Book Read Free

Protecting His Home

Page 22

by Ember Davis

  He’s planning on painting a mural on one wall but hasn’t decided what it will be yet. He says it will be a surprise for me. We’re going to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy after the New Year and I can’t wait.

  There’s a pool going as to what we’re having because our family is the kind of people to do that sort of thing. Troy is the only one who put in that they’ve somehow missed a baby and we’re really having twins; one of each. I didn’t talk to him for a whole day after he told me that because, fuck, you can’t just wish twins on someone like that.

  Everyone has been so amazing and supportive of this baby. When we announced it on social media, Mark, the guy who did the live edge counter in Beckett’s shop and our dining room table reached out and said he wanted to design and build a crib for us as a gift. I burst into tears right then and there. Beckett told him that we’d love a custom crib but insisted on paying for it. Mark said there was no way and that he could never thank us for posting about his work on social media because it’s helped his business boom. We’re just happy to promote and help someone with passion and talent.

  I’ve sent him some pictures of sleigh bed style cribs that I really like but told him that the end design is up to him and that we trust him. I know he’ll make a beautiful heirloom piece that we’ll be able to use for this baby and any others we have in the future.

  Beckett’s fame has grown even more over the last two months. His waiting list shot from a year to two practically overnight all because one instafamous person posted about their tattoo; it went viral. Now, he always keeps some slots open for celebrities that contact him or he auctions them off on social media. That was Andrea’s idea. She’s really thrived as the manager of Banks Ink..

  One of the biggest names that contacted Beckett about getting a tattoo has been Cole Howard, lead singer of Suburban Outcasts, one of the biggest names in rock right now. They were playing two nights in Denver Thanksgiving weekend. Cole reached out to Beckett to see if there was any way he could be squeezed into Beckett’s schedule. Since the whole band was arriving the day before Thanksgiving, I told Beckett to meet him at the shop Thanksgiving morning under the one condition—Cole and the entire band joined us and our family for Thanksgiving dinner.

  Walsh squeezed me so tight when I came up with the suggestion that Beckett had to pull him off me. Walsh came over and helped me cook all day as a thank you for giving him the chance to not only meet one of his favorite bands but hang out with them. The amount of food we had for Thanksgiving, considering it was our crew with extended family, Higgins Security and Suburban Outcasts, was obscene. There weren’t any leftovers either. Heathens!

  I was happy to cook all day and bring our family together. It’s not like I’m the kind of girl that gets the chance to meet rock stars every day either. I kept my inner fangirl in check, but just barely.

  Cole, Gavin, Booker and Elliot were great guests and, even better, they totally clicked with us. Now we get to call a group of guys, who just happen to be rock stars, part of our family. Not only did we get to spend Thanksgiving with them, but we got VIP tickets to the concert and then Steve reserved the VIP area at his club for the afterparty. It was amazing.

  They’ll be in Vegas in a few months for a concert. It just happens to be when the shop is closing, as it does every year, so everyone can man a Banks Ink. booth at one of the biggest tattoo conventions in the country. We’re going to rent a big RV and road trip out there.

  Booker has been sending me pictures of little gifts he and the guys are finding for the baby while they’ve been finishing up the first part of their tour. There’s a scheduled holiday break in their tour dates that started a couple of weeks ago. Right now, they’re taking a month break in Orlando at the mansion they share there. We’re in Florida visiting my parents for Christmas. If we had more time, I’d tell them to get a guest room ready because we’re coming for a visit.

  As it is, today is Christmas Eve day and we fly out in two days to head home. Oh well, we’ll see them soon enough in Vegas. Speaking of my parents, my mom fell in love with Beckett the moment she met him. As I knew she would. My dad isn’t one of those ‘I’ll kill whoever dates my daughter’ types, just so you know. All he did was chat with Beckett for a few minutes and ask me if I was happy. The smile that spread across my face told him all he needed to know. He gave Beckett a man hug and that was that. My parents are also thrilled that they’re going to be grandparents at the beginning of summer and are already making plans to come out and visit when the baby arrives.

