Lee's Lieutenants
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in July 3rd attack and defeat at Gettysburg, 587-90, 591-93, 594, 596, 597, 600-601, 604
his criticism of Lee in action there, 588-89
A. P. Hill’s relations with, 589
rests in the woods, 591-92
exchanges notes with Longstreet on Gettysburg attack, 592, 593
criticism of his part in Gettysburg action, 600-601, 604
accepts blame for defeat there, 605
discusses new strategy, 618-19
his proposal for reinforcement of Bragg, 618
sent to Tennessee to reinforce Bragg, 619-22
Lee’s farewell to, 620
at Chickamauga, 620-21, 649
urges Bragg to the offensive, and Bragg delays, 621, 622
he criticizes Bragg, 622
his conference with Davis, on command, 622-23
Lee writes to him, 623
at Knoxville, 640-42
hears of Bragg’s defeat, 641-42
calls council of lieutenants, 642
public opinion of, 642
relieves McLaws of command, 642-43, 645
his charges against Robertson, 643-44, 645
his charges against Law, 645, 657
urges concentration of forces in Kentucky advance, 646-47, 649-50
discusses strategy with Davis, Lee, Bragg, and others, 646-47
transfers Buckner and Field, 648
Davis rebukes him, 648-49
his part in Tennessee campaign, 649
ordered to Charlottesville, 656
his ultimatum, regarding charges against Law, 657
and changes of winter of 1863-1864, 658
before the Wilderness, 659
at the Wilderness, 660, 661, 664-68, 669, 670, 695
appraisal of his performance there, 695
he is wounded there, 668, 669, 670, 671, 722
his wounding compared with Jackson’s, 669
a successor needed, 671
and court martial findings on McLaws, 671, 693
Anderson named temporary successor to, 672, 676, 720
his recovery and return, 761, 765, 767
his loss of faith, 761, 765
in actions of October 27, 762
vacancies in his command, 763, 765
commands A. P. Hill’s troops, 785
moves toward Danville, 789-91
marches to Rice Station, 792, 793, 797, 798
line of Rice Station march, in map, 795
marches to Farmville, 799-800
sees letter from Federals to Lee, 801, 804
and question of surrender, 802-4
at Appomattox, 804, 805, 806-8
and message of escape route for enemy, 807, 808
notifies Gordon of truce, 808
Custer meets him and demands surrender, 809
and details of surrender, 811
Lookout Hill, 73, 74
Lookout Mountain, 642
Loring, Maj. Gen. W. W., C.S.A., 97-98, 159, 166, 216
Loudoun, 337
Loudoun Heights, 341, 342, 355, 356
Louisa Court House, 151, 304, 724
Louisiana regiments, 68, 183, 185, 191, 192, 212, 233, 253, 281, 282, 308, 317, 324, 359, 379, 529, 530, 584, 739
7th, 209, 211
9th, 173
Tigers, 173, 185, 188, 192, 233
Zouaves, 84
Louisville, Ky., 646
Louisville and Nashville Railroad, 646, 649
Lowrance, Col. William L. J., C.S.A., 591
Luray Valley, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 176, 183, 198, 199-200, 203, 207, 212
Lynchburg, 337, 723, 727, 730, 739, 788, 791, 799, 800, 802, 804, 805
McCabe, Capt. W. Gordon, C.S.A., 782
McCausland, Brig. Gen. John, C.S.A., 727, 740, 742
in Chambersburg raid, 743, 745
at Moorefield, 745
at Five Forks, 779
McClellan, Maj. Gen. George B., U.S.A., 66, 69, 99-101, 103, 105-7, 137, 145, 149, 164, 197, 214, 222-24, 231, 234, 250, 267, 270-72, 276, 284, 290, 291, 300-301, 309, 320, 329, 341, 345-46, 350, 351, 358, 395
advances on Richmond, 123-24, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129
McDowell’s forces and, 126, 127, 128, 129, 149, 197, 219, 278
Stuart’s ride around, 150-58, 159, 270, 390
Stuart’s ride around, map of, 154
retreats to James River, 237-38, 239, 240, 243-46, 252, 259, 291
abandons James River, 291, 300, 301
Harper’s Ferry and, 344, 351-52
at Sharpsburg, 358, 359, 364, 365, 373
and Stuart’s Chambersburg raid, 388-89, 393
displaced by Burnside, 396
McClellan, Maj. Henry B., C.S.A., 426, 525, 537, 554, 685, 689, 691
