Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three) Page 22

by Skye,Marie

  “Ill? Why the fuck wasn’t I notified?”

  “I’m not sure Mr. Mandrake. I was informed she fainted.”

  I stood up immediately. The fuck?! I checked my phone, three missed calls from Emmalin. My phone was on fucking silent. Fucking shit! I grabbed my keys and ran out the door, driving home at the speed of light.

  I finally reached our condo, and our place was quiet. “Emmalin?” I called out. I headed to our bedroom, my heart was pounding so fast I could barely think. The door was slightly ajar. I peeked in, and she was buried under the comforter. I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked over and sat next to her. She looked pale, and gently stirred as I stroked the side of her face. Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Hey,” she whispered. “I tried calling.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. My phone was on silent.” She gave me a smile. “What happened baby?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know. I got a little dizzy, but I feel better now that I’ve slept. I think I just needed to sleep, that’s all.”

  Yeah. I wasn’t convinced. I texted Dr. Rexton to make a house call.

  “She’s definitely dehydrated, so let’s run this IV and push the fluids. Start with something light for food, some broth and crackers, water and ginger ale, and if she can keep that down, move on to more solids.” I nodded as I looked back at Emmalin, who looked like she was ready to go back to sleep, and I shut the bedroom door.

  “Well, I’m hoping so. She hasn’t been keeping things down for quite some time.”

  Dr. Rexton stopped. “How long is quite some time?”

  I shrugged. “Several weeks.”

  He looked from me back to the bedroom door. “Any fatigue?” I nodded, wondering where he was going with this. He removed his gloves and placed them in his bag. “Well, I would say Emmalin is probably pregnant, but I’m no doctor—oh wait, I am.” He smiled before walking to the front door. I stared after him.

  Was Emmalin pregnant? The chances were ultra, ultra miniscule. Dr. Rexton stopped. “Here’s, two pregnancy tests. I’m sure you’ll only need one.” He patted me on the back before walking into the elevator. I stared at the tests in my hands as if they would burst into flames. Could Emmalin be pregnant? What were the odds? Thor sperm. I smiled.


  I put the tests in a drawer and went to the bedroom. She pointed to the IV. “Is this really necessary? I really think I’m fine.” Moodiness, just like last time. She was so pregnant. I smiled.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  “The IV is to keep you hydrated.” She dramatically fell against the pillow. Tell her. “So, Dr. Rexton said something interesting.”

  “Was it that he should open up a practice in our living room?”

  I silently laughed as I joined her on the bed. “No, but he believes he knows what’s wrong with you.” Her eyes suddenly took an interest in what I was saying. “He thinks you’re pregnant.”

  She was silent as she just stared at me. She finally looked away. “Well, did you ask him what else it could be?”

  For some reason, I had been expecting a different reaction. “No, because I think maybe he’s right.”

  “Well, he’s not.”

  “But what if he is?” I countered.

  She scoffed as she stared over my head. “But he’s not.”

  I continued gently. “He gave me two pregnancy tests.” Her eyes grew wide. “I think you should take one.”

  She awkwardly laughed. “Why, so we can see the disappointment?” A hint of sadness flashed across her face. “Those aren’t always accurate Grayson.”

  I needed to reason with her. “Okay, you’re right. They aren’t, but I think we should take one now and if it’s positive, take one again in the morning, and if that test is also positive, then we can get a firm answer from the doctor.” She crossed her arms as she looked at me skeptically.

  “This doesn’t mean anything Grayson, it’s just a stupid test. She moved to get off the bed, which was awkward since she was still hooked up to the IV. I went and grabbed one of the tests, then followed her into the bathroom. “I can pee by myself!” she shouted before shutting the door.

  A few minutes later, Emmalin came out with the stick in her hand. “We have to wait three minutes.” I nodded as she handed me the stick and sat down beside me.

  “We were able to grant three wishes today.”

  I smiled. “That’s great, baby.”

  “It took longer than I hoped, but I’m glad it’s done.”

  “I’m sure they’ll love it.” She nodded in agreement.

  I checked my watch, and reminded myself that it didn’t mean anything. No matter what it said, it didn’t mean anything. But what if it did? I flipped it over.

  Emmalin and I both stared at the digital word on the small screen. Neither of us said anything.

  It didn’t mean anything.

  “So, did Dr. Rexton say how long I had to keep this IV in? It’s about done.” I finally tore my gaze away from the screen, up to the bag that was now empty. Emmalin had a questioning look on her face.

  It didn’t mean anything.

  “He said just the one bag, and then to push the fluids. I can help you take it out.”

  “No worries. I got it. Pro with needles, remember?” She took it out in one fluid motion, then discarded the needle in the stick box in the bathroom.

  It didn’t mean anything.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower.” I nodded as the door to the bathroom shut. I kept telling myself it didn’t mean anything, but the word ‘Pregnant’ kept staring back at me. Even more so, Emmalin was acting like it didn’t mean anything.

