Lee's Lieutenants
Page 117
at Sayler’s Creek, 794, 796, 797
Lee, Col. Edmund, C.S.A., 743
Lee, Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh, C.S.A., 87, 150, 151, 152, 157, 273, 309, 344, 387, 445, 446, 555, 614, 616, 628, 685, 696, 726, 731, 772, 775, 788, 792, 801, 803
biographical sketch, 36
in army reorganization, 283
in march from North Anna to Rapidan, 302-4
protects Longstreet, 395
in winter raid, 424
W. Jones’s differences with, 427
at Chancellorsville, 469, 472, 476-77
his reconnoitering there, 472
he suggests place of attack to Jackson, 476-77
at Brandy Station, 539
promotion of, 614-15
fires on Stuart, 629, 631
in “Buckland Races,” 631
on Brock Road, 674
with Stuart in pursuit of Sheridan, 686, 687, 690
his rivalry with Hampton, and question of Stuart’s successor, 693, 723-24
at Cold Harbor, 718
with Hampton in pursuit of Sheridan, 723, 724, 725-26
aids Early, 745, 746
he is wounded, 749, 755
Rosser commands his division, 755
at Five Forks, 776, 778, 779, 780, 781
confers with others on surrender, 804
at Appomattox, 804, 805, 807, 808, 809
and escape route for enemy, 807, 808
Lee, Gen. Robert Edward, C.S.A., 69, 104, 121, 131, 148, 159, 171, 183, 219, 239, 268-74, 276-77, 279, 282, 284, 291, 301, 309, 351, 355, 372, 395, 398, 431-33, 435, 447, 462, 482, 500, 532, 551, 553, 556, 614, 656, 658, 693, 694, 698-99, 700, 715, 723, 727, 739, 740, 751, 755, 761, 763, 764, 783, 785, 792, 793, 799
his family background and early career, 52
meets with Beauregard and Davis, 52-53
Magruder’s plan and, 58
nominated for full general, 94
Davis places him in charge of operations, 103
at Peninsula defense conference, 105, 106
Johnston’s complaint to, on Peninsula defense, 107
and Richmond defense, 124, 125, 126, 127
and Johnston’s plans for offensive, 127
Seven Pines and, 134
named commanding general, 144, 145
his relationship with Davis, 145
plans offensive, 145-46, 149, 150
Davis appoints new generals for, 146
problems of command, 146
his approach to brigade reorganization, 147
additional officers arrive, 148
sends Stuart to scout on McClellan, 150-58
Jackson’s report to, on Ashby, 170
his proposals on Valley defense, 170, 175, 176, 179-80, 181, 213, 214
and Richmond defense, 222-27, 229-31, 233-35, 238-40, 242, 243, 245-48, 250-57
in conference on Richmond defense, 222-24
his correspondence with Jackson on Richmond defense, 224-26, 227, 229
prepares to attack McClellan, 243
White Oak Swamp and, 246, 247-48, 277
at Malvern Hill, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
transfers Magruder to Trans-Mississippi, 262-63
and Magruder’s report, 263
his report on the Seven Days campaign, 263
Huger and, 263-64
Pendleton and, 264-65, 266
Whiting and, 266
his view of Jackson’s abilities, 277, 278
Jackson’s appeal to, to assume offensive, 278-79
and A. P. Hill’s dispute with Longstreet, 280, 281
sends A. P. Hill to Gordonsville to aid Jackson, 281, 282, 285-86, 299
on Robertson as Ashby’s successor, 287, 302
and court martial of Garnett, 287
unable to send reinforcements to Jackson, 290
Jackson writes him, on Cedar Mountain situation, 292
Jackson writes him on success of Cedar Mountain, 298
he congratulates Jackson, 299
his tribute to Winder, 300
plans new attack on Pope, 301
in Gordonsville, 301-2
and D. H. Hill’s failure to move against McClellan, 301-2
and Fitz Lee’s delay in advancing, 304
his strategy against Pope, 313
Jackson awaits him at Groveton, 320, 322-23
and Longstreet’s delay before Second Manassas, 325, 331
at Second Manassas, 325, 326, 327, 330-31
his view of his officers, following Second Manassas, 330-32
