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Protecting His Home

Page 23

by Ember Davis

  The next thing I knew she was bustling in the back door, stripping and begging me for my cock. Like I was going to say no to that? Never. I bent her over the couch in the back room and fucked her hard as I gripped her hair and told her what a bad girl she was because everyone would know why she sent that message out. She moaned and came all over my dick as she told me she didn’t care and that she needed me to fuck her and fill her up with my cock and my cum. I followed right behind her because it’s hot as hell when she talks about my dick.

  This spring has been unusually hot. I know she’s been feeling it, but I have to admit she was fucking adorable waddling everywhere she went. She did not find it amusing when I referred to it as waddling. Not even a little, which I should have anticipated.

  Two weeks ago, Troy told her that she reminded him of a penguin. She yelled at him, which is so out of character for her, before bursting into tears. Troy looked scared and guilty as he wrapped her up in his arms and cooed, “Amelia, what you don’t realize is that penguins are my favorite animal and I think they are fucking amazing. Did you know that most mate for life and they take equal responsibility for the eggs and young? Not to mention they are fucking adorable.”

  Her watery voice was shaky, “They’re your favorite?”

  He looked at me for help, but no way. He brought this on himself. He mouthed: how do you deal with this? Since I wasn’t going to tell him that my usual go to was orgasms, I went with the second-best option and mouthed back: ice cream.

  His face filled with relief as he gave Amelia a little squeeze, “They are. How about we go grab some ice cream so I can apologize properly. We can eat it while we get a pedicure.”

  Just like that she took a deep breath and looked up at him with a grin and nodded. When Troy turned his back, she winked at me and blew me a kiss. I bet she just wanted ice cream. So fucking adorable.

  Fuck, the last 6 months have been the best of my life, well really my life since I met Amelia has been the best. Our family is bigger and stronger than ever. Every day is an adventure, even if it’s spent on the couch doing nothing. It’s all because of her, my wife.

  We got married a couple of months ago in Vegas when we went to the tattoo convention there. It was fucking perfect. Yeah, we totally got married by an Elvis impersonator. Get this, it was Amelia’s idea. Once I asked her to marry me, she decided that Vegas was the perfect place, especially since most of our family would be there already. Cole and the guys of SO were kind enough to fly Amelia’s parents out to Vegas on the band’s private jet and picked up my mom, Ryder and Duncan and a few other guests on the way. Blake and Grayson were already with Suburban Outcasts since Higgins Security started overseeing their security after Christmas.

  Amelia looked fucking radiant on our wedding day. She wore a simple ivory lace tea length dress and she didn’t care one bit that it was obvious she was pregnant since she was 7 months along at that point. She told me later that our son was kicking up a storm the entire ceremony like he wanted her to know that he was there and celebrating with us. So fucking adorable.

  I wear my wedding ring, the one inlaid with the same black opals as Amelia’s engagement ring, with pride. We didn’t really need the ceremony or the rings for us to be committed to each other, I was done for the moment I saw her. Still, I can’t even express the sense of peace and security I have knowing that she’s my wife and I’m her husband. I’m not going to lie, calling Amelia my wife makes my dick hard, too.

  I gave her the finished painting I started of her when I first met her as a wedding present. Yup, the one she called captivating the night of Dex’s BBQ when it was still only planes of color. It’s currently hanging in our bedroom.

  Her wedding present to me had two parts, neither of which I was expecting, but both got me hot as fuck. Our wedding night she told me to get a box out of her bag while she went into the bathroom and took a quick shower; well at least that’s what she told me she was doing. She could have been having a fucking kegger and I wouldn’t have noticed once I opened her first present.

  Inside a simple white box was a black leather-bound photo album, the moment I opened the album my jaw dropped, and my dick hardened, as if my dick had a problem getting hard around my wife. She had taken some boudoir photos for me and they blew my mind. There were photos where she was dressed in white and that, contrasting with her round pregnant belly, was a mind fuck in and of itself. There were also a few of her in red baby doll lingerie. Then there were some where she was only wearing panties and showed off her incomplete tattoo. They were classy and artistic; even the ones where she was wearing the brown leather cuffs from our toy chest. It was clear they were taken in our home; the ones shot in my studio made my cock throb.

