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Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  Brendin stepped away, his shaft slipping free of her mouth just as Logan gripped her thighs roughly and growled low. She turned to look at him, her mouth open as she panted. His hands were tight on her flesh, a spike of pain spearing through her, but she loved it, needed it. Logan watched her as he climaxed, his jaw clenched, sweat dripping down his body. When his cock gave one last mighty jerk inside of her, he breathed out roughly and pulled out of her.

  She was overheated and sated. She closed her eyes, the cool air wafting across her skin but doing nothing to chill her. She felt Logan’s hot spunk come out of her pussy and slide down her ass. It wasn’t until she felt a hand trail along her side that she opened her eyes and looked into Ian’s dark, hooded ones. He hasn’t had his turn. Her traitorous body heated with arousal, grew wet and needy to have the man in front of her deep within her. The room wasn’t lit enough for her to see if anyone else was in there, but she didn’t sense anyone else. She knew deep down it was just the two of them, and that thought alone had her body and mind coming alive with what? Emotion? This was a dangerous game she was playing, one where she didn’t know if she would come out with her heart still intact.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ian laid her down on the silk sheets, his hands smoothing over her skin so gently, so…caringly. Her time with the four men had caused her emotions to grow and intensify. His touch was soft yet full of longing. His eyes never left hers, and when he lifted his hand and touched her mask, she feared he would remove it. She shook her head, placing her hand lightly on his as she pleaded with him.

  “I want to see you. Want to know the woman behind the mask.”

  Ian’s words sounded so sincere, but Piper knew she couldn’t risk it. When she had been alone she had fantasized about them removing the mask, seeing it was her, Piper, the woman who worked for them, and caring for her as much as she cared for them. The Grayson brothers were powerful and ruthless men. What she wanted, they couldn’t give. Not because they were unattainable, but because she wanted the same thing from all four men. It was ludicrous to think she could have a relationship with all of them, as if they would want that. Sure, they had sex with her together, but this was a game, a fantasy which was being played out.

  She couldn’t risk exposing herself and finding they couldn’t give her what she wanted, or worse, didn’t want to give it to her. She knew she was being selfish, but the heart wants what the heart can’t have.

  “I want to know you.” He dipped his head and licked at her throat. She turned her head and shivered. “Tell me about yourself, love. Let me know who the real you is.”

  In a breathless whisper, she said, “I’m no one special, just a submissive to grant your every wish and desire.” She repeated what she had read in the resort’s handbook, the “submissive code,” as it had been called. She was to be no one, just a plaything for the masters. Her heart ached and, as much as she wanted to reveal her true self, to each and every one of them, she couldn’t.

  He lifted his head and stared down at her with a clenched jaw. He stared at her for several minutes before finally closing his eyes, defeat crossing his features. His body loosened, and he kissed her collar bone, trailing fire down her body until she begged him to fill her.

  He covered her body with his, his cock pressing against her cleft as his mouth took possession of hers. He slipped his hand between their bodies and urged her to spread her legs wide. She complied, wrapping her legs around his waist and titling her head to accept more of his passionate kiss. His tongue swept along hers, teasing her, exciting her. He aligned the tip of his cock at her entrance and slowly started to push in. The feeling of being filled encompassed her and she wrapped her arms around him, knowing she would never have this feeling again. All four men had given her something that she would never forget. They had awakened emotions inside of her that would follow her for the rest of her life.

  He moved over her slowly, thoroughly. His hips pumped with precision as his cock slid in and out of her. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought he was making love to her, but she knew better. He whispered against her flesh, encouraging her, telling her how beautiful she was. It was a dream for her, a fantasy to hear these soft words from one of the men she longed for, maybe even loved.

  He pleasured her for the rest of the day, letting her rest in intervals before bringing her to climax over and over again. Piper knew it had been something more, much deeper, or maybe she had just imagined it. Maybe her brain was trying to make her see what she wanted deep within?

  * * * *

  As the second week neared its end, Piper couldn’t help the sorrow which filled her. That one long and pleasurable night with Ian hadn’t been the only time, no, each of the men had been with her, seeming to make love to her instead of fucking her. Although she relished it, she couldn’t deny she hated it equally. They had burrowed deep into her heart, their acts making her departure that much more difficult. She was a walking lie, knowing once she left this place, left them, she would go back to her normal life. She would forever know what they shared, but they wouldn’t. It was frustrating, angering, and saddening.

  As she sat at the table on the very last night of her stay, she couldn’t help but feel the tension in the room. Her dinner sat uneaten in front of her, the sounds of clanking silverware like nails on a chalkboard to her. Hardly anyone had spoken all day, and the outfit they had chosen for her was the most modest she had worn since the beginning of her stay at the resort. Her breasts and pussy were covered, and she idly wondered if they were silently telling her, “It’s been really fun, but your stay here is done, and we don’t need to look at the goods anymore.” She didn’t know what they had in store for her tonight, but if it played out how the day was going, she was thinking a big, fat nothing.