plans invasion of Maryland, 335, 336
Hood’s arrest and, 336
and problem of stragglers, 337
and soldiers’ diet, 338
injures hands, 339
camps near Frederick, 339
addresses people of Maryland, 340
plans assault on Harper’s Ferry and Hagerstown, 341-42
his plans changed, 343
receives news of threat, 345-46
his orders to D. H. Hill, 346
his orders found by Federals, 346
at South Mountain, 347, 353
orders retreat, 354, 358, 372
Jackson’s correspondence with, 356, 357
at Sharpsburg, 357, 358, 363, 367, 368, 384
Pendleton asks for his help there, 362
and Pendleton’s failure to hold Potomac crossing after Sharpsburg, 369, 370
his report on Maryland expedition, 370
Davis asks his opinion on officers to be promoted, 372-75
his praise for Longstreet, 372
his attempt to repair rift between Jackson and A. P. Hill, 374
his confidence in Jackson, 375
he reorganizes army command, 377
Hood and, 379
and promotion of officers, 379, 380, 382, 383-84
on McLaws, 384-85
his praise for the army, 388
sends Stuart on raid to Chambersburg, 388-89, 390
on the results of the raid, 393-94
at Fredericksburg, 399, 401, 406, 407, 408, 412, 413, 417, 418, 419
his tributes to Gregg and Cobb, 419
his report on Fredericksburg, 419, 420, 421, 422
praises Longstreet and Jackson, 419-20
praises army, 421
praises Long, 421-22
and morale of soldiers, 423
W. Jones and, 427
and promotions, 428, 429, 430
G. Smith and, 431
in winter quarters, 435-36
he urges staff reorganization, 437
his staff, 437, 441
artillery reorganized by, 442, 443
Pelham’s death and, 447
his authority over Longstreet, 449
expects Federal attack on Rappahannock, 450
and Longstreet’s plan to collect supplies, 451
Hood’s letter to, 454
his dinner with Jackson at Moss Neck, 455
deserters and, 456, 617, 764
and Heth’s advancement, 458, 459, 512
doubts Lawton’s return, 458
and Johnson’s promotion, 459
and climax of Jackson’s quarrel with A. P. Hill, 460
his order to Longstreet, 463
in readiness before Chancellorsville, 465, 466-67, 470
confers with Jackson on strategy there, 471-73, 474-75
at Chancellorsville, 491, 493, 494, 496, 508, 509, 511
directs united forces there, 493
Jackson’s dispatch to, 494
his instructions to Early, 495-96
and Chilton’s communication to Early, 496-97
and Early’s return to Fredericksburg, 497
Wilcox joins him, 501
he instructs Early, 502
at Salem Church, 503-4
demands Jackson moved to safer place, 505
promotes Rodes, 511
his report on Chancellorsville, 512, 513, 514
praises R. An
derson, 512
praises Wilcox, 512
praises the army, 513
his message to Jackson, 517
his tribute to Jackson, 524
and question of Jackson’s successor, 524, 549
and promotions and transfers following Jackson’s death, 524, 526, 527, 529, 530, 531, 532
and Ewell’s appointment, 526
A. P. Hill’s letter to, 527
and new offensive, 534-35, 536
Brandy Station and, 539
orders advance into Pennsylvania to obtain supplies and hopefully take Harrisburg, 543-44
his orders to Ewell, 546, 547
and Longstreet’s plan, 548, 550, 552
Longstreet’s relations with, 552
his orders to Stuart, and Stuart’s interpretation of them, 553-55, 556-58, 559
his distress over lack of news about Stuart, 558
his advance and arrival at Gettysburg, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 567, 569, 570, 571, 574-80, 582, 585, 586
desires attack, 571, 572, 573, 575, 576, 577
meets with Ewell, 572, 575
Longstreet’s conference with, 574-75
his disappointment with Longstreet, 577
his orders to attack, 577-78, 579, 580
directs attack of July 3rd at Gettysburg, 587-90, 591, 593, 598-99, 600, 602, 603, 605
criticisms of his actions there, 598-99, 600, 602, 605
