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The Beast 4: Soul Tripping

Page 2

by Renee George

  Again Gui agreed.

  The short vamp seemed unduly agitated and animated. “Oh, you act as if you have not brought this upon yourself, Unrein.”

  Unrein? What the hell is that? Of course, lack of understanding was the least of Nathan’s problems. “What the hell did I do?”

  The vamp’s voice became more cartoonish and high pitched as he continued. “It is not we who will bring about the destruction of vampire-kind. It is you.”

  “Uh, do you know what this guy is talking about?”

  Guillermo made a tsking noise. “Unfortunately, yes.”

  The other twelve vamps pulled their hoods back, revealing long white hair and pale, nearly white skin. Their foreheads were ridged and their eyes glowed silver. Definitely not good news. The short guy raised his hand and spoke in unison with the other twelve. “Move with force and sight unseen, bind these men in might and mien.”

  A strange and unpleasant tingle ran through Nathan’s body. Instinctively, he tried to move his hands first, then his feet, but he was paralyzed. “I can’t move.”

  “Neither can I, amante.” Gui’s voice raised and his accent grew heavy as he addressed the freak show. “Brotherhood of Truth, why have you come to our home? I am a master vampire, and in that deserve your courtesy if not respect.”

  “Guillermo of Tenochtitlan, you have taken this abomination as your lover. As such, we could not risk your warning him of our coming. He is Unrein.”

  There was that word again. “What are they calling me?”

  “Unclean, Nathaniel. They think you are the vampire equivalent of the Christian anti-Christ.”

  Anti-Christ? “I’m what?”

  “Nathaniel Greer is not the Unrein.”

  The short vamp sneered. “His works have already begun. He and his child must die.”

  “I feared this might happen,” Nathan heard Gui mumble.

  “Feared this…”

  Before Nathan could say more, Guillermo’s body began to glow, his eyes slipped to a silvery bronze and a deafening roar came from his lips. He stepped forward and the small man stepped back in surprise. “You have overstepped your authority.” Gui’s voice had dipped into a guttural growl. “Leave or die.”

  “You…” The leader pointed a bony finger at Guillermo and licked his pasty lips. “You… you must let us complete our work! We have waited one thousand years for this moment. This time. Our time!”

  “Is that a challenge, Wilhelm?”

  Nathan tried to move again, but he was firmly held in place, naked with his legs spread. He watched Guillermo’s hands shift to claws, and though he couldn’t see his face any longer, he was certain his lover had completely vamped out as he menaced the “Brotherhood.” Their reaction was his greatest surprise. As Gui stalked closer, growling with fury, they turned tail and ran. Nathan’s arms dropped to his side, the magic apparently gone, as soon as they cleared the tree line.

  “What the fuck was that about?” He’d been in real physical danger, granted not for the first time, but what pissed him off was Guillermo seemed to know all about it and hadn’t bothered to give him the cliff notes version.

  Guillermo turned to Nathan, his eyes softening. “Alas,” he quipped, his voice still unnatural with his Beast. “I’m afraid I am in for a very long and unpleasant night.”

  Nathan narrowed his gaze. “You bet your ass.”

  Chapter 2

  Four hours later, Nathan was still angry. Guillermo sighed. “What can I say to make this better between us? I do not want to argue any more, amante.”

  “Don’t you even amante me.” Nathan, fully clothed much to Gui’s chagrin, paced the hardwood floor of the living room. “You are telling me that this group of albino vampires, The Brotherhood of the watchimicallit…”

  “The Brotherhood of Truth.”

  “Whatever! Have been hanging around for a thousand years because some Anglo-Saxon seer prophesized the birth of a vampire child bringing about the destruction of all vampires. And now that Anna is pregnant with my child these guys want to kill me and the baby, and you thought it was okay to not mention this because…” Nathan waved his hands in frustration.

  “Because, Nathaniel…” Guillermo was starting to feel a little more than irritated, “…I was trying to protect you! I did not think they would find out this early. After all, you just found out a couple of days ago that the child was definitely yours. And I thought with the extra security of this house, you and Anna would be safe.”

  Nathan’s eyes widened. “You bought this place to protect me! What? It didn’t occur to you I might not want to be a prisoner? I don’t like it! I don’t like it one bit. You lied to me.”

