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Superior Room Service

Page 5

by Joe Mudak

  Stella paused. It had been over a year since she’d been tested but then again, she hadn’t had sex -- before she came to the resort, anyway -- in over a year, too. She scowled and pressed the “2” key.

  “Thank you for your information. Please hold while I connect you to an interview specialist.”

  Stella suddenly felt very nervous as she heard a click and music started to play through the phone. It started roughly in the middle of Pearl Jam’s “Black.”

  Before the song ended, a woman’s voice came through the phone. “Thank you for holding. Am I talking to Stella?”


  “Excellent. My name’s Alexandra. I’m just looking over your responses from our voice prompt system and I’ve got a couple of questions for you, if you don’t mind.”


  “First, I see that you haven’t been tested for any STD’s in the past year. Do you have any reason to believe you might be carrying any STD’s right now?”

  “No. Not unless I contracted one since I got here.”

  “If you don’t mind my asking, how can you be so sure?”

  “I was last tested about two years ago, after I broke up with my last boyfriend. Since I hadn’t had sex with anyone since then -- at least, not before I came here -- I’m pretty sure I’m clean.”

  “Good answer.” Stella recognized the sound of Alexandra typing something into her computer.

  “I see you consider yourself straight, but you’re willing to, um, hit for the other side so to speak. That’s a good thing. Is there anything you wouldn’t be willing to do with a male client if you’re called to his room?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Well, let’s go down the whole list. Are you willing to give him a handjob?”


  “A blowjob?”


  “Let him fuck your pussy?”

  “Of course.”

  “How about fