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A Thin Line

Page 2

by Rori Pond

  She smiled. “Thanks.”

  “It’s the least I could do.” Kneeling, he patted her dry. “You should go back to the bathroom and fix your hair. I made a mess of it.”

  “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry about my hair,” she said.

  “I wasn’t going to.”

  They both chuckled.

  “I’m not going to be much good at this party when all I can think about is being between your thighs, buried balls deep.”

  His words brought a fresh wave of juices. “What do you suggest?”

  “We make our rounds and leave separately, a reasonable time after each other.”

  “Your place or mine?” she asked.

  “Yours. A hotel isn’t worthy enough.”

  “Done.” She stepped closer, and whispered her address in his ear before leaving to go to the bathroom. The reunion hadn’t been anything like she expected and everything she could’ve dreamed.


  Who knew fifteen minutes could last an eternity? The seconds slowed to a near halt since Rosen had left. Thoughts of her breathy sighs and lusty moans had him growing hard again. He liked her lips, and the woman had the sweetest pussy he’d ever been in.

  Forced to leave the mixer early to escape embarrassment for his hard on, he drove around town to kill time. Can’t have her thinking I’m desperate. His knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as he followed the directions from his Smartphone. One more block.

  At the last minute, he parked away from the house to prevent rumors from spreading. He loved their town, but news traveled at the speed of light. Exiting the car, he made his way up to the house; half expecting to wake up from a dream, disappointed and in dire need of relief.

  The mid-sized, candy-colored brick building, with a two car garage and a bright burst of flowers in the bed around the oak tree in the center of the yard, suited her personality.

  Ding Dong. Seconds seemed to stretch into minutes. The door finally swung open and his jaw hit the floor. Clad in a dark red teddy with a fringe skirt, she took his breath away. She’d foregone underwear and her smooth core boasted a landing strip that stopped just above her pussy lips.

  “Welcome to my house, Wiley.” When he stepped inside, she said, “You ran the show back in school; now let me demonstrate what I can do.” Her soft purr ignited sparks in his belly. She motioned with her fingers toward his pants. “Drop ‘em.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Giving her a jaunty salute, he worked his belt free and shoved his slacks down.

  “Those, too.” She gestured toward his black boxer briefs, and they joined the pants around his ankles. “I need to rectify something we didn’t have time for earlier.”

  Dropping to her knees, she slid him between her lips. Her moist, warm mouth brought his cock back to life, like a snake charmer with a cobra. The vibrations shot fire up his length as she hummed. With a grunt, he gripped her thick black strands of hair and rocked his hips in time to her strokes.

  “You look even more beautiful when your lips are wrapped around my cock.”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  She took him deep, worshipped him with lips, tongue, and hands. His thighs shook and he battled the urge to ram into the back of her throat. “If you don’t stop this soon, I’m going to fill that pretty mouth of yours up with cum.”

  She pulled away with a loud pop. “I’d love to taste your salty goodness, but I have other plans in mind.” An aura of sex and mystery surrounded her, and the sparkle in her eyes excited him. He never knew what was next with her.

  “First, let’s lose all of these clothes.” Unbuttoning his shirt with nimble fingers, she slipped it down off his arms. A swift kick rid him of his right shoe, and he hooked his toes over the left heel to remove the other. With a voice like rich, dark chocolate and full of sin, she asked, “Are you sure you’re ready for this, Wiley Taylor? ’Cause I aim to make sure tonight is one you’ll remember for the rest of your life.”

  They walked down a dark hallway, hands entwined.

  Damn. The temptation was too hard to resist. “I’ve been waiting a long time. You have a lot to live up to.”

  They entered a bedroom illuminated by white candles scattered around the room, and his gaze went to a massive bed with black satin sheets. A dresser stood against the wall to his right, along with a nightstand boasting a variety of interesting things.

  His cock jerked. “Have this all planned out, do you?”

  “Always.” Facing him, she pressed her hands against his chest and looked him in the eyes. “Are you opposed to being tied up?”

  “I’m usually the one who’s doing the tying.”

  “So, I have a bondage virgin. Can I pop your cherry, Wiley?” Her playful expression told him she loved the role reversal.

  Uncertainty clouded his mind, but his dick knew what it wanted. The leaking pre-cum said it all. “Yes, you can.”

  “You’ll love it,” she whispered. Her warm breath tickled and made him shiver as she stepped back, taking away her delicious, enticing heat. “Get on the bed and spread ’em.”

  He lay on the soft, silky material, his stomach knotting. Anticipation and nervousness raced through him. She stepped up to the bed and ran a piece of cloth down his chest. Hyperaware, he followed every move with his gaze.

  “Are you nervous?” she asked.


  Winding the scarf around his dick, she stroked and his breath caught in his chest. “This is going to be your best friend.” She pulled the strip taut. “It can heighten your senses.” The dark promise in her voice caused more blood to rush to his shaft. A groan spilled from his lips.