  She cleared off the table, picking up each of their plates, more out of habit than anything else. She went into the kitchen and deposited them in the sink. She looked out the small window above her and watched as a leaf skittered across the crystalline water of the pool. It wasn’t as if she were proud to be a coward, hiding behind a mask and pretending to be someone she wasn’t. She was ashamed, she could admit that, but only to herself.

  She heard chair legs scraping across the wood floor in the dining room and braced herself. She knew they would be coming in, probably about to tell her it had been a good time and to thank her for the fucks. She heard the door open and stiffened, not having the courage to turn around and face them. When nothing was said, she slowly turned around. They stood in a line, staring at her, watching her. She swallowed and walked toward them, feeling each of their hands caress her before they lead her out of the kitchen and into the bedroom.

  They fucked her with a ferocity that rivaled her entire stay. They pleasured her until her voice was hoarse from screaming and she couldn’t move her limbs. It certainly wasn’t making love, but she was okay with this kind of sex, okay with trying to forget her emotions and just feel. When she woke the next morning, the house was empty, and her heart finally broke. She allowed herself to cry, knowing she had no one to blame but herself. She stayed in this situation, knowing who they where and what they meant to her. She had kept her true identity hidden and cowered behind a façade, so the men she cared about, the men she had grown to love, would never know the truth. She was a fake, and now, completely and utterly alone.

  * * * *

  Several weeks had passed since her erotic journey at the Bre’zail resort. Piper stared at the little stick in her hand for the hundredth time, knowing she must need glasses or she was in some deep shit. She set the home pregnancy test down on the counter, right next to the other four she had taken only moments before. She breathed out and sat on the toilet, dropping her head in her hands, not knowing what the hell she was supposed to do.

  Not only was she pregnant, she didn’t know who the father was. Hell, the father could be any one of the Grayson brothers, four men, who didn’t know she, their employee, was the woman they fucked for two weeks
straight. It wasn’t like she meant for this to happen. She had, after all, been on the pill, but apparently she was in the percentile that was screwed.

  “Oh, hell. What am I going to do?” She thought out loud as she stood, picked up the pregnancy tests, and tossed them in the trash. She knew she needed to tell someone, knew she needed to confide to Lucie about what had happened at the resort and the trouble she was in now. Not only would it be embarrassing as hell to confront the Grayson brothers and tell them she was the woman they had dominated, but to tell them she was pregnant, and to top it off, one of them would be a father and the rest would be uncles. Ha! That was something she was so not going to do.

  She picked up the phone and dialed Lucie’s number, knowing she was a coward for not speaking up but having no doubt her bosses, her lovers, would not be happy about this little revelation. The four of them were bachelors, all of them had ample time and opportunities to settle down but they decided to stay single and enjoy life. Also known as, sleep with whomever they choose, at any given moment. They were successful and gorgeous, so why would they want to be tied down to an average woman and a child? Of course she was only speculating, but she had heard enough of her co-workers gossiping about the many women the Grayson brothers went through.

  Twenty minutes later, a knock sounded on her door. Once she opened it and saw the sympathetic look on Lucie’s face, Piper knew it had been a bad idea to tell her best friend.

  “Oh, honey.” Lucie came in, shutting the door behind her and leading Piper over toward the couch. “Tell me everything.” Lucie’s eyes kept bouncing toward her stomach as if she could see the baby moving around.

  “I’m only a few weeks along, Lucie.” Piper said sarcastically.

  “How did this happen?”

  Piper looked at Lucie incredulously. “Do I really need to tell you how something like this happens?”

  Lucie snorted before tossing her bag on the ground and taking Piper’s hands in her own. “You know what I mean. I didn’t even know you were dating someone.” At Piper’s silence, Lucie’s eyes grew wide. “Oh my,” her voice dropped to a whisper. “Was it a one-night stand?”

  “For heaven’s sake, Lucie, you don’t have to whisper.” Piper sighed and took her hands from her friends. “I mean, yes and no.”

  “Yes and no what?”

  “Yes, it was a one-night stand, but then, no it wasn’t. I had sex more than once. It happened at the resort.”

  Lucie’s mouth formed an “O” before she resumed an unaffected façade. “Okay, well then go tell the father and have him man up. If this is about him not stepping up to the plate, there are ways to get him to cooperate.”

  Piper was shaking her head before Lucie finished. “It isn’t that simple. I don’t think the father would be very happy about this.” Piper was not about to reveal there was a possibility of four fathers in the mix.

  “Oh.” Lucie leaned back and studied her quizzically. “Well, how do you feel about all of it?”

  Piper shrugged, looking down at her hands as she spoke, “I don’t know, it’s still a shock. I know I want to keep the baby, but I almost think it best to leave the father out of it completely.”

  “You really don’t think he would be happy at all about this?”

  Piper looked into Lucie’s face. Her friend held only compassion and love in her expression. “I don’t know for sure, but I can only assume, by their professions, having a child out of wedlock probably isn’t something which is praised.”

  “You mean his?”


  “You said their profession.”

