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Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  Of course, she knew he was exaggerating. She knew she was a good employee, but there were other people, employees that had higher, more prestigious positions which were more of an asset to the company than she was.

  “Thank you, Mr. Grayson, but I am only a receptionist, and I have no doubts you can find another one quickly.” She made eye contact with each one, remembering all the passion they had shared in those two weeks. “I’ll work my two weeks, and I’m sure you will find a replacement well before the time is up. Again, thank you.” She turned to leave, knowing if she didn’t get out of there, she was bound to start crying. No one stopped her, but she didn’t know why they should.

  They didn’t know who she was. They didn’t know she was the mystery woman who had fucked each and every one of them in every possible position. To them, Piper Crane was just one of the many receptionists who worked for them. They didn’t know she was “pet,” “love,” “baby,” or “princess.” She clenched her fists, knowing what she was doing was for the best. She couldn’t deny she wished they would have stopped her.

  She finished out her day—depression, anger, and self-hate filling her. She was weak for not telling them, but she knew this was for the best. She wanted out of the city, had wanted to be away from the hustle and bustle of the business atmosphere for a while now.

  Feeling a little elated with where her thoughts were going, she finished out the day with a small smile on her face, ready to face the world on her own terms.

  * * * *

  Her last two weeks were gone before she even knew it. She stood in her apartment, staring into the half-filled cardboard box she was filling. Yesterday had been her last day working at the firm, and although she would miss all of her co-workers, the people she had grown to care for, she knew this was for the best. At least that was what she kept telling herself.

  Lucie was busy in the kitchen packing up her dishes. Piper had found a cute little house to rent down in Columbus. She would be about three hours from Lucie and her friends, but it was close to Hocking Hill, a beautiful and scenic area with natural amenities to keep her mind off things. The peace and tranquility would do her good.

  “I’m never going to see you again.”

  Piper glanced toward Lucie when she spoke. Lucie had said that exact statement thirty minutes ago. “I’m still going to be in Ohio, Lucie. You can come down and visit me all the time. We can go hiking, go check out Ash cave, and even check out the waterfalls.” Lucie stopped packing and looked over at her. “I want you to be a part of the baby’s life as much as possible, you know that.”

  “All of that sounds good, but I’m going to miss you like crazy.” Tears started to swim in Lucie’s eyes, and Piper couldn’t help her own tears from surfacing.

  “Don’t start that. You know how emotional I’ve been lately.” Lucie chuckled, and Piper walked over to her, wrapping her arms around Lucie’s slim shoulders and hugging her tight. “I’m going to miss you, too. Don’t worry. We’ll talk all the time.”

  “I just don’t understand why you have to move so far away.”

  “You know how much I’ve wanted to get away from the city. This is my chance to raise my baby in a place which is open and free.”

  Lucie sniffed. “What about work?”

  “I have a little nest egg which will give me enough time to settle into my new home and look for a job.” They stared at each other for a moment, both women crying harder, before they finally pulled themselves together and started packing again.

  * * * *

  Piper stacked the last box by the door and wiped her hands on her jeans. All of her belongings were pretty much packed, and tomorrow morning, a moving van would come. She moved over to the couch and sat down, leaning her head on the back of it as she stared at the stucco white ceiling. She cradled her belly, the small mound growing bigger by the day. She let her thoughts stray to the Grayson brothers, wishing things were different. A knock on her front door drew her out of her thoughts. She rose, seeing Lucie’s oversized purse on the breakfast counter and smiling as she picked it up. She opened the door. “Forget something, Luc…” Her words froze in her throat when she took in the four, massive men taking up the hallway.

  She knew her eyes had to be huge, hell, they felt as big as saucers. Ian, Logan, Brendin, and Jake all stood just on the other side, their faces a mask of anger. “Um, Mr. Grayson?” She addressed each of them as she stared into their faces, not knowing what to say or do. “What are you doing here?” She wasn’t speaking to anyone in particular at that moment, but it didn’t matter.

  “We need to speak with you, Piper.” Ian’s voice was a rough growl as he took a step forward.

  Her mouth opened and closed a few times, and she stepped aside, all four men piling into her small apartment. “What are you doing here?” She asked again, stunned Ian had used her given name, a first in all the time she had worked at the firm. She stood back as each of them looked around. She didn’t miss how their fists were clenched or their teeth ground when they noticed the boxes.

  “Going somewhere, princess?”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she looked at Jake. He turned to fully face her, the other three following suit and watching her intently. Holy shit! She could have brushed it away, but that Jake had called her that exact name during their time at the resort was no coincidence. They know. They’ve known this whole time.