McComb, Brig. Gen. William, C.S.A., 767
McCoy’s Ford, 389
McDowell, battle at, 175, 184, 216, 284
McDowell, Maj. Gen. Irwin, U.S.A., 68-69, 70-71, 99, 123, 194, 195, 196, 197, 290, 291
McClellan’s forces and, 126, 127, 128, 129, 149, 197, 219, 278
withdraws Richmond advance, 194
McGowan, Brig. Gen. Samuel, C.S.A., 274, 430, 527, 609-10, 623, 761, 814
at Chancellorsville, 470, 478, 480, 487, 488, 489, 490, 509
at Mule Shoe, 683
he is wounded there, 683, 721, 722
McGuire, Dr. Hunter, 324, 438, 455, 482, 484-85, 493, 505, 506, 507, 517, 519, 520, 521
McIntosh, Col. David G., C.S.A., 421, 490, 563, 767
promotion of, 444
at Bristoe Station, 626
McIntosh, Maj. T. S., C.S.A., 353
McLaws, Maj. Gen. Lafayette, C.S.A., 109, 240, 257, 258, 262, 351, 355, 525, 530, 534, 535, 552, 640, 659, 721
biographical sketch, 38
at Williamsburg, 114, 118, 119
made major general, 128
organization of his division, 283
in Maryland, 335, 336, 342, 344, 345, 351-54, 358, 359, 362, 363, 525
Harper’s Ferry and, 351-54, 355-56, 357
at Crampton’s Gap, 353-54
at Sharpsburg, 358, 359, 362, 363, 384-85
his position there, in map, 361
his division in Longstreet’s corps, 383
questions of his performance in Maryland, 384-85, 420
Drayton’s removal and, 399
at Fredericksburg, 401, 402, 404, 411, 413, 420
his tribute to Cobb, 419
his reputation regained, 420
his dislike of Stuart, 427
at Chancellorsville, 466, 467, 468-69, 470, 471, 475, 493, 494, 496, 501, 507, 514, 515
aids Early near Fredericksburg, 502, 503, 504, 505
his performance at Chancellorsville, 514, 515
and question of Jackson’s successor, 525
he is passed over for promotion, 527
at Gettysburg, 574, 576, 578-79, 580, 582, 601
Longstreet’s orders to, 579
in July 3rd action at Gettysburg, 588
at Knoxville, 641, 642, 643, 644
Longstreet relieves him of command, 642-43, 645, 658
his court martial, 643, 644-45, 671
Longstreet desires successor to, 637, 648
command restored to, 644-45, 671, 693
his men in surrender, 814
Macon, Fort, 112
McRae, Col. D. K., C.S.A., 117
McRae, William, 734
Madison Court House, 168, 172, 291, 292, 297, 397, 398
Magrath, A.G., 770
Magruder, Fort, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 351
in map, 115
Magruder, Maj. Gen. John Bankhead (“Prince John”), C.S.A, 57-59, 60, 110, 111, 112, 121, 128, 130, 222, 237, 238, 239-42, 245, 246, 247, 251-52, 253, 265, 266, 267, 283, 351
biographical sketch, 27-28
his character and physical appearance, 57, 59
his early career, 57
commissioned colonel of Virginia volunteers, 58
he requests reinforcements, 58
> promoted to brigadier general, 59, 68
fame and honors accorded to, 59
his Peninsula position threatened, 103, 105, 113
Johnston’s army joined with, 106-7
his division in retreat to Williamsburg, 113, 114, 118
at Eltham, 120
in Richmond defense, 226-27
he delays advance on McClellan, 240-42, 243, 245
at Darbytown Road, 246, 247, 251
at Quaker Road, 253, 254, 262
in Malvern Hill battle, 257-58, 262-63, 275
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
criticism of, 262, 280-81
he writes report, 262-63
his transfer to Trans-Mississippi, 262-63, 280-81, 284
Mahone, Maj. Gen. William (“Billy”), C.S.A., 137, 283, 333, 672, 722, 731, 734, 737, 766, 783, 786, 787, 789, 792, 793, 798, 800-801
biographical sketch, 48
his character and physical appearance, 735
his background, 243
in Richmond defenses, 243-44, 247, 256, 257, 258, 263, 275
in Maryland, 353, 354
at Chancellorsville, 467, 468, 469, 470
at Gettysburg, 580, 582, 585, 603
at the Wilderness, 666, 667-68
at Mule Shoe, 683
promotion of, 720
at Elliott’s Salient, 732
he proves himself, 735-36
at Globe Tavern, 752
in actions of October 27, 762
in march to Farmville, 799-800
at Appomattox, 806-7
his men in surrender, 814