  Chapter Sixty-Five


  I poured more waffle batter into the griddle, then shut it. Any minute now, Emmalin was going to be waltzing into the kitchen. She’d probably already forgotten she had another test to take, but I sure as hell hadn’t. Me being me, I’d already jumped the gun and made an appointment with an OB/GYN. As if right on cue at the smell of food, Emmalin strode in.

  I held up a plate. “Waffles and bacon?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “No.” She looked at the fruit bowl. “I’ll have a pear.” She didn’t eat it, just tossed it in her hands like it was a ball.

  I brushed her hair off her face. “How are you feeling?”

  “A little better, I think.”

  I sipped my coffee. “Good. We agreed on you taking that second test if the first one was positive.”

  She sighed. “I remember.”

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well give it to me. There’s no point in putting it off, is there?”

  I pulled her to me, kissing her deeply, and she relaxed against me. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered back.

  I sat in the same spot I had the night before, waiting for Emmalin to emerge from the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later with the test in her hand. Same as the first time, she handed the stick to me. I smiled, patting her hand. She pulled her knees up to her chest. She looked tense. It bothered me that I couldn’t read her right then. She scratched Chloe behind the ear as she purred softly on her pillow. I checked my watch after a few minutes. “It’s time.”

  Emmalin peered up at me, and I grasped her hand in mine as we both looked down at the test. I exhaled sharply. Neither of us said a word for a few minutes as we just stared at the tiny screen. Finally I cleared my throat, and I gazed up at her.

  “We have an appointment with an OB/GYN at 9:00 a.m.” She frowned slightly before moving off the bed.

  “I’ll get ready.”

  After a half hour of blood work and urine samples, Emmalin was sitting on the examination table. I’d never seen her look so stiff—or maybe she was bored, as if the whole thing was an inconvenience to her. She kept asking me what time it was.

  “Was there somewhere you had to be?”

  “I was just asking,” she answered matter-of-factly.

  “It’s been two minutes since the last time you asked. Is there something more important than finding out if we’re expecting right now? Because I can’t think of anything, but if there’s something else, please enlighten me.” Just then the door opened, and the doctor walked in smiling.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Mandrake, pleasure to meet you both. I’m Dr. Blythe.” She shook both of our hands. “I understand you took two pregnancy tests and they both came out positive, correct?” She sat, pulling up Emmalin’s chart.

  “Yes, but those things aren’t always accurate, right? It could still be a false positive,” Emmalin answered quickly.

  “There’s always a possibility, Mrs. Mandrake. I’ve reviewed your chart, and I see you’ve had quite a history, so the chances of conceiving are quite diminished, but it’s not totally ruled out.” There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in, handing Dr. Blythe a chart. She looked at it and smiled. “Just as I thought. Mrs. Mandrake. Why don’t you lie back on the table there, and let’s just take a peek, shall we?”

  Emmalin looked to me with complete fear in her eyes. I took her hand in mine. “It’s okay, you’re safe. I’m here, I won’t leave you,” I whispered to her. I helped her back. The lights dimmed, and a machine was wheeled closer as Emmalin’s shirt was lifted. “We’re just going to do an ultrasound, and this gel here is going to feel a bit cold okay?” Emmalin nodded and then flinched as the gel plopped on her stomach. The doctor brought the machine a little closer and turned the screen on as she used the wand and moved it around Emmalin’s stomach. She flipped several switches, and then a sound filled the room. It was a rapid fluttering sound.

  “Hear that?” Dr. Blythe turned to us and smiled. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat. It’s strong. Very strong. And that”—she pointed to the screen—“that little flicker right there is your baby.” I leaned in closer to the screen.

  I looked back at Emmalin’s stomach, then to the screen. “She looks to be about two months. I would say it’s a January due date.” I smiled. A wedding baby. I looked over at Emmalin as she just stared at the screen. Dr. Blythe handed Emmalin a picture.

  “Here’s your sonogram. Baby’s first picture.” Emmalin stared at the sonogram almost with a look of disgust before handing it to me. If Dr. Blythe noticed, she didn’t say anything. “You’re progressing nicely. Now, I am categorizing you as high risk because you are type 1 diabetic, and because you do only have one fallopian tube, but other than that, I don’t see why you can’t deliver a healthy baby. I do want you to check your blood sugars more often, and I want you to be in constant contact with your endocrinologist. He or she may suggest an insulin pump to help you manage if need be. My nurse will come in and explain to you both your dietary needs and restrictions, as well as the importance of prenatal vitamins. Other than that, I want to start off by seeing you every three weeks. You can resume your normal activities, though if you have a heavy workload, anything that’s stressful, you need to be careful. Do you have any questions?” Emmalin slowly shook her head.

  “Great! Well, my congratulations to you both.”

  Chapter Sixty-Six


  Grayson grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, capturing my attention as I stared out the window of the car. “What kind?”

  He had apparently asked me a question, but I hadn’t heard it. “What kind of what?”

  “What kind of frame should we get for Flick?”

  I was still confused, and I tried searching my memory. Who the hell was Flick? Was it a new account he had mentioned previously? Was it a new charity? Maybe we were getting another cat. “What’s a Flick?”

