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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

Page 40

by Tracey Champion

  “You do know we can hear you talking to yourself. It’s funny that you’re hot as hell, but really messed the fuck up.” I smiled at the guard.

  “You think I’m hot?” I laughed.

  “Yes, but I would never touch you. Now come on sunshine your lawyer is waiting.” I hated my lawyer Mr. Darin Hudson was nice to me and all, but he could really be a jerk.

  He was good at ignoring me when I was talking. All about the legal action and following everything to the letter. Then he would remind me how much in trouble I was in. He could draw me a picture of it with how he would talk on and on to me about it.

  It’s his job, you idiot.

  Fuck off you bitch.

  I can’t I’m in your head.

  The guard was nice to put on my new silver bracelets. I loved my new accessory that would attach to a nice chain and then to my new silver anklets. I can’t cover my giggle and the guard turns to give me a nasty look.

  “On a brighter note. You think they will take off my bracelets when I get to the room. I mean there will be a few people there.” The guard stared at me and then rolled his eyes Then I watch him look me over.

  “I don’t think so sunshine. Stop talking and get walking.” He grabbed onto my chain and dragged me to the room where I was to meet with my lawyer.

  Awe darn. You didn’t catch the guards attention.

  Stop talking miss sassy pants. I don’t need him anyways. I got this. I know I do.

  If you say so sunshine.

  It didn’t take long to get to the room. Mr. Hudson was sitting on one side of the table. He stood and pulled out the chair next to him. I looked at him like he was stupid.

  You might not want to cause trouble, Niki. He wants you to sit next to him. Better be a good girl and maybe they will give you a cookie.

  Now is not the time for that damn voice to be talking. I hate the stupid bitch.

  Really I was miss sassy pants a moment ago and now I’m a bitch. I love you too Niki.

  “Nicole, you need to take a seat next to me.” I know my face showed anger and I reluctantly took the seat. I rolled my eyes and took my seat. “We are meeting with another lawyer about your plea agreement. Don’t mess this up. This might be the only way to keep you out of spending the rest of your life in prison.”

  I rolled my eyes. I watch him open his briefcase and pull out a few items. All I could do was watch the clock tick on the wall.

  Tick tick tick.

  Shut the fuck up. Crazy bitch.

  I turned my head into my shoulder to laugh.

  Tick…tick…tick… You have to know you’re royally fucked. It won’t matter what you think of me because I am you. Well, you are me.

  I am not.

  Yes, you are.

  Leave me alone.

  Why am I talking to the voice in my head like a silly child? I laughed again because this was so stupid.

  Your kind of stuck with me sweetheart. I’m inside you. In your head. We make a great pair.

  I attempt to run my hands down my face and then my heart stuttered. Jordan was walking passed the large window with Mr. Winter. I wanted to keep my composure, but I was so excited to see Jordan.

  He came to see me.

  I don’t think he’s here to see you.

  Shut up!

  They walked into the room and both take a seat. Jordan stared at me. I could tell there was a lot of emotions going through him from the way he was sitting.

  He looks good.

  Silly Niki, he’s not here for you. You can look all you want, but he’s not yours to play with anymore. Give it up honey.

  He’s here. I’m not giving up, not yet.

  I take a moment and trail my eyes all over him. I instantly get turned on from looking at him.

  You do realize getting horny won’t help. All you have to help you is the two hands you were given. Ha…ha…ha..

  Fuck off! I giggle and Jordan glares at me.

  Naughty…naughty Niki.

  “Mr. Winter, it’s my pleasure to meet with you face to face. I guess we better get started on the terms of the agreement.”

  “Nicole, are you aware what we will be talking about?” I had to shake my head because someone was talking to me.

  “Yes, I do.” Not really, all I knew was I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life in prison.

  “She needs to spend time at a treatment center until she has…”

  You should be listening to them

  Why would I want to? I have Jordan to look at.

