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The Beast 4: Soul Tripping

Page 3

by Renee George

  Anna walked in on the scene and dropped another bowl of ice cream. Nathan wasn’t sure how it must have looked, Tyr naked on his stomach clawing the floor, and Nathan, in his boxers, pinning him down.

  Tyr’s head snapped up. “Hungry.” Nathan could feel the change taking place within the Viking. He was vamping out and his target was Anna.

  Nathan adjusted his grip on Tyr. It was getting harder and harder to keep him from moving forward. “Anna, back out, slowly. Lock the doors behind you.”

  He could smell the terror rise up in her, and it tasted wonderful. I want to feed upon her fear, the Beast whispered in his mind. No, Nathan countered. It was Tyr’s hunger he was feeling, not his own, and Nathan pushed the Beast back. “Now.”

  Anna nodded mutely and backed out of the room, closing the doors after her. He could hear her running footsteps growing more distant. Tyr’s clawing become more insistent as his nails wore ridges into the hardwood floor.

  Nathan gathered his will, and did something he’d promised Tyr he would never do. “Tyr. I am your master. Stop this instant. Obey me.”

  The large muscled body beneath him stilled.

  “Ignore your hunger.”

  The Viking’s consciousness settled to a calm. Cautiously, Nathan crawled off Tyr and helped his servant to sit up. The blond blinked once, then twice. “Boss?”

  “Yes. I’m here.” He smoothed aside a long strand of hair from Tyr’s cheek and ran his thumb down the scar through the Viking’s lower lip. “Are you okay?”

  “How did I get here?” Tyr shivered and Nathan could sense the doubt and confusion in his mind.

  “You woke early. And a bit hungry.”


  “Yes, it’s nearly four now, but it’s still full daylight outside.”


  “I wish I knew.” Nathan’s hand trailed to the scar over Tyr’s heart. His servant’s hunger had brought Nathan’s own to the surface, and he fought for control.

  Tyr, even while sitting, towered over Nathan. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Nathan’s lips. His tongue slid inside the crack and slipped along Nathan’s front teeth.

  The sensation brought a low moan to his throat as Nathan pulled away. “No, this isn’t right.”

  “I feel your desire, Master.”

  “We can’t. You have Nadine. I have Guillermo. Neither of them could forgive us.”

  “Why do you deny me?” A choke of sorrow filled his voice. “I need you.”

  While it was true that Tyrsgard Madds couldn’t survive without Nathan, the sword cut both ways. If anything happened to Tyr, it could kill Nathan. The ancient blood ritual which had bonded Tyr to his previous master, and subsequently to Nathan, made certain there was no room for betrayal. The bond, though manufactured, was stronger than Nathan felt with anyone, even Gui, or his mother for that matter. He shared Tyr’s emotions, memories, even physical sensations. They’d only had sex the one time, when he and Guillermo had shared a night of healing. It had been the most powerful experience of Nathan’s life. It hadn’t been about the sex, though that part had been fantastic. The night had been about acceptance and forgiveness.

  Looking at Tyr now, Nathan found it hard to refute how much he wanted him. A memory flashed through his head of being pressed between his legs, his cock sliding in and out of Tyr. He saw himself, face slack with ecstasy as he stared down at Tyr, really seeing him. He realized it was Tyr’s memory he envisioned. The memory turned, and he was seeing Nadine’s eyes staring into a mirror as she mounted Tyr from behind, the soft silicone dildo penetrating him deep and hard. He was a novelty for her, someone to dominate. In Tyr’s mind, she didn’t really see him. Not like Nathan had.

  “Don’t.” Nathan withdrew his touch from Tyr. “I don’t want to see any more.”

  “Can’t you see? Nadine is fun. I like her a lot. But I really miss the way you made me feel. Like a whole person. I want that again.”

  Nathan understood. Tyr had been basically tortured for almost one hundred years by his previous master, treated as an object, not real. He could see why the large vampire would feel Nadine treated him similarly. She wasn’t the warmest or most caring person to be around. He couldn’t believe Min could have ever been so cruel to Tyr, not while bonded to him in such an intimate way. When Nathan was near him, he felt compassion, affection, and -- even if he wasn’t willing to verbalize it -- lust.

