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Fated Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 3)

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by Victoria Johns

  Flo is a seriously pretty lady with a heart of pure gold and during high school she was who I wanted to be, inconspicuous, average, normal and effortlessly friendly. I was expected to flaunt my wealth and beauty and use it as a tool to command the respect of the masses. It didn’t take me long to realize that Flo earned respect because she did the exact opposite, even though she was pretty she let people see her inner beauty as well and it made her shine. My inner thoughts and feelings were locked away as directed by my mom. Her motto was drilled into me from a young age, hide your vulnerabilities before people can use them against you.

  Neely was earthy beautiful, clever and devoted to all of us, her strength came from having parents who loved her in spite of the mistakes she made as she was growing up. I was expected not to make any, people of my social standing did not make mistakes.

  Dolly was truly vulnerable, being abandoned to grow up in a family that wasn’t her blood showed me what real love actually was. Barbara and Harrison Griggs taught me that people were capable of loving someone they didn’t have any ties with, they could just choose to do it from a goodness that lived within them.

  I was jealous of them all.

  I had everything and yet nothing.

  All the things I wanted didn’t come from having a large bank account, they came from honesty, love and earned respect. My enforced epiphany was my new start and I was determined to find the quality of life my soul sisters had been gifted all along.

  I’d already arranged a taxi to take us to Solo’s because I had no idea where it was even with the directions from Rick and with a little luck, we both may get a little drunk and let loose. I was feeling a little nervous because it was unknown and spontaneous. I didn’t receive an invitation with embossed script or have to plan my outfit accordingly, my nerves were of the good and excited kind. This felt like just what I needed.

  We pulled up outside the place and the shock of what it looked like from the outside was registered all over Flo’s face. It was not what we were expecting at all, it was a complete and utter dump. The only thing missing were the rows and rows of parked bikes and flashing girls depicting nude girls would be ready and waiting inside. If my parents could see this place, they’d think my biker orgy comment from brunch was for real.

  “Too late now, we’re going to make a night of this if it kills me,” I say sternly.

  “You may just get your wish,” she replied flippantly.

  My pride at being dared pushed my fear aside and I marched forward, through the door. If there was one thing I could do, it was act and not show fear, so allowing my privileged princess to put in a brief appearance was necessary. Inside Solo’s was dark, damp and frequented by lots of questionable looking people. The bar maid looked like a reject from a seedy strip club and the guy working the kitchen looked like he could do with a vacation to an industrial car wash.

  “What can I get you ladies?” asks the bar maid.

  Looking around I sensed she wasn’t going to pop a bottle on something chilled and fizzy or whip me up a Cosmo, so I went with the safe option and replied with, “Two bottled beers please.”

  “That’ll be ten bucks,” she told me as she popped the lids off them and left them where they landed.


  “You ladies look a little lost, can I help you?” She seemed sincere and my inbuilt groomed manners demanded I be courteous until her behavior indicated I should be anything else.

  “Actually we’re here to meet a friend but I can’t see him yet.”

  “Your friend have a name?” She’s eyeing me suspiciously and I’ll be the first to admit she’s one tough looking lady, this is hardly surprising considering the place we’re stood in.

  “Rick,” as soon as I say his name a warm smile comes to her face and she leans back and screams his name through an open doorway behind the bar. Flo jumps out of her skin and the death grip I’ve got on my beer bottle is good because it stops me from dropping it.

  Rick appears from behind the bar and smiles when he sees us, “I didn’t think you’d show, the Groves of Hawkstown never venture out here,” he tells me oddly. “Lottie, Flo, this is Sally, my mom. Mom these are the friends I was telling you about from the spa.”

  His mom, seriously, how did such a good looking, funny, harmless looking guy come out of this woman? She looks like she could crack walnuts apart with her bare hands and wrestle an alligator in her spare time.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both, welcome to our home.”

  And like the good girl I am, I extend my manicured hand across the bar and offer to shake her weathered, hard, calloused one. She takes it with no edge or issue and even though we are from opposite sides of the coin, I feel at ease instantly.

  Chapter Four

  After the initial shock of our surroundings had worn off and we began to take in the people around us, it became clear that the patrons were like a community, a family and they each looked out for one another. In other words, until Sally accepted us as good people, the rest weren’t interested in us either. The love that Rick had for his mom was clear for all to see, the fact that she looked like an ex con was irrelevant, his mom was important to him and he’d go to the ends of the earth to keep her safe, no matter what.

  Flo got over being scared and nervous pretty quickly, all it took was for her to see Rick and his mom embrace. As heart warming as it was, it was something alien to me, I’d been raised to show minimum affection in public and to steer well clear of people who looked disreputable. Rick didn’t abide by those rules, he could mingle with the rich and respect the not so fortunate. This was his mom and it didn’t matter what she looked like or where they lived, he loved her and he was proud to show it. There was no standing on ceremony or pretending to be a family, this was genuine pride and affection without even trying.

