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A Thin Line

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by Rori Pond

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  A Thin Line

  Copyright © 2013 by Rori Pond

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-522-2

  Cover art by Fiona Jayde

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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  A Thin Line

  The Edge Erotica Series


  Rori Pond

  Wiley studied his reflection in the mirror. The black suit fit him like a glove. The skinny blue tie made his cerulean blue eyes pop. Finishing the look off with artfully mussed hair, he was ready to leave. Impeccably groomed without being overdressed, perfect for my ten-year reunion.

  The well put together façade did nothing to soothe his nerves. It’s because of her. He scowled. All this time away from Stanton Heights and the minute he came back, the rivalry sprang back to life. Rosen Teague, his arch nemesis in high school, had sought to thwart him at every turn; from the position as valedictorian, which she’d won by one volunteer hour, to the top spot in their AP classes, class president, and chairman of the debate team.

  It seemed like everywhere he wanted to be, so did she. An image of the determined gleam in her hazel eyes, and a delicate smile on her lips rose in his mind. He’d grown sick of hearing “Good luck and may the best person win.”

  Of all the people he’d come back to see, she held the highest spot on his list. An attorney at a leading firm in New York, he made out pretty well. Let’s see Ms. Perfect top that. Petty and childish? Yes, but it didn’t change the fact that primping in the mirror like a sixteen year-old about to go on his first date had to do with her. He scowled, grabbed the invitation from the reunion committee, and pivoted on his heels to leave. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at his Alma matter, Stanton High, Home of the Bulldogs.

  It seemed like yesterday he ran with the rich, preppy kids, acted like an entitled little snot, and thought the world would always be handed to him on a silver platter. Entering Ivy League college, it didn’t take long to realize he needed to sink or swim. Which left him with two decisions: grow up, or eek by and live off Mummy and Daddy’s fortune for the rest of his life.

  Every time he thought of his attitude back then he cringed. He had a lot of apologies to make, part of his to-do list in a self imposed twelve-step program. After losing the love of his life due to cocky arrogance two years prior, one hard look in the mirror told him he had two choices: change or live a lonely life.

  He stopped at the check-in table and smiled at Susan Hickmans—no—he squinted at her name tag—Williams.

  “Mr. Taylor, I would recognize you anywhere! Welcome back. It’s been quite some time since I saw your face in this town.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been really busy with work.”

  “I heard you’re big shot attorney at a law firm in New York City. Congratulations.” She scanned his left hand. “No wife?”

  “Not yet, Susan, and I’m still working on becoming a big shot.” He winked. “Just getting my feet wet right now.”

  She chuckled and handed him a name tag. “Right, here you are. Head on in and grab a drink. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of folks you know inside, including my husband, Shaun.”

  An image of a tall, lanky blond popped into his head. He’d never taken much stock in anyone not in his social circle. “Thanks and congratulations on the marriage.”

  “Thank you. He’s inside somewhere.”

  “I’ll be sure to give him my best when I see him.” Wiley slipped away from the petite brunette who’d been in most of his classes and walked into the darkened room. The tables were covered with black cloths and the room had low lighting, but nothing shiny hung from the ceiling. Thank God it doesn’t look like a senior prom. He made a beeline for the bar set up in the corner, pleased that he’d beaten the rush.

  “What can I get for you?” the uniformed bartender asked.

  “Rum and cola please…make it a double.”

  “You got it, boss.” He added a good bit of rum, a little Coke, and handed it over.

  “Thanks.” Wiley took a sip, grateful for the burn down his throat that settled in his belly and took the edge off. While he completed his rounds around the room, he paused to talk to people he knew and played catch up.

  He swirled the drink in his hand and looked up to see her walk in. Rosen Teague. All the blood rushed to his penis. She had to be the prettiest woman there, wearing a slinky, little black dress that molded to her delicious curves. With sexy, black-and-white heels, she could’ve stepped off the cover of a magazine. Long black ringlets fell to her shoulders and framed a heart-shaped face, smooth and blemish free. Her sienna skin glowed with health. Time had been good to her. Her breasts were perky and her ass begged to be cupped, smacked and watched, as someone took her lush form from behind. He shifted his weight to relieve the tightness beneath his fly and downed the rest of his drink.

  She glanced in his direction. Plump red lips curved into the familiar smile he remembered from their youth. The feeling it caused at that moment, however…anything but annoyance. Taking a sharp left, she headed toward him, her three-inch heels clacking across the floor in direct competition with his overactive heartbeat.

  She came to a halt in front of him. “So we meet again.” Her wide-set hazel gaze swept over him. “You clean up well.”

