Book Read Free


Page 11

by Marshall Huffman

  “We certainly have our eyes on a suspect. I can’t guarantee it is the right guy but I am pretty darn confident. You can ask Dan here,” I said, pointing to him with my thumb, “I don’t make statements like that unless I’m sure.”

  “Angie is right. I’ve never heard her try to give false hope to a single person. She just tells it like it is,” Dan replied.

  “Can I meet him at some point?”

  “Monty. You and I both know that you don’t really want that. After all that your daughter has been through she needs you more than ever. She doesn’t need her dad in jail for harming some scumbag. Let us handle this and you can get on with your lives and help Heather recover.”

  He didn’t say anything, just took another sip of his coffee. I’m not sure I got through to him.


  When we finally got back to headquarters Dan and I went to see the captain.

  “What have you got?”

  “No jelly donuts,” I replied.

  “Har-d-har. Give it to me.”

  “Heather is in pretty good shape considering what she has been through. She was a little dehydrated. The doctor says she has been repeatedly sexually abused and has some internal injuries. She has forty-six separate bite marks. Castings have already been made. DNA was found in abundance and is being sent to the labs. A ring indentation was lifted from her face where he had punched her. It is being sent to the FBI to see if they can make anything out of it.”

  “But she is going to recover?”


  “You have guards on duty?”

  “Well duh.”

  “Just asking.”

  “I had them there the moment they wheeled her into the room.

  “Okay, what else?’

  “Let’s see. She described where she stabbed him in the neck. Dan sent out an alert to all doctors and hospitals in the county to be on the lookout for a thin wound to the neck. Heather seems to think it went all the way through and out the back of his neck.”

  McGregor raised his eyebrows, “That’s pretty impressive. How did she manage to do that?”

  I told him the story she had given to us at the hospital. He was doubly impressed at her resourcefulness.

  “She is a pretty tough cookie,” I said.

  “Keep going.”

  “He wore a Batman mask at all times. Don’t ask me why, I don’t have a clue.”

  “Talk about a weird person,” Dan added.

  “To say the least,” the captain chimed in.

  “Anyway the really good news is that while he was sexually abusing her, she made it her mission to remember as many details about his body as possible. She can describe birthmarks, moles and disgusting things about his body including a wart on his...”

  “Yeah, I get the picture,” the captain said.

  “The bottom line is that she will be able to help put the guy away. We can take her back to where they collected her and she says she can lead us to where she was held captive.”

  “Whoa. All we need is to get Baker in here for a little session. I’ll have them bring him in for questioning.”

  “Dan and I would rather be the ones to do it if you don’t mind,” I said.

  “Sure, you have earned the right. Go get him. I’ll have the DA here for the interview,” McGregor told us.

  Dan and I did a high-five as we were leaving the office to go get the bastard.


  We saw at least one patrol car at every exit out of Claymore Drive. There was no way he was going to slip away. When we go to his house, three more cars blocked his driveway.

  “I wonder what he is thinking,” I said as we pulled up.

  “I hope it is about the needle being slipped into his vein just before they plunge in the drugs that will snuff out his scum life,” Dan said.

  “Hey big guy, don’t hold back, tell me how you really feel.”

  “Let’s just go get him,” Dan scowled.

  It was obvious that he really wanted to get his hands on this guy. I wasn’t too worried. I kind of liked the idea of him sweating it out until we came for him.

  When we got to the door, Dan wasted no time and beat on the door. No doorbell for him I guess. I would have to keep an eye on him or he would deck the guy.

  “Matthew Baker, open this door or we will break it down. You have ten seconds,” Dan yelled at the top of his lungs.

  I’m sure people all up and down the block could hear him.

  Just as Dan was getting all worked up to haul off and kick the door in, Baker opened it.

  “Yes? Can I...Oh it’s the detectives that were here from before.”

  Oh give me a break. He had one of those padded neck braces that people wear when they are faking it to get an insurance claim.

  “Goodness. Looks like you have had an accident.”

  “Yes. A car hit me from behind. I have whiplash.”

  “Really? I’m sorry to hear that. There is just one little problem with that.”


  “I checked with DMV on our way out here. There’s no report of any accident involving your vehicle.”

  “Well I just haven’t had time to report it yet. It just happened last night.”

  “I see. What time?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “What time did this happen?”

  “Oh, on my way home from work.”

  “Ah. That leads to a second problem. You never came home last night. In fact you drove half way through your yard when you came home early this morning.”

  “Hey, scumbag,” Dan said, “Cut the crap you lying bastard. What? You think we have nothing better to do than to sit here and listen to your lies? You are a pathetic creep.”

  “I want you off my property,” he said.


  “Oh what the hell, I’m as sick of him as you are. Go ahead."

  “Turn around Baker. You are under arrest for obstruction in an investigation. We are taking you downtown to be interviewed. Now listen up Baker. You have the right to...”