  “I never lied.”

  “A lie by omission is still a lie, Gui.”

  “I did it because I love you.”

  “Well…” Those words had the effect Gui hoped for, when Nathan continued with, “…maybe… but you still should have told me!”

  “I was planning on telling you.”


  “Is this a private party or can anyone join?” Tyrsgard Madds’ voice rumbled from the front door. The extremely tall, powerfully built, blond vampire peeked around the corner with Nadine, who was decked out in low hip-hugging black latex jeans, and a four-buckle matching latex corset, her long shocking red hair pulled back in a severe braid.

  “Thank all that is wicked,” she sneered. “They have their clothes on.”

  Tyr chuckled. “Yes, unusual.”

  “No comments from the peanut gallery, thank you,” Nathan snapped.

  Tyr’s brow dipped and his upper lip curled on the right. “Wow, bad mood.” The large vampire crossed to Nathan, dipped his head low and kissed his master’s shoulder where it joined with his neck.

  Nathan shrugged him away.

  “Really bad mood.”

  “Unfortunately.” Guillermo sighed -- he was doing that a lot. “Yes.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Nathan murmured.

  Strutting a circle around the huge living room, Nadine whistled. “Nice digs. So this is home, eh?”

  Nathan smacked his palm against his forehead. “I can’t take it. I just can’t.”

  Instantly furious, Nadine turned on Nathan. “What? You think I want to live with you?”

  Things were going from bad to worse and Guillermo didn’t want the evening to disintegrate further. “Enough, chica!”

  “Fine.” She folded her arms. “But I was having a nice slice of Viking before you paged.”

  Tyr fought a grin while Nadine continued, “Besides, I thought you didn’t want Tyr and I to come over here until tomorrow.”

  Guillermo cast her a warning look.

  Too late.

  Nathan stood, glaring at Gui. “You mean, she knew you’d bought the house already, and you didn’t tell me?” His voice was deceptively calm, but Guillermo knew better.

  “I wanted to surprise you.” He shrugged. “Surprise.”

  “So what’s the 411 on the 911 call, Gui?” Nadine adeptly changed the topic, for which Guillermo was grateful. He wished he could understand her though.

  “Hable inglés, chica.”

  Nadine snorted. “You’re one to talk. What was so urgent that we had to get over here tonight?”

  “Ah.” Guillermo nodded, then shook his head. “Apparently the Brotherhood of Truth has arrived.”

  “The BOT? Those idiots heard about Anna getting knocked up already?”

  Nathan’s eyes flew wide. “Oh, my God! I’m the last one to know anything.”

  “They’re a bunch of old fanatics, boss,” Tyr said by way of explanation. “Even older than I am. If you’ve been around, it’s hard not to hear about them.”

  Nadine started singing, “Get down with BOT, say you know me, who’s down with BOT…” Her words trailed off as she drew stares from all the men. “What? It’s not my fault. Tyr listens to all this hip-hop crap constantly and that stupid OPP song’s been running around in my head.�
� She firmly planted her fists on her hips. “Nathan, you were saying that everyone knew about the Brotherhood but you. Carry on.”

  Nathan growled. Guillermo grimaced. Tyr grinned. And Nadine looked satisfied that her work here was done, as she held out her hand and stared at her fingernails with much enthusiasm.

  Guillermo waved a hand. “Dawn is coming soon, and we must prepare. I do not believe they will underestimate me again.” They had to be organized. Guillermo wouldn’t survive if the Brotherhood succeeded in killing Nathan, and he knew Nathan would never recover if anything happened to Anna and the baby. “Tyr, call Anna and inform her she will need to move her belongings to the house in the morning.”

  Tyr’s eyes narrowed as he looked over to Nathan. His master nodded, and Tyr pulled out his flip phone and headed off toward the kitchen.

  “Chica, get the surveillance system running, and make certain there are no weak areas in the security of this house and the grounds.”

  “Well, damn. I was hoping to check out the bedrooms and bathrooms to pick mine before…”

  Guillermo snarled.

  “Okay, I’m on it, boss man.” She pivoted on her six-inch heels ready to walk out of the living room, paused, turned back and added, “Where’s the security office?”

  Sighing, Gui pointed to the French doors. “Just off to the right of the kitchen.”

