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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

Page 41

by Tracey Champion

  “I can do that. Come on Cara. Let’s go into the little sitting room. I have what I need in there. You know what to do.” I do.

  We walked into the sitting area. She turned the TV on and I sat on the floor. Aaron was doing something. I waited while Wendy found an old movie and took her spot on the couch. I moved to be seated between her legs.

  I listened to her adjust her stuff and then she began to part my hair. I moved when she tapped my head. Just like she used to do when I was younger.

  “So tell me about Jordan.”

  “He’s perfect Wendy. Jordan has been so good to me. He took care of me after.” I realized she might not know about my fingers. “He help me after the incident with my fingers and…and saved me from my kidnapping.”

  “I know the story. He spent some time talking with me about it on the phone.” I knew not to turn to look at her.

  “He’s been talking with you?”

  “Yes, he has for a while now. He found me and has been updating me on you. I think its sweet. I asked him not to tell you because I knew you were not ready to talk with me.

  “I’m so sorry Wendy.” I still had guilt over it.

  “Stop it, now hold still.” I did and then Aaron brought me a plate of goodies and a flute.

  “Aaron you know I don’t drink right.” I can’t believe I have to remind him.

  “Dollface, you trust me so try it.” I gave in and took a small sip. Okay, that’s not bad.

  “I like that. Good, I need to remember that.”

  “Why do you have to remember that Aaron.”

  “Oh honey, that’s for me to know and you to figure out some time later.”

  Wendy took her time with my hair and I snacked on the food. She made me sit up and finished the back of my hair. That’s when a bunch of noise started in the room.

  “Sweetheart you need to give her another moment. You can’t rush perfection.”

  “Will you chill out. I know this Aaron. I just need to set out my makeup in the bathroom so I can tend to that when she is done.”

  “Please honey, she is already flawless.” Oh hell, Aaron was fighting with Hanna.

  “Aaron cool your shoes.”

  “Uncle A, look what I have?” Uncle A, that was Mikeala and Cassandra.

  “Really sis my shoes are perfect.”

  “You might want to check then for a wrinkle in your crisp shirt.” I heard a loud gasp.

  “Oh, you brat. My shirt is just fine.” Aaron is Cassandra’s brother which in some way makes him family.

  “Auntie Cara, you look like a princess. I want my hair like yours.” I caught Mikeala lit up face.

  “Well Mikeala.”

  “If your mommy says it’s okay I can do yours really quick,” Wendy said behind me.

  “Thank you, Wendy.”

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  “Mommy, mommy can I have my hair like Auntie Cara’s.”

  “Yes, you can.” There was a high pitched scream.

  “All done.” I stood and turned to see everyone in the room.

  “You look good Cara. Let’s put a little makeup on you and then we have to go.” Hanna announced and dragged me back into the bathroom.

  She spent some time putting stuff on my face. I check all that she had with her. None of the colors that I had for that one night. She had browns and a pink lipstick.

  “Cara, I’m so happy for you.”

  “Why?” Hanna smiled at me.

  “Cause you look so beautiful. Now turn and put on the lipstick. Trust me it won’t come off.” I turned to put the lipstick on and then I was done.

  My hair, my makeup, and the dress looked perfect. I was so excited. Aaron came into the bathroom and handed me a pretty pair of cream colored heals that would look great with my dress.

  “Hey dollface, I know at least I’m good at picking out one thing, shoes.” I stepped into the shoes and they fit. I felt like Cinderella. Like everyone here was my part of my fairy godmother team.

  “Knock knock, is it safe.” Dad was here.

  “In here,” I yelled for him. He walked into the bathroom and the moment I saw him I knew. He had on a pink tie.

  “You ready Cara Mia.” I feel like this is the end.

  “I guess I am, but where are we going?” He took me from the room to the elevator.

  “Down.” He then took me to what I would guess was a large meeting room or something. I really didn’t know since the doors were closed.

  “Can we go in?” I wanted to know why we had to wait.

  “Not until I get the okay.” I’m confused.

  “Dad what’s going on?” He just smiled at me.

  “Life my beautiful daughter.”


  The wait was killing me. I knew once Aaron arrived in the room that he would message Mason the okay. I was nervous and my stomach was tied up in knots.