  It wasn’t fair to say that he felt the same about Tyr as he did Gui, but it was definitely a type of love. With Guillermo, he was charged with desire and longing, while Tyr appealed to his baser self, his Beast. The problem was Tyrsgard Madds was bonded to him in such a way that he could deny Nathan nothing, even if he wanted. When given a command, he had to obey, without question or second thought. Nathan had promised to never force his will upon Tyr, to allow the Viking choices, and he’d reneged on the promise today.

  Tyr trembled as he lifted a hand and placed it on Nathan’s thigh. A surge of electric warmth bubbled under the touch and Nathan realized his cock had gone rock hard. “Tyr. We… I don’t know if this is you or me. And I can’t… won’t take advantage of you.” Plus, Guillermo would kill him. They’d already agreed there would be no one on one with another lover.

  “I won’t deny that part of this might be what I’m feeling from you.” Tyr leaned forward on his knees and dipped his head low, brushing his lips on Nathan’s thigh. “But can you not sense I need it as well?”

  The lustful desperation to be taken poured from Tyr through his touch and Nathan felt frozen to stop him as his tongue trailed a glistening line up his leg, his large hands pushing at the boxer shorts until his mouth rested over the artery where Nathan’s thigh met his pubis. His sharp teeth nipped the skin, but not hard enough to bring blood. Long blond hair spilled over onto his lap as Tyr reached his hands into the leg opening and caressed Nathan’s testicles, then shifted his cock out from under the soft cotton material.

  I want to see him take our cock in his mouth, the Beast rumbled. Nathan smoothed back Tyr’s hair and watched as the Viking’s mouth hovered a mere inch over the head, his breath tickling his sensitive skin. Tyr’s eyes watered as he stared at Nathan, waiting for the approval he feared would never come.

  Helpless to speak, Nathan nodded. His eyes wanted to close as his shaft slid into Tyr’s mouth, but his Beast forced him to keep them open. Teeth scraped gently down his cock, then Tyr flattened his tongue and wrapped it as far around the shaft as it would go, sucking and milking Nathan.

  “Oh, God,” Nathan rasped. He grasped Tyr’s hair, wrapping the silky tresses around his fingers, and pushed. Tyr’s mouth slid forcefully to the bottom of his cock, the head pressing past the tonsils to the back of the throat. “Yes,” his Beast rumbled, finding Nathan’s voice.

  Tyr reacted physically to the voice, forcing Nathan’s cock even farther back into his throat until he could stick his tongue down and lick the line between Nathan’s balls.

  Nathan’s other hand came up and grabbed another handful of hair, holding the Viking down hard for a second, then pulling his head up and back down again on his shaft. Between his Beast and Tyr’s emotions, Nathan couldn’t think, didn’t want to think, only feel. Right or wrong, he meant to have him.

  He yanked Tyr’s mouth off him and flipped him to his back and couldn’t help but be pleased at the sight of the gi-normous erection pressing hard on the Mr. Universe abs.

  Tyr’s body hummed as he wondered what Nathan would do next. An oddly strange sense of euphoria washed over him as his master crawled onto him and straddled his waist, the head of Tyr’s cock pressed tight between his abdomen and Nathan’s sac. Shoulder length brown hair brushed his shoulders as the other man bent over and kissed his neck, before pressing the full length of his body onto Tyr.

  “Sometimes I feel like I could crawl right into your skin,” Nathan told him as his lips found Tyr’s.

  Tyr wanted to explain that the ancient bond was responsible for the feeling, but
he was afraid if he mentioned it, Nathan would stop. And he didn’t want him to stop. As strong, firm hands explored his scars and muscles, Tyr could sense the moral dilemma his master struggled with already, and his attention was only being held by a fragile thread of lust and need.

  Fingertips brushed across the tip of his cock, smearing the slick of pre-cum. Nathan placed his forefinger into his mouth. “Mmm,” Nathan hummed, then slipped the tip between Tyr’s lips. The combination of saliva and his own secretions heated his appetite as his hips shoved upward to grind his cock between his master’s legs.