  Today, I woke up and knew exactly what Beckett and I would be doing today. Before I could tell him my idea, he told me that he has a surprise planned for me today and to dress ‘casually nice’. What does that even mean? Well, when you’re in Florida in December, I guess that means a maxi dress and a leather jacket, apparently, because that’s what I’m wearing.

  I’m headed down the stairs and I catch a split second of Beckett looking nervous as hell before he sees me and a huge smile spreads across his face. I narrow my eyes at him and close the distance between us, “Are you okay, Love?”

  He wraps his fingers around my wrist and pulls me closer, “Of course, Baby. I’m just excited for what I have planned for today.” His eyes scan me from top to bottom and a slow, wicked smile spreads across his face. “You’re glowing today, Amelia. You get more beautiful every single day.”

  I laugh, “I think that’s just your caveman hormones reacting to my pregnancy hormones.”

  He barks out a laugh and wraps his arm around my waist, “Maybe.” He kisses me sweetly, “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re glowing today.” He runs his other hand down my body and rests it on my belly. “Your body changing is so fucking sexy. I swear that today I can tell you’re carrying my baby.”

  I sigh, “Beckett, I don’t think that’s the baby. I’m only 15 weeks today and that’s not an exact science.”

  Beckett shakes his head and crouches down in front of me and kisses my belly. “Don’t listen to her sweet pea, I know you’re about to make your presence very much known and then we’ll get to see you just grow and grow. You’re doing so great, sweet pea, keep growing big and strong. I can’t wait to feel you moving around in there. Just try and take it easy on your Mama.”

  I feel a tear streak down my face, but I wipe it away quickly. This man and the way he loves me and our baby is humbling. I strive every day to give him as much love as he gives me and to be the best I can be for him, for all of us.

  I clear my throat, “Okay, you sentimental caveman, let’s get this show on the road.”

  Beckett grins up at me and stands, entwining our fingers and leading me out the front door. He deposits me in our rental car and climbs in the driver’s seat. As we drive, I look out the window and tell him stories about my childhood growing up here. I haven’t been back in a few years and I never had the chance to bring someone I love to my hometown before; it’s nice to let the nostalgia fill me.

  I don’t notice where we’re going until we pass the Dali museum and Beckett pulls into the parking lot. I breathe out, “Beckett, this is exactly where I wanted to go today.”

  He parks and gives my hand a little squeeze before climbing out of the car and coming around to my side. He grins at me as he entwines our fingers and leads me inside. We opt out of the docent led tour and instead grab a few audio guided tour headsets. Becket puts his headphones on, but only covers one ear. I don’t even bother for the moment. While I love the history of art, this trip I just want to enjoy seeing it all again and seeing it all through the eyes of the man I love.

  We wander through the museum and talk about some pieces and just let others fill us without a word shared between us. It’s perfect. We avoid the one place we both want to go the most, though. Call it delayed gratification of art.

  When we’ve walked the rest of the museum in its entirety we head straight for The Hallucinogenic Toreador. Beckett gives my fingers a little squeeze as we sit down in front of it. Ther
e’s a part of me that wants to open my mouth and introduce them to each other and tell this gorgeous piece of art that’s always spoken to my soul all about this gorgeous man who does the same. I can’t help it, I let out a laugh.

  Beckett wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. “What’s so funny, Baby?”

  I shake my head, “Nothing. It’s just kind of surreal—you and me, here, in front of this piece of art. I had to stop myself from introducing you two formally which is ridiculous. It just feels,” I look at him and smile, “right.”

  He chuckles and kisses my temple. “Like home,” he whispers before he turns his attention to the art in front of us. I watch his face as he takes it in for a few minutes before I can’t help the pull of the vibrancy of Dali’s work and I turn my attention toward it as well.

  I don’t know how long we sit there. Minutes? Hours? A lifetime? It doesn’t matter. I’m right where I’m supposed to be with the person I’m supposed to be with.