  He smiled, not taking his eyes off the road. “Our baby. For the first picture.” He held up the sonogram. “I’m just nicknaming it until we know what it is. Unless you want to wait and be surprised.” He placed it on my lap. “Can you believe it?”

  I stared at it. It looked like a fish. I glanced at Grayson; he was cheesing so hard I was beginning to wonder if his face would freeze if I hit him on the back. “Are we going straight to the office? I have about six meetings today.”

  Grayson tensed in his seat. “You need to decrease your workload. You heard Dr. Blythe; working in a stressful environment can be harmful.”

  “It’s hardly that stressful Grayson, and…”

  “We don’t see enough of each other now, Emmalin. You’re just as busy as I am, if not more. Decrease your workload, or I will.”

  I leaned back against the seat. This damn baby was already causing trouble. People worked all the time, but no, I had to have the most overprotective husband in the world. He probably wanted a ‘normal’ sex life too. Oh good God.


  “Fine. I’ll decrease my workload.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.” He groaned. “My mom is going to go crazy with a new grandchild.”

  My eyes darted to his. “Can we wait on telling anyone? I mean I heard you’re supposed to wait until the end of the first trimester or something like that, something to do with safety reasons.”

  “Sure, whatever you want.”

  I smiled. Good, so no one will be hurt when I lose this baby, too.

  Chapter Sixty-Seven


  Six Weeks Later

  The first three weeks were hell. Grayson tried to kill me—not physically of course, but he might as well have.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have sex until after the first trimester.”

  I laughed. He stared at me sternly. He was serious. He was fucking serious. “Are you serious?” He exhaled sharply.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Emmalin. I just think it’ll be safe.”

  I felt tears pricking my eyes. My hormones were so out of whack, I couldn’t control shit, and it was pissing me off. Now he was standing in front of me hurting my damn feelings. I fucking hated him. I crossed my arms over my belly, which was now starting to protrude. It was tiny, but it was there…barely. He gave me a small smile, as if he was trying to reassure me. He could take that smile and go fuck himself with it. Chloe took that opportunity to jump on the couch and purr up against him—even she was on his side. He scratched behind her ears, and I lost it.

  “Don’t touch her!”


  I stalked toward them and picked her up. “She’s mine.” I went to the bedroom, slammed the door, and cried. I didn’t even know why I was crying. I looked down at my belly. “Aren’t you supposed to be gone by now?”

  Chapter Sixty-Eight


  I was trying to figure out when was the best time to go in there. I had let half an hour go by already. My phone buzzed, and it was Chace letting me know he was on his way up. Of course it had me wondering if she had called him. I sighed as I headed into the living room. He casually strolled in.

  “What’s up Chace?”

  “Hey. Emmalin texted me.”

  I dug my hands in my pocket. “For what?”

  “She told me to come get you.”

  “And why is that?”

  “She said she didn’t want to see your ugly face.”

  I sighed, looking toward the bedroom door. “Why did she really text you?”

  He held up his phone. Sure enough, there was a damn text from Emmalin that said, Come get him, I don’t want to see his face!

  I rolled my eyes and went to the bar. “She’s being a little dramatic right now.”

  Chace laughed. “I can see that. What’s going on?”

  “Fucking hormones. I told her I wouldn’t have sex with her.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you.”

  I grimaced; we weren’t telling people yet, but Chace was like a brother to me. “I wanted to wait…till she was past the first trimester.”

  Chace nodded, taking a sip of his gin. Suddenly he paused, and his eyes widened as he realized what I had said. He carefully set his glass down on the table and leaned forward. “Did you just subtly say I’m going to be an uncle

  I smirked. “Yeah man, I did.” I inspected his expression carefully as he eyed me.

  He picked up his glass off the table and held it up to me. “Mutha fucking cheers.”

  Chapter Sixty-Nine


  After the checkup from Dr. Blythe giving us the all clear from the first trimester, Grayson breathed a sigh of relief. “So baby Flick is doing well?” he asked for the fourth time.

  Dr. Blythe smiled. “So far so good. Mrs. Mandrake, your weight is a little on the low side. It’s okay to splurge every now and then. You’re eating for two now.” She smiled kindly. “You can do everything you used to do before—but again, anything that’s high stress, keep at a minimum.”

  “What about sex?” I asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.

  “Completely normal. I encourage all my patients to maintain their regular, active sex life if they’re comfortable with it. There’s no chance of hurting the baby whatsoever.” I glared at Grayson with an ‘I told you so’ look.

  As we walked to the car, Grayson suddenly stopped and pulled me back as a person with a camera jumped in our faces. Grayson shielded his body over me as he guided me to his vehicle quickly.

  “That’s the last thing we need.” Grayson sped off. He gently placed his hand over my belly. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. How’d they know we were there?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said through gritted teeth. He muttered a curse under his breath and shook his head. “It’s going to be in the tabloids. That’s not something I wanted before we had a chance to tell our family.” He sighed. “I’ll need to see what I can do, before it’s too late.”

  But it was too late.


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