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Fated Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 3)

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by Victoria Johns

  “I’m leaving, enjoy your lunch, although by now I’m sure you’re drunk enough that you probably can’t see it, let alone fucking eat it.”

  “Charlotte,” my dad says with a confused look on his face, “What do you mean you’re leaving?”

  “Just that. Exactly that. I’ve had enough of this ridiculous monotony. You might be happy living your lives like it’s groundhog day, but not me. I want more than to watch my fucking mother drink herself to death, while you live your days avoiding the matter by being elsewhere and pretending to be happy.”

  My mom drops her fork and nervously starts looking around at the other diners in the immediate area. As always her concern is over our appearance and reputation.

  Oli’s parents look startled, but I don’t care, I couldn’t give a shit about them either.

  “Charlotte, sit down and stop making a scene,” my dad pleads through gritted teeth, “Where’s Oli?”

  “Sorry dad, he isn’t around to keep me under control either, I imagine he’s probably bending his waitress whore over a table in the staff locker room by about now. Oh no, my mistake, it seems he was quicker this week. Here he is now.” I shout as I turn and walk out of the restaurant.

  I’ve gone further than I really wanted to, I know this because the horrified look on his mom’s face is one I won’t forget for a while, but the feeling of liberation is intense. I’m aware that Oli has stopped at the table and is wondering what’s going on and where I’m going. I wonder whether they’ll be brave enough to tell him all the things I’ve said or whether they’ll wait and do the respectable thing and scream at each other in private, away from prying eyes.

  I know I shouldn’t feel pleased with myself, but I do and the adrenaline lashing through me keeps me focussed on making a clean getaway. It would seem that getting some of my angst out was clearly just what the doctor ordered.

  As I’m climbing into my car, I catch sight of a furious looking Oli stomping out of the country club main entrance. His face is showing his total displeasure for my actions but unfortunately it doesn’t mar his beautiful features. I stupidly get lost in my daydream and before I know it he’s looming closer and making fast progression towards me.

  Shit. As brave as I’ve been up to now I’m not up for having this conversation, or rather argument, in the parking lot. Turning the keys in the ignition of my BMW M3 and stomping on the gas pedal means I begin to put space between myself and the angry rapidly advancing object of my affections. I see him mouth the words, “Stop!” at me, but I keep going until he’s only a figure stood in my rear view mirror. Distance is definitely my safety blanket right now.

  Once I’m out and on the highway I realize my hands are shaking a bit, but gripping the steering wheel seems to make it stop and then my brain kicks in and starts running through the options available to me at the moment. My apartment is the first place he’ll hunt me down. Dolly and Jonas’s is a possibility but her family do not need me and my drama falling at the front door. Neely’s is a definite no go, I helped her get a few days space a while ago but Chris is tight with Oli and he’d rat me out in an instant.

  That leaves my soul sister Flo.

  Decision made, I’ll head to Flo’s and convince her to take an impromptu couple of nights away with me. Whatever high school teacher nonsense she’s got going on can come with us if necessary, but out of Hawkstown is definitely a necessity right now.

  Chapter Three

  “Flo, I need you. I’m having a small crisis. I don’t really want to talk about it but please, you have to come to the spa with me for a couple of days, my treat.”

  “What! I can’t. I’ve got all these English papers to grade and sitting around getting sloshed with you is not going to help me achieve that. What crisis? What have you done?” she asks.

  “Nothing look, I’m a sister on the edge. Please I need you.” I was totally begging and not embarrassed by it at all and I was prepared to get on my knees if necessary. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her what I’d actually done, just yet. This was because Flo was a complete and utter hopeless romantic. Neely would always joke that she spent too much time reading love poems or historical romance books. Even though I never said it out loud, I always agreed with her and right now I just needed Flo to go with the damn flow, so to speak. I needed her help and she was the only other single soul sister, by no fault of her own she’d just taken the prime spot of wing man in my hour of need.