  “Oh please. There isn’t anyone in this country who doesn’t know that speech.”

  “To remain silent. You have the right to have an attorney present. If you can’t...”

  “Does it look like I can’t afford one?” he interrupted again.

  “Baker, you interrupt me one more time and when I put you in that car out there I might just accidently grab your neck while trying to protect you from bumping your head. I’m pretty sure you that you don’t want that to happen now do you?”

  “Just finish,” he said sullenly.

  “If you can’t afford an attorney one will be provided for you. DO you understand these rights?”


  “Yes or no?”

  “Yes. Yes. I understand them, I’m not a moron.”

  Dan snapped the cuffs on him and we led him out to the car. Several of his neighbors were out and watching as we marched him out and put him into the back seat.

  I think Dan wanted to take a couple of laps around the block to give everyone a good look but he showed restraint and just drove back to the station.

  The captain was standing there when we brought him in.

  “Is this the guy? He sure isn’t going to last long in prison. You know what they do to guys like him?”

  “I sure do. He is going to be getting rather than giving from now on. He will make someone a great girlfriend if they don’t just pimp him out to the other inmates,” I replied.

  This was fun. I wanted the bastard to know what was coming his way. Is that the right way to act? I honestly don’t know but I do know what he had done to fifty-six young girls so feeling sorry for him just isn’t in the cards.

  We took him down to booking and had him locked up. The captain ordered a suicide watch placed on him just to make sure he didn’t take the coward’s way out.

  When we got back upstairs the captain was again waiting for us.

  “What do you think?” h
e said.

  “About getting him to admit it?”

  “That would be nice.”

  “Honestly, I think he is fried with or without the confession. We have a witness, and a good one. We have physical evidence. He is not going to use insanity. He has a management job and makes hundreds of decisions every day. We have him. I think after tomorrow we will have even more. Dan and I are going to the cabin where she was held along with the CSI team. We intend to tear that place apart.”

  “We can hold him for seventy-two hours maximum. I will talk to the DA and make sure he is not only up to speed but on the same page. I don’t want this bastard waltzing out of here on bail or some technicality,” McGregor said.

  “Excellent,” I replied.


  “Heather, are you sure you are up for this?” I asked her.

  “I want to do this.”

  “You are aware that we will be videotaping and recording you?”

  “Look. I just want to make sure he can never do this again. I will do whatever it takes. You don’t have to worry about me,” she said.

  We drove out and met the Sheriff and he took us to where they had found Heather. The cabin was just as she had described and the back window was now covered over with cardboard but you could clearly see some of her blood on the broken glass from where she had stuck her arm through to open the door.

  “Alright Heather. You come out of the cabin and walk us through exactly what you did, only in reverse. Got it?” I asked.


  “Okay, whenever you are ready.”

  She took us through it step by step. She pointed out where she had spent the night and how she had looked out for the van. She took us back down the road to the next cabin and went through the motions of beating on the door.

  She then took us to the gravel road and showed us which side she had walked on and led us back to the cabin. The door was locked so we took a few minutes to read the warrant we had, just to be sure.

  Once we were satisfied that it was covered, we broke the door down and Heather went through her escape. She took us down into the basement and we saw the bed and toilet. There was blood all over the mattress and on the floor leading to the stairs.

  It was a stellar performance. I had to remind myself that she was just a high school girl. I’m not sure I, with my training, could have done it any better. Even being back in the room didn’t seem to freak her out.

  “That was amazing Heather. You nailed that right on the head. This is really going to help put him away.”

  “Could he ever get out?” she suddenly asked.

  “No. I can’t really tell you why just at the moment but you and Alyssa are not the only girls he has done this to. I don’t get to make up the rules but I’m pretty sure he will get the death penalty for what he has done.”

  “I sure hope so. I want to be there when they do it,” she said determinedly.

  Just as we were wrapping up, The CSI techs showed up. I was glad to see Link Wilson with them.

  “Hey Link.”

  “Bartoni. Dan. This is the place huh?”

  “It definitely is. Look Link, as you know this is a really important case. I need you to do whatever it takes to make sure nothing, and I mean nothing is overlooked. I don’t give a damn if you have to dissemble it and take it back to the lab. I want this guy and I want him to go away for life or better yet, get the death sentence,” I told him.

  “I’ll personally oversee the job and won’t leave until I am satisfied. Fair enough?”

  “You bet. And thanks Link.”

  “I’ve been hearing about this guy. I want to see him burn too,” he replied.

  Well, I certainly wouldn’t have to worry about that. Once Link had the bit between his teeth, nothing could shake it lose. If something was there, he would find it.

  It was late by the time we took Heather back. She didn’t really want to stay at the hospital but they wanted to run some more tests on her so she had to endure one more night.


  I called Ben when I got home but all I got was his answering machine. I left a message and said I would like to get together with him and that this case was coming to a head. Maybe in the next day or so we could get together if he had the time. I wondered if he would even bother to call back.