  She would have been thrilled, elated even to know the men knew that she was the woman they had shared at the resort, but as her brain started to process the information, she became angry, furious even. “Excuse me, Mr. Grayson. That is completely inappropriate.” If they wanted to act like what the five of them shared at the resort was nothing but a romp in the sack, then she could play along.

  Jake snorted, never taking his view off of her. “You weren’t saying it was inappropriate when my cock was buried balls deep inside of that sweet little pussy of yours.” His voice was a deep whisper, a caress that had her dormant arousal awakening.

  “Did you think you could just leave, baby?”

  She looked over at Brendin, her mouth still open in shock from what Jake had just said.

  “Did you think we would let you leave?” Logan took a step forward, his words a clipped growl vibrating the room.

  “Or that we would want you to?” Ian had the last word, of course.

  She looked between the men and her head became a dizzy array of information she couldn’t keep up with. She felt the world tilting, saw the floor rushing toward her quickly. Just before she hit the ground, strong arms had her and pulled her against a powerful chest. She felt the couch beneath her, felt a glass pressed against her lips, and felt the chill of ice water coat her taste buds.

  She took a tentative sip, feeling herself calm and return back to normal. She took a deep breath, pressing herself against the back of the couch as she stared at four sets of worried eyes.

  “Are you okay, love?” Ian reached out and stroked a hand along her cheek.

  “I think I should call an ambulance. She looks pale.” Brendin rose, but she reached her hand out, snagging his thick wrist and bringing him to a halt.

  “No, I’m fine, really. Fainting spells are common during…” She couldn’t seem to finish her sentence.

  “Pregnancy,” Jake spoke up, his amber-colored eyes dropping to her rounded belly before his hand landed where he was looking. His palm was warm and heavy, and soon each man had a palm on her stomach. She couldn’t help her tears.

  “Oh shit. Don’t cry.” Logan moved closer, sitting on the couch and pulling her so she rested on his lap. “We’re no good at this. Please don’t cry.” He stroked a hand down her hair, but the tears still came, harder.

  “I don’t understand. Why are you here? How did you know about everything?”

  Ian cleared his throat before speaking, “We are joint owners of the Bre’zail resort. We know every guest who attends the club.” He rubbed his hand in small circles on her belly. “When you made the reservation
, we couldn’t believe it. We have been watching you for years, Piper. We have wanted you for that long as well.”

  Piper stared down at Ian, not sure if what he was saying was truly sinking into her brain. “What?” The word came out as a squeak and she quickly cleared her throat. “The whole time you knew it was me?” They all mumbled in agreement, but the words were muffled and unintelligible.

  “We knew.”

  She shot her eyes to Jake, his hair ruffled and reminding her of what he looked like after he fucked her for hours. Her pussy became moist, and she shifted slightly. Her movements made her acutely aware of Logan’s stiff erection beneath her ass. His hands tightened on her marginally before she brought her attention back to Jake.

  “When we couldn’t agree on who would be your master, we decided we all wanted you with equal intensity.” Jake sat next to her, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his mouth for a gentle kiss.

  “I’m sorry. This is just all so…surreal.” Piper looked at each man, frustration, anger, and confusion boiling inside of her. “You guys knew it was me the whole time? Knew I was pregnant and didn’t say anything?” Her voice started to rise slightly, but she didn’t care. She was pissed and hormonal, and the fact that they had purposefully ignored her made her livid. She got off of Logan’s lap and made her way into the kitchen. She paced in front of the sink, her head downcast as she looked at the tile. She stopped and turned and looked at them. They all were staring at her, their expressions a mixture of frustration and sincerity.

  “It wasn’t like that.” Ian rose and made his way toward her. She held her hand up to stop his ascent.

  “I want to know why. Why the mystery, why the mask, if you knew who I was?” She refused to break her stare from Ian and heard a few muffled curses as each of the other three men rose.

  Ian sighed before running a hand through his hair. The muscles in his bicep bunched with the small movement, and even though Piper was angry, she couldn’t help but appreciate the sight. “We care about you, each one of us. The time we spent with you just made us realize how much we want you in our life permanently. At first the mask was part of the game, but when you didn’t speak up about our identities, we assumed you weren’t ready to accept us. We want you to have all the time you need.” Ian blew out an exacerbated breath. “We meant to transition into this smoother, but things got hectic. You knew it was us all along, so when you never spoke up, we thought you needed more time.” Ian swore before turning and looking at his brothers. He turned back toward her, taking a step forward, his expression one of pleading. “We needed some time to make it work too.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Ian turned and looked at his brothers again.

  “Tell her.” Brendin urged Ian, his voice stern yet hesitant.

