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Superior Room Service

Page 3

by Joe Mudak

Shortly after everyone in the room had found their new seats, Alex said, “For the remainder of the film, you will find yourselves getting hornier and hornier; it will be harder to concentrate on the film itself and, when this film is over, you will fuck the person next to you. When it’s all over, you will feel a sense of pride at what you’ve done. No shame or embarrassment, just pride, joy, and pleasure. If you’re not already sitting down, please sit down now.”

  The sound coming from the film slowly died away.

  Stella tried to concentrate on the film, with the narration espousing the benefits of joining MCVI, from health reasons to emotional and mental stability, to just generally taking more pleasure out of life. But the more things that appeared on the film, the harder it became to concentrate, as her eyes kept going back to Nick’s lap and the rock-hard erection that was plainly visible for anyone and everyone to see. She just found herself getting wetter and wetter.

  Before she knew it, the film was over and the lights had come back up. When Lucy asked, “What does everyone think?” Stella yelled out, “I think I’m really horny!”

  Echoes of other men and women saying, “Me too!” filled the room. Lucy stepped back and into Alex’s arms. Alex began to fondle Lucy, but no one in the room paid the two hosts much attention as they had all decided that they needed to re-do their trysts from the previous day. Where the previous day, Stella had taken the initiative, she decided this time to lay on her back, legs wide apart, as Nick eagerly climbed on top of her to fuck her brains out.


  Lucy leaned forward and lifted her skirt for Alex. As Alex began to fuck her from behind, she moaned, “I love new member sales days!"

  Chapter 6

  After the presentation to purchase a time share was completed, Alex took the podium and said, “So, we want you all to think about becoming a member here at MCVI. We’re a low pressure operation here, so we’re not going to force you to make a decision right now. For the rest of the week, we’ll be around and, if you should choose to join us, you should have no problems finding either me or Lucy. All we ask is that you keep an open mind and let us know by the end of the week what your decision is.”

  Lucy interrupted. “But if you decide something sooner, we won’t complain.”

  Alex and Lucy both laughed before he continued with his speech. “Tonight, we’re going to have a bus trip out to the Space Needle, and I’ve got to say that if you’ve never seen the way the needle lights up at night, you’ve got to check it out. It’s certainly something to behold. Just be here in the lobby by 7 if you want to go. Thank you for your time. Please help yourselves to a complimentary glass of wine on the way out.”

  The crowd slowly filed out of the conference room, with everyone grabbing a glass of wine before leaving. Stella thought that that was significantly less of a “hard” sale than she’d anticipated. As she had this thought, she giggled because some other things -- her nipples, especially -- were much harder than she was comfortable admitting. She dipped her finger in her glass and dripped some of the alcohol over her breasts.

  She went back to her room and turned on the television. As she began cycling through the stations, she recalled her conversation with the clerk at the front desk, about how channel 69 contained a listing of all of the services offered by this resort. She decided to stop on this channel to see what this place offered.

  This station offered a series of short clips starting with the restaurant, followed by the sports, the massage parlor, and the nightclub. Stella started to look away when a woman’s voice said, “And, of course, the sex.”

  She immediately perked up on hearing this. A guy wearing a cowboy hat, a pair of ripped cut-off jeans, and a completely unbuttoned shirt that exposed his muscular shirt and abdomen walked across the screen, into the arms of a ridiculously skinny woman wearing a black bikini. The two of them began to grope and fondle each other, panting loudly.

  The voiceover said, “You thought you’ve had room service in other places? You’ve never gotten our kind of service from our trained and highly skilled staff. Just pick up your courtesy phone, push the red button on the side, and follow the prompts.”

  Stella giggled but couldn’t help the fact that her eyes wandered to the phone on the nightstand by her bed. The red button was so close, so convenient. It was practically taunting her. She looked back at her television and the woman in the bikini was now biting her lips to suppress a moan. The voiceover said, “You know you want it.”

  Stella closed her eyes and tried to put the image on the TV screen out of her head, to forget about the red button on her phone. When she did this, the woman in the ad began to yowl and scream her pleasure. “Oh yes! Oh god!” Between pants, she yelped, “It’s so… Amazing! I’ve … never … had … anything … th - th- this … wonderful!”

  Stella tried to convince herself that what she was hearing was all part of an ad campaign, an act. But she also couldn’t deny that she was getting more and more aroused from hearing it, knowing how convenient it would be to call and have some hunky guy literally there to please her, just outside of her door. She shook her head, wondering if this was really her thinking, or if it was the alcohol thinking.

  She said to no one in the room, “Oh, fuck it! Who cares if it’s me or the booze?”

  Her hand found its way between her legs and she began to rub herself through her skirt and panties. As her pussy got wetter and wetter, she lifted her fingers to her nose to take in her scent. She sat bolt upright as she got a taste of her own arousal.