  Nips and bites flitted along his throat, chest, abdomen, as Nathan worked his way down to Tyr’s erection. He froze, afraid to move, afraid not to move. Air whooshed from him when his cock entered the cool wet mouth. Strong fingers curled around his sac, tugging as Nathan’s lips slid down as far as his throat would allow. Because Tyr was so large, his master gripped the base of his shaft, fisting lower strokes while sucking and licking the upper half.

  A throaty hum of delight escaped from Tyr, spurring Nathan to greater ferocity in his oral attack on the rigid cock. His hand went to his young master’s head, as his cock stiffened and his balls pulled in tight against his body. The pressure in his pelvis mounted. “Ah! Ah!” he grunted as his hips thrust forward, jerking, bottoming his cock against the back of Nathan’s throat, coming as Nathan swallowed him.

  When the orgasm subsided, Nathan lifted his mouth from Tyr’s already softening cock. His eyes were glowing with his Beast. “I’m going to fuck you.”

  Then everything went black.

  Chapter 4

  Fuck! Nathan’s Beast growled in frustration. Tyr’s vampire soul had fled his body after coming so sweetly. I still want to fuck him. “No,” Nathan told the Beast. “No way in hell.” He hefted Tyr over his shoulders in a fireman’s lift, and carried him to the bedroom the large Viking shared with Nadine. As he laid Tyr down, he couldn’t help but notice how attractive Nadine was, her naked body splayed across the right side of the bed. Like kids and dogs, cute when they’re sleeping. Without her normal expression of malice and bitchery, she looked almost nice.

  Nadine? Nice? Not in this or any other life. He left the two of them, and went up to the master suite.

  Sitting quietly, patiently, Nathan waited in tense apprehension during the thirty minutes it took Guillermo’s life to begin animating. He had to tell him about the incident with Tyr.

  Incident? He scoffed at his own word choice. If death hadn’t taken Tyr, Nathan would have had full-blown sex with him. He’d thought about getting naked and crawling back into bed with Guillermo, like nothing had happened. Tyr wouldn’t tell, not unless Nathan wanted him to.

  Leaning forward, Nathan rested his forehead on his knees. “What is wrong with me?”

  “Nathan?” Guillermo’s voice was on full alert with concern at the edges. “Why are you not in bed?”

  “Something… unexpected happened today.”

  “Today?” Guillermo stood from the bed and walked over to Nathan. His magnificently pale body contrasted with Nathan’s darker skin in the dim illumination of the table lamp.

  “How did you end up so pale?”

  “I was not a creature of the sun, even in my mortal days.” His hand trailed along Nathan’s shoulders. “You are worried this evening.”

  “Yes.” About so many things. But aside from the Brotherhood, and waking early to a dream, Nathan was mostly worried about Guillermo’s reaction to what he’d done with Tyr. “I woke up during the daytime.”

  Curiosity, not alarm, passed over Guillermo’s face. “Tell me.” He knelt in front of Nathan. “What time did you awaken?”

  “At three. It started with a dream.” Nathan expected Guillermo to interrupt with more questions, but instead, his dark brown eyes narrowed, as if searching for something. Nathan continued, “It’s strange. I didn’t think dreaming was possible.”

  “I have lived for five hundred years and have never dreamed.”

  “See. That’s what I mean. I’ve been a vampire for nearly four years, and this is the first time it’s ever happened. Then waking up during daylight. I don’t know what’s happening to me, Gui. Do you think the Brotherhood is somehow doing this to me? Using their magic to fuck with me?” At least that would be a reason for having cheated on Guillermo, some kind of magical compulsion. He shook his head. Regardless of what the BOT did, what happened with Tyr wasn’t magical, it was all Nathan.

  “I don’t think so, amante. The Brotherhood is unequaled in their abilities to wield what you call magic. But if they were powerful enough to wake a vampire during the day, I think they would have started with themselves.”

  “I was sort of afraid of that.” Nathan got up from the chair and peeked out the window. The stars were bright and close tonight. Mentally, he traced Orion’s belt. “After I woke, I went downstairs and ran into Anna. She’s a little nuts, by the way. While I was with her, I started craving ice cream. Real food. It was like I was starving, all of a sudden, but not for blood. And this is where things went from weird to worse.” Nathan paused. Willing the words to come.