Malvern Hill, 250-59, 261, 262-63, 265, 266, 268, 269, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 282, 284, 347, 351, 368, 585, 710
map of, 256
Manassas, 54, 67, 68, 69, 95, 143, 166, 173, 183, 222, 313, 318, 319, 320-21, 373, 629
in map, 71
Beauregard’s position at, 52-53, 54
Johnston’s withdrawal from, 100-103, 107, 126, 160 see also Bull Run
Manassas, First Battle of (First Battle of Bull Run), 70-78, 79-91, 107, 108, 112, 119, 139, 143, 149, 264, 274, 320
Beauregard’s account of, 89
map of, 71
officers at, 81-87, 88
Manassas, Second Battle of (Second Battle of Bull Run), 324-33, 335, 336, 337, 351, 371-72, 373, 375, 379, 419
casualties in, 333, 336
map of Jackson’s, Longstreet’s, and S. D. Lee’s positions at, 327
performance of officers at, 330-33
Manassas Gap Railroad, 69, 168, 184-85, 314
Manassas Junction, 314, 316, 317-18, 319, 320, 330
Manning, Col. Van H., C.S.A., 335, 669
Mansfield, Maj. Gen. J. K. F., U.S.A., 362
Anderson’s position, and roads and terrain on Fredericksburg-Chancel-lorsville front (April 30, 1863), 468
Appomattox Court House and vicinity, 806
Brandy Station, 538
Bristoe Station, lines of advance to (October 12-14, 1863), 625
Carlisle, route to, 545
Cedar Creek (October 19, 1864), 756
Cedar Mountain (August 9, 1862), 295
Cemetery Hill (July 2, 1863), 583
Chancellorsville, deployment for Jackson’s attack against XI Corps flank (May 2, 1863), 479
Chancellorsville, map of Anderson’s position and roads and terrain around (April 30, 1863), 468
Chancellorsville, map of Talley and Chancellor farms, 477
Chancellorsville, terrain and Federal works west and southwest of (May 3, 1863), 488
Culpeper Court House, lines of advance to Bristoe Station from (October 12-14, 1863), 625
Culp’s Hill (July 2, 1863), 583
Danville, change of route in march to (April 5, 1865), 790
Dinwiddie Court House, approaches to Southside Railroad from, with references to Battle of Five Forks (April 1, 1865), 777
Drewry’s Bluff and Petersburg (May 5-17, 1864), 703
Early’s deployment at Fredericksburg (May 3, 1863), 498
Early’s operations in lower Shenandoah (July-September 1864), 744
East Cemetery Hill (July 2, 1863), 583
First Manassas (July 21, 1861), 71
Five Forks (April 1, 1865), 777
Fredericksburg (December 1862), 403
Fredericksburg (May 3, 1863), 498
Fredericksburg-Chancellorsville front (April 30, 1863), 468
Front Royal and environs (May 23, 1862), 184
Gaines’ Mill, with Jackson’s line of advance (June 27, 1862), 232
Garnett’s operations in western Virginia, 63
Gettysburg, attack of Confederate left (July 2, 1863), 583
Gettysburg, attack of Confederate right (July 2, 1863), 581
Gettysburg, lines of advance of Pickett, Pettigrew, and Trimble at (July 3, 1863), 595
Gettysburg, Rodes’s division near (July 1, 1863), 566
Gettysburg, route to, 545
Gettysburg and vicinity, 568
Harrisburg, route to, 545
Huger’s advance (June 29-30, 1862), 244
Jackson’s, Ewell’s, and Branch’s routes (June 26, 1862), 228
Jackson’s advance at Gaines’ Mill (June 27, 1862), 232
Jackson’s advance from Shenandoah Valley to Richmond front (June 1862), 223
Jackson’s attack against XI Corps flank (May 2, 1863), 479
Jackson’s march to Chantilly (August 31-September 1, 1862), 328
Jackson’s march to cut Pope’s line of supply (August 1862), 315
Jackson’s retreat before Frémont and Shields, 201
Jackson’s right, Longstreet’s left, and S. D. Lee’s artillery at Manassas (August 30, 1862), 327
Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862), 256
Maryland operations (September 1862), 345
Massanuttons, southern, showing Jackson’s choice of positions on retreat before Frémont and Shields, 201
Mule Shoe (Bloody Angle) (May 10-12, 1864), 682
Petersburg and Drewry’s Bluff (May 5-17, 1864), 703
Port Republic (June 9, 1862), 210
Rodes’s division near Gettysburg (July 1, 1863), 566