  “Got it. I’m on the job.” She skirted around Gui, stuck her tongue out at Nathan, and hastily made her exit.

  Guillermo watched Nathan brood. If he hadn’t been brooding over something Gui had done, the look might have been charming. As it was, the whole thing was mostly uncomfortable. “Please, amante. Must you continue to be angry with me? I had really hoped the house and security would be mere cautionary measures. I really didn’t think…”

  Nathan kept his back to Guillermo, stoically ignoring him. Madre Dios! Talking to the man was not working. Gui tried another tactic. He swooped behind Nathan, wrapped his arms around his lover’s waist, and dipped his hand down the front of his pants, before he could protest.

  As his cock swelled against Gui’s palm, Nathan sighed. “This is so not fair.” Nathan reached down to remove Gui’s hand, but the hand didn’t budge from its position. “Stop. I’m still mad.”

  “Mmm, hot, angry sex.”

  “You’ve got the angry part right.”

  Guillermo slid his thumb over the head of Nathan’s cock, which twitched in response. “Hazme el amor. Make love to me.”

  “No,” Nathan said, but his voice had lost all protest.

  “Then fuck me,” Guillermo growled.

  Nathan whipped around in his arms, and yelped as he broke from Gui’s strong grip on his shaft, but quickly recovered to place a fierce kiss on the master vampire’s lips. “Oh, you are so gonna be fucked.”

  Clothing hit the ground at record speed. Both vampires stared hungrily at each other for a second before closing the gap. Success! Guillermo’s mind rang out as Nathan pulled him close enough they could share the same skin. Nathan’s hand grabbed a handful of Gui’s ass and squeezed, nearly harder than Guillermo liked it. Nearly.

  Lacing his fingers in Nathan’s shaggy brown hair, Guillermo plunged his tongue between Nathan’s lips, his cock painfully swollen and mashed against his lover’s rock hard abs. A tinge of blood filled his mouth, and he couldn’t tell whether it came from himself or Nathan. The mixture of saliva and blood fueled his already flaming desire.

  “Oh, dear sweet mercy!” Nadine’s voice screeched. “I’m going blind!”

  Tyr came running into the room. He came to a sudden halt, looked around and chuckled. “Oh.”

  Guillermo groaned inwardly as he separated from Nathan. “Things were going too well.”

  Wiggling his eyebrows, Tyr smiled. “Looks like they still are.”

  Nadine smacked his arm. “Stop encouraging them.”

  Crossing his arms, the large Viking grinned. “I think we should join them.”

  Nathan and Nadine both said simultaneously, “Oh hell no!” which sent both their eyes wide like deer caught in the headlights.

  “We definitely need some privacy.” Nathan grabbed Guillermo by the arm and dragged him from the living room into the foyer. “Let’s see how big this place really is.”

  Guillermo could hear Nadine “ewww” and Tyr chuckle, as he bounded up the staircase after Nathan.

  Chapter 3

  Nathan stood in a field flooded in sunlight. The warmth from the rays beat down on his skin. The heat nearly made him feel mortal again. It had been too long since he’d walked in the sun. While it was true vampires probably didn’t burst into flame in sunlight, it was hard to prove, considering their bodies became corpses, soulless and empty, during the daytime. But not this day. A small girl with cinnamon brown hair, sparkling green eyes, and dressed in a frilly garment, ran to him and threw her arms around his waist. “Papa, where have you been?”

  A jolt of electricity ran through Nathan and he sat up, cold and sweating. He’d been dreaming. Wait a minute, dreaming is impossible. Right? He hadn’t had a dream in almost four years. Not since becoming undead. He reached over and felt for Guillermo.

  His lover lay cold in the bed. Nathan looked around the master suite Guillermo had already furnished for them. The bed was grand, a California king mahogany sleigh bed. An armchair with a matching finish, along with three dressers, completed the furniture. A nice forgery of Rembrandt’s The Storm on the Sea of Galilee was centered on the far wall between two of them. At least Nathan hoped it was a fake. The real one had been stolen from a Boston museum in the early 90s. He shuddered. Better not to think about it.