  I began to check out Jordan some more. I wanted to ask him so many questions. Why was he here? Does he still have some feelings for me? Did he miss me?

  Why would he miss you?

  Go to hell.

  “Once she has been deemed from a panel that she’s no longer a hazard to herself and others she can be release on house arrest…” Mason Winter’s kept on talking with my lawyer.

  Their words began to sound like I was under water. I couldn’t make out what they were talking about. All I knew was I could be free if I went to rehab.

  I licked my lips. I really wanted to touch Jordan.

  You have to be on house arrest, Niki. Plus, that still means you’re going away. You won’t be able to care for Isabella. Don’t even think about touching him.

  I want to touch.

  Dirty thoughts Niki. Bad girl.

  I want to be his bad girl.

  Cara’s his bad girl now.

  Eat me.

  No can do sugar. Do remember I am only in your head.

  I rolled my eyes. I was aware that Jordan noticed my behavior. I hope he will be happy with me after I finish my treatment. I want him in my life.

  You’re not listening Niki. Jordan doesn’t want you. Things need to change Niki. What about Isabella?

  Oh for fuck sake. I get it. I have to worry about my daughter. I wonder if I prove I’m a good mother that he will take me back.

  Nicole, are you listening to me? Worry about you and Isabella.

  Shut up you dumbass. I get it okay. I know what I have to do and if I’m good I’ll get Jordan back.

  “Nicole do you understand the terms of your plea agreement.” Oops, I should have been paying attention.

  You’re so dense sometimes. Hello, you should have been paying close attention instead of drooling over Jordan. You’re making me look like a freaking moron. Hell, you’re making yourself look like a moron.

  Shut it you whore.

  I accidentally giggle catching everyone’s attention on me. I just shrug my shoulders and smile.

  “I understand Sir and will sign the papers.” I wait until the papers are passed my direction and sign where I’m told.

  Well at least now your being a good girl on her best behavior.

  Can it you nitwit.

  Wow you just have so many names for me. You do know you’re insulting yourself.

  I don’t care you crazy loon. I can handle this and you. Now hush up.

  I sign the documents and hand them back over to Mr. Winters. I decided this might be the best time to say something. I know what I want.

  “May I please have a moment alone to talk with Jordan?” I ask with an innocent smile on my face.

  Boo you whore. He will see right through you.

  Tramp! Zip your lips and let me talk to him. I got this.

  You’re still a whore.


  I bite my lip the contain my laughter. Mr. Winters leans over to Jordan and whispers something to him. I only have hope that he will listen to me for a moment. I look over at my lawyer Mr. Darin Hudson.

  “I’m fine now. You can go. The guards still here and I’m chained to the floor.” I tilt my head to the side, press my lips into a line, and smile sweetly at him.

  “Your plea agreement won’t stand if they take it back before you stand in front of the judge on Monday. Behave yourself.” I giggle out loud.

  “I promise to behave myself. If all things work out smoothly for Monday and
I behave like a good girl, you can bring me a cookie.” I watch him shake his head and grab his stuff and leave.

  You’re so not a good girl you lying bitch. I am proud you mentioned the cookie.

  I got this.

  Play nice Niki.

  I am playing nice.

  Remember you are going to rehab, but they can lock you up. Just think, you locked in a room in a white jacket. Someone will hold the key.

  There won’t be a locked room. I’m a good girl remember and I will get my cookie.

  I turn my attention to Jordan and Mr. Winters. I mean I’m a little tickled that Cara didn’t come visit me with dear old daddy. However, I think he might have something to do with why she isn’t here.

  Pitiful Niki. Cara’s an angel to her daddy. Your daddy’s lil monster.

  I make one hot monster then.

  It takes a few long moments before Mr. Winters leaves the room. Lucky for me Jordan’s still in his seat. I want to reach out and touch his hands, but I know that won’t be a good idea. Plus, my bracelets have me chained to the fucking floor.

  I told you no one would trust you.

