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Superior Room Service

Page 4

by Joe Mudak

  He crawled over her, holding his massively erect cock above her head. She moved her arms slightly, tugging at her bonds in hopes of getting enough leverage to reach him. He stayed frustratingly out of reach.

  He cupped her breasts and brought his dick in between them, as he started to thrust back and forth. She wiggled her appreciation for this sensation but wished he’d relocate to her snatch.

  “Is this what you want or would you like something else?”

  She started to say “Something --“

  “Uh uh uh,” he said with a condescending, chastising tone, as he placed his hand over her mouth. “I never said you could talk…”


  “So let’s try that again,” he said as he thrust forward forcefully between her tits.

  “Do you want this?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Or would you rather have something else?”

  She nodded her head vigorously as she moaned her frustrations.

  “But what do you want? Hmmmm… Do I have something you’d like?”

  She opened her mouth wide and nodded her head even harder.

  He leaned forward and began sucking on her skin, directly at the point where her neck and her shoulders come together.

  “Oooooooooo!” Stella couldn’t help but feel a surge of pleasure at this movement of his. His cock fell out from between her tits and landed roughly over her stomach, his balls just below her belly button.

  She kicked back against her bed in hopes of bringing her pussy into more direct contact at least with his balls if not his cock. She whimpered in frustration when she felt his balls slap harmlessly against her belly.

  “You’re not trying to take charge here, are you?”

  She quickly shook her head no, hoping he’d believe her.

  “Do you want me to fuck you silly?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded her head, not wanting to seem too eager for him to do just this, despite her overwhelming need to feel his cock buried deep inside of her. And judging by how big he was, she knew he’d fill her up right.

  He straightened up and began thrusting back and forth, running the shaft of his cock between her labia but not actually penetrating inside of her. She moaned each time she felt the head of his cock rub against her clit.

  She kicked her legs further apart in hopes of coaxing his prick into her pussy, which, by now, was so wet she wondered if she was leaking out onto the sheets of the bed. It was almost a relief when he pulled back slightly. She clenched her vaginal muscles in anticipation of the thrust she knew was about to come.

  He looked straight into her eyes with an intensity that made her feel both extremely small and at the same time overcome with lust and passion. He recognized the response in her eyes and smiled broadly.

  With a powerful thrust forward, he plunged his porksword deep into her crack. The sudden, welcome feeling of the deep penetration made her yelp in pleasure and she wished her hands were free so she could feel his muscular shoulders, arms, and chest. She settled for wrapping her legs around his hips, holding him there so he couldn’t easily pull out and torture her some more.

  Then the orgasm surged through her. She arched her back and crushed her tits against his chest.

  At first, his hip pumping was slow and rhythmic but then he switched to a rapid series of short movements. Finally, he adjusted himself so he was barely inside of her. She squealed her desire to pull him deeper inside of her, even trying to pull him deeper with her own ankles but he looked in her eyes and, without saying anything, shook his head with a disapproving look on his face. She immediately lowered her legs back to the bed and let him do what he felt was right.

  The very fact that she had conceded so much to him, aroused her even more. By the time he arched his back and began playing with her breasts again, she was on the verge of her second orgasm. One pinched nipple later, and she was screaming so loudly, she briefly wondered if Nick could hear her in the next room over. But she didn’t care. This was bliss, pure and simple. Now all she wanted was for him to release.

  She tried to catch his eye and will him to cum with her imploring expression. He began to move more quickly and she suspected he was close. She panted and gasped, squeezing her pussy muscles around him in hopes that this might milk his cock enough to get all of the juice out of him.

  Suddenly and without warning, he pulled out. A short moment later, he was squirting his warm cum all over her stomach and tits. She smiled and hummed in appreciation of everything.

  “How was that?” he asked.

  She nodded her head enthusiastically.

  “I think you can talk now.”

  “It was amazing! I… I don’t know what to say! Thank you!”

  “I’ve got to say, I love my job. Here. Let me untie you.”

  He reached over her body and untied one wrist.

  “Can you do the other, or do you need me to?”

  “Could you please?”

  “Of course!”

  After he had untied her, he walked over to where he had thrown their clothes. He put his own clothes on and then threw her clothes onto the bed next to her. “Thank you for being such a good sport about things.”

  “Thank you!”

  “You know where I am if you need anything else while you’re here.”

  He walked out the door before she could finish the sentence “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.”

  Chapter 8

  Stella laid in bed for a while as she let her heart slow down and her hormones recede from the amazing experience that the owners of this resort called “room service.” Once she was ready, she decided to get up and take a bath.