  He cleared his throat. “I can say the same for you.”

  “Yeah, I know.” The wicked wink she delivered relaxed him.

  “I hoped I’d see you tonight.”

  “Really?” She sounded skeptical. “I figured I’d be the last person you’d be talking to, unless snubbing counted.”

  “About that….” He glanced around. All eyes were on them. “Do you think we could go somewhere more private?”

  “Later. It’d be a little conspicuous right now. I don’t want to set tongues wagging right off the bat. Some of us still live here, Mr. High-Powered Attorney.”
r />   “You heard about that?”

  “Honey, the whole town has. Your mother is not shy.”

  “That’s an understatement.” He chuckled. “What are you doing these days?”

  “I own a financing company.”

  He looked down at the pear-shaped diamond on her ring finger. “Congrats Mrs…?”

  She wiggled it at him. “Birthday present to myself. It’s still Teague.”

  “So your business is doing well, is it?”

  “Was there a doubt?”

  He shook his head. “Not with you running it.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Are you putting me on?”

  “No, why would you think that?”

  “Our track record isn’t the best.”

  “No, but I’m no longer childish, spoiled, or completely oblivious to what life’s really about. I’m sorry for the way I treated you. Let’s chalk it up to immaturity and a stupid sense of entitlement.”

  Her mouth formed an O. “You are certainly not the boy I used to know.”

  “No. I’m the man who’d like to get to know you.”

  Her thin eyebrows shot up and she moved in closer. “Are you serious?”

  “Deadly.” What the hell, in for a penny in for a pound, right? I’m not leaving here tonight without telling my side of the story from high school. I owe her that much.

  “Wow… I-I don’t know how to respond to that.”

  “Later?” He inclined his head to the side.

  “Yeah.” She nodded and they parted ways.


  Had that conversation really happened earlier? She stared at the bathroom mirror. Have I entered the Twilight Zone? The boy who’d made her life more difficult than it needed to be in high school wanted to get to know her, and to top it all off, he actually apologized? This is too bizarre for words.

  She lived in town so she’d thought about skipping the shindig. The thought of seeing him had deterred her from not showing up. Her face blossomed with heat. Despite their constant competition and harsh word exchanges, she’d crushed on him like mad. Wiley was her equal in so many ways, back then the attraction seemed natural. But the memory of shame settled over her, and she ducked her head. She’d become the girl who liked the asshole, someone she never wanted to be.

  Blotting her face with a paper towel, she checked her hair then headed back down the hallway to the gym. A classroom door opened and strong arms pulled her inside. Her muscles tensed and her heart raced. With a gasp, she tilted her head back to find the man who’d sent her fleeing to the restroom for solitude.

  “I figured we could be away from prying eyes.” He gestured toward the back, away from the door. Moonlight streamed into the windows, providing natural light for them to see by. They took a seat at two desks that couldn’t be seen by passersby.

  “Are you really this eager to talk to me?” She wrinkled her brow.

  “Yes. I’ve always wanted to set things right with you. Back then ‘Wiley’ was synonymous with ‘asshole.’ Deplorable and totally underserved are the only words I can think of to describe my behavior toward you.” He pushed away from the desk and paced the aisle. “I found it easier to act like an ass than tell you the truth.”

  “The truth?” Her voice wavered. She scrambled to stand in front of him. In her high heels she got the extra boost needed from her regular five-foot-ten inches and met his gaze head on. “Wiley, tell me.”

  His image blurred as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. There was nothing soft or light about the domineering way he claimed her mouth. Competition, the way it’d always been. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, his flavor exploding on to her tongue. Intoxicating! The minty taste hummed along her taste buds, and she dipped her own tongue into his mouth seeking more contact. Desperate to feel his body against her, she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her close. Her hardened nipples pressed into the broad expanse of his chest. Tangling a hand in her hair, he tugged.

  “Oh, God.” She moaned in the back of her throat and ran her hands down his back and up again, digging her fingers into the flesh of his shoulders.

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this to you? I daydreamed about this tight little body of yours every period we ever had together. I never knew I could come so hard until you became the star of my fantasies. It’s not just your looks that turned me on, but that brilliant mind, too. You were the total package, yet I couldn’t touch you.”


  “Because you had no use for someone like me back then. I knew how others viewed me, and why. I just didn’t care.” His grip released, and he changed tactics, burying his fingers in her hair, massaging her scalp and down to her back.

  Her bones began to turn to mush. “You should’ve taken the risk. I’ll bet while you were stroking your cock, I was doing the same to my pussy until I climaxed.” Her voice lowered. “Your name was on my lips every time.”

