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When Destinies Collide

Page 21

by Shirl Rickman

  When I reach the door, I give it a hard, loud knock and flinch a little from the shooting pain through my knuckles and into my fingers. Fuck, it’s cold. The door opens just as I’m about to knock again. Mrs. D smiles brightly behind the screen door.

  Swinging the door open, she reaches out and pulls me by the arm. “Get your hiney in here and out of the cold, young man!” I remove my hat as she begins dusting the snow from my jacket. Just when I’m about to say something about her mothering, Selene comes bouncing down the stairs.

  With each day passes, she seems more relaxed and happy than I have ever seen her. I never asked her what changed her mind and made her listen to me. Frankly, I don’t even think it matters. What matters is that she did.

  I can’t take my eyes off of her. She is in slim jeans, a pair of ankle boots, and a tight-fitting sweater that matches her green eyes. Coming to a stop directly in front of me, Selene looks up. She is so beautiful and has no idea. I know my desire for her is showing in my eyes, but I don’t care. I don’t even care that her Aunt Vi is standing behind me. I want her more than anyone I have ever known. But it isn’t just for now. I want her forever. She begins fidgeting under my stare. “What?” She starts wiping at her face. “Do I have something on my face?” she asks, and I hear Mrs. Durham laugh as her footsteps echo down the hall. She shouldn’t have left us alone. I just keep staring at every inch of her face, my gaze caressing every feature.

  “Seriously, Drake, why are you looking at me like that?” The tip of her tongue darts out and swipes across her lips nervously, breaking every bit of control I have. I reach behind her and pull her into me. My lips crashing against hers, a startled gasp releasing from between our lips. I don’t stop. I can’t. It seems like an eternity before she gives in, but in reality it’s only seconds. I feel her relax into me, both of us oblivious to our surroundings, neither of us caring.

  Reality squeezes its way into my consciousness. Reluctantly, I take a step back. Her lashes flutter open, and this time I see the desire burning in every part of me reflected in her eyes. This isn’t the time, and I know it. Her lips part, and the flame ignites again. I need to put it out now. “We need to go. There’s snow, and it’s cold. I—we need to go.” I sound a bit frantic, which seems silly and out of place.

  I leave her staring at me as I walk to the antique metal hooks lining the wall with her coat hanging from it. I hear her giggle behind me. She turns and watches me, her fingertips resting against her swollen lips. She giggles again.

  “Yes, snow is definitely a good way to cool off.” Her eyes light up, and I can’t help the laugh that escapes as she takes her coat from me. “Bye, Aunt Vi. See you later,” she calls out so Mrs. D will hear her in the kitchen.

  “Have fun, you two,” Mrs. Durham calls back.

  Selene looks at me and shakes her head again as she walks past me. I guess I did react to that kiss in a funny way. I’m glad she appears calm because it means I didn’t scare her. I wish I could say the same for me.


  I STILL FEEL THE TINGLING sensation deep in the pit of my stomach.

  I feel unsteady on my feet. There was something different in that kiss than any other we have shared before. I saw it in his eyes, and I’m pretty sure after I had gotten over the shock of the kiss, it was mirrored in my own eyes. I wanted him. Who am I kidding? I still want him now. I watch him trudge his way to his truck, oblivious to the fact he has caused a storm to brew within me. One I’m not sure I can weather much longer.

  Just as I reach the truck, Drake opens the door. Stepping up to the front, I slip on the edge and fall back, releasing a loud yelp. Drake catches me, but the surprise of my fall leaves him off balance, and we both fall to the ground. He lands first, and I land on him, knocking a rush of air from his lungs. Neither of us moves. Then just when I think about moving, a big, cold handful of snow crunches against my face. Suddenly, I’m sliding off his chest with a thud to the ground as a roar of laughter fills the air. Stunned, I lie there for a moment before gathering a fist full of snow. Listening to Drake, I relish the sound. Slowly, I inch my hand up and smash it swiftly into his face. I jump up and try to run but end up slipping and falling again.