  When she stepped into the bathroom, she noticed a card lying by the sink. She picked it up and saw that Justin had apparently left it behind. She opened it and it said, “If you’d like to stay here forever, please ask one of our staff about career opportunities in room service at MCVI.”

  That was certainly an intriguing idea. Just like the idea of buying a timeshare here was not a decision to be made hastily (even though she was almost certain she’d do it), she realized that she needed to think about quitting her job and leaving her old life behind to work here.

  The thought of working directly alongside of Justin sent a surge through her body not unlike what she felt when he pinched her nipples.

  She turned on the shower and the bathroom quickly filled with steam. She breathed in the hot air and felt comforted and relaxed. As she stepped into the tub, she thought about the amazing experiences she’d already had here. Between Nick (twice now) and Justin, she felt more satisfied now than at any time she could remember. This place was just so magical, how could she not want to be a part of it, a part of something that much greater than herself?

  Of course, that could all just be the public image of this place, she realized. Behind the scenes, it could be a lot worse, a lot harder. She figured that, since she’d be going on the trip to the Space Needle that night, she’d ask someone on of the staff that’ll take her there. Hopefully, she’d be able to ask one of the women...

  Chapter 9

  The entire group assembled in the lobby promptly at 7 pm to get in a shuttle to go to the Space Needle. Lucy, from the timeshare presentation earlier that day and a guy Stella didn’t recognize accompanied them.

  Once on the shuttle, Stella made a point of sitting near Lucy, while the guy talked about the history of the Space Needle, how it had been built for the 1962 World’s Fair, and how three successful suicides in the 70s warranted the placement of a safety grid to prevent people from jumping. Someone in the middle of the bus commented that they were surprised that it took so long to have that many suicides. “Seattle is the suicide capital of the US, isn’t it?”

  “That’s just a myth,” said the host. “But it is true that we get a lot of rain here in the northwest and rain is generally more depressing than the sun. If this city were truly the suicide capital of the US, and considering how man
y famous people come from here, wouldn’t you think you’d know more than just Kurt Cobain as a famous Seattle suicide?”

  “Good point,” the guy who made that comment mumbled.

  After the host resumed talking about the Space Needle, Stella tapped Lucy on the shoulder.

  “Is everything all right, Stella?”

  “Yes. It’s … more than all right, actually. I was hoping I could ask you a … um… I mean… How do you like working here?”

  Lucy paused for a moment before smiling broadly. “Did you… You must’ve tried our room service, haven’t you?”

  Stella nodded her head vigorously.

  “How’d you like it?”

  “It was … amazing. I’m not sure I’d ever had anything quite like it.”

  “I know how you feel. I was a guest here two years ago when I tried the room service. Then I decided I wanted to work here, too.”

  “Two years ago, huh?”

  “Yup. And let me tell you something. It was the best decision I ever made. I’m just so grateful that they thought I could work here.”

  “Did you work in room service?”

  “Everyone who works here does. It’s a great way to help you understand all of the workings of this place, get the lay of the land so to speak. And, of course becoming the lay of the land at the same time.” Lucy giggled.

  Stella giggled with Lucy. “But …” She took a deep breath to calm herself down. “Don’t you miss the life you left behind?”

  “Oh, I still keep in touch with my friends and family back home and there’s so many MCVI resorts around the country, that they can easily work out an employee exchange program so that, if I want or need to go somewhere else, either permanently or temporarily, it’s not a problem.”


  “Yup. If you’ve gotten one of the job invite cards, you’d be foolish not to at least interview for the position. We only hire -- at most -- one guy and one girl from each free week.”

  “Oh. Thanks!”

  “Not a problem.”

  Stella fell silent, thinking about Justin and how she’d specifically asked for a guy with long brown hair and green eyes and Justin just happened to fit that bill. Would they need her to dye her hair or do something to her boobs or ass just to make sure she filled whatever niche other guests might desire?

  She was about to say something to Lucy when the host said, “All right, folks. We’re here. They’ve shut down the entire needle to other tourists so it’s going to be just us up there. Personally, I think it’s because so many of our guests want to become members of the mile high club without getting on an airplane, but you can think of this place as your resort away from your resort, so have fun up there!”

  Lucy added, “But you wouldn’t be a mile up in the first place. Maybe about a tenth of a mile or so…” Everyone on the shuttle laughed.

  Stella stepped out of the shuttle and gazed up at the massive structure, lit up against the black nighttime sky. She couldn’t help but gasp at the beauty of it all.