  Ian sighed before turning back to her. “We can’t promise you there won’t be complications with a relationship with us, but what we can guarantee is that we will always love and respect you. We want you, all of us, but we can’t all legally marry you, so…” Ian took another step forward until he was standing right in front of her. Logan, Jake, and Brendin followed suit, standing behind their eldest brother and staring intently at her.

  “Marriage?” Piper whispered.

  “Yeah, princess.” Jake smiled, a lopsided grin which was like a domino effect for the rest. “We came to an agreement one of us would marry you legally, that way you would always be ours.” Jake flicked his glance to Ian, his smile fading as his voice dropped low. “That is, of course, if you agree.”

  Piper shook her head, not sure exactly what to say. She covered her hands over her belly. “What about the baby?”

  “We can always find out who the father is later. The technicalities don’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. We will love the baby you are carrying no matter who the father is.”

  Piper was silent as she stared at the guys, her chest hurting from the thick emotions that were passing between them. What they said about the baby touched her heart, made her throat swell and become dry, and her tears threatened to come forth. She cleared her throat, “Wait a minute, how did you guys decide?” She couldn’t help the elation filling her. She loved each of the men standing in front of her, and the idea that they wanted her, wanted her as their wife, had her smiling, her earlier anger vanishing.

  “Well,” Logan spoke as all of the brothers looked at each other.

  “Wait.” Piper thought back to the last day she had seen them. “Is that why all of you had bruises?” She stared open mouthed at them, shocked that they had fought over her. “You guys fought over who would marry me?”

  As if her words had set something in motion, each of the men bent down on their knee. Ian was in front of them, holding a black velvet ring box up to her as an offering. Obviously Ian had been the victor in the battle. She covered her mouth, tears swimming in her eyes as she stared at her men.

  “Would you do us the honor of being our wife?” Ian spoke as he popped the lid open.

  Her eyes grew big as she stared at the huge diamond nestled against the silky, dark backdrop.

  “Our wife.”

  “Our love.”

  “Our submissive.”

  She looked up as each man spoke. She didn’t know who said what, but it didn’t matter. She loved the Grayson brothers with an intensity rivaling insanity. She wiped the tears from her face, each man’s expression showing expectancy and a little bit of fear. She closed her eyes and nodded, crying harder as they each rose and embraced her. She was surrounded by four strong, powerful, yet gentle men, each one of them unique in their own way and giving her something special and private. She loved them and knew, although their relationship would never be “conventional,” it was exactly what they needed. She cried harder, thankful for how things had turned out and knowing, no matter what, as long as they had each other, everything was how it should be.


  Piper sat by the fire, watching the men she loved read to her children in front of the flame’s multitude of colors. The snow fell steadily outside the picture window of their cabin, the image something that would make even Hallmark weep with happiness. The life she had chosen hadn’t been easy, not with the frequent criticism, outrageous looks, and blatant comments. But none of that mattered.

  She had married Ian on the beach, the other three men standing close by as she and the eldest Grayson brother took their vows. The words she had spoken hadn’t just been to Ian. No, she had spoken them to all of her men.

  That night, she had showed each one of them what they meant to her. She had loved them, caressed them, and even submitted to the men in her life who would forever dominate not only her body, but her heart as well.

  She had given each brother a child—Ian and Jake sons, Brendin and Logan daughters. Her life wasn’t the easiest, but at the end of the day, she was with the people she loved the most, her men and children. They showed her nothing but love and acceptance. They took care of her children, making sure all of them were taken care of without question. When the lights were out and it was just the five of them in their room, they showed her who was her master and to whom she submitted to.

  It was bittersweet agony, and she wouldn’t change it for the world.




  Jenika is just your average woman. She lives in the too hot northeast with her husband and their daughter. Thankfully, he shares her unusual sense of humor and naughty nature, so she is never out of ideas for her stories.

  Along with taking care of their daughter, they have to keep an eye on Milo and Otis, their spunky cats. When not writing, Jenika works fulltime and attends school. Writing is Jenika's number one passion, but since life gets in the way, she isn't able to write fulltime (at least not yet.)

  Jenika started writing at a very young age. Her first story consisted of a young girl who traveled to an exotic island and found a magical doll. That story as long s
ince disappeared, but her passion for writing has stayed strong.

  Also by Jenika Snow

  Siren Classic: Dimi of the Seven Moons 1: Deliciously Wicked

  Siren Classic: Dimi of the Seven Moons 2: Temptation Unveiled

  Siren Classic: Blood Breed: The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed

  Siren Classic: Blush: A Story of Dominance and Submission

  Ménage Amour: Lilly’s Surrender

  Siren Classic: Alpha One Assassins: The Assassin

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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