Book Read Free


Page 12

by Marshall Huffman

“Do I want to have this conversation?” he asked.

  “Probably not.”

  “Oh goodie. Then by all means come in and make my day just a little worse.”

  “Thanks, don’t mind if we do.”

  “This is about Baker I take it.”

  “It is.”

  “It’s also about the DA.”

  “Correct again.”

  “And you want to make sure that I’m on board with what you want,” he said.

  “See Dan. I told you he was sharp. You shouldn’t have said all those derogatory things about him in the car.”

  “Me? That wasn’t me doing the talking.”

  “Could we just get on with it?” McGregor said.

  “Okay. We just came back from the lab. Now we don’t have everything but we have more than enough to book him on kidnapping and sexual abuse and about fifty other things.”


  “Yeah. Murder. Premeditated murder one. I want this guy to go down and never see the light of day again,” I said.

  “You are going to need a heck of a lot of physical evidence to back that up. Circumstantial won’t fly.”

  “Of course it won’t.”

  “Then show me what you do have.”

  “Keep in mind, not everything has been processed. We need to collect his DNA and that will probably take a court order if he has a very sharp attorney. Even without that we have enough to hold him. What I don’t want is the DA being a wuss about bail. I don’t want this guy getting out and taking off. If he does he will just start all over someplace else.”

  “Okay, I hear you. Now show me,” he said putting his glasses back on.

  I slid a folder over to him and he started to go through it. I also told him about a few of the items that CSI had found in the cabin.

  We sat there for almost a half hour before he closed the file back up and pushed it back toward me.

  “Do you realize what you have here? Oh hell, of course you do. That’s why you want to strong arm the DA. Look I don’t know too much about him at this point but he would have to be dumber than a box of rocks not to get the full implication from what is here alone. When will the other evidence be processed?”

  “Link Wilson is in charge of it and you know how he is. I know he has put almost everyone in the lab on processing what was taken from the cabin. Then we will have the things they took from his house to process.”

  “Okay, he will be here in about twenty minutes. We will all sit down with him but Bartoni, keep that temper of yours in check. We don’t need to alienate him any more than necessary. Understand?”

  “Got it,” I replied.

  “That goes for you too Roberts.”

  “I understand sir,” Dan said.

  What a suck up. Always drops in the ‘sir’ when he talks to McGregor.


  Dan and I grabbed a quick deli sandwich from around the corner and brought it back to the desks to eat. The last thing I wanted was to be late for the meeting.

  Promptly at two o’clock Mr. DA came up the stairs with the ADA and they were so cute with their matching briefcases. Gag me.

  Dan and I wolfed our sandwiches down and headed for the conference room. A few minutes later the captain ushered them into the room. I could tell that the DA wasn’t particularly happy to see us.

  “I wasn’t expecting you two to be here,” he said by way of greeting.

  “But we were expecting you,” I said smiling.

  “Fine. Let’s get on with it shall we,” he said turning to the captain.

  “Actually, it would be better coming from Detective Bartoni and Detective Roberts. They are the ones that collared Baker,” he said.

  “Alright detectives. If you would be so kind as to enlighten us about the case.”

  “Gee, I thought you would never ask,” I said making sure I was smiling.

  I am a real poop at times. I don’t know why I was being this way. I mean not really. Something about him set me off and when that happens the ‘attitude’ just sort of takes over. Maybe I’m possessed.

  “Okay here is what we have. Now keep in mind this is just the preliminary analysis. The lab has boxes and boxes of additional evidence to go through. Dan and I are convinced that it is enough to charge him with the kidnapping and sexual assault of Heather Armstrong. There is enough there to support the charge of Alyssa Powers’ murder as well.”

  “I see. I would like to see what you have,” he said.

  I slid the folder and the other items over to him.

  “Sorry, I only have the one report,” I said as the ADA looked over his shoulder to read the file.


  The interview room was crowded with Dan, the DA, and me on one side and Baker and his attorney on the other. As usual I didn’t like the attorney on sight. He was short, had a bad comb over to cover his ample bald spot, and played with his tie like rubbing it would make a genie appear.

  Why do bald guys do that? Do they think they are fooling anyone? Anyway, I didn’t like him.

  We all just sat there for several minutes. I was in no hurry and was actually rather enjoying myself. Finally I opened the folder I had with me and started reading through it like it was the first time I had ever seen it. I closed it slowly and smiled at Baker.

  “You are so fried. You know, for a guy who has gotten away with doing the things you have done for so long, you have really screwed up big time.”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Let’s just start with the two local girls, Alyssa Powers and Heather Armstrong. The one you killed and the one you would have killed.”

  “My client has not been charged with either of those crimes,” the attorney said.

  I didn’t even acknowledge his presence.

  “Here is the thing. When we walk out of this room we are going to charge you with murder one and kidnapping, sexual assault, and a whole host of other criminal offences. When we get done it will take a wheelbarrow just to haul the paperwork to the court.”

  “Can we get on with it,” the attorney said.