Longstreet’s criticism of, 588-89
accepts blame for Gettysburg, 605
recommends Wilcox for promotion, 610
on Stuart’s actions in Gettysburg actions, 613
reorganizes cavalry, 614-16
orders return of deserters, 617
discusses new strategy, 618-19
and Longstreet’s proposal for transfer of troops, 618
his farewell to Longstreet, 620
congratulates Longstreet on Chickamauga, 621
plans attack, 621
writes Longstreet, 623
on Bristoe Station disaster, 627
Stuart’s dispatches to, 629-30
at Rappahannock Bridge, 634, 635
at Locust Grove, 636
directs Mine Run operations, 637
Long’s promotion and, 638
discusses strategy with Longstreet, Davis, Bragg, and others, 646-47
his importance to army, 650
question of his command in Mississippi Valley, 650
S. Jones and, 652
and Early’s remarks against Imboden, 653
and Ewell’s arrest of Early, 655
his opinion of Pendleton, 657
before the Wilderness, 659-60
at the Wilderness, 661, 663, 664, 665, 666, 670
and return of McLaws, 671
consults Sorrel on successor to Longstreet, 672
at Spotsylvania, 672-73, 675, 676
gives Gordon command of Early’s division, 676-77
plans new action, 679
at Mule Shoe, 681
at Beaver Dam, 686
and Stuart’s death, 692
and question of Stuart’s successor, 693, 723-24
appraisal of his and his officers’ performances in Wilderness and Spotsylvania campaigns, 694-98
falls ill, 715, 716, 717, 722
rebukes A. P. Hill, 715-16
directs Richmond defenses, 715-18
requests troops from Beauregard, 718, 724
at Cold Harbor, 718
promotions and, 720-21
and new threats to Petersburg and Richmond, 728, 729, 730-31, 732, 736
changes in his army, 732-37
and Early’s advance on Washington, 742
plans move against Grant, 745
criticizes Early, 750-51
at Reams’s Station, 752
at Fort Harrison, 753
performance of his officers in recent campaigns, 754
officers lost in recent campaigns, 754
his warning to Seddon, 761
on deserters, 764
Gordon’s relations with, 765
made general-in-chief, 768
relieves Early of command, 769
Sherman’s possible moves against, 770
and South Carolina defense, 771
gives J. Johnston new authority, 771
in plan for Richmond/Petersburg defense, 772
and Gordon’s plan against Sherman, 772
and Fort Stedman assault, 773, 774
orders evacuation, 775
directs action at Five Forks, 778, 779
meets with A. P. Hill, 784
makes appeal for food, 789
moves toward Danville, 789-91
sees losses to his army, 797
Gordon writes to him, 798
he views disaster at Sayler’s Creek, 798
Federals send him a letter, 801, 804
his generals wish him to surrender, 802-3
confers with others on surrender, 804
at Appomattox, 805, 806-7
consults officers on need for surrender, 806-7
his communications with Grant, 807, 808, 809-10
and Gordon’s notification of truce, 808
he surrenders, 810-11
his officers and men surrender, 811-16
his losses, 811-12
his farewell order, 815-16
Lee, Lt. Gen. Stephen D., C.S.A., 326, 331, 332, 387, 412
his position near Manassas, in map, 327
his position at Sharpsburg, in map, 361
his promotion, 387
Lee, Maj. Gen. William Henry Fitzhugh (“Rooney”), C.S.A., 150, 151, 156, 309, 310, 388, 445, 555y 614, 616, 628, 638, 730, 731, 754, 772, 789, 791, 798
biographical sketch, 48
in raids, 389, 391, 392, 424
at Brandy Station, 539, 685
his capture, 614, 685
his return, 685
promoted, 685
at Five Forks, 776, 778-79, 780, 781
at Appomattox, 804
in surrender, 812
Leesburg, 112, 389, 393, 556
Lee’s Hill, 495, 496, 499, 500, 503
Letcher, John, 98, 310, 739
Lexington, 726, 739
Lewis, Jim, 517, 521
Lewis, Brig. Gen. William G., C.S.A., 721, 813
Lewiston, 204, 208, 217
Liberty Mills, 660
Lightfoot, Lt. Col. J. N., C.S.A., 364
Lilley, Brig. Gen. R. D., C.S.A., 721