  Rosen loosened the material and slid it along the inside of his thigh in a slow motion, the hairs rising in its wake.

  “Caress.” She moved the rest down the length of his leg, tied his left ankle to the bed post, then his right. Walking the length of the bed, she reached inside the drawer for two more and attached a scarf to each wrist. His muscles tensed. “How does it feel?”

  “Strange, but okay so far.” Not too tight, the hold kept him where she wanted him.

  “A part of me wants to blindfold you. But then I wouldn’t be able to see the response in your brilliant blue eyes, and that’s a dream I’ve held for too long to give up on.” Bending over, she placed a gentle kiss on his lips and bit down on his bottom lip. “I don’t even know where to start with you, my beautiful boy.”

  She tweaked his nipples and he arched, straining against the bonds. “Ooh, like a bit of pain, do you?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  Reaching over, she opened the drawer beside him and pulled out a black candle. His heart raced at the thought of her plans for it.

  “Don’t worry, this is created for play, it won’t burn you.” She lit the wick end, raked her fingernails across his chest then tilted the candle.

  Three hot splashes landed on his skin and he hissed, jerking against the restraints.

  Blowing on the area, she eased the burn. Shivers ran down his spine in contrast with the warmth flowing through him. A few more splashes caught his stomach and thigh, and his dick stood at attention.

  “You’re hot, all bound up and at my mercy.”

  He swallowed hard. “You’re a wicked woman.”

  “Perhaps, but you like it.” She nipped at his belly and his muscles jumped.

  “I do.”

  She spilled wax on the other thigh then took him into her mouth.

  Bobbing her head up and down, she took him deep.

  “Oh, God!” He bucked his hips.

  Another drizzle of wax landed on his thigh. Pleasure and pain twined together and sweat ran down his forehead and chest. “I’m going to come soon if you keep this up.”

  Pausing, she stood and blew out the candles with her swollen lips. “Not yet.” Her words were a command. She set the candle on the dresser and pulled a familiar foil square from the open drawer. “As much as I’d like to drag our playtime out, my pussy is very wet and ready to be fill
ed.” Climbing back on the bed, she straddled his legs.

  She grasped the base of his cock and eased the rubber down. The teasing is over. Eyes fever-bright with passion, she lifted and slammed down on his length.

  “Shit!” She flexed the muscles of her vagina, and her core scorched him through the condom like lava until his eyes threatened to roll back into his head. “Hold tight, Wiley, you’re in for one hell of a ride.” Placing her hands on his chest, she rose up and crashed back down. A satisfied mewl left her throat.

  The flickering light caused her brown skin to glow, and her hair flew around her face. A growl of approval rumbled in his chest. She’s a goddess among women. The look of complete bliss painted across her face made his chest swell with pride.

  She circled her hips, once, twice.

  “That’s it, baby, ride me.”

  Arching her back, she grabbed her ankles, the position allowing him deeper penetration.


  She rocked harder, the bed tapping the wall. “That’s right, I’m fucking you.”

  His balls tingled. “I can’t hold on much longer, Ro.”

  “I’m almost there. Wait for me, Wiley, don’t you dare come early.” Her eyelids shot open to reveal glossy brown eyes.

  Gritting his teeth, he nodded.

  She shifted and moved forward, doubling her speed. “I’m so close, are you going to come with me?” Trembling, she flexed her muscles, her inner walls clamping down like a vice.

  With a shout, he released all he had to give. “Oh, oh, God!”

  She collapsed on his chest in a welcome weight. The sound of heavy breathing filled the air. All too soon, she pulled away from him and slipped off the condom.

  “I’ll flush this and then I’ll be back to untie you.” Her voice had grown husky from screaming. “Don’t get too comfortable though, I’m not done with you by a long shot.”

  He glanced down at his limpness. “As much as I’d love to oblige you, darling, I’m not sure I have it in me right now.”

  “You have a mouth and hands, don’t you?” She winked at him over her shoulder from the bathroom doorway.


  Exhausted, he let his head fall back against the pillow and allowed his mind to wander.


  I’m on cloud nine. I just had two bouts of amazing sex with Wiley in the span of three hours. Twisting the faucets in her garden tub, she dropped in some lightly scented bath salts and gathered two, fluffy brown bath towels. He has one more orgasm in him, I can feel it. They’d come together fast and furious. The next go round she wanted slow.

  Satisfied with the water level, she left the bathroom. “Did you miss me?”

  “Very much so. I didn’t get a chance to really see you in that sexy outfit.”

  She twirled. “You like?”

  “Like is too mild a word. That thing makes me want to destroy your pussy.”

  Shit, he’s a freak. But I like it. “I’m certainly not going to dissuade you.”