  I looked at him for the first time.

  “Now you may think you are the big cheese at your place of work but you are here at mine. You can just put a cork in it. If you think rubbing your tie is going to help your client you aren’t much of a lawyer.”

  “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?” he asked the DA.

  “It’s her show,” was all he said.

  “Now if you will just close your yap, I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. We have your DNA, and it will match the DNA found in and on Alyssa Powers. It will also match the DNA from Heather Armstrong. We found a lot of blood at the cabin where Heather shoved the rod through your throat. By the way she is sorry she missed your eye. But guess what else we found that you thought was so cleverly hidden away Batman? Yeah, your cute little Batman masks. The one you wore when you raped her repeatedly.

  “I don’t know about any of that,” he said starting to turn pale.

  “Let me continue. Maybe it will refresh your memory. We found the rod you pulled out of your neck. Yep, right there in the driveway where you threw it. Has your blood on it as well.”

  “We have you,” Dan muttered.

  “Let’s see what else in in our report. Oh, two-hundred and nineteen DVDs. They are still going through them at the lab along with fifty-seven VHS tapes. I’ll bet you were glad when the DVDs came out. The VHS tapes are not very good quality. What else? Ah, of course, the camera and recording system you used. Am I missing anything Dan?”

  “Let me think. Oh yes, fifty-six of these little beauties,” he said placing one of the diaries that was found behind the false wall on the table.

  I thought Baker’s eyes were going to pop out of his head. He must have been sure that no one would ever find them.

  “That is not mine. I’ve never seen it before. It must have already been in the cabin.”

  “Yeah. We thought a nice g
uy like you probably didn’t know they were there so we sent them to three different labs. The FBI lab, the Pfizer Labs that Home Land Security uses and Pippen Labs. I’m sure your attorney is familiar with Pippen. He uses them routinely trying to disprove the prosecution’s findings or at least kind of muddle things up. Guess what? The FBI rates it as 99.5 % sure. Pfizer was just a little better at 99.6 % but the real kicker is that Pippen rated it at 99.8% sure. Doggone that’s gotta’ be a real bummer. Oh, and you dumb shit, your name is on the inside cover.”

  “And we have Heather to testify,” Dan said.

  “That won’t help you much. I’ve had these young women on the stand many times. They see the defendant, I ask a couple of embarrassing questions and they fold.


  “Like a house of cards.”

  “A real tough guy, huh?”

  “A good attorney,” he said, starting to rub his stupid tie again.

  “What do you think Dan?” I asked.

  “I think this would be the appropriate time,” he said.

  I got up and tapped on the window. I stayed standing for the next part.

  Heather came walking in the room and sat down right across from Baker. She looked straight at him, not lowering her eyes one bit.

  “Well Batman, we meet again. Good thing you wore that mask because you are even uglier than I imagined. Let me tell you and this worthless lump of fat you call your attorney that I am not afraid of you or him. I will sit right up there on the witness stand and go into every detail of what you did to me. He thinks he can intimidate me, don’t count on it Batman. Robin isn’t going to save your butt this time. And you, Mr. Attorney, I will make you look like the biggest scumbag this town has ever seen. You don’t scare me. I cheerlead in front of hundreds of people. I’ve been in plays at school and I’m not the kind that you can scare with a bunch of embarrassing questions. You can ask them but I will turn them right back on you. I can describe his birthmark and everything about him including his gross warts. I’m actually looking forward to getting up there and making a fool out of both of you,” she said and sat back crossing her arms.

  It was totally silent in the room except for the whoosh of the air conditioning.

  “Look, I want to talk to my client,” the attorney said to the DA.

  “Certainly but I want to tell you right here and now. We are going for the death penalty. There will be no bail. He is in jail from this minute on. Understand?”

  “I just need time to discuss this," he said.

  We got up to leave and I leaned over and said to Baker “You picked on the wrong one this time. You went one too many,” and walked out.


  By now this was national news. Every reporter in the country, or so it seemed, was waiting for us to give them a news briefing. For once I didn’t mind because we had answers.

  “You ready?” I asked Dan.

  “Just promise me you will handle most of it.”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “No. You sure didn’t the last big case we had.”

  “its good training.”

  “Just tell me you are going to do it or I’m going to suddenly come down sick.”

  “You big baby.”

  “Whaa-Whaa,” he said rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.

  “Come on. Angie will protect you.”

  “Ah, I love it when an older woman takes charge.”

  I really should sock that boy but it would just hurt my hand. We stepped out and I went to the microphones. Cameras rolled and lights flashed.

  “I’m Detective First Grade Angelina Bartoni and this is my partner, Detective Dan Roberts. We have recently arrested Matthew Baker for the abduction and abuse of our latest victim who managed to escape. He was also charged with the same crime concerning Alyssa Powers and with her death. In a deal worked out with the District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Baker has pleaded guilty to the kidnapping, murder, and sexual assault of Alyssa. He has also pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and sexual assault of another victim whom we will not name at this time. In exchange for the guilty plea, the District Attorney removed the death penalty but he will serve life in federal prison without the possibility of parole. We are pleased with the outcome of the deal that was worked out. It will take Mr. Baker off the streets for the rest of his natural life.”