  Shut up! You’re really getting on my nerves.

  That’s my job. I am on your nerves and you can’t get rid of me. You just have to love me.

  “Niki! You wanted to talk with me.” Holy shit, I totally forgot about Jordan.

  Ha Ha Ha… That’s great, you really are crazy.

  Bite me bitch.

  I’d love to, but that’s a little impossible.

  “Jordan, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what I did.”


  “Okay, is that all you wanted to talk with me about.” He looked upset with me.

  “No, I’m thankful that Cara’s not here. Mr. Winters must have told her not to come.” He instantly looked pissed.

  “Actually, I talk with her father and we both agreed she wasn’t going to be here. I was the one to bring it up first.” He didn’t want her here. He must love me then. My heart swelled and I tried to keep my tears away.

  “Can I ask you a question Jordan?”

  Don’t ask it Niki. You won’t like the answer.

  I’m not listening to you.

  “What do you want to ask me Niki?” His voice was calm and only made me miss him more.

  “Did you ever love me?”

  Now who’s the stupid one, bitch.

  “I think in some way yes, but not in the right ways.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I never loved you the way you deserved because our relationship was a mess. Niki this should have never happened. You put yourself in this position.”

  “I’m so sorry Jordan. I just wanted you back in my life. You just had other women in your life.”

  “We’ve been done for a long time, Niki. I’m sorry, but you need help. You need to focus on getting better and being a mother.”

  Now isn’t that what I told you. Funny how we’re thinking the same thing.

  Doesn’t mean shit. He still wants me. He said he loved me.

  “Did you propose to Cara?” I have to know.

  Idiot. You don’t need to know that.

  “No, I haven’t, but that’s no concern of yours.” He pushes his chair away from the table and stands to his feet.

  “Please don’t go. I don’t want you to marry her. Jordan you won’t be happy. I love you.” He looks at me in anger.

  “What I do with my life is none of your concern now. I’m done talking Niki.”

  “But you did love me. I know you used to tell me.” My heart races.

  “Yes, Nicole at one point in time I did love you…” I don’t hear what else he says, but I watch him leave the room.

  He loved me.

  Oh fuck my life. He said at one point he loved you. Damn you really don’t listen.

  He loved me. I lick my lips.

  Loved, past tense, not present.

  This isn’t over with. I’m not done. He will be mine again.



  I was excited that Jordan took me up to Flagstaff for my birthday. I was so tickled to see the stars last night. I had never seen them so clear and beautiful in the sky before. It was the best thing to witness.

  Jordan was acting funny when we woke up. He took me to a lovely breakfast and when we got back mentioned that he had something to take care of. He’s been gone for half an hour and I become a little concerned. I realized after checking the scenery from the balcony that someone was knocking on the door.

  I answer the door and see Hanna and Amber. Why are they here?

  “Good afternoon birthday girl,” Hanna says to me.

  “We need you to come with us.” Amber’s smiling and it scares me.

  “Where are we going?” They both exchange looks and I’m now worried as my heart races. “Is Jordan okay?”

  “He’s fine, just fine. We must go or you will be late.” What’s she talking about?

  “Amber really what’s going on?” I try to demand.

  “No more chit chat. We have to go. Move that ass of yours Cara Mia.” The playful, bossy tone in Hanna’s voice freaks me out. She grabs my purse and we leave.

  They drag me to the elevator and up we go. We stop on the top floor and Amber walks over to this large door. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. Somethings going on and I’m afraid to see what’s inside that room.

  Amber opens the door and Hanna drags me inside. I look around the large room and see a few odd things out of place. Champagne on ice, chocolate and strawberries. There are some small sandwiches. It’s just a larger hotel room.

  “Oh my God! Dollface!” I turn sharply to the high pitched squealing and come face to face with Aaron.

  “Aaron! What are you doing here?” He rushes over to me and gives me a big bear hug.

  I take a moment to check out his attire. Shiny jeans with a baby powder blue button-up, and bright blue shoes. I’m in shock that he’s here.