  “Flo, please.”

  “OK, but I have to bring this shit with me. Just because you’re having some drama, which is probably self made, doesn’t mean I can’t do my grading and prep work for next week’s class.”

  “Whatever, thankyouthankyouthankyou.” I mumble at her in relief. “You can sit by the pool with it for all I care, I just need a couple of days to regroup and possibly come up with a plan to avoid my parents’, Oli’s parents’ and him for the rest of my life.”

  “Jesus, do I even want to know?”

  “No, probably not. Go pack,” I command. Which reminds me I have nothing in the way of clothes either. “I’m going to scoot back to my place, grab some bits and be back within the hour. Be ready to go.”

  I was as good as my word. I managed to get in, grab some spa clothing essentials and get back to Flo’s well within an hour. I pulled up outside her house and beeped my horn, hopefully signalling that I needed to hustle and get moving. The longer I was here, the more chance there was that someone would catch up with me. Quickly checking my phone confirmed that the hunt for me had already begun, there were three voicemails and four text messages.

  “Charlotte, not sshure what ya thought you were doin’ at brunch, but you are not acting like the young lady we raised. I’ve nev been so ‘barrassed by your behavior. You can return my call when you are ready to ‘pologize.” Well mother dear, you’ll be waiting a while, or at least until you are a little more sober.

  “Charlotte honey, what’s going on? I’ve not seen you like that before and I’m worried about you. I think we should talk and clear up some other things. Your perception of my marriage to your mother is something I’d prefer you talk about with me. Could you call me when you’ve calmed down a bit? And... No matter what happens between your mom and I, you’re still my princess and I love you.” Dad’s voice sounds deflated, like he’s bored of the charade his life has become too. I can imagine he’s not happy with me, but he’ll forgive my misdemeanour eventually.

  “Lottie, what the fuck? This is not what we agreed. Rest assured we’ll be talking about this after I spend the rest of my day trying to undo your bitch crazy outburst.” I was right, Oli is as mad as he seemed when I screeched away from him earlier. That’s not a call I’ll be returning any time soon.

  After moving through the cell phone menus, I pull up my text messages.

  Dolly: Hey hun, why is Oli calling my man claiming you’ve gone bitch crazy? Call me.

  Neely: Yo chick, Oli the man mountain is here looking for you. What’s going on? Call me.

  Oli: You’d best call me soon, hunting your spoilt ass down isn’t helping my shitty mood.

  Oli: OK. I get that you’re mad. Calm down and fucking call me.

  Genius! He’s figured out I’m mad, that brain in his pretty skull clearly works, but there is no way I am calling him.

  Flo gets in the car and I decide to place one call as I pull away. I don’t want people to panic when they realize I’ve disappeared for a few days. With the phone now hooked up to the in car system, it begins to ring.

  “Lottie are you OK?”

  “I’m fine dad, I just... look I need to take a pit stop and sort my head out.”

  “I understand that, but the things you said were inappropriate.”

  “I’m not going to apologize for speaking the truth. You and mom have become strangers. She’s drinking more and Oli... well let’s leave that for another time.”

  “Doing this over the phone is wrong,” he mumbles to himself. “There are things you need to k
now, things I should have told you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize how things were affecting you. Please come home so we can talk.”

  “Not now dad, let me take some time to calm down, I could do with it anyway, before I have to deal with the wrath of mom. Her voicemail message has left me under no illusion to the disappointment I am.”

  “Shit, Charlotte. It’s not you, it’s me. Look I don’t want to talk about this over the phone and there are things you need to understand. OK darling, take some time and I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “OK dad.”

  “I love you Charlotte,” he tells me through a strained voice.

  “I know dad, see you in a few.”I hang up feeling exhausted. Whatever is going on between my parents doesn’t sound good and I’ve got enough emotional crap floating around inside my own head, without taking on theirs.

  “Lottie,” Flo says, “Are you OK? Are you sure you need to get away? We could turn around and go see your dad.”