  Drake is up, spitting snow out of his mouth as he darts toward me. I’m scrambling to get back on my feet, unsure if it’s the ice beneath my feet or my laughter hindering my ability to stand.

  “You are in serious trouble, Chandler!” Drake shouts between snorts. He wraps his arms around me when I finally get to my feet. Barely able to speak, I manage to get out, “You started it!” just before I taste cold, wet ice in my mouth. Again, we both fall to the ground, soaking our clothes to the bone, neither of us caring.

  I’m not even sure how long we’ve been out here, but we never make it out of the driveway. We both get in hits, Drake more often than I. We spend hours just enjoying our time together. For once, time doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters.


  I LAUGH, WATCHING SELENE WIGGLE her toes after pulling her boots off. I’m pretty sure snow found its way inside of them by the look of uncomfortable disgust on her face. She looks up, glaring at me. “Oh, so you think it’s funny I may lose some toes?”

  A boot zips past my head and hits the wall. My happiness only gets louder, and I can faintly hear Mrs. D singing to herself from upstairs.

  “You’re a shithead, Drake Thomas! This hurts!” Selene exclaims as a laugh escapes between her lips.

  I slowly stalk toward her while she tries to continue giving me the ultimate death stare. “You say shit too much,” I state simply, keeping my face straight. She begins to say something, but I reach her before the words can leave her mouth, sweeping her up into my arms out of the chair.

  She squeals and stiffens her body, nearly making us both fall to the floor. “Put me down, you nut! You’re going to drop me!”

  Looking into her eyes, we both abruptly stop. We stop moving altogether. I gently tighten my hold. “No, I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever let you go.” Leaning in, Selene presses her lips softly to mine. They taste sweet from her lip balm. “That’s okay. I don’t really want you to let me go, anyway.”

  Our light, fun moment turns into something more. Every day that has passed since the accident, we’ve had many moments of something more. Today seems even more significant. Even more telling of the bond we’ve created between us. Of the life we want. Together. Only together.


  AS I OPEN MY EYES, the morning sunlight pours over every corner of my room. It’s a peaceful image. One that has my lips tipping up at the corners. For the first time, I feel lighter. Full of hope. Full of love for a life I never thought I would experience.

  It’s April. A year since everything in my world changed. A year without Mama.

  Life was so full of irreversible despair, I wasn’t sure anything could change it. My heart so broken and shattered, it was impossible to believe it would ever be whole again.

  Never believe in the impossibility of anything.

  Because possibility comes swooping into your life when you least expect. You may try to fight it. Don’t. It’s pointless.

  My possibility is Drake.

  I tried fighting it. Fighting our connection. Our meant to be. It was futile. You can’t win against these kinds of odds. I’m thankful for the perseverance of possibility.

  It’s April, and I‘m not afraid of what this year will bring. How can I be afraid when I have Drake?


  I ROLL OVER, REACHING MY hand out to search the nightstand for my phone, the darkness in my room making it impossible to know what time it is. Our whole house is kept dark and cold. It’s always been this way, as if it wants to stamp out anything light in my life.

  Except it isn’t the house. It’s my mother.

  As I find my phone and touch the screen, it illuminates a small space around me. Nine thirty. And the phone also reminds me of the date. April.

  Lacey left me in April. She left, an
d what I thought was the point of my existence left too.

  Or so I thought.

  I was wrong. God, was I wrong. Because I, Drake Thomas, had never even existed until I wandered upon a girl finding her own solace in my sanctuary. I was a shadow in a dark world before I met her. Before Selene.

  Rolling off the bed and onto my feet, I push open the heavy curtains. My eyes try to shut to block out the brightness of the day, but I hold them open. I only ever want to see light again when my eyes are open.

  Selene did that, and no matter what or who happens, our lives are forever bonded. Bonded by happenstance. Bonded by love.

  And how can I not exist when I have that?


  WHEN DRAKE CALLED, HE TOLD me to be ready. Ready for what? Of course, he hung up before I could ask. I get the feeling he wouldn’t tell me anyway. Whatever it is, he sounded excited.