  She whispered, “When I’m hungry, I eat. Why shouldn’t I fuck when I’m horny?”

  She picked up the phone and pressed the red button. She heard three short beeps on the other end followed what was clearly a recording of a woman’s voice. “Thank you for calling the deluxe room service feature available to our members and valued guests. Before I can connect you to a customer service representative, I need you to answer a few questions.”

  Out of habit, Stella said, “OK,” but then chuckled at the realization that the recording wouldn’t know that she did.

  “First question, using the number keys on your telephone, please type the total number of people currently in your room, followed by the star key.”

  Stella pressed the “1” key and then the key with the asterisk on it.

  “Next question, do you certify, under penalty of perjury that all….” there was a brief pause and a slightly lower voice said, “one”, followed by another pause and the original voice continued, “people in your room are at least eighteen years of age and capable of making decisions for themselves? Press ‘1’ for yes or ‘2’ for no.”

  Stella pressed the “1” key.

  “Next question, do you certify, under penalty of perjury, that, to the best of your knowledge, no one in your room is currently carrying any sexually transmitted diseases? Press ‘1’ for yes or ‘2’ for no.”

  Stella pressed the “1” key again. She mused that they take safety quite seriously.

  “Next question, if there are any women currently in your room, do you certify, under penalty of perjury, that they either have taken all necessary precautions to prevent themselves from getting pregnant, or, if they do become pregnant, then they shall not hold MCVI liable or responsible in any way, shape, or form for any care for any children who may be conceived as a result of our services? Press ‘1’ for yes, ‘2’ for no, or ‘3’ if there are no women in your room.”

  Stella pressed the “1” key again. She suddenly felt thankful for having had the depo provera shot shortly after she’d gotten the original call to come to Seattle. At the time, she had chuckled about having done it, since she hadn’t had a boyfriend in ages. It was just one of those decisions she had made without fully understanding it at the time.

  Three short beeps in the phone were followed by the recorded voice coming back up. “Thank you for your responses. In order for us to direct your call properly, we have one final question for you. We will send either one or t
wo people to your room. Press ‘1’ if you would like a woman sent to your room, ‘2’ if you would like a man sent to your room, ‘3’ if you would like two women sent to your room, ‘4’ if you would like two men sent to your room, or ‘5’ if you would like one man and one woman sent to your room.”

  She paused for a minute, as she hadn’t really thought that much about this. Her original thoughts were just for one man, but should she ask for two men? Or a man and a woman?

  While she was thinking about this, the recorded voice said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t get your response. Press ‘1’ if you would like a woman sent to your room, ‘2’ if you would like a man sent to your room, ‘3’ if you would like two women sent to your room, ‘4’ if you would like two men--”

  Stella hastily pressed the ‘2’ key, silently cursing the fact that she hadn’t had the time to think about this properly. Oh well, she figured. If need be, she could always call another time and be a bit more … experimental.

  “Thank you, please wait one moment while I connect your call.” Stella heard several short beeps followed by the sound of the phone ringing on the other end. By the end of the first ring, a man’s voice came through her speaker. “Thank you for calling deluxe room service. My name is Brad. Am I talking to Stella?”

  “Yes.” Stella’s voice broke with a slight squeak as the sound of this man’s silky smooth, seductive voice sent a chill up her spine.

  “And you’d like me to send a man up to you in room… 405, is that right?”

  Her voice was stronger this time. “Yes.”

  “And what kind of man would you like?”

  “I’m sorry… I don’t quite understand your question.”

  “Sorry about that. Are there any physical features you’d like for your man to have? Hair color, hair length, anything special about the way he dresses, anything at all?”

  “Well, if you’ve got any guys with long brown hair and green eyes, I’ll take ‘im.”

  “As a matter of fact, we do. I need to check if he’s shaved yet today, but he’s generally clean-shaven. Is that all right?”


  “Is there anything special you’d like him to do once he gets there? Do you want to be in charge? Do you want him to tell you what to do?”

  “Hmmmm… How about having him tell me exactly what to do?”

  “You’ve got it. He’s good at that. Would you like him to come with anything to tie you up?”

  “Oh, I, uh… I’ve never been tied up before. Is it safe?”

  “Everything we do here at MCVI is safe. We make sure of it. That’s why you had to answer those questions before you were even connected to me. I can tell you that a lot of our female clients love being tied up… Plus, we have safe words and all of our staff is trained to stop whatever they are doing immediately if one of our clients utters a safe word.”

  Stella paused for a minute before saying, “Sure.”

  “Excellent. Justin should be in your room within twenty minutes.”

  “Thank you.”