  Instantly my possessive caveman reared his head because as hot as the pictures were, they had me wondering who the fuck got to see my wife like that. I wasn’t sure what to do first—stroke my cock looking at every picture, fuck my wife or spank her for looking so fucking sexy and fuckable in front of someone else.

  Her voice brought me out of my confused haze slightly when she told me that she had met a photographer at Green Space and that they had really hit it off and that’s who took the pictures. A female photographer, she emphasized, named Ellie, who was about to graduate from school and was trying to make a name for herself. A photographer who Amelia considered to now be our official family photographer.

  I glanced up at her and did a double take. I forgot all about the photographer and I think I forgot my own fucking name because Amelia was standing in the doorway to the bathroom wearing the same sexy as fuck red lingerie from the photos, but now with new matching red leather cuffs. When she crawled onto the bed, I saw my last present—her sexy ass stretched by a butt plug. She shot me a wink and told me she put it in before the reception. Fucking hell, I love my wife. Just thinking about our wedding night sends a shiver of desire through my body.

  Even though Walsh was the one who gave us shit about having safe sex because he wasn’t ready to be an uncle, he’s been the most supportive, which has been a hard title to win in our family. Between him, Troy and Zeke, which shocked the shit out of me, there was almost always a hand on Amelia’s belly feeling my son move around. The first time she pulled her shirt up and they could see him move, Troy went so pale I thought he was going to pass out. Walsh just pressed his lips against her belly and sang him a lullaby. I snapped a picture of that moment and didn’t feel a hint of jealousy because that moment was filled with love. The more love our baby has around him, the better.

  Walsh hosted Amelia’s baby shower at the house he shares with Troy last month. Andrea, Olivia and my mom helped him, but he did most of the planning. No one even gave him an ounce of shit for it since he was doing it for Amelia; she really is the touchstone of our family. Speaking of my mom, she has embraced Amelia like a daughter which fills me with so much joy.

  The baby shower was just another excuse for our family to get together, have some food and give some gifts. The guys of SO couldn’t make it since they were finishing up their tour, but they sent us so many gifts that they filled up almost one truck load by itself. Our house is full of baby stuff and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I banned her from the nursery for a few weeks prior to the baby shower, which drove her crazy. Worth it because her face when I led her into the nursery to see the mural that I painted along with all the furniture set up right where she wanted it was priceless. The crib Mark made for us is gorgeous and he made sure to include drawers for storage underneath. The guys helped me build the dresser, which will double as a changing table, and install floating bookshelves that Mark was more than happy to make for me, including the live edge that Amelia loves.

  She didn’t even notice all those things at first, her eyes locked on the mural of mountains at night with the Aurora Borealis lighting up the sky above them. It’s colorful and it matches with the woodland and nature theme that seemed perfect once we decided on our son’s name. I’ve caught her
in the nursery many times since the baby shower, rubbing her belly as she sits in the glider and stares at the mural. She said she was nesting and putting things away. Yeah, she as doing that too, but I know it had a lot to do with the mural. My chest would puff up every time and she’d blush. So fucking adorable.

  I look up from admiring our son, Etheridge, and catch my wife snapping a picture of us. Her eyes are full of love and the smile on her face is huge, but I can see the exhaustion underneath it.

  I lean over and kiss her forehead, “You’re so fucking beautiful, Baby.”

  She huffs, “Beckett, please. I’m disgusting. I desperately need a shower, my hair will probably never be the same and, you know, I just pushed an eight-and-a-half-pound baby out of my vagina. Nothing about me is beautiful right now.”

  I tsk at her, “No, Amelia, you’ve never been more beautiful than you are right now. You just gave me a perfect, healthy son. I’m in awe of you.”

  She smiles at me and I can see the tears in her eyes, “I still really want a shower.”

  I grin at her, “When the nurse gives you the okay, I’ll help you with that.” I give her a wink and her answering laugh makes my heart clench. I’ve been helping her in the shower for a while now since she couldn’t reach her legs. I’ve gotten very adept at shaving her legs and other places. Wink, wink.