  I hear a tour group approaching behind us, but there’s no way I’m giving up my spot. I’m willing to share the space, which they better appreciate. I notice Beckett glance around, but I keep my eyes trained on the art in front of me. It’s always been like this for me and this piece.

  I feel someone approach to my side and stand next to the bench and I hear them clear their throat. I glance over and do a double take.

  “Walsh? W-What are you doing here?”

  Walsh grins at me, “Where else would I be, Sweetcheeks?”

  I stand up to give him a hug and get to the bottom of what the hell is going on when I catch sight of everyone filling the space behind us. When I say everyone, I mean, everyone: my parents, Beckett’s mom, Walsh, Troy, Olivia, Zeke, Dex, Andrea and Steve. Even Walsh’s younger sister, Bailey, is here since she’s on break from college. There’s also everyone from Higgins Security and the guys from Suburban Outcasts.

  I look at Beckett and he has a huge grin on his face, probably because I’m opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water. “Beckett Banks, what in the world is going on here?” He laughs and it’s hearty and full of joy; it’s like a shot of happiness to my system. I put my hands on my hips, “No, really, what’s everyone doing here?”

  Beckett smirks, “They’re here for this.” Before I can open my mouth and ask about his cryptic as hell answer he drops to one knee and my eyes fill with tears. Again. I was a crier before but with pregnancy hormones, forget it, I’m a mess.

  Beckett takes my left hand in his. When he looks up at me, I can see the love shining in his eyes. I glance around and everyone has a goofy grin on their face. Both of our mom’s eyes are filled with tears.

  Beckett gives my hand a little squeeze and my attention snaps back to him. “Amelia, you are the love of my life. I knew it the moment I heard you laugh and I only fell harder when I saw how beautiful you are. Then I had the privilege of watching you make our little rag tag family into a strong unit that couldn’t be broken by anything or anyone. You’ve opened your arms and your heart, not just to me, but to everyone here. You told me once that you never felt like you had a place you really belonged until you met us, but we didn’t have a touchstone until you came into our lives. We are all so lucky you’re a part of our lives. I’m luckiest of all because I didn’t understand the rhythm of my heartbeat until it was able to beat in time with yours.”

  Cole murmurs, “Oh shit, that’s a good line, we might have to put that in a song.”

  Beckett smiles wide and then reaches out and places his other hand on my belly. I feel a few tears fall and I wipe them away quickly. “You are, right now, taking our love and growing it into something more and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I want to make us, this little family that exists inside of a much larger one, as strong as it can be. It would be my honor and greatest joy to not only be the father of your children, but to be your husband and for you to be my wife.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black velvet box and pops it open. The ring is gorgeous and not a diamond which I love even more; the stones are colorful and perfect for me, for us. “I couldn’t imagine a better place to ask you this than right here, in front of your favorite piece of art that told you were at home in my life. I also couldn’t imagine asking you this without our entire family here with us. Baby, will you marry me?”

  I press my hand to my chest; afraid my heart will literally overflow if I don’t. I sigh, “Oh, Beckett. Of course, I’ll marry you. I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  Our family erupts in cheers around us. Beckett stands up and takes the ring out of the box and slips it on my finger before he takes my face in his hands and kisses me passionately. I think my Dad coughs, but I don’t care in the least. Beckett doesn’t stop kissing me until Booker, Troy and Walsh wrap their arms around the both of us and I can’t keep kissing Beckett because I’m laughing so hard.

  Everyone’s congratulations and well wishes wrap around us. I take a moment and look back at The Hallucinogenic Toreador sending my silent thanks that it led me home, again.

  Eventually Beckett lets me in on the fact that he designed my ring the day after Dex’s BBQ and that it’s been burning a hole in his pocket ever since. I’m so glad he waited until this moment and that all our family was able to be here for it. It wouldn’t have been the same without them.

  When I ask how everyone got here, Cole gives me a sheepish smile. “We have a plane.”

  I scoff, “Oh right, of course.” Cole just gives a little shrug.