  Waiting for as long as I have was going to kill me. Let alone the fact that Cara might after seeing Wendy. Just hope that them being together went well. I really don’t want to have everything ruined because I made another mistake.

  I looked around the room at everyone here. It was crazy, the amount of people we fit into this room. The decorations and set up was perfect. I’m really glad Mason told me to leave everything to the ladies. They did a better job that I ever could have.

  After a moment, Aaron came into my line of vision. He was a character but damn good at his job. He gave me a thumbs up and my heart jumped. This was it. The moment I had planned out so many times in my head. Third times a charm right.

  The large doors opened and I caught a glimpse of Mason first. Then I saw her, my pretty girl. Holy shit did she look like a princess. Everything about the way she looked was perfect on her.

  She looked around the room and I could tell she was nervous. I watch her stare at some people in the room, but I just wanted her to walk to me. Mason made sure he took her straight to me.

  “Jordan, you ready.” Nice one Sir. Great way to make me freak out.

  “Yes, Sir,” I said as he put Cara’s hand in mine. She was looking all around the room.

  “Eyes on mine pretty girl.” I told her.

  “What’s everyone doing here and why am I dressed up?” She asked me so quietly. I made sure when I spoke that everyone could hear me.

  “You told me to ask you again and to do it better. This is better. I told you when I gave you that promise ring that I knew I wanted to keep you in my life.” I took her left hand and removed her promise ring. I was kind enough to bring her scarred fingers to my lips and kissed them.

  I took hold of her right hand. I then placed the promise ring on her ring finger and kissed it. It didn’t matter to me the ring looked good on her.

  “I meant that promise then and I mean it now. I want you in my life. I want the good times with you and the bad. It doesn’t matter because it’s you and me. We can handle it. I love your books and the pictures from your niece on the refrigerator. I love your wild and crazy hair.” I paused to take a breath.

  Her hair looked spectacular the way it was braided. She eyes popped with the makeup she had on. It wasn’t much, but she still looked like my girl. Everyone did a great job. I let go of her hand and dropped to my knee.


  This was all for me. He brought everyone here for me. I wanted to cry, but more than anything I wanted to tell him yes.

  “Cara Mia, please tell me I can have all that in my life for the rest of my life. Will you do me the honor and marry me?” Oh my God! Jordan opened the box and inside was a ring.

  I had told Jordan one night months ago that I never wanted to see another rose. I hated them because of all the black ones I had been given. The ring was designed to look like a flower and covered in diamonds. It was perfect and I wanted it.

  “Yes, Jordan, more than anything I will marry you.” He slides the ring on my finger and I watched it sparkle against my scars.

  “I love you pretty girl.”

�I love you too.”


  “And forever.” Jordan kissed me.

  Everyone began to clap, some whistled and some hollered at us. To me it was perfect. We parted and smiled at the crowd of people. Some many friends and family, but they all had been there for me.

  “Congratulations dollface, I’m so happy for you. What an awesome hunk you get to marry. Lucky for me I know this fabulous wedding planner who can make your dreams come true.”

  “Thank you, Aaron.”

  “My pleasure. It’s what I do. You will have nothing to worry about dollface with me by your side. I am bridezilla and you get to relax. Nothing can go wrong.” I wish I could believe him on that.

  We finished the evening spending time with Wendy, Tom and the twins. I was the happiest I had ever been. I had just taken my makeup off and was looking at my ring.

  “You ready for bed pretty girl?” I turned to Jordan and smiled. I was tired and climbed into bed.

  “Cara Mia…Cara Mia…” someone was singing my name. I looked around the room. I wasn’t sure where I was. The room was gray and there was a cage looking thing.

  I carefully walked close to it. Someone was inside the bars. I could see a shadowy figure with stringy blond hair.

  “Cara Mia, I know you came to see me.”

  “Who are you?” I asked and then she turned around. Niki? She looked deranged. She had this smile that almost went from ear to ear.

  “Miss me?” She giggled.

  “I don’t miss you” She ran at the bars and I quickly moved back. I watched her reach an arm out for me.

  “I’m not done, Cara. This isn’t over with yet. I’m going to come for you.” She laughed the entire time she spoke. Her eyes were wild.

  “You’re getting help you can’t hurt me,” I tell her because I’m just dreaming.

  “He still loves me.” She sings to me.

  “No, he doesn’t.” I tell her. This isn’t real.

