Book Read Free

September Tango

Page 9

by Scarlett Jade

  “How about right here.” He leaned in and kissed her neck, making her jump. He stroked her breasts, sliding a hand down to her core.

  “How about bed?” She pushed his chest and slipped out around him, streaking through to the bed before jumping on it and grinning at him. She stood up on the bed and put her hands on her hips. “Well? Are you going to come?” She taunted.

  “Hell yes, I am. But not before you do.” He ran to the bed and jumped on it, sliding across the comforter. She squeaked and grabbed the wall, trying to steady herself. He got on his knees and caught her behind the thighs, pulling her down. She fell with a squeal, bouncing on the bed.

  “Damn you!” She laughed.

  He tickled her sides and she squeaked and laughed harder, trying to escape. He lay partially on top of her, teasing her mercilessly, tickling her until she had tears running out of her eyes. He stopped and propped himself on his elbows, just watching her. “You are beautiful.”

  She wiped her eyes and smiled softly. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because I can't believe my luck.” He trailed a finger lazily in the valley between her breasts.

  “Yeah? I know. I'm pretty fantastic.” She grinned wide, her dark eyes sparkling.

  “You are.” He caught her hips and rolled to his back. “Come here.”

  She smiled and climbed on top of him, fitting herself over his cock and pushing down, taking him deep inside her. He bit his lip and she leaned forward to kiss him. “I love you.”

  “Not as much as I love you.” He pulled her hips down and arched into her, taking her over and over until she arched back and screamed her pleasure. He pulled her down to him, kissing her full mouth as he exploded. They lay wrapped in each other’s arms. She sat up and pushed her wild dark hair out of her face.

  “I'm starving, Calvin. You need to feed me. You've screwed me all night long with no sustenance!” She pouted prettily and he sat up, pressing a kiss to her mouth.

  “Love doesn't fill a belly, huh?” He ran a hand down his washboard abs. “I'm starving too. Wanna check out and go get something?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I want some pancakes.”

  He pulled her back down. “I want more of you.”

  “You, sir, are insatiable.” She pushed against his chest with a smile and hopped off the bed.

  “So are you, so it works out.” He stretched as he sat up.

  “Yeah, but I'm hungry!” She bent and found her panties, shimmying into them. He tossed her bra at her head. “Hey!”

  “I figured I'd help.” He grinned. “Want me to help you get into it?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “NO!” She smirked. “You'd be copping a feel.”

  “Can you blame me? Look at those breasts.” He pulled his boxers and jeans on, buttoning the fly and zipping them up. She was pulling her shirt on and bent to find her jeans. He groaned. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Sorry.”

  She laughed. “Horn dog.” She pulled her jeans on. “You know, I wish we could stay like this forever. I don't want to go back to my real life.”

  “Who says it can't be real life, Zoe?” Her breath caught at his words.

  “Don't say shit you don't mean, Calvin.” She pulled her sandals on angrily.

  “If you don't know me by now...” he sang, trying to lighten the mood as he caught her around the waist, pulling her into his embrace. She frowned and he kissed her mouth. “I never say stuff I don't mean, Baby.”

  She smiled tightly, not meeting his eyes. “I'm gonna go straighten up in the bathroom. I wish I'd thought to bring a toothbrush.” She closed the door behind her and locked it, needing a few moments to get her nerves together. She ran her hands through her hair, attempting to calm the tangles. She snagged her hair back in a messy bun and turned the water to cold, splashing her face and taking some slow breaths. “This is only going to hurt when he leaves, Zoe.” She murmured to her reflection. A voice in the back of her mind replied, you won't be able to resist him till he goes. Don't fight it. She caught her breath and opened the door. He was sitting on the edge of the bed watching TV.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling softly.

  “Hey. Can we get food now?” She leaned against the wall and gave him a cocky come hither look.

  “Absolutely. Let's check out.” He caught her hand in his and walked to the door. He unlocked it and they walked down the hall, as if they were any normal couple with all the time in the world. They checked out of the hotel and went out to the parking lot. She took a deep breath of the sultry air and smiled. It's gonna be okay. He started the car and they picked going to Waffle House for breakfast.