  As a reward, not that I needed one, I got to rub lotion into her skin. That was well worth mastering shaving her. I can’t wait until she’s big and round with another child so I can put those skills to the test again. I just have to hold off on that long enough to finally finish her tattoo since we didn’t want to take the risk while she was pregnant.

  I know that we can’t have sex for a while and that’s going to be tough. I’ve filled my wife with my cock every day since Dex’s BBQ, but the next six to eight weeks are going to be filled with so many new experiences that it’ll be ok. I think. I hope.

  Etheridge James squirms in my arms and then lets out a wail that I can’t even believe can come out of something so small. I know my eyes are wide when I look back at Amelia, but she just chuckles, adjusts her nursing nightgown and opens her arms for him.

  I place him in her arms and soak up the image in front of me. She cradles him, offers her breast and he suckles like a champ.

  Amelia coos at him, “Were you hungry, Ridge? Mama’s got you, little one.”

  I swallow hard and try not to cry again because I’m really trying to keep a hold of my man card right now. I have a feeling even the biggest men in our family will be emotional and may let a tear fall when they meet this perfect little person.

  I take out my phone and snap a picture and Amelia narrows her eyes at me. I just shrug my shoulders, “You’re beautiful and there’s no way I’m not capturing this moment for us.” I kiss her forehead and run my fingers through Etheridge’s little dark curls. “Thank you so much, Amelia.” She looks up at me and smiles her sweet smile. “We’ve had so many moments that have made my life worth living, but this, this is beyond words.”

  She cups my cheek and pulls me down to her and kisses my lips gently. She breathes against my lips, “Oh, Beckett. I love you so much.” She grins down at our son, “We did so good, Love. I couldn’t have done any of it without you.”

  The nurse bustles in bursting our little bubble of contentment. She lets us know in a soft voice, “When you’re done, we’re going to take Etheridge down to the nursery for a little while. We’ll just make sure his temperature is regulating like it’s supposed to and check his umbilical cord.”

  Amelia adjusts Ridge onto her shoulder and rubs his back gently; it doesn’t even take a minute before he’s fast asleep again. Being born was hard fucking work for him too. She smiles at the nurse as she takes Ridge from her and swaddles him in the hospital bassinette.

  Amelia sighs, “Thank you. Is it okay if I take a shower?” She chuckles, “I would give almost anything for a shower right now.” She eyes me and hooks her thumb in my direction, “I might even trade him for one at this point.”

  The nurse laughs and looks at the time and then back to Amelia’s pleading eyes. “That should be fine, if you give me a few minutes I can be back and help you with that.”

  Amelia’s eyes glance over at me, “My husband said he’d help me.” The nurse’s eyebrows shoot up and she’s about to respond when Amelia cuts her off, “Not to worry, we know the rules as far as sexual activity and that is the last thing on my mind right now even though I married this hunk of a man.”

  The nurse and Amelia laugh, then both eye me. Fuck, I think I just blushed.

  The nurse shakes her head, “As long as you stick to the rules and you’re comfortable with it, your husband can help you.”

  Amelia beams at the nurse and watches as she wheels our son out of the room. The nurse says over her shoulder, “When you’re all done in the shower call the nurse’s station and let us know and we’ll get Etheridge back in here with you right away.”

  Amelia immediately clutches my arm when the door closes, and a frown covers her face. She looks at me with a worried expression, “Maybe I should wait for the nurse and you should go with Ridge.”

  I gently pull the elastic band out of her hair and bury my fingers in her hair to massage her neck and scalp. “Baby, Ridge will be fine. This is the best labor and delivery department in the city.” Her eyes are still wide with worry and fear; I get it. “I trust the staff here with our son. Right now, I need to take care of my wife.”