  I rummaged around in the refrigerator and didn’t find anything that wasn’t moldy or moving. I really wanted a pizza but was too tired to wait up for the delivery guy. Finally I just gulped down two glasses of wine and went to bed. That was really pretty good considering that I almost didn’t mess with the glass. I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

  When the alarm went off I stumbled across the room and shut it off. Shower, shave the pits, run a brush through my hair, add a little blush, and I was out the door. We were meeting the crime scene investigation team at Baker’s house.

  When I got there Dan gave me a Diet Coke and a box full of coconut donuts. They weren’t those little ones but the big ones. Man this was living. I considered breaking my rule and asking him to marry me but kept it in check.

  We went in with the team and started the search. Five hours later they were hauling out trash bags and boxes full of stuff. I didn’t know how it had gone for Link and the boys but there was a ton of stuff here. The downside was that it would take a while to process and the clock was ticking on Baker being held.

  Once they finished, Dan and I drove separately back to headquarters. Obviously the arrest had gotten out. A couple billion reporters were waiting for us.

  Okay, okay. That may be a hyperbole. Maybe there were thirty or so, possibly a few less. The point is, they knew about Matthew Baker and would want answers.

  I felt like I was playing Red Rover, Red Rover, send someone over by the time we made it to the front door of the station. Once inside sanity kicked in. We went up to talk to McGregor.

  “So what do you think?”

  “Excellent. They hauled a bunch of stuff out of Baker’s house. I haven’t checked with Link yet but you know the kind of job he does. If anything was there, he will find it. The videotaping was unbelievable. Heather walked us right through it and never missed a beat. Everything she described was right on the money.”

  “The question is, can she do that in court in front of Baker and a room full of people?” the captain said.

  “I honestly believe she can. You need to meet her and judge for yourself. She is one competent and poised young lady.”

  “We have to decide what to do about Baker. We don’t have all that much longer and then we have to charge him with murder and everything else or let him make bail or just turn him lose.”

  “Captain, did you talk to the DA?”

  “We sort of discussed it.”

  “Sort of? What the hell does ‘sort of’ mean?” I asked.

  “He was driving and didn’t really want to talk. He is coming by later today.”

  “What time?”

  “Angie. I’m not sure you need to talk to him.”

  “Captain I do. He needs to know exactly where we stand on this case. I have no problem going to the mat with him over this,” I said.

  “He will be here at two o’clock.”

  “Great. I’ll be here,” I said and went back to my desk.

  I wanted to check in with Link to see what he had found at the cabin.

  “Link, its Bartoni.”

  “Angie. Boy are you going to lay a gold egg when I show you everything we found. It was like hitting the mother lode.”

  “Geez Link. I think I love you. Can Dan and I come over right now?”

  “Any time. We are still processing some of the evidence and some had to be sent to the lab but what we do have will knock your socks off.


  I sat there just breathing in and out and letting the adrenalin rush through me. The minute Dan came up the stairs I tried to steer him back down to the car but some things have to wait and this was definitely one
of them. Dan wouldn’t even speak in the morning until he had fixed his coffee and taken that first sip.


  I was like a kid at Christmas. I could hardly wait to get to the lab. Dan was driving but much slower than I would have liked. It was Sunday morning and the second day of qualifications for the Indy 500 so traffic was a bit of a snarl but nothing like yesterday.

  I hopped out the second we got there and headed for the door. Dan was on his own if he couldn’t keep up.

  “Bartoni. That didn’t take long considering the traffic.”

  “It would have been faster if one of us wasn’t dragging their butt this morning,” I said as Dan finally came in.

  “Yeah, yeah. Some of us need sleep occasionally. Not everyone can live like a Zombie.”

  “Where do you want to start?” Link said.

  “Hey, it’s your dog and pony show. We are just here to be amazed,” I told him.

  “Well first of all let’s start on the first floor. This is what we found in his bed room...”


  When we left three hours later we were blown away not only by what they found but how it had been hidden. It was incredible. Link told us about a fake ceiling joist that had been hollowed out. One wall was false and bookshelves were built behind it. There were DVDs, old VHS tapes, and on and on.

  “The charge is going to be murder one and everything else we can possibly think of. I want the DA to demand that he be held without bail. I don’t care who he hires,” I said when we got back in the car.

  “We will need McGregor’s cooperation as well. He is going to have to strong arm the DA,” Dan said.

  “We are going to sit down with him before the DA comes and spell it all out. I am not letting a lazy DA or the court let this one go with a slap on the wrist. I don’t want him to ever walk the streets again,” I told Dan.

  “Then let’s go convince the boss that we mean business.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”


  “Captain, Dan and I need a word with you before the DA gets here,” I said sticking my head in the door.

  He looked up at me, took his glasses off and sighed.


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