  We spent another few minutes giving out brief details and then I let Dan field the rest of the questions. Boy was he shooting me dirty looks whenever he could. I was going to pay for it later but it was fun for now. His mention of the Batman masks was the hit of the briefing. From that moment on he became known as the Batman Menace.

  That was the lead off on the ten o’clock news and the headlines the following morning in the paper.


  The captain was waiting for us once again as we came in. Now what? Doesn’t that man have something better to do than wait for us in the mornings?

  “I just wanted to let you and Dan know two things.”

  “Okie-dokey,” I replied flippantly.

  “First is that everything you and Dan have collected has been turned over to the Feds. They are going to pick up the case and run with it. They are going to link him to as many murders as possible and try him on each one that they feel is winnable. From what I showed them they felt they could get him on almost all of them.”

  “Excellent. So the bastard will probably get the death sentence after all.”

  “Yeah but not on our nickel.”

  “Okay. And the other thing?”

  “You and Dan are being awarded the American Police Exemplary Service Award.”

  “Oh give me a break.”

  “I kid you not.”

  “Then if Dan and I get it, so should Eric.”


  “Yeah, he is the one that dug up all that background evidence.”

  “That’s not the same as real police work.”

  “Then you go tell him what he does isn’t real police work,” I said.

  Hell yes he deserved it as much as we did. It would have taken us a lot longer. Heck, we may never have caught on without his help.

  “Alright, Alright. I’ll see that he gets it as well,” he said throwing up his hands.

  “Thanks boss. It’s the right thing to do.”

  “Yeah, I know,” was all he said heading to his office.

  Now I could torture Dan with the news. That big dummy will probably just think it’s cool. What a numbnuts.


  “That was quite a ceremony. I caught it on television at the hospital,” Ben told me.

  “They made a big deal out of nothing.”

  “Out of nothing? You put away a guy who has gotten away with murder fifty-six times. I would certainly say that was a lot more than nothing.”

  “I am happy that we got him but you know that entire dog and pony show is just that. Do you really think that Senator Laughton really cared? Heck no, it was a photo op. He could upstage the Governor. I’m sure the Mayor had to bite his tongue when he was informed that it would be Laughton handing out the awards.”

  “Well no matter what you say, it was a big deal. I was quite proud of you for getting this guy.”

  “Hey, it’s what they pay me the big bucks for. Of course it has its downside,” I told him.

  “Really? I don’t understand. What could possibly be the downside?”

  “The Governor, the Mayor, and even the police commissioner, not to mention the captain, are on me to take the captain’s exam.”

  “So what’s wrong with that?”

  “I don’t want to be a paper pusher. I see what McGregor goes through. He has to balance people like me against the Mayor and Commissioner. Can you really see me doing a job like that?” I said taking another drink of wine.

  We were back in the same pizza place as the last time. I had finally connected with Ben and we decided it was indeed time to really talk.

  “I happen you think you would make one hell
of a fine police captain,” Dan said.

  “Ben that’s a job better suited to a politician. I’m far too blunt for something like that.”

  “Angie It’s like any other skill. If you want to learn it badly enough you will. Why are you really fighting being promoted?”

  “Honestly? Because I like being on the streets. I loved the look on Baker’s face when we arrested him and I really enjoyed watching the smirk on his face drop when he learned of all the evidence we found. I love putting monsters like that away for life so they can never hurt anyone again.”

  “So you are going to remain a detective forever?”

  “Probably not forever, but I’m not ready to give it up just yet. I have a few more good years in me and then I will reassess where I stand.”

  “Or get hurt and can’t be on the streets.”

  “Okay, I suppose there is that possibility as well but I can’t worry about that or I could never get up in the morning and go out and do the job. Sure it’s always in the back of my mind but I just shove it back when it starts to creep forward and move on.”

  He played with his lasagna, not really eating it just sort of shoving it around on his plate. I knew this was just small talk. He really wanted to know how all of this affected him.

  “Ben, I have been giving what you said last time a lot of thought. A lot of thought. Even when we were on stakeout. I know you want answers and you deserve them. Let me tell you what I think and let’s see where we go from there, okay?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Sure, you can tell me to keep it to myself or hear me out, that’s up to you.”

  “Okay,” he said taking deep breath and laying his fork down.

  “First let me say something about love. Ben to be totally honest I don’t even really know what love is. I mean I hear people describe it and I can look it up in the dictionary but do I truly understand it? The answer is no. I know affection. I know concern. I know when I’m comfortable with someone but I can’t seem to get a grip on what love actually is.”

  “You have never loved anyone or anything? Ever?”

  “That’s the thing that is so confusing. I mean I respected my mom and dad and felt very affectionate toward them. Did I love them? See that’s my problem. I didn’t cry when either of them died. I just felt sad and then moved on.”


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