch and exclaims, “Jeepers, I’m
late for class. Catch ya later, alligator!” She springs up and drags her bag onto her back, practically running towards the science building.

  Huh, well there’s definitely something fucking with her because she’s never been this skittish. I look at the time on my cell and know for a fact she hasn’t got class for an hour. Mine starts in two hours so I relax back and drift off as the sun heats my skin.

  I head straight for the gym, needing to release all the tension that is running through me. A long run and a session lifting weights will help, hopefully it’ll be enough to stop me from thinking about her.

  My brain is fried trying to figure her out, they say you can never figure women out, now I know for sure that you really can’t.

  I ignore the guys on the machines and head straight for the treadmill, ripping my shirt off over my head and throwing it down onto the floor. My legs start on automatic, loving the slight burn from the speed that I start at.

  I lose track of time as I zone out, my brain spinning with so many thoughts. I need to sort them out, I can’t keep living like this. I need to get my head in the game and not just the one I’m playing with Callie but out on the field too.

  I never let anything affect me out there. I’ve always been the same, when I step out onto that lush green grass, nothing else matters, my mind goes blank, the only thing in there are the plays that will makes us victorious.

  But now, she’s in there, taking up my every thought. All… the… time.

  I let my guard down, letting her slip behind it and she shot me down.

  I’ll never do it again. Not for her.

  I’m gonna finish this with her once and for all and I know just how to do it. Jasmine... her one and only soft spot. Sure, I have skirted around the idea before but this time I’m deadly serious, nothing will stop me.

  I’m gonna wine and fucking dine her, show Callie just what she’s missing out on. This isn’t just about fucking Jasmine now, although having my hands on her bare ass wouldn’t hurt. No. This is about showing Callie that there is more to me than what she thinks.


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