  I had a brilliant night and I think Flo did too. The dirty looking locals turned out to be interesting, kind and funny. I still wasn’t sure I wanted to eat here, but once we got into the swing of things, the welcome and acceptance warmed a place that’s been empty inside of me for longer than I can remember. No one asked where we’d come from, they took us on face value and again for the first time in ages it felt good to be Lottie, normal girl with no ideals to uphold.

  It was the perfect tonic to my previous day’s brain bashing. We played pool and drank a few more beers whilst getting to know everyone. I didn’t need to flirt or impress, I felt content to just be me.

  As the night came to an end Rick and I exchanged numbers and Sally told us her door would always be open, no matter whether it was for beer, refuge or just to say hello. It was as if she could read the trauma within me and was offering me an escape, her kindness brought tears to my eyes. I grabbed her in a hug to show my thanks and hide how overwhelmed I was by her generous offer.

  As we climbed into the taxi, heading back to the spa, Flo asked, “Why are you grinning like a Cheshire cat?”

  “For the first time in months I feel carefree and I want to smile and I giggle because I can. I feel alive, I feel accepted and I can’t wait to make plans to return. Rick is a great guy and Sally is just, well, unexpected.”

  “I love seeing you smile, but now I realize just how unhappy you’ve been, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help you smile sooner,” she finished on a guilty whisper.

  “No apologies, I’m learning to live again and I love it. Thank you for being here with me Flo.”

  As we make our way down the hallway to our rooms, I start the search in my purse for my room key card. I continue to glance up frequently to check the room numbers I’m passing because I don’t want to miss my door when a shadow catches my eye further up the corridor.

  The sight that is in front of me is one I wasn’t expecting and certainly one I don’t want to see.

  Oli Hart is stood like a roman solider against my door. I hadn’t realized I’d stopped walking until Flo ploughs into the back of me.

  “Jesus Lottie, where the fuck have you b
een? I’ve been trying to get hold of you,” Oli says to me in relief, he looks worried.

  “What do you want? And how the hell did you find me?” I snap wondering how I’m going to get past him and into my room without him following me inside.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Well I’m not in the mood, I’m on a spa vacation with Flo and you didn’t answer me, how did you find me?”

  “I had Jonas look for you.”

  Jonas was Dolly’s husband, he did something secret or ex military or both for his job. Either way he had the means to track people down and clearly didn’t mind doing it for his pals, no matter how fucking annoying it was. “Why did you do that? I thought I’d made myself clear, or was me ignoring you, outing you fucking Claire at the country club not a big enough hint?” I know I’m being bitchy and bitter but he is pissing all over my great mood and ruining my brilliant evening, I’m not happy.

  “Lottie,” Flo says, “Maybe you should just hear him out?”

  “No. Not going to happen. Our... whatever it was is done, there is nothing left to say,” I snap, dismissing that idea.

  “I’m not here to talk about that, I’m here because of something else.”

  “Tough shit, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to turn in for the night.”

  “For fuck’s sake Lottie this is important. People have been trying to get hold of you since last night. Where the fuck is your cell phone?” He shouts at me.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but we’re here on a break. A break from everyone and technology.”

  “OK, calm down, can we go inside and talk. I don’t want to talk out here in the hallway.”

  “No and again NO!”

  Oli looks at Flo imploring her to help him out and get my cooperation. His face takes on a look I don’t see often, he’s actually pleading for assistance. “OK,” I give in, “You’ve got five minutes and then you are leaving.” I open my door, flick a few lights on and then walk to the sofa in the living room section of my suite.

  “Lottie, sweetheart, I’m not sure how to tell you this, but there’s been an accident. Your mom and dad were involved in a collision on the interstate last night.”

  I look at him, I wasn’t expecting this, I was expecting him to plead for my participation in our fake dating shit again. Then the words he has just uttered register, “What? Oh my God, where are they? I need to go and see them.” I get up and start bolting for the door when Oli’s arms grab me from behind and locks me close to his massive frame.

  “Wait. Stop,” he whispers, “I’m sorry Lottie, the crash was really bad. Your mom died on impact or very quickly after at the scene and your dad didn’t make it through the emergency surgery he needed. I’m so sorry.”

  My body freezes completely and I know if he lets me go right now I will crumble to the floor. I go back to the start of his sentence and try to force my brain to process his words. It can’t.




  Flo moves to stand in front of me so I’m being cocooned by the two of them as they wait to see how I will react. “I... are you sure?” I whisper, “I spoke to dad yesterday afternoon, they were fine, we’re going to talk when I get back.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. The police are still looking into everything, but I need to take you back home. I’m so sorry,” he says again, still holding me strongly around my middle.

  There is only one person who can help me deal with this, Charlotte Groves of the Hawkstown Groves. She’ll keep me together, whole and in one piece. I feel my shield drop and lock into place, my reputation and upbringing wrapping around me like a force field. My mother’s words hammer at my conscious mind.

  Show no emotion and definitely do not show any weakness.

  Above all else, protect your reputation.



  “Flo, can you start to gather up your things?” I ask her still holding onto Lottie because I am scared to let her go. Scared because I want to protect her but angry because I don’t want to feel what I felt a moment ago.