  “Go on.”

  “Tyr came crashing down the stairs, nearly knocking me over. He had awakened as well. He’d become sort of like a zombie… hungry and with a single purpose in mind. I stopped him…”

  “Tell me what happened next?” Guillermo moved behind Nathan and wrapped his arms around him.

  Nathan removed himself from the embrace. He didn’t want to be touching Gui for the next thing he had to tell him. “I… I sort of had sex with Tyr.”

  Guillermo grew still. “Sort of.”

  “Well. Yes, sort of. I mean, I didn’t fuck him, but only because he became a corpse before I could. I’m sorry, Gui. I know we promised each other. But the compulsion was so strong, and the need. I couldn’t deny it, deny him. I’m awful. I’ll understand if you can’t forgive me.”

  “I feared as much.” Guillermo placed his hand on Nathan’s back. “I wondered how long it would take. We should have added him to our bed a couple of months ago.”

  “What?” Nathan had expected ranting, raving, or worse, Gui going cold on him, but he hadn’t expected this. “Added him to our bed?”

  “You forget, amante, I was with Tyr and Min for many years. I’ve seen how the bond works. I would have suggested it, but you seemed adamant on our monogamy.”

  Nathan scrutinized Gui, then scratched his cheek. “You’re not pissed?”

  “Do I like the fact you are so strongly attracted to another? No. Am I unhappy? Yes. Does this change how I feel about you? No.” Guillermo took his hand and led him to the bed. “Is Nadine going to be angry? Yes. She is a possessive soul. She covets the men she sleeps with, and she has been especially fond of Tyr. But of all the things you’ve told me, I am most concerned with your day waking.”

  Nathan didn’t know what to feel. On the one hand he was relieved; on the other hand, he would have killed Guillermo for betraying him, well, at least broken the relationship off. “Okay. I’m completely confused now. I can’t believe you aren’t angry with me. If it were me, I’d be ready to rip your dick off.”

  “Amante.” Guillermo sighed. “Sometimes you are all too human.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Guillermo lay on the olive green sheets, his firmly muscled body relaxed into the mattress. He stroked his cock which grew temptingly long and hard before Nathan’s eyes. “Do you want me?”


  “More than anyone else?”


  “More than Tyr?”

  Nathan paused for a second, his own cock swelling to match Gui’s. “Yes.”

  “Then I can forgive you.” He held out his hand. “Come to me. I want to touch you.”

  Stripping off his boxers, Nathan scrambled onto the bed. His mouth met Guillermo’s fiercely, a fresh, hungry desire filling him. He wanted to weep his joy at being in Gui’s arms, and the thought disturbed him, b
ut he pushed it aside as Guillermo’s lips parted for him, his tongue darting into Nathan’s mouth, a tangling caress of flesh against teeth.

  Guillermo’s hand traveled down Nathan’s waist, latching onto his cock, caressing the shaft before fondling his testicles. “Do you think we’ll make it without interruptions?”

  Closing his eyes, Nathan shook his head. “Difficult to say. I can feel Tyr waking up.”

  “Perhaps Nadine will keep him busy.”

  “Yuck.” Nathan pushed Guillermo onto his back and straddled his waist. “Are you trying to kill the mood?”

  “Definitely not.” Gui slid up on the bed until his cock pushed against Nathan’s ass. “I want to try something.”

  “I can tell.”

  “It is a little experiment.”

  “Am I getting boring in bed? You’ve been wanting to try all sorts of experiments on me lately.” Nathan laughed, but a part of him was a little concerned about what his lover had planned.

  “Boring? Nunca. Never.” He ran his tongue over Nathan’s nipple. “I only want to make all your wishes come true.”

  “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “Wait and see, amante.” With those words, Gui looped his arms under Nathan’s thighs and lifted him several inches into the air.

  Nathan braced his hands on Guillermo’s shoulders to keep his balance as he was gently carried across the room and sat onto the armchair.

  “Maybe we should lock the door.”

  “Bien. Good thinking.” Guillermo crossed to the door and turned the bolt. He paused by one of the dressers and grabbed a tube of Astro-glide from the top drawer.

  His voice gravelly with passion, he said, “Are you ready for me, amor?”


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