  I want to ask everyone to stay, to spend Christmas with us, but I don’t know if that’s too much. I bite my lip and look around at everyone smiling, laughing and talking. It feels so good, so right to be surrounded by so much love, friendship and family.

  Beckett wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck, “What are you thinking, Baby?”

  I whisper, “I want everyone to stay for Christmas, but it’s too much to ask.”

  He turns me around by my shoulders and buries his fingers in my hair. “It’s never too much for you or for our family. They’re already staying, but just not here.”

  My eyebrows knit together, “I don’t understand.”

  He nods toward Cole and the rest of the rock stars that are a part our family. Fucking wild. They’re currently fielding autographs and a few selfies from other museum patrons. “Cole flew everyone into Orlando and then they drove the tour bus to us. Now, we’re going to hop on the bus, all of us, and head back to their mansion in Orlando. Our bags are already on the bus.”

  I start shaking my head slowly, “No, we’re flying out in two days from Tampa.”

  Beckett gives me a mischievous grin. “Nope. The return flight wasn’t ever going to happen.”

  I scoff, “You lied to me? It was a fake?”

  Beckett kisses me softly. “More like a smoke screen. Since we always close the shop down between Christmas and New Years and with us coming here, well, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for us to spend a week in Orlando with our entire family and hit up some theme parks. Every day we can choose a new adventure, but we’re going to be ringing in the New Year at Cinderella’s castle as VIP guests.”

  I look around the room, “Everyone can stay, even the Higgins guys? Don’t they have other things to do?”

  Beckett shakes his head, “No, they’re right where they want to be. And they might be working a little since Cole has asked them to evaluate the security of their mansion, tour bus and are being put in charge of the band’s security.”

  My eyes widen, “That’s huge.” Beckett nods his head slowly. “So, we’re spending a week in Orlando and everyone is coming? Even my parents and your mom?”

  “Yup,” Beckett pops the p. “Every single one of us. The mansion is big enough for all of us and some of these troublemakers haven’t been to Disney or Universal, including myself. I think some sort of schedule’s been made and Hogwarts is prominently featured thanks to Olivia and Andrea.” I roll my eyes and laugh because of cou
rse it is. “Walsh still gets to spend time with Bailey, we all get to spend time together and everyone wants to celebrate with us. The Christmas presents are on the bus too,” he quirks an eyebrow, “including the ones from home.”

  I whisper, “Wow.” I don’t trust my voice more than that because I’m fighting back tears. I wish I could blame pregnancy hormones, but nope, these tears are all because I have the best family ever. I kiss him with every ounce of love and gratitude I feel for this man. “Best fiancé ever,” I murmur against his lips and he grins.




  My wife is a rock star. I know that we know some actual rock stars, but there’s no fucking way they work as hard or are as impressive as my wife is right now. I’m cradling our son in my arms and I’m overcome with emotion. The last time I cried was the night that asscanoe tried to take Amelia and before then…I can’t even remember, but I’m not ashamed of the few tears I’ve cried today. Not even a little.

  Amelia was in labor for almost 24 hours before our son arrived and that was after she went a few days over her due date. She hasn’t complained about much while pregnant, especially once she got over the first trimester morning or all-day sickness. Still, I can tell that she’s been uncomfortable the last few weeks, which is totally understandable considering she’s been growing a fucking human that wouldn’t let her sleep comfortably and kicked her without warning. From the inside. Yikes.

  While she’s been mostly even keeled and calm, the hormones sometimes got the better of her and her mood swings could give anyone whiplash. I just accepted it since she was also incredibly horny and Amelia horny is fucking hot as hell. I’m not ashamed to admit that I used that to my advantage, more than once. She sure has hell wasn’t complaining; nope, in fact she always felt better after I made her come a few times.

  About a month ago she sent out a group message that Banks Ink. was off limits until further notice. When I read the message, my eyebrows shot up to my forehead because I was already sitting in my shop and I had seen her only an hour before. I was expecting everyone to start coming in to get the day started; my goddess had other plans. Naughtier plans.


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