  She nods her head slowly and releases my arm, but she doesn’t look convinced. I grab her toiletry bag out of her hospital bag along with a new pair of fuzzy socks and a nursing nightgown. She even packed a change of clothes for me, being the goddess that she is, and I grab those too. I make sure everything is set up for her in the bathroom before I come back to her and gently maneuver her to the edge of the bed. I make sure the IV pole, which is still attached to her, can roll easily with us and then I move to help her stand.

  She’s about to stand when she grimaces which instantly fills me with fear. Before I can ask if she’s okay, she says in a small voice, “This might be really gross Beckett. Are you sure you want to help me with this? A whole lot of shenanigans went on down there.”

  I run my hand up and down her back, “I’m sure. You just gave me the best gift I’ve ever gotten, let me take care of you. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could ever change how I feel about you. I’m in total awe of you and what you just did. Your body did exactly what it was designed to do. I don’t find that gross at all.”

  She nods tightly and determination takes over her features as she uses my size and strength to help her stand. She grimaces and my heart lurches in my chest. She just shakes her head and mumbles, “Fuck, I’m so disgusting. Don’t inhale or you’ll never come near me again.”

  I scoff, “I know you’re not talking about my wife like that.”

  She chuckles as we make our way in the bathroom and I help her sit on the toilet to brush her teeth as I get the water going. When she’s done, I strip her and sit her back down before I undress myself. She eyes me, but it’s more wariness than appreciation. I can’t blame her; the moment I knew I’d be getting my sexy wife naked my cock sprang to action. I plan to ignore it.

  I bark out a laugh. “Don’t worry, Baby, this is an all business shower, no funny business. I just can’t help you properly unless I’m in there with you.” Her eyes drift down to my cock and I chuckle, “I can’t help that my dick is in love with you and the thought of getting you naked always makes him take notice.”

  She eyes the small hospital shower and sighs, “I don’t know if we’ll both fit in there, Love.”

  I wag my eyebrows at her, “Oh, I’ll fit.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. It’s just as beautiful today as it was the first time I heard it. The same day I gave her my heart. I don’t ever want it back.

  I can feel my eyes go a little misty and her smile goes soft. I crouch down and cover her knees with my hand
s. “Your laugh is so beautiful, Amelia. I’m a lucky man.”

  Amelia wraps her arms around my neck, “Come on you big softie, let’s get clean. Our family should be here soon. I can’t wait to introduce everyone to Etheridge.”

  She wasn’t wrong either, the shower is barely big enough, but we manage. I get her clean and then myself. I dry her off and help her get dressed in clean clothes, including some wild hospital issued maternity panties. I run a comb through her hair before putting leave in conditioner in it. Lastly, I make sure her skin is covered in lotion and that the muscles of her shoulders are relaxed. I can tell by her expression that she’s feeling more like herself when I settle her back in bed.

  She isn’t settled in bed for five minutes and I’ve just packed up the last of our things when the nurse bursts through the door with a wheelchair. Her cheeks are pink and for a moment I panic that something is wrong with Etheridge. Before I can ask, the nurse lets out a high, tight giggle. “Mrs. and Mr. Banks, if you wouldn’t mind collecting your bags, we’re moving you to a private suite down the hall.”

  Amelia and I share a confused look and I’m about to ask her what she’s talking about when she titters again and explains, “Some of your family has arrived and um…well,” she leans forward and whispers conspiratorially, “Cole Howard is here.” She lets out a squeak and I glance over at Amelia who is trying so hard not to laugh. “He’s ensured the upgrade, taken care of your hospital stay in full and has given a sizeable donation to the NICU here.”

  Amelia gasps and I grin, Cole is a fucking awesome human being; they all are. She looks at me, “Beckett, we can’t possibly-”

  I cut her off, “Baby, you know if he’s already done it that it’s a done deal. He won’t take it back.” I cup the back of her neck, “He loves you, which I can’t blame him for at all, and he loves Ridge. He’s family and that’s just what families do.” Amelia nods, her smile full of gratitude. I smirk, “He’s probably already come up with his next tattoo idea and he’s angling for a slot while I’m supposed to be on paternity leave.” The guys recently bought a mansion in the Denver and are planning to stay while they record their next album. Amelia snorts and rolls her eyes; she knows I’m right.


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