Lincoln, Abraham, 291, 300, 338, 761
Beauregard and, 51, 54
in Hampton Roads conference, 770-71
Jackson’s strategy and, 219
McDowell’s troops and, 194
Little North Mountain, 541
Little River Turnpike, 329
Little Round Top, 574, 575, 577, 578, 580, 585, 588, 600, 601
Locust Grove, 636
Lomax, Maj. Gen. Lunsford L., C.S.A., 614, 616, 628, 685, 746, 749, 750, 755, 765, 767
promotion of, 614
with Stuart in pursuit of Sheridan, 686, 687, 689
at Cedar Creek, 755, 759
Lomax, Col. Tennent, C.S.A., 137
Long, Brig. Gen. Armistead L., C.S.A., 421-22, 575, 588, 638, 767, 768
his promotion, 638
at Mule Shoe (Bloody Angle), 679, 694, 697
Long Bridge, 125, 271
Long Bridge Road, 238, 250
Longstreet, Lt. Gen. James (“Old Pete”), C.S.A., 70, 87, 108, 110-12, 143, 146-47, 149, 262-63, 268, 272-73, 275, 279-80, 282-84, 307-8, 312, 321, 336-37, 351, 395-96, 422, 466-67, 502, 516, 531, 533, 536, 547-53, 561-62, 638-50, 654, 659, 693, 767, 772, 773, 776, 783, 785, 787, 788, 798, 799, 801
biographical sketch, 30-31
his character and physical appearance, 111, 112
his early career, 111
at Bull Run (Manassas), 73, 79-80, 86-87
at Peninsula defense conference, 105
his brigades, 111
in push to Williamsburg, 114-15,
in battle at Williamsburg, 118-19
at Eltham, 120
in Richmond defense, 124, 125
at Seven Pines, 129, 130, 131-35, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141-43, 279
in conference on Richmond defense, 222, 224
at Mechanicsville, 224, 226, 229
in Seven Days campaign, 224, 226, 229-31, 233-36, 238, 239, 243, 246, 248, 250-54, 256, 257, 275, 279-80, 281
at Riddell’s Shop, 252
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
on Jackson’s abilities, 276
A. P. Hill’s dispute with, 280-81, 286, 589
and Richmond Examiner’s praise of A. P. Hill, 280
his command reorganized, 282-83
joins Jackson in attack on Pope, 301
his order to watch roads, 304
relieves A. P. Hill’s batteries, 314
aids Jackson at Groveton, 322-23
delays action, before Second Manassas, 324-25, 331
at Second Manassas, 326-28, 330-31, 332, 371, 372, 548
map of his position near Manassas, 327
Lee’s view of, following Second Manassas, 330-31
and Hood’s arrest, 336, 337
injury of, 339, 364
camps near Frederick, 339
in plans to take Harper’s Ferry, 341-42
at Boonsborough, 343
reinforces D. H. Hill at Turner’s Gap, 346
at South Mountain, 346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 358
at Sharpsburg, 358, 363, 364, 365, 371-72, 375, 548
his position there, in map, 361
Lee’s praise for, 372
his promotion, 372, 375, 378, 383
and promotion of officers, 378, 380, 381
his newly created corps, 383-88, 396
directed into Culpeper, 395
at Fredericksburg, 399, 401, 404, 406, 407, 410, 411, 412, 413, 417, 418, 419-20, 548
reorganization in his corps, 399-400
his tribute to Cobb, 419
Lee’s praise for, 419-20
his staff, 439-40, 441
his artillery reorganized, 442
independent command of, 447-54
appointed commander of Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, 448
sends D. H. Hill in offensive against New Bern, 449-50
his plan to collect supplies, 450-52
French, and French’s division, in his plan, 452
at Fort Huger, 452-53
and Pickett’s courtship, 453
Lee’s order to, 463
and promotions after Jackson’s death, 526
his tactical theory, 548-50, 552, 561, 605
he presents his theory to Seddon, 549
he employs spy, 551
Lee’s relations with, 552
at Gettysburg, 574-80, 582, 585, 586
Lee’s conference with, 574-75
his opposition to attack, 576, 577-78, 587-89, 590, 591, 592, 600-601
Lee’s disappointment with, 577
and Lee’s orders to attack, 577-78, 579, 580
his orders to McLaws, 579