  “I’m coming for you. I’ll have him back. Wait and see Cara. You can’t get rid of me.” She slowly starts to walk backward laughing into the shadows.

  I sit straight up in the bed. I look around and see that we are still in the hotel. I’m drenched in sweat. My happiness was in my hands, but my gut was telling now that someone else was at the wheel. If this was going to be perfect and flawless then it will be. However, the reality is to be happy you have to work at it. Nothing was perfect and life was unpredictable.

  My intuition was telling something was coming. There’s going to be one last bump in my road and I was the prize, but I wasn’t meant to fix it either.

  Grandma Chloe’s Christmas gift

  The bracelets that Grandma Chloe gifts to everyone are a real product. The name of the brand is MudLOVE. I feel in love with them when I was on a search for a token to give as a gift. I went to the mall and there was a temporary kiosk that had these interesting bracelets.

  I spent some time looking at them and they were perfect. At the time they did have these Pocket Rocks (which they no longer sell) and I gathered up a few along with a bracelet

  I wanted Grandma Chloe to gift something with meaning to each person. Looking at the MudLOVE website I spent time looking over the bracelets. I chose a bracelet that fit each character perfectly from what the company had available.

  I spent a little time reading what the company was about. Each bracelet sold gives one week of clean water to someone in need. You can check out more of that information here

  I mean how cool is that. Everything I do with in my stories have a deeper meaning to them and to mention a product that has a beautiful message behind it is wonderful.

  Please take a moment and check out







  To God always

  To my Husband and kids for supporting me. For putting up with my long hours in my “Batcave” and listening to me ramble about this and that. For allowing me to be able to use my talent to do something with it.

  To Lynn, thank you, you know I love you. You have been a great friend, for listening to me over many different things during this process. To step in when others stepped out, for encouraging me. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you to listen to the ramblings about the things going on in my head. Also for being there when I need someone to just listen to me.

  To Amanda Heath, thank you so much. I don’t think the book would have ended up the way it did if it wasn’t for you. I added pieces I never would have thought of if you hadn’t mentioned something was missing. I’m so thankful for meeting you when I did and I’m glad for having you as a part of my book world.

  To Justin, thank you and I don’t think that’s even the right set of words. I love to talk, its what I do best, and you’ve been helpful with my book world. I find my creativity flows from certain things and talking with you has been helpful with that. A character was created because of you and that character was to be minor. Funny how something so small became a bigger piece in my series. I am forever grateful for the help its given me and the friendship we have.

  To Paige, thank you for being around and for dealing with so much that comes from being my friend. I’m so thankful to have you as one of the big parts of my book world.

  To my mom, my biggest fan, thank you. If it wasn’t for your encouragement and all that you’ve done in sharing my book I don’t know what I would have done. I’m pleased that you are proud of me and even more that Dad is proud of me too. I love that I can tell you both how my book is doing. I love you both so very much.

  My bay sister Christina, I love you. I’m so pleased that you read my book and loved it. Thank you so much.

  To Rachel, woman you are the best. I tell you what my idea is for the cover image and you go above my expectation. Everyone loved Forget Cinderella’s cover and I know they will love this one too. You are a great and wonderful artist.

  To Heather for stepping in and helping me when it was needed and always being around. I love you.

  To Rebelle, I don’t think I can just say thank you. You have become a special friend to me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You just get me. Don’t ever leave, your stuck with me.

  Nicola, I would not have finished the book without you helping keep me on track. I also would not understand Forget Cinderella as much as I do now if it wasn’t for you. I am absolutely grateful for that. By the way tell Miss Tinker Tornado that her little voice helped out too.

  To Virgina, Robin, and Candy. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me when it was needed. For being a part of all this and entertaining me.

  To Dawn and Josh, my now set of best friends. Thank you both for taking the time to read my first book. Dawn your encouragement means the world to me. Josh, thank you for listening to me and giving me just enough help to finish this book and to make it as great as I did.

  I can’t forget to thank my fellow authors who have been a help throughout out this and others in the book world. Amy Donnelly for chatting with my in the beginning. Cory Cyr for your advice, LeAnn Asher and Tara Mossinghoff thank you for being my friend.

  As always a big thank you to my readers. I am honored that some of you came to me with your honest opinion about Forget Cinderella’s ending. Some of you were so mad at me and it made me laugh. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the encouragement.



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