  She grinned like a little kid. “Hey, I'm just letting you know. I can eat you under the table on pancakes.”

  “Is that a challenge?” He raised an eyebrow as they got out of the car.

  “Maybe!” She caught his hand and they walked across the parking lot to the Waffle House restaurant, the white building and familiar yellow and black sign drawing them in. The place was bustling for a Sunday morning, people drinking coffee, dressed up families getting breakfast before church, and a group of old men that eyed them warily. She felt Calvin clench her hand and he casually pulled his dog tags from the inside of his shirt. She looked at him quickly and murmured, “What are you doing?”

  “Keeping them from saying shit. If they see I'm military, they are less likely to start anything because we are a mixed couple.” He squared his shoulders as they waited for a hostess to seat them.

  “Oh. You know I don't care about that.” She leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Neither do I, but a lot of people do, Babe.” He kissed the top of her head. The older crowd had gone back to their coffee, grumbling a little over it. The hostess came up to the stand and picked up two menus.

  “Y'all ready?” She grinned and her teeth were covered in her red lipstick. She had a graying pony tail high on her head and wore a stained apron.

  “As ready as we are going to get, yeah.” They followed her to a booth in a corner and she put the menus down on the table.

  “Y'all enjoy your breakfast!” She was off again, moving like sheet lightning through the packed restaurant. Zoe sat with her back to the window, the sunlight reflecting off of her dark hair. Calvin slid into the booth so he sat across from her.

  “I'm starving,” she groaned.

  “I bet I burned all your calories up last night.” He grinned wickedly.

  “Bragger.” She rolled her eyes.

  “No, just telling the truth.”

  The waitress came up to the table. “What can I get y'all to drink?” She held her pen above a small pad in her hand.

  “Coffee.” Zoe yelped. “With lots of cream and sugar. Please.”

  Calvin smirked. “I'll take a Coke, please.”

  “Alright, y'all. You know what you want to eat yet or y'all need a few more minutes?” She smiled, popping her gum as she waited.

  “I know what I want,” Zoe started. “I want pancakes with blueberries, two eggs, over easy, bacon, and some sausage.” She handed her menu to the waitress.

  Calvin handed her his menu as well. “I'll have what she's having.” He leaned forward and whispered, “So. Don't fill up on breakfast too much.”

  She gave him a funny look. “What? Why not?”

  “Well, I promised my Grams I'd bring over the girl I'm in love with for Sunday dinner.”

  Her eyes went wide and she paled. “What? Are you shitting me?”

  “I'd never shit on you, love.” He grinned, his white teeth flashing.

  “You are not funny. I look like hell.”

  “You never look like hell. You are beautiful.”

  “You are nuts. I look like I just got screwed all night.” She touched her hair. “I refuse to go into the lion's den looking like this. You gotta take me home so I can get myself together first.” She groaned. “Couldn't you have told me about this after I ate? Way to ruin my appetite.”

  “You'll st
ill eat.” He smirked.

  “Yes, I will, but only because there are pancakes involved.” She crossed her arms and pouted. The waitress brought a carafe of coffee and a bowl of creamers to the table.

  “Be back with your Coke,” she said over her shoulder. Calvin raised a hand in salute.

  “I love you, Zoe. You know that, right?”

  She was opening packets of sugar and nodded. “Yeah.” She stirred the cream into her coffee and took a sip of the brew, sighing in pleasure. “God, I needed that.”

  He laughed out loud at her face. “Good for you?”

  “Almost better than sex... Almost.” She eyed him over the cup as she took another sip.

  He frowned. “Then I need to do better.”

  “No! Please. I can barely walk as it is.” She took another drink of coffee and sighed happily.

  “You know what they say, once you go black, you need a wheelchair.” He smiled cockily.

  She giggled. “That came from a movie didn't it?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, it did. It came from 'White Chicks'.” The waitress came with his Coke and sat it in front of him, nodding quickly before walking away again. He took a few sips and Zoe poured herself another cup of coffee.