  The banter was familiar: they’d had it as long as she’d known him. Maybe not as sexual, but just as fun.

  Once she got the fabric untied, she took his hand. “I thought we could both use a cleaning off after that.”

  He cupped her ass and pulled her close. “There’s something I need to do first.” Devouring her lips, he cut off her reply.

  Her lids drifted closed. More than lust existed in that kiss. It felt like…potential. The insight, coupled with Wiley’s kissing skills, twisted her insides like a swirl ice-cream cone. He lifted her leg to wrap around his waist and slipped his hand down to caress her sensitive clit. A few strokes of his thumb and she went off like a rocket.

  He held her close, kissing her shoulders while she came down. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just…wow.” She held her fingers up to her mouth.

  A genuine smile changed his entire face, taking him from attractive to gorgeous. Placing a hand on the small of her back, he led her to the bathroom.

  Interesting how comfortable we both are taking the lead. Some things haven’t changed since high school. When they reached the tub, he held her hand.

  “Ladies first.”

  She sank into the warm water and sighed.

  “This feels awesome.” She rested against the tub, drinking in his lean form as he took a seat across from her.

  “You’re much too far away. Come over here.” He circled her ankles with his fingers and she giggled. A playful tug brought her toward him, and he spun her around to sit between his legs. “I think I’m up next.”

  His hands had begun a gentle massage that started at her shoulders, making their way down. She lay against him, relaxed, and content. How long had it been since I’ve been held? She’d been so busy setting up her business, romance had fallen by the wayside. The feel of his soft hands sliding over her body was pure bliss.

  It’s official; I’ve died and gone to heaven. Goose bumps formed on her shoulders and over the swell of her chest left exposed above the bathwater. His quest sent his hands lower to her sensitive clit. One caress and she keened.

  “Now that you’re relaxed, let’s get you clean.” He kissed her temple and nudged her forward to grab the scented body wash on the lip of the tub. “I have to clean every part of you.”

  His whispered words lit a fire deep in her belly, and he stroked her clit like a guitar. Wiggling in his lap, she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from begging for more.

  “Do you want me to go faster?”

  “Shit, yeah!”

  “All you have to do is ask.” Sliding a finger inside, he continued. “I want to hear you say it, Rosen.” A second finger joined the first, stretching her. “Tell me you want me to make you come.”

  Bastard! She thrust her hips forward.

  He shook his head. “Uh uh, none of that. You owe me a phrase.”

  “Fuck! Make me come.”

  “Good girl.” He pinched her clit and she jumped at the rapid switch in gears.

  Water sloshed. She convulsed and white light splashed across the back of her eyelids. When she could speak, she said, “I think I’m spent.” It figured it would be him to make her see sparks.

  “Good, it means I’m doing my job right.”

  “Oh, what’s your job?” She glanced up at him.

  “Anything that keeps you happy and willing to put up with me for awhile longer.” His blue eyes showed no signs of teasing.

  “Come on.”

  “I’m serious. It took me this long to get you, I’ll be damned if I let you go now.”

  Her stomach fluttered. “I-I don’t know what to say to that,” she whispered.

  “Are you trying to find a nice way to tell me you’re not interested?”

  “No, no.” She pulled away, shaking her head. “Nothing like that, it’s all so surreal. I feel like I’m going to wake up and find it’s the morning of the reunion and this was nothing more than a kinky dream.

  “That I understand.” He bent down to press a sweet kiss on her lips. “So we’re going to give us a shot?”

  She smiled. “I don’t think we have a choice. The chemistry between us is electric.”

  “It always was, but as teens we didn’t know what to do with it.”

  “Thank God, or we’d have been doing a lot more than hanging out under the bleachers.”

  A gleam appeared in his eyes.


  “Come on, get dressed. I have an idea.” He released her and stood. Water and bubbles slid off his tanned form.

  “Right now?”

  He offered his hand and helped her from the tub.

  “Oh, you didn’t think this was ending here, did you? I think it’ll take a lifetime to get everything I want from you, Rosen.”

  Stunned she stared at him. Finally she asked, “Shouldn’t we get back to the reunion?” Although she wondered what their old classmates would say when she and Wiley showed up again. Together.

  “Yeah, but before we
do, I have another reunion planned…under the bleachers. And this time, we’ll finally get to do what we wanted to do back then.”


  Rori Pond is a thirty –something who thinks funny is sexy, adventures are a must, and love making should be scorching. A geek at heart, her love for science-fiction, and the paranormal, began at the tender age of thirteen, when she snagged her first paranormal romance from a used book store. Two years later she wrote her first full length novel at fifteen and the quest to take over the world— I mean become a writer began. Since then she's held a bevy of different positions, such as, flight attendant, DJ and Office Manager. Armed with wit, humor, and imagination, she plans to stretch the boundaries and explore love in all its infinite forms in space and time.

  You can visit Rori at:

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