  “No, I do need this. I need some space and some peace and quiet before I throw myself into more nonsense and drama. Give me your phone Flo.”

  “What! Why?”

  “No phones, no email. I’m going to have some real thinking time and you’re going to do your school shit. We’re going dark girlfriend.”

  “But...,” she tries to protest.

  “No buts, phone.” I demand. When she hands it over I switch it off, along with mine and throw them in the glove compartment. “We can have them back when we leave OK?”

  “OK,” Flo replies shrugging her shoulders but eyeing me with concern.

  I switch on the CD player and Dido travels through the music system in an attempt to soothe my mood and bring it back to a normal zone. Every so often I can see Flo glance at me as we travel along the highway. I know she’s trying to break down the hidden meaning behind my dad’s words and if I’m being honest, I am too. My first suspicion is that they’re getting a divorce and I don’t know if I have the patience to listen to my mom prattling on about the scandal before she takes up residence in the bottom of a vodka bottle.

  “Lottie, what’s happened? Why does it feel like we’re running?”

  “I don’t call it running, I prefer... gaining some much needed perspective. You heard my dad, my family is on the verge of a meltdown, the last thing I need is the mind fuck meltdown otherwise known as Oli Hart.”

  “I wondered when we’d get around to him.”

  “Today was brunch day. Watching him work the parents and then dismiss me to go and work Claire was the straw that completely fucked this camel’s back.” I tell her with sadness.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry. Maybe things would have been different had you just told him how you really felt.”

  “Fuck that. I’ve lived with his ignorance and obvious denial when it comes to me for long enough. I’m good enough to role play a perfect match but not good enough in real life. It’s finally settled into my thick skull that we’re after different things or just different people. My parents will have to get over it sooner or later.”

  “Sounds like fun times ahead at Chez Groves,” she laughs.

  “Enough talk about this shit, you and I are going to kick off the new phase in my life with style. I am officially single, I have decided that I want something meaningful and real.”

  We arrive at the spa and it is as remote as it is exclusive and one clever step from a celeb rehab facility, which is probably why mother spends so much time here. Your anonymity is guaranteed by a loyal work force and a hefty bill at the end of your stay. I check us into some rooms and make an effort to leave my troubles outside because it’s supposed to be nirvana and carrying around mental baggage and rage completely defeats the purpose of being here.

  It’s nearly time for dinner by the time we get unpacked and Flo seems shocked when I announce we’re going for cocktails, I mean really what did she think I was going to do? Hole up in my room and be alone with my thoughts, hell no!

  After four or five cosmos I’ve selected some treatments for us both that allow us to actually make use of the spa facilities and give Flo the time she wanted for her school work. “I am a single woman, I mean a real single woman Flo, not one where I’m single some of the time and pretending the rest. I mean, it’s time for me, to find something real for me. I want someone that I can be myself with, not the Groves of Hawkstown show pony.” I’m babbling and the alcohol is having the desired effect, it’s true that things don’t look so bad when you’re feeling tipsy, maybe my mom is on to something and not that dumb.

  “What’s the plan?” Flo asks me.

  “Not sure, but time to get my flirt on,” I whisper, “Rick can I have another please? How long have you worked here?”

  “Long enough Miss Groves, even in my tender years I feel like an old armchair when I walk through these doors.” Rick jokes with me as he bends down to grab a bowl of lemons from the refrigerator, he has a perfectly shaped ass. It’s not too muscle heavy and it’s not too skinny, it’s just... perfect. Even in his work uniform I can appreciate the fine form that is Rick Smalling. We’re only a few years apart in age, he’s perfect for a bit of flirting.

  I lean low in a conspiratorial manner and whisper, “I bet you’ve seen some stuff and nonsense here?”

  He looks at me strangely, confirming I’m right, but replies with, “Every day Miss Groves, but I’m bound by the strict confidentiality clause in my contract and I love my job too much to spill any secrets.”