  “I think the thing I'm most worried about is them not liking me,” she murmured. “I haven't always exactly been everybody's favorite. That was usually Callie. She's got the magnetic charm.”

  “Maybe, but she's also a slut. You are honest and funny, plus gorgeous. They will love you.” She shrugged.

  “Guess we will see.”

  “Yes, you will.” Not long after, the waitress returned and sat plates of food in front of them and refilled Calvin's glass.

  “Anything else I can do for you?” She asked. Zoe shook her head.

  “No, I think we're good for now.” Calvin told her.

  “Alright, if you need anything else, I'll be right over there.” She left a bottle of maple syrup on the table and walked away. Calvin looked up at Zoe, who had already started eating.


  “Nothing,” He said shaking his head and cutting into the pancakes on his plate. “Hey, would you do me a favor?”

  “Depends on what the favor is,” She retorted looking up at him with a smile, the smile soon faded when she saw the seriousness in his eyes. “Calvin?”

  “I think it's time that I go and visit my parents' graves. I've been wanting to do it since I got off the plane, but I couldn't find the right time to do it. Would you mind coming with me?”

  “Calvin, of course I will.” She reached across the table and stroked his hand.

  He smiled. “You're awesome.”

  “Yeah, I know.” When they both cleaned their plates, the waitress returned with their check.

  “You all set to go?” He asked her. She took another sip of her coffee and nodded. “Alright.” They stood from the table, paid for their meal and left the restaurant.

  “I don't know if I'm completely ready to go back yet,” she admitted. “This world is perfect. That world... It's just ugly.”

  “I know, but we have to do it at some point, love. Might as well be now.” He stepped in front of her and put his arms around her waist. “It'll work out.”

  “I believe you.” She put her finger on his chest, “But you'd better be right.”

  “I will be, I promise.” He led her out to the car, and they drove back to Major, the silence engulfing them. Finally, he coughed. “Did you want to get changed?”

  “Yeah, I would. Do we have some time?” She glanced at the dashboard clock. It read 11:45.

  “Yeah, we should be there a little after twelve-thirty. If we run a little late, Grams will hold it for us.” He stroked her hand and squeezed her fingers to reassure her. “It's gonna be fine.”

  “Okay. I just need to run in and brush my hair and slip something on. It won't take me long.” She looked out the window as they drew ever closer to Major. He maneuvered through the tiny town, turning onto her street and pulling up in her drive.

  “Here we are. Want me to go in with you?” He parked the car and turned it off.

  “No, I can be back in a few minutes.” She jumped out of the car and ran up the driveway to the porch, letting herself inside. She checked the caller ID and saw several calls from Amy. She sighed and checked her cell, which she'd left on the counter. Nothing but more calls and texts from Amy. “I'll talk to you when hell freezes over.” She rushed down the hall, stripping quickly and putting clean panties on before sliding a peach sundress over her head. She freshened up her deodorant and brushed her hair and teeth. She splashed water on her face. She didn't bother putting make up on, she was too tired and didn't have time. She slipped her sandals back on and spritzed some of her favorite coconut vanilla body spray on before heading back out the door.

  Chapter Thirteen – Sunday Afternoon

  He was listening to music with the windows down. She smiled, watching him. His eyes were closed and he had his head leaned back on the headrest. He tapped his long fingers on the steering wheel and his mouth was turned up in a half smile. She eased up to the car and leaned down to look in the window. “Hey, soldier. Can you give me a ride?”

  He opened his chocolate eyes and smiled brightly. “You got it, babe. Get in. Let me take you on a magic carpet ride.”

  She snorted. “So cheesy.”

  “Gouda?” He smiled.

  “Stinkier, maybe.” She smiled brightly.

  He sniffed his pit. “I'm still fresh.” She giggled. He was great at breaking tension. He squeezed her hand again as he pulled into a driveway. The little house in front of the car was dilapidated, but charming, none the less. It had a bright red door and a peeling white exterior. Lawnmowers littered the back yard and two trees were in the front. He slowly shifted the car into park and looked over at Zoe, who stared blankly out the window. Her nerves were on edge.