  Lucie looked at her with confusion, and even though Piper didn’t like the idea of revealing what had happened, she knew she couldn’t keep it from her best friend. “There is more to the story, Lucie. I have gotten myself into a pretty complicated situation.”

  Half an hour later, Lucie was still staring at Piper with shock. “You’re not kidding, are you?” Piper shook her head, not knowing what else to say. “Well, I support you one hundred percent, honey. I know this isn’t the traditional way things are done, but a miracle is growing inside of you regardless.” Lucie took her hands again and squeezed gently. “This is your choice and yours alone. I personally think you should tell them and give them the chance to make the call, if they want to be a part of yours and the baby’s life, but no matter what you decide, I am here for you.”

  Piper couldn’t stop the tears welling in her eyes. They flowed down her cheeks, and she embraced Lucie, feeling she had done the right thing by telling her. She saw Lucie to the door, knowing that her friend was right. She did need to give the guys a chance to decide what they wanted. Even if they didn’t want to be with her, as much as that hurt to think about, the baby she was carrying deserved a father. Feeling resolve in her decision, she knew she had to come clean and decided tomorrow she was going to tell all, and damn the consequences.

  * * * *

  Although Piper had every intention of telling the Grayson’s about her situation, with every passing day it grew harder and harder for her to tell them. They either weren’t in the office or, when they were, all four of them were in the foulest of moods, so she didn’t dare tell them.

  So the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. Lucie asked her once if she had told them, but when Piper just shook her head, the subject was never brought up again. It was now three moths after she found out she was pregnant and although she was still early in the pregnancy, she was showing. Her clothes were becoming tight and a telling bump presented itself to the point where she couldn’t hide it any longer.

  She was evasive when her co-workers started asking questions, because what could she say? It wasn’t like she could tell them the truth. Hell, everyone would think she was some kind of slut for not knowing who the father of her baby was. The mess she had gotten herself into had just turned into a shit storm, and now there was no going back.

  She sat at her desk and appeared busy. Breathing out roughly, she placed her hand on her belly and rubbed slowly. She heard the front doors open and glanced up, stiffening in her seat when she saw the four brothers walk in. They didn’t acknowledge anyone in passing, and all of their expressions were distant, angry. She watched them until the last one entered the office. She sat there for a moment, knowing she couldn’t postpone this for any longer.

  Getting up, she slowly made her way toward their office, stopping at Dawn’s desk for “permission” to enter. The bitch didn’t look up or even acknowledge Piper’s presence, which only pissed her off more. Screw it. Piper walked toward the double doors, knocking three times before opening it. She could hear Dawn’s squeak of outrage and knew in a few seconds flat, the uptight cow would be charging after her.

  Piper meant to seem strong and confident, but when she was finally through the double doors and four sets of eyes trained on her, all of those attributes faded.

  “I’m so sorry. She just came in here.” Dawn’s raised voice sounded like someone had stepped on a cat’s tail.

  Piper looked at each man, noting that their expressions were guarded. Each of them sported fading bruises ranging in severity. She didn’t dwell on it, didn’t have the time or energy to wonder what had happened. Their expressions reminded her of an upcoming storm.

  “You can leave us, Dawn.” Ian lifted his hand and waved Dawn away. Piper breathed out, thankful they hadn’t dismissed both women. It was clear the men were busy, if the stacks of paper in front of each one of them was anything to go by, but what Piper had to say was more important and she had already put it off long enough.

  She heard Dawn close the door when she left, and Piper suddenly felt the weight of their stares.

  “You needed something, Miss Crane?” Ian’s voice was hard, as if she were wasting his time.

  Piper swallowed and folded her hands in front of her. “I…” How did she start? Where did she start?

  “Well? We are extremely busy, Miss Crane, as you can clearly see.” Logan�
�s voice was clipped and final.

  Try as she might, she couldn’t tell if his frustration was aimed at her or just because of his work. Probably both, she conceded. Piper felt her face heat and shifted on her heels. She could clearly see how frustrated they were, but the fact was she was on the verge of tears as it was and didn’t think she could actually spit the words out. “I…” One of them made an exacerbated noise, and she flicked her eyes to each of the men. Her throat was dry, her hormones unbalanced. She refused to cry in front of them, refused to show any kind of weakness. She was a coward, she knew this, but she could see how hectic their lives were, how important their job was.

  They had no room in their life for her, or her baby.

  She smoothed her hands down her skirt, knowing what she had to do next. “I’m putting in my notice.”

  “A notice for what?” Jake spoke up, a calmer, less irritated expression on his face. The other three’s expression turned darker, as if what she had just said was incorrigible.

  “I’m quitting. I want to thank each of you for your kindness and generosity throughout the many years I worked here, but, well, I think it’s time for me to move on.” She cared about the men she was staring at, but it was clear nothing would ever come of it. She needed to leave now before things got more complicated. She didn’t know what she expected, but a look of utter shock on their faces was not something which passed through her brain.

  “You can’t just quit.” Brendin stood, the papers on his desk shifting from their spot with the force of his actions. “How in the hell are we supposed to fill the position? You’re one of the best employees we have.”


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