  His eyes darkened with desire and his breath hitched. “Don’t tease me, Rosen.”

  “Why else would I be letting you get away with this?” In search of more contact, she rolled her hips into him. “I dreamed of the day you’d be this hard for me. Now I want you to make it worth my while.”

  Gripping her ass with his large hands, he kneaded and caressed the flesh until she whimpered. “You like that?” His raspy voice made her belly quiver.


  “How about this?” He gave her a hard smack, once, twice, three times and she cried out, pressing against his hand in a silent plea for more. “Shh, you’ll get us caught, naughty girl.” His large hand rubbed the stinging area and she purred like a cat. “You like it a little rough, don’t you?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Lean over the desk.”

  “What?” The request puzzled her.

  “I want to take you the way I always dreamed—bent over with that beautiful ass in the air so I can watch it bounce while I pound into you. Are you wet for me?”

  “Why don’t you find out?” She draped over the wooden surface, spread her legs wide, and paused to look over her shoulders. “Are you going to come and check, or should I get things started on my own?”

  The words spurred him into action. “No, I’ll save watching you pleasure your cunt for later.”


  He stepped behind her and hiked her dress up. The cool air on her heated flesh drew a gasp from her.

  “No underwear?” His voice was deep and rich with pleasure.” You’re naughtier than I ever imagined.”

  “They didn’t go with the dress.”

  He caressed a finger down her cleft. “You’re so wet. Is this all for me? Did you hope this moment would happen when you got dressed and decided to forgo the tiny scrap of silk that would cover this luscious pussy of yours?” He dipped a fingertip inside and pushed, knuckle deep. “So tight, and even hotter than I’d imagined.”

  Pulling the finger out, he thrust back inside at a slow, steady, pace, her hips rocking in time with it. “That’s it, fuck yourself with my finger.”

  Clutching the edge of the writing table for leverage, she raised her upper body to get the angle she needed. Better, but still not enough.

  “More?” His voice was raw silk as he added another finger.

  “Yes.” She thrust back against him.

  “I wish you could see how beautiful your pussy is when it swallows my fingers. But that’s not really what you need, is it?”

  “No.” A whimper formed on her lips.

  “You want my cock?”


  “Then that’s what you’ll have.”

  Biting back a protest at the loss of his fingers, she twisted around to watch him unzip his slacks and free his cock. Seven inches of thick flesh, with a bulbous head, and veins that ran down the side.

  Her mouth watered and her lips puckered into a pout. “I wanted to taste you.”


  “You keep saying that word.”

e’s no way we could both be satisfied with this one time.”

  No argument from her. “Agreed. What about protection?”

  “Reach into my pocket, and dig out my wallet. There’s a condom inside.”

  “I do love a man who comes prepared.” Complying, she removed the condom and opened the packet. “Let me help, lover.”

  With a tight hold on his base, she took him into her mouth, savoring the salt-tinged flavor before rolling the slick latex down his length. “I had to sample what I’d be having later on tonight.” She regained her former position and shook her ass. “Come on, handsome, time to make both our fantasies come true.”

  The tip of his cock penetrated her entrance. He paused. “You ready for me?”

  “Stop talking and do what we’ve both waited so long for.”

  He pulled out and rammed in, making her cry out. Her pussy stretched to accommodate his girth. Thrusting in and out, over and over, he sank deeper with every pass.


  “Quiet or we’ll get caught.”

  As he continued the bruising pace, she bit the inside of her check, struggling to contain her responses. The creak of the small table and guttural sounds filled the classroom.

  “That’s it, baby, take it all.” He fisted her hair and bent over to kiss her nape. “You’re doing so good. Your cunt is like liquid fire. Fuck!”

  “Fuck me harder, Wiley.”

  His thrusts sent her sprawling across the cool desk. Her cheek pressed against the smooth surface, the smell of eraser and lemon-scented cleanser filling her nostrils. Flood gates opened and she convulsed.

  “Shit! I’m going to come, baby.” With his face buried against her back, he muffled his roar and followed in the wake of her mind-blowing release.

  Catching their breath, they basked in the afterglow. When he pulled free, she protested.

  “I know. I’d rather remain here too, but sooner or later folks are going to put two and two together.”

  Shaking her head, she pulled down her dress. “No way. We hated each other.”

  He removed the condom and tied the end then wrapped it in a mass of tissue from a blue box on a nearby desk. After a quick wipe down, he shoved his shaft back inside his boxers and zipped up, repairing the damage done to his appearance. Grabbing a handful of tissues, he handed them to her.


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