  As soon as I realized she was going to deal with this in that rich, clinical method we’ve both had drummed into us since we were kids, I wanted to hit something. I swear to fucking God I felt it physically shudder into place.

  She’s not uttered many words since I told her the awful news and the only hint I’ve got that she needs me is the fact that she hasn’t fought me to let go of her yet. Her breathing has remained steady, but I suppose the shock is probably kicking in about now.

  To say the last couple of days have been a fucking disaster would be a major understatement. I keep playing them back in my mind and all the signs were there. Even an idiot could see she was on the edge and that she was close to breaking, but not me. Me...No, I just keep fucking pushing her to carry on and act as normal. I kind of sensed she was never happy with our arrangement, but she’d always loved living her own life and I thought she wanted the freedom like I did.

  Listen to me, even now I’m trying to convince myself that I’m not the biggest fuck on the planet so I don’t feel guilty. I’m still trying to tell myself that the stupid dating shit was for her benefit.

  It was all about me because it usually is.

  I wanted my freedom, I needed it to survive.

  My parents have always hinted at the right girls to be with and because I’m a stubborn cock, I was happy to wrap Lottie up in my deception just so they’d back off and let me breathe.

  That was all I wanted too. To fucking breathe and be me.

  I’d taken the business responsibility on and was living up to the family name. Fuck, at times it felt like I had the survival of the whole town and community on my back. The last thing I wanted was for my mom and dad to dictate who I was going to shove my dick into at the end of a hard day.

  Lottie was beautiful and funny, a good friend who was getting me out of a jam so I could have some space and get what I wanted.

  But I had to push it.

  In reality I had no idea how I’d get out of the pretend situation I was pushing us both into, I always knew I’d have to do it at some point. I never for one fucking moment thought that she’d be the one to kick that process off by having the mother of all meltdowns in public and at our parent’s weekly church, the fucking country club.

  I followed her out after her outburst because it was the lesser of two evils, deal with that or face the looks of those around me. My mom looked distraught and her mom looked bemused, but granted, only after she’d finished her vodka. How the hell her dad put up with that level of alcohol intake was bewildering. I’d never understood it, but I didn’t have to, because she was only my fake girlfriend and for that reason alone I didn’t have to care or give a shit.

  My dad looked really disappointed even though it seemed he didn’t know what I was truly capable of, because immediately, he refused to believe Lottie’s accusations. Lottie’s dad, well fuck, he looked like he wanted to murder me and hearing him call me a piece of shit for betraying Lottie and their trust was not good. Infidelity in a relationship is a deal breaker for most, but it’s obviously the one line you don’t cross with someone’s only daughter, who happens to be his princess.

  Claire reacted as expected and I knew this because I’d been fucking her on and off for a while. It seemed that Lottie’s outburst would now cause me the additional grief of trying to keep Claire and her ridiculous happy ever after ending at bay.

  Fucking hell, when did I become such a bastard? It had all snowballed out of something what seemed innocent into a really big problem without me realizing.

  The reaction from Gerald our waiter really staggered me though. As I rushed to the parking lot he stepped out in front of me in a clear attempt to delay me. He may have looked three hundred years old but it didn’t stop him delivering his blow, “About six months ago I requested a shift change. I wanted to be here to see you and that tramp get what’
s been coming for a while. As satisfying as it was, I won’t ever forget the look on that poor girl’s face as she was running out of here. You don’t deserve her and you never have. All your money and you know what? You still can’t shine shit to make it look better.” Shaking his head in disappointment as he finishes, he steps aside. The words he said were like a punch in the gut and he definitely succeeded in his mission, I was fairly sure Lottie would be making her getaway.

  “Fuck!” I shouted, but I wasn’t sure whether it was because she’d got away or I knew I had to go back in there and face both sets of parents.

  Back at the table Lottie’s mom seemed to be nursing a fresh drink much to her husband’s annoyance. The only comment I did hear her make was something like, “Seems like Charlotte and I finally have something in common, and she’s having as much luck in the faithful man department as me.” Whatever drama was going on there was definitely going to be continued in the privacy of the Groves residency. No sooner had Laura Groves finished the scalding sentence she raised her glass to Paul Groves and shouted, “Cheers motherfucker,” before staggering away from the table. Lottie’s dad was close on her heels, trying, it would seem, to contain the volcanic spirit that his wife had clearly passed onto her daughter.

  “Tell me now, she’s wrong and you’re not doing what she said,” my mom demanded hopefully, whilst my dad prepared to contain her reaction when she realized Lottie was right. He knew I had it in me, he just didn’t want to believe it and also knew how this would affect her. Yeah, he was going to have some choice words for me later, “Mom, not here OK.”

  “Jesus Christ Oliver,” was all she said, standing up so quickly that she nearly upturned the table. Oh yeah, this was not turning out to be one of my better days. The illustrious Hart’s of Hawkstown having a country club days of our lives style drama was not something these people were treated to often.

  That left me, stood like a prick, watching my parents leave the scene of this fucked up brunch and encountering a whole different kind of walk of shame.


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