routes from the Potomac to Carlisle, Harrisburg, Gettysburg, and York, 545
Salem Church (May 4, 1863), 504
Savage Station, 241
Sayler’s Creek (April 6, 1865), 795
Seven Pines, lines of advance from Richmond to, in concentration of May 31, 1862, 132
Sharpsburg (September 17, 1862), 361
Shenandoah Valley, Early’s operations in (July-September 1864), 744
Shenandoah Valley in relation to Blue Ridge passes and railroads, 168
Sheridan’s raid and Stuart’s pursuit (May 9-11, 1864), 688
South Mountain, showing positions of Rodes, Colquitt, Hood, and Garland (September 14, 1862), 350
Southside Railroad, approaches to, with references to Battle of Five Forks (April 1, 1865), 777
Spotsylvania Court House, works at Mule Shoe (May 10-12, 1864), 682
Spotsylvania-Wilderness operations (May 4-21, 1864), 662
Stuart’s “October Raid” (1862), 391
Stuart’s raid from Salem, June 25, to Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, 557
Stuart’s ride around McClellan (June 12-15, 1862), 154
Stuart’s winter cavalry raids, 425
Talley and Chancellor farms, at Chancellorsville, 477
Trevilian Station (June 11, 1864), 725
Virginia, northern, strategic areas of, 56
White Oak Swamp, New Road, and Charles City Road, illustrating Huger’s advance (June 29-30, 1862), 244
Wilderness-Spotsylvania operations (May 4-21, 1864), 662
Williamsburg, Fort Magruder, and adjacent features (May 4-5, 1862), 115
Winchester (May 25, 1862), 191
Winchester, Third Battle of (September 19, 1864), 748
York, route to, 545
Marblehead, 270, 273
/> Marshall, Col. J. K., C.S.A., 591, 594
Martin, Maj. Gen. Will T., C.S.A, 150, 151
Martinsburg, 193-94, 343, 355, 395, 543
Marye’s Heights, 401, 404, 406, 419, 495, 496, 498-99, 500, 503, 511
Maryland, 54, 69, 101, 213, 216, 335-54, 371, 372, 377, 389, 390, 420, 543, 553, 554, 556, 558, 614, 740
map of operations in, 345
Maryland Heights, 341, 342, 344, 351, 352-53, 355, 384
Maryland regiment, 1st, 185, 186, 187
Mason, Capt. C. R., C.S.A., 245
Massanutton, 198, 397
Massanutton Gap, 183
Massanutton Mountains, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 176, 183, 199, 200, 201
in map, 201
Mayo, Col. Robert M., C.S.A., 590, 594, 604, 605
Meade, Maj. Gen. George Gordon, U.S.A., 418, 551, 575, 586, 588, 597, 599, 621, 624, 629, 633, 635-36, 660, 661, 663, 667, 669, 694, 763, 774, 807, 809
Meade, Maj. R. K, C.S.A., 250
Meadow Bridge, 224, 226, 229
Mechanicsville, 127, 128, 224, 225, 227-29, 237, 239, 261, 265, 274, 275, 279, 280, 282
Mechanicsville Bridge, 224, 229
Mechanicsville Turnpike, 226
Mechum River, 221
Mechum River Station, 176, 202, 214
Mercersburg, Pa., 389
Merritt, Bvt. Maj. Gen. Wesley, U.S.A., 755
Mexican War, 51, 52, 54, 57, 59, 61, 83, 96, 108, 109, 110, 111, 148, 172
Michigan regiment, 5th (Union), 690
Middleburg, 426, 553
Middle River, 212
Middletown, 187, 188, 194, 342-43, 757, 758, 759
Miller, Capt. M. B., C.S.A., 364-65, 387, 590
Milroy, Maj. Gen. Robert H., U.S.A., 171, 175, 176, 541, 542, 543
Mine Run, 636-38, 652-53, 655
Missionary Ridge, 621, 642
Mississippi, 618
Mississippi regiments, 68, 96, 111, 147, 252, 352, 533, 580
16th, 381
17th, 401, 402
18th, 340, 401
21st, 404, 496
Mitchell, Private. B. W., U.S.A., 346
Mitchell’s Ford, 72, 73, 79
Monitor, 102
Monocacy River, 390, 392, 740-41, 742
Monroe, Fort, 54, 57, 103, 284, 290
Monterey, 66
Moody, Brig. Gen. Young M., C.S.A., 768
Moore, Ed, 546
Moore, Ned, 811
Moore, Capt. Samuel J. C, C.S.A., 204, 206
Moorefield, 653, 654, 745
Moorman, Maj. M. N., C.S.A., 478
Morrison, Lt. Joseph G, C.S.A., 463, 465, 481, 483, 493, 520
Morrison, Dr. Samuel B, 517, 518, 519
Morrisville, 424, 445
Morton’s Ford, 655-56
Mosby, Col. John S., C.S.A., 150-51, 290, 554
Moses, Maj. Raphael J, C.S.A., 267, 440, 450-51
Moss Neck, 455, 461, 466