Facts and Fears
Page 56
Udall, Tom, 199
Ukraine, 79–80, 258–61, 266, 303
undersecretary of defense for intelligence (USD(I))
Clapper as, 111–27
Clapper’s confirmation process, 112–14
Department of Defense intelligence operations, review of, 116
funding for Military Intelligence Program, 118
ODNI and OSD, resolving bureaucratic infighting between, 115–16
President’s Daily Brief received by, 117–18
working relationships of Clapper as, 119–20
underwear bomber, 127
unemployment, 288
United Kingdom, Five Eyes meetings and, 78, 255, 308–9
United Russia, 312, 313, 314
unmasking of Trump transition officials, 388–90
unpredictable instability, 287–89, 308, 357
Urrutia-Varhall, Linda R., 140
USA Freedom Act, 245, 265
USD(I). See undersecretary of defense for intelligence (USD(I))
US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, 100
Vacca, Marilyn, 192
Vickers, Mike, 119–20, 190, 192, 252, 269, 331
Victoria, Queen, 130
Vietnam War
Clapper’s tours of duty in, 21–24, 29–31
My Lai Massacre, 218
Paris Peace Accords, 32, 75
POW/MIA resolution, 75–76
signals intelligence (SIGINT) in, 21–24
Vital Speeches of the Day, 348
Wallace, Chris, 354
Warden, John A., III, 59, 60
Warner, John, 113–14
Warsaw Pact, 55–56, 79
Waschull, Mike, 77
Washington Post, 114, 136, 225, 230–31, 235, 240–41, 251, 352, 361
Washington Times, 98
Watergate, 317
wealth inequality, 287–88
weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 97–100
Webb, Marshall, 153
Weiner, Anthony, 354–55
Welch, Larry, 57
Westmoreland, William, 23–24
“What Law Firms Can Learn from James Clapper” (Lewis), 285
Whitehouse, Sheldon, 389
WikiLeaks, 215–20, 241, 341, 342, 343, 352, 353, 366
Wilson, Sandy, 70
Winnefeld, Sandy, 176
Wolfowitz, Paul, 104–5
women, in Intelligence Community, 69–70
Woods, Tyrone, 171
Woolsey, Jim, 82
Work, Bob, 359
worldwide threat assessments, 149–50
2011, 159, 164–65
2012, 175
2013, 204–8
2014, 250–51, 252–54
2015, 286–87
2016, 307–8
World Wide Web, 77
Wyden, Ron, 199, 200, 207–10, 223, 243
Wynne, Mike, 108
Xi Jinping, 234
Yanukovych, Viktor, 258, 259, 260, 346–47
Yates, Sally, 388, 389, 391
Yemen, 159
YouTube, 395
Zakaria, Fareed, 231
Zarif, Mohammad Javad, 289
Zhao Ziyang, 54
About the Authors
JAMES R. CLAPPER served as the fourth US director of national intelligence (DNI)—the United States’ top intelligence officer and President Obama’s senior intelligence adviser—from 2010 to 2017. Beginning his career as an enlisted Marine Corps reservist in 1961, Clapper eventually became a three-star air force lieutenant general and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, retiring from the uniformed service in 1995. In 2001 he returned to government service, becoming the first civilian director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency just three days after 9/11. In 2007 he was named the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, serving as an appointee in both the Bush and the Obama administrations before President Obama appointed him DNI.
TREY BROWN is a 1997 graduate of the US Naval Academy who started his career as a helicopter pilot and was twice deployed to the Persian Gulf before returning to teach at his alma mater. After serving as a US Navy spokesman at the Pentagon, he joined the Office of the DNI, where he began writing speeches in 2011. He has written hundreds of speeches, eight of which were published in the world’s top speechwriting journal, Vital Speeches of the Day, and was James Clapper’s speechwriter for his final three years as DNI. Clapper’s speech at Morehouse College, “Why Black Lives Matter to US Intelligence,” received the grand prize of the 2017 international Cicero Speechwriting Awards.
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