  Drake’s excitement reminds me again of the possibilities of life that I spent the morning contemplating. We both have found new possibilities. We both have found the missing part of ourselves. It feels good.

  Peeking out the window, I’m feeling impatient. Just as I’m about to step away from the window, I see Drake’s truck pull into the driveway. My heart speeds up, and I stand there watching, waiting to catch a glimpse of him when he doesn’t know I can see him.

  Maybe that’s a little strange, but Drake is his most handsome when he doesn’t know he has an audience.

  He doesn’t get out right away, and I wonder what he’s doing. If I didn’t know better, I would almost think he was thinking about leaving instead of getting out of his truck. Then, before I can take another breath, Drake is lowering himself out from the driver’s side door. I always love the initial feeling I get when I see him. It’s like the first time every time.

  From the moment I saw him all those months ago, Drake’s beauty has left me speechless. It really isn’t fair. I feel intoxicated by him. I don’t know how or why, but he is mine. Yes, there isn’t a better feeling than this.


  BEFORE I KNOCK ON THE door, I rub my palms against my pants to wipe the sweat from them. My nerves are shot. Selene is going to think I’m trying to forget them. I’m not. I just want us to move forward. I want us to embrace what we have found because life is so precious. This may upset her, and that scares me most of all.

  I don’t want her to hurt ever again.

  The door swings open, pulling me from my thoughts. She’s grinning ear-to-ear. It’s the most perfect smile ever. My worries melt away. I can’t be afraid when she looks at me this way.

  She throws her arms around my neck. “Where are we going?” I can hear the excitement in her voice.

  Squeezing her tight, I let go. “It’s a surprise. There’s something we need to do.”

  One eyebrow quirks up. “We need to do?” She grabs my hand. “Now I’m even more intrigued.”

  “Let’s go. I want as much time as I can have with you, and I promised Mrs. D I’d have you home by midnight.”

  We walk hand-in-hand back to my truck. I help lift her up into the truck and walk around the front to the driver's side, my eyes never leaving hers. It’s April. Life has changed. It’s becoming what it was always meant to be.


  DRAKE TAKES US TO OUR place along the river. As we walk along the path, closer to the river bank, I feel a new kind of intimacy between us tonight. Actually, it has been building for some time. I’m completely aware of every breath he takes. I feel the beats of our hearts from my fingertips all the way to my center.

  When we reach the river’s edge, Drake has set everything up. It looks romantic and beautiful.

  There are small lanterns hanging from the cypress tree branches, blankets and a picnic laid partway beneath the branches and under the open night sky. I’m speechless for a moment before turning to him and firmly planting my lips against his. I can tell I take him off guard at first because he doesn’t move. But I’m overwhelmed by my love for him, and I keep my lips pressed firmly against his until finally he takes control. Running my hands up his back, I pull myself against him, wanting to be closer. I’m not sure how long we stay connected like this, but it takes Drake gently pushing me back to break the spell.

  “We need to stop. I had a plan.” He sounds like he hates himself for stopping. I want to laugh at the annoyance in the tone of his voice while at the same time fighting the urge to ignore him and force my own plans on him.

  He kisses me on the cheek so I just nod, deciding to give him his way since it’s clear he worked so hard. “Drake, it looks so beautiful out here. I love it.”

  Taking my hand, we walk toward the water’s edge. Silently, we watch the river move swiftly over the rocks. The sun is just setting behind the hills, a warm glow reflecting off the water from the last bit of sunlight. It’s so peaceful.

  “It’s April.” His low voice wakes me from my thoughts.

  Turning my head slightly, I watch his face. He’s still looking out over the water. I can’t actually read his mind. I want to ask him so many questions, but I remain silent.

  “Selene, I woke up this morning, and for the first time, I felt completely happy. Worry-free.” Turning, he faces me, taking both of my hands in his. Only a moment passes. “For the first time, I don’t feel like waiting for everything to crumble apart.”