  “Zoe,” he murmured, stroking her forearm making her jump slightly. “It's still not too late to back out.”

  She turned to him and sighed deeply before speaking. “No, I want to meet them. I said I'd come and I meant it. I'll be okay.”

  “I promise you, they're not gonna bite. They will love you.” He smiled warmly, leaning closer to her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She closed her eyes, and kept them closed for several seconds after. When she opened them, his eyes were locked on hers. “It'll be okay, Zoe. I promise.”

  “Okay,” she breathed slowly. Her pulse was erratic. He exited the car and came around to open her door. She climbed out of the car, and found herself in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed the collarbone visible above the neckline of her sundress.

  “I'm about two seconds from turning on the sprinkler! Damn, you two are worse than dogs in heat!” Layla shouted from the door causing Zoe to blush. She dropped her arms off his shoulders and tried to step away from him, but he wouldn't let her go, instead pulling her closer. He put his lips next to her ear. His warm breath tickling her skin made her shiver.

  “No reason to be embarrassed,” he whispered. “They all know.”

  “Doesn't make it any easier,” she replied trying to fight her embarrassment.

  “I'll make it worth your while.” He promised finally pulling away from her and facing his sister. “You have no room to talk at all, Layla.”

  “I can talk all I want to, ass; I'm not the one necking out in the front yard.”

  “And you haven't before?” Calvin responded. Layla paused as she couldn't think of another comeback. “Run outta gas, did you?” Calvin threw his arm on his little sister's shoulders and pulled her close. “Don't worry, kid, I've got enough for both of us.”

  “Eww... Shut the hell up.” She pulled away from him. “Where have you two been anyway? You're late.”

  “Traffic in Mobile wasn't exactly friendly. I'm actually surprised, what with it being Sunday and all.”

  “You obviously forgot where you are,” Layla commented. “This is Alabama
, son. If they're not watching college football, they're in church. Sometimes, they're in church watching football, and speaking of church, where in the hell were you this morning? I had to sit through it by myself. Do you KNOW how many hallelujahs I had to say? DO YOU?”

  He smirked. “We lost track of time Sis, you know how it is.” Calvin reached the front door and opened it wide, holding it for Layla and Zoe to pass through.

  “You and your damn excuses. I can't count on you for a damn thing.” She pouted.

  “You keep trying to convince yourself of that.”

  “Grams,” Layla yelled through the house. “They're finally here. I almost had to put the sprinklers on 'em.” Layla left Calvin and Zoe standing in the kitchen waiting for Grams. When she finally entered the kitchen, she walked to Zoe and gave her a hug. She smelled like Vicks' Vapor Rub, Old Bay seasoning and chicken grease and even though it was overwhelming, it was comforting. Probably the best hug she'd had in a while, honestly.

  “Well, it's about time I get to meet the famous Zoe Parker.” Grams said as she let her go, held her arms at shoulder length and looked over her. “Seems that you've grown a bit over the years. You turned out right pretty.”

  “Um, I... Thank you.” Zoe sputtered nervously, unsure of how to respond.

  “Girl, you don't have to be shy around us. Just relax yourself, make yourself at home, have a seat. I'm gonna get this food out here for y'all and see if I can get your grandfather in here, hold on.” She turned and left the kitchen. Zoe looked at Calvin, confused. Calvin shrugged.

  “See? Told you she'd love you. She made fried chicken. She don't make that for just everybody.”

  “Does she need any help cooking?” She walked towards the kitchen. Calvin caught her hand and pulled her back.

  “Don't, she'd consider it an insult. Let's just sit down and let the woman feed us.” She nodded and found a spot next to him to sit at the table. When Grams returned, she was followed by Layla and Calvin's grandfather.

  “About time you stayed long enough to eat dinner with the family,” Calvin's grandfather said as he entered room. “Running out at all hours of the night.”


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