  “I’m doing what I do best dollface. We have things to take care of. Let’s get this party started.” Aaron spins around looking for something. “Ladies we need hair. I don’t do hair and not Cara’s lovely curls go get my hairdresser please.”

  I turn to see Amber and Hanna giggle with crazy smiles on their faces. They scare me. Something isn’t right here. Nope, not right.

  “Okay, I know you cleaned up this morning. But we need you to have a wardrobe change.” Aaron drag me into a bedroom and there is an old garment bag hanging up.

  “You want me to change into that?” I have no idea what’s in the bag.

  “I want you to change into that.” I don’t have to turn around to know that voice. Tears swell in my eyes. “Cara, you want to at least tell me hi.” I slowly turn around.

  “Wendy, hi.” I fall apart and have to wipe my eyes. She walks over to me and embraces me in one of her comforting hugs.

  “It’s okay dear. I’m here, just cry if you have to.” I can hear the door to the room close. I hiccup a few times before I break from the hug.

  “How are you here? Why are you here?” Wendy wipes my tears this time.

  “First off no sad tears, second this really nice man called me asking if I could help him. I came so fast. I mean this woman Elizabeth, planned everything out.” Elizabeth?

  “What?” I was in shock.

  “We have things to do. I’m here and that’s all that matters.” Wait!

  “What about Tom and the twins?

  “You mean Katelyn and Harley, both baby girls are with Tom who’s down stairs. They’re about three and doing great. You will love their dresses. Talking about dresses. You need to get into yours. Go open the bag.”

  I give Wendy a strange look and walk over to the garment bag. I grab the zipper and a wave of guilt washes over me.

  “Wendy, I’m happy you’re here, but I’ve been terrible to you and Tom these past few years. I’m so sorry.” She smiles and I begin to cry.

��Cara, I love you and always have. I knew you would come back to us. Your mother told me once that she wanted more than anything for you to be with me if anything happened. She begged me to love you as if you were my own and I did the best I could with what you allowed me. Don’t be sorry for time lost. We have so much time left.” I smile and happy tears fall from my eyes.

  “I love you too Momma Wendy. You did a great job being a second mom to me.” I watch tears fall from her eyes.

  “You’re going to ruin my makeup. Open the bag.” I turned back to the zipper and slowly opened it.

  Inside was a cream colored old hippie style dress. I pulled it from the bag. It had lace and pink ribbons decorating it. I looked it over and over.

  “I’ve seen this dress before. I know this dress.” I turned to Wendy in shock. This wasn’t what I thought it was. There’s no way.

  “I know, tell me about the dress Cara.” I looked from the dress to Wendy and back to the dress.

  “This was in Momma closet. I used to always ask her to let me try it on, but she was saving it.” My mouth dropped open. “Wendy you saved Mommas dress for me.”

  “I told you I would help you save what was important to you. I’ll step out and you can get dressed. When you're done just let me know and I can do your hair.” My heart was about to jump out of my chest. I hoped the dress would fit.

  I took off the dress I was already wearing and took Mommas dress off the hanger. I was careful in putting it on. I didn’t want to accidentally rip the dress. I was in heaven when I flowed down my body.

  I walked to the tall mirror in the bathroom and checked myself out. The dress fit me perfectly. It even smelled like Momma. Just like lavender. I was in heaven. I wish she could see me right now.

  I walked out of the room and Aaron’s jaw about hit the floor. Wendy turned since her back was to me. She checked me out from head to toe.

  “You look like an angel dollface.” I smiled at Aaron.

  “No she looks like her mother.” That right there meant the entire world to me.

  “Are you doing my hair, Wendy?” Besides Jordan, she was the best with my hair. Aaron began clapping his hands in excitement. He downed his flute of champagne.

  “I have an idea. Wendy can you braid her hair in one of those that look like a halo or heart.” He was acting like a silly kid.


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