  Rising up on my toes, I wrap my arms around his neck. Slowly, I place a soft kiss on his lips.

  “It’s April, and I don’t feel the overwhelming sadness that I expected to feel. The sadness I thought I would feel for the rest of my life.”

  Keeping my arms around him, I stare into his worried eyes. “Drake, I felt the same this morning. I feel the same way now. Don’t look so sad about it. We don’t have to punish ourselves any longer for their deaths. It wasn’t our fault.” His gaze drifts away from mine. “No. Look at me.” His eyes meet mine again. “We deserve to be happy. It’s what they would have wanted.”

  Pulling me tight against him, he releases the breath he seemed to be holding.

  “I was so worried you would be upset with me for feeling so happy when—”

  “I could never be mad, especially when I feel the same.” I kiss him lightly again. “It’s our time. We’ll always remember them. We’ll always miss them. We’ll go on.” I pause as I let the words sink in before continuing. “You made me realize we can have it all.”

  He lifts me off the ground and holds me tight against him.

  Whispering, he says, “Thank you for loving me.”

  I can’t help myself when a small laugh escapes my lips. “Is that what this is all about? Were you afraid I’d be mad at you?”

  Placing me on my feet, he grins down at me. “No, but I was trying to make you happy too.”

  “Oh, Drake. You didn’t need to do all of this. I’m happy. Happier than I've ever been in my whole life.”


  RELIEF. IT’S AMAZING WHAT A few words can do to a person. I should’ve known, but I guess sometimes our old worries still linger.

  Taking Selene’s tiny hand in mine, I lead her to the blanket I laid out for us.

  The picnic by the river, although a nice idea, is completely insignificant at the moment. I can only think about how our lives are moving forward. My mind is consumed by one thing: Selene. She is mine, and we are happy.

  My heart begins to pound inside my chest. Not out of fear, but in anticipation.

  Neither of us says a word as we reach the blanket. I pull her into the curve of my body. She touches her lips to mine. I move to the edge of her mouth and onto her cheek, pressing light and delicate kisses against her skin. I continue to make my way down to the curve of her neck and back up again.

  My body is on fire with each touch of my lips to her skin, scorching me to the very depths of my soul. This is love. The way she is pulling me closer and the soft sounds leaving her, I know she feels it too. I feel every part of our love tangling together until it is impossible to determine whose love is

  We’ve never allowed ourselves to lose this control. I’ve always wanted her. From the very moment I saw her, I wanted to touch her sun-kissed skin and every part of her body. We just never went this far, although lately it has been harder to resist. Is she ready? Am I ready? I need to be sure now before it’s too late.

  Pulling back, I look down into her eyes.

  “Selene, baby, do you want to stop?” I ask, wanting her answer to be no, yet being perfectly okay with yes.

  I want her to always trust me and feel safe. The darkness surrounds us, but the weak lantern light reflects the answer I’m hoping for in her eyes. The slight nod of her head gives me final confirmation. This is happening.

  She gently tugs my shirt, her small hands fisted into it so she can bring my lips back to hers.

  Our lips meet, at first soft and slow, and then she becomes almost urgent. I feel her hands clumsily roam over my back, reaching for the bottom of my shirt to pull it up over my head. Gently, I pull her hands away. I need this to be unhurried and deliberate.

  Brushing her hair back, I stare down into her eyes, cupping her cheek.

  Slowly, I run my hand along the curve of her cheek, gently down her neck to the top of her delicate skin at the top of her breast. I savor every touch and whimper that escapes her lips. Her beauty is mesmerizing.

  She reaches up and touches my face, her eyes begging me for more. “I want this. I want you,” she whispers.

  We begin undressing one another, kissing and caressing as we free ourselves from the confines of our clothing. Finally bare, I cover her. The vulnerability I feel is reflected in her gaze as she stares up at me. Looping her hands around my neck, Selene gently pulls my head down so our lips are mere inches apart. Just before they touch, our eyes never breaking their connection, I confess, “I want you too.”


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