  Flo is quiet during my light hearted chat with Rick, I can’t work out whether it’s with horror because of my technique, or whether she’s after flirting tips. She’s had a few dates over the years, some have lasted a few months but nothing more and apparently nothing that she’s felt is worth developing any further. I catch her eye and try to drag her into the conversation, but she looks away shyly, it would seem she is definitely after some tips and Flo is mentally taking notes.

  “Hey Rick, what do you do for fun when you’re not working?”

  “I’m always working, but I hang out at a place called Solo’s on my nights off.”

  “When is your next night off?” I ask him.

  “Why, fancy slumming it with me?”

  “Yeah, time to find something different, the spa is good, but I’m not sure It’s really all me and how will I know what’s me if I don’t venture out and look for what I might be missing?”

  “OK. Tomorrow night is my night off. I’ll be there for most of the night. I’m kind of a local, so I plan on shooting some pool and having a few beers. It’s another three junctions further up the highway, signposted and you can’t miss it.”

  “Great. We’ll be there won’t we Flo?” I say looking at her for confirmation. In typical Flo style she looks a little wary so I answer for her before she can refuse, “Of course we will. I think we’ll call it a night, we already have a full day planned and now with plans for the evening we should get some rest. Night Rick.”

  “G’night ladies,” he tells us with a smile and moves to serve another customer.

  On the way back to our rooms Flo finally voices what she was too polite to say in close proximity of Rick, “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  “What? Meeting Rick? Yeah, it’s just a bit of harmless fun, a change of scenery will do me good. Don’t even think about backing out of it, you’re my wingman and duty bound to be by my side.”

  “That’s what’s worrying me,” she mumbles.

  By the time we get to our rooms, we kiss and hug each other good night and I try to convey my thanks to her, she’s dropped her life to help me with mine. “Thanks for coming with me Flo. You were there when I needed you, you always are.”

  “You’re my sister and I love you, of course I’m here for you. Come knock on my door when you want to head for breakfast.”

  Once inside my own room with just the silence for company I become a bit fiddly and restless. Normally I’d be checking my Facebook page or twitter on my cell phone, but that is locked
in my car, so after taking my make-up off and getting undressed, there is nothing else to do apart from getting in bed. My mind is whirring at first, but thanks to the cocktails it calms down fairly quickly and I don’t fight the sleep that takes over.

  Our day of treatments is both hectic and relaxing, hectic because we’re moving from one treatment to the next and relaxing because being massaged from head to toe is such a treat. After we squeeze in a healthy lunch Flo grabs her plastic tub of school assignments and lugs them down to a lounger by the pool while I fall in love with a hot male fire fighter currently featuring in the book on my kindle.

  Before I know it, the afternoon has passed and I’m back at my room getting ready for a night at the unknown Solo’s. As I’m stood in front of the mirror applying eye shadow I realize I’ve gone the whole day without thinking about the bombs I dropped at lunch the day before. My brain hasn’t constantly turned over my dad’s cryptic words so it was definitely the right decision to get some space, if I’d have stayed at home I would have had a full on breakdown.

  I also haven’t thought about Oli. It’s weird breaking up with someone when you’re the only one actually in the relationship. When you agree to go into our kind of arrangement you give away the rights to a normal break up, your fights and arguments become one sided and because of the apparent understanding, you don’t have the right to have them with the other person. Unfortunately it doesn’t mean that you don’t grieve for what you lost.

  How can you grieve over something that wasn’t real anyway? I have to give myself a mental pep talk and tell myself to stop it over and over again. I replace the negative words with a new mantra. I am strong, I am confident and I am embarking on finding the new me.

  A knock at my door halts my forced positivity, so I grab my purse and go to greet Flo. We’re both dressed in similar fashion, wearing criminally tight jeans, cowboy boots and tops that I would class as just above average, bordering fancy. This is because they hug, skim and present our assets in a mouth watering, yet hidden fashion.


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