  The host placed his hand on Stella’s shoulder and said, “if you think that’s breathtaking, wait until you see what I can do for you when we’re up there. I’m Steve, by the way.”


  “I know who you are.”

  Stella’s pussy suddenly felt very wet. She’d thought she’d been completely satisfied for the day, but, apparently her body had other ideas. “I’d … like to know you better,” she whispered.

  “That won’t be a problem. Let’s go up and then we’ll go down.”

  She giggled as she followed him into the tower.

  Chapter 10

  The group had been in the Space Needle for a total of two hours when Lucy’s voice came over the public address system. “In fifteen minutes we’ll go back to the resort. Please finish what you’re doing, have your final orgasms, get dressed, and meet up back in front of the shuttle by then.”

  Stella, who had already lost count of the number of orgasms she’d had with Steve, screamed out her pleasure one final time. It was almost as if Lucy’s instructions were taken literally to heart by everyone there, since Stella couldn’t hear her own voice over the echoes of literally everyone else in the observation deck.

  Soon, everyone was getting dressed and finding their way back down to the ground and back onto the shuttle.

  Before she left the tower, Stella stepped into the gift shop. She looked around and felt somewhat disappointed when she looked at the replicas of the needle. “Don’t you have anything … bigger?” she asked the clerk who stood behind the counter, smiling but otherwise minding her own business.

  “Bigger? What’s wrong with this size?”

  “I think you’re missing out on the chance to sell a Space Needle dildo; you need something bigger than this thing, though.” Stella held up a standard size replica and placed it in the palm of her hand.

  The clerk chuckled. “I’ll … I’ll bring that up to my boss and see what he says.”

  “Thanks,” said Stella, knowing that the clerk was just giving her lip service but feeling satisfied that she’d even expressed this thought.

  As she boarded the shuttle, she winked at Lucy, who nodded knowingly. “I take it you’re going to apply?”

  “Yeah, I think so. How do I apply?”

  “When you get back to your room, press the red button, but at the first prompt, press the pound key followed by the 9 key instead of saying how many people are in your room.”

  “Thanks. Do you have any advice for the interview itself?”

  “Yes. Don’t wear a bra or panties.”

  “Good idea.”

  Chapter 11

  When the shuttle arrived back at the resort, several people said they were going to go to the nightclub for some dancing, drinking, and who-knows-what-else. Stella politely declined, saying she was tired and wanted to get back to her room. No one argued with her on this point.

  When she returned to her room, she picked up the phone on the nightstand by her bed and pressed the red button. The recording of the woman’s voice said, ““Thank you for calling the deluxe room service feature available to our members and valued guests. Before I can connect you to a customer service representative, I need you to answer a few questions. First question, using the number keys on your telephone, please type the total number of people currently in your room, followed by the star key.”

  Stella recalled what Lucy had told her. She pressed the key with the # symbol on it, followed by the “9”.

  The computer on the other side of the phone beeped three times and then Stella heard the same recording continue. “Thank you for your interest in employment with MCVI. Before we begin, please use the numeric keypad to indicate your current age.”

  Stella reached forward over the keypad and pressed the “3” followed by the “4”.

  “Are you a male or a female? Press ‘1’ for male, and ‘2’ for female.”

  She pressed the “2”.

  “Do you consider yourself straight, gay, or bisexual? Press ‘1’ for straight, ‘2’ for gay, and ‘3’ for bisexual.”

  She pressed the “1”.

  “You indicated that you are straight. Have you ever had a same-sex sexual encounter? Press ‘1’ for yes, ‘2’ for no.”

  She pressed the “2”, hoping that this wouldn’t jeopardize her chances at getting a job.

  “If you were asked, would you be willing to try a same-sex sexual encounter? Press ‘1’ for yes, ‘2’ for no.”

  She heaved a sigh of relief and pressed the “1”.

  “Prior to coming to MCVI, how many unique sexual partners have you had in your life? Please use the numeric keypad to indicate the number, followed by the star key.”

  Stella pressed the “3” followed by the key with the asterisk on it.

  “How many unique sexual partners have you had here at MCVI? Please use the numeric keypad to indicate the number, followed by the star key.”

  Stella pressed t
he “3” followed by the key with the asterisk on it.

  She heard three beeps coming through the phone. “You indicated that you are a female. Are you currently using any forms of contraception as prescribed by a qualified doctor or gynecologist? Press ‘1’ for yes, and ‘2’ for no.”

  She pressed the “1” key.

  “Have you been tested for any STD’s within the past year? Press ‘1’ for yes, and ‘2’ for no.”


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