  “In the meantime, think … naughty thoughts. You’ll be glad you did…”

  Chapter 7

  About fifteen minutes later, Stella heard a knock on the door. She ran to it, excited that her “service” had arrived so quickly. She peered through the the peephole in her door and saw a tall, muscular guy who looked like, if she had chosen to vacation further south along the coast, might pass for a professional surfer. His green eyes seemed to glow, even through the dirty peephole.

  The moment she saw him, and his casual dress that accentuated his strong chest, she felt a slight surge in her pussy. She gasped and backed away from the door. Not wanting to seem too eager for his arrival, she took a deep breath and said, “I’ll be there in a minute!”

  “Take your time,” he said from the other side of the door.

  She quickly did a sweep of the room, turned off the TV, and placed the remote control on the end table next to the phone. Once she was satisfied that she could let her guest into her room, she walked to the door, took a deep breath, and swung the door wide for him.

  “You must be Stella,” he said, with a smile. “I’m Justin.” He walked in before she could say a word.

  Stella quickly closed the door and followed him into her suite. He stood at the foot of her bed and smiled at her, gesturing for her to come closer. When she caught up to him, he took both of her hands in his as he gazed directly into her eyes. Stella let out a gasp as his gaze made her feel exposed even though she was fully dressed. With a fluid motion, he swung her around so that her back was to the bed and gave her a slight push so that she fell backwards onto the bed.

  He immediately took her shoes off and tossed them aside. As he caressed her bare feet, she wondered if he was ever going to say a word. She heaved a deep sigh and said, “That feels nice.”

  “Did I say you could speak?”

  “Um… No.”

  “Then you shouldn’t speak, now should you?”

  “Um… I, uh…”

  He immediately placed his hand over her mouth to muffle the rest of her response. He gazed deep into her eyes and she understood immediately what it meant to have him tell her exactly what to do.

  “Now, before we get into this, we need a safe word. In case I go too far, and you want out, you just need to say the safe word and I’ll stop. That safe word is ‘Needle,’ as in the Space Needle not far from here. If you understand, just nod your head.”

  Stella nodded her head.

  “Good. Now. Sit up.”

  Stella did as instructed. His voice was simultaneously calming and forceful. She appreciated being told exactly what to do.

  He leaned forward and lifted her shirt above her head. After he tugged her arms out of her sleeves, she lowered her hands back down to her sides and watched as he tossed her shirt across the room. He moved in close to her and she got a good whiff of his cologne, which excited her even more. He unclasped her bra and tossed it aside.

  He lowered his eyes to her breasts and she felt him assessing her, hoping that he approved of her body. He looked up, smiled, and immediately began sucking on her nipples. He truly was an expert at this process and he only made her want him more.

  When he stopped sucking on her tits, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her backwards. After she fell back, he produced a pair of scarves, although she didn’t quite see where they came from. He skillfully and deftly tied her wrists to the bedposts. She tested the knots and found that they were tight enough that she wouldn’t be able to get out of them. Despite this, the scarves themselves were warm and comfortable and, well, not too tight.

  He then climbed onto the bed so she could see him clearly and he slowly, sensually, took off all of his clothes while dancing to an unheard soundtrack. If she could move her arms, Stella thought, she would have applauded each article of clothing as they sailed across the room and landed on top of her shirt.

  He then took off her skirt and panties with one rapid movement and tossed them onto the rapidly growing pile of clothes on the floor.

  Stella decided she should put up one last defiant movement, so she crossed her legs.

  “Oh, a willful wench, are you?” he said. “Then I must break you.”

  Before she could even make any indication of agreement to his assessment of her as a “willful wench,” his hands found her nipples and he pinched them… hard. She squealed her shock at the mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Are you going to be good?”

  She let out a whimper and nodded her head slowly.

  “Good. Now I want you to relax… Take a deep breath.”

  She inhaled deeply and exhaled.

  “Good. Are you feeling aroused?”

  She nodded her head again.

  He grabbed her ankles and quickly uncrossed her legs. He looked down at her pussy and smiled broadly. “Yes. I’d say you’re very aroused. So what should I do with you? Do I play with your clit?”

  He reached fo
rward with one hand and began to rub her visibly swollen clit. She let out a gasp at the feeling of his rough fingertips on her sensitive skin.

  “Or do I finger-fuck you?”

  He kept his thumb on her clit as his next two fingers penetrated into her moist cunt. He wiggled his fingers inside of her; with his thumb, he pushed in and downward on her clit, effectively squeezing her clit with his hand. She opened her mouth wide and squeaked her approval of his actions.

  She bent her knees and kicked loosely as she tried to find a position where she could respond and react to his movements.

  “So do you like this?”

  “Mmmm hmmm!” She nodded her head vigorously.

  He pulled his hand away from her pussy, far enough away that no matter how she readjusted herself, she couldn’t touch his hand with any part of her body. She whimpered in response to this action.


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