  Beyond the drawn curtain, a sliver of light showed. Not much, but enough that Nathan knew something was really wrong. He checked his watch. Three p.m. It was still daytime. He stood, slid on his boxers, and padded down the hallway to the second floor. The third door on the right was slightly cracked. He peeked in. Tyr and Nadine lay locked together, naked and dead. Gross.

  Closing the door behind him, he went to the main floor. He could hear humming coming from the kitchen. Moving swiftly and silently, he traveled the foyer, living room, dining room, and into the kitchen within a couple of seconds. Anna turned from the sink and shrieked in surprise, dropping a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream on the ground.

  “You scared me!” She reached down to pick up the fallen food, but had trouble maneuvering over her already very large belly. “A little help here?”

  “Sorry. I heard humming and I thought you might be an intruder.” He grabbed a towel from the counter and cleared the melting mess and broken glass.

  “Oh, good logic. An intruder would be hanging out in the kitchen humming. Maybe got a little hungry trying to steal… Oh, I don’t know… nothing. This place is completely empty and security is tighter than my… never mind.” She began to cry.

  “I’m sorry, Anna.” He felt a little desperate watching her wracked with sobs. He pulled her as close as her stomach would allow and squeezed. She wiped a bit of snot and slobber onto his chest, then pushed away from the hug.

  “I’m fine. Honest. I think it’s hormones.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she snapped.

  Oh, dear God, I can’t live with two really bitchy women. “I was just agreeing with you, honest. I don’t think you’re hormonal. I just don’t know the right thing to say.”

  “I’m sorry, Nathan.” Her face softened, her lower lip began to quiver, and tears filled up her eyes. “It’s just that I’m fat. I’m fat and I’m ugly. Nobody wants to hang out with someone who is fat and ugly. Right?”

  “You are not fat and ugly. You are beautiful.” Although he was worried that she’d gained more weight than she should have at five months. As it was, she looked more like she was going into her seventh month. “I’ll hang out with you.”

  Her face changed again, this time to calm and pleasant. “Thanks, Nate. You always know just what to s
ay.” Then as an afterthought, she added, “Speaking of hanging out, isn’t it a little early in the day for you vampire types to be up and about?”

  “Yeah, really weird, huh? I just… woke up.” To a lunatic running around in the kitchen.

  “Hey!” She slapped him. “I heard that!” Shocked, she tucked her chin back. “Hey… I heard that. Oh wow, Nathan, I heard your thoughts. What do you suppose that means?”

  Anna Murphy had been born an intuitive psychic. She had the ability to read strong thoughts, emotions and patterns. When they had dated in college, it used to kill Nathan that she could always read him, but since he’d become a vampire, she’d lost that power over him. So, why now?

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I’m just as confused as you are.”

  Nathan stared at her as if she’d grown an extra head. “Stop that. So, did Tyr fill you in on what’s going on?”

  “Yeah, he said some nutty-bangers want us dead, pretty much. I’ve asked for an early maternity leave, and the hospital granted it. I think the guys in the morgue found it unnerving to be around me anyways. Not that I could blame them. Freaking hormones.”

  Nathan didn’t agree this time, he just moved on in the conversation. “These guys are serious, Anna. You have to stay in the house until we get the situation resolved.”

  “I’m not a child, Nathan. Do you really think I want to put our baby in danger?” She had already begun fixing another bowl of ice cream. The sweet smell of vanilla and chocolate nearly melted Nathan to a puddle. It was like all of a sudden he was craving ice cream?

  “Okay. I think I’ll go back to bed now and let you eat.”

  He ran up the stairs. And crashed into Tyr on the second floor.

  “What are you…”

  “I’m hungry, Master.” His ice blue eyes looked gaunt, haunted, as he pushed past Nathan.

  Reaching out, Nathan put his hand on Tyr’s back. The flood of pure hunger and craving sent him staggering backward. “Tyr.”

  The blond vampire didn’t stop his descent. “I’m hungry.”

  “Tyr!” he yelled as the Viking headed for the kitchen. “Oh, shit. Anna.” Nathan took off after him, tackling all seven feet of him, dragging him to the ground in the dining room. If Tyr had been in his right mind, he could have easily dodged Nathan, or at least gotten away from him. Instead it was like a scene from the Night of the Living Dead. Tyr was using his hands to crawl toward the kitchen, bloodlust, hunger filling his entire body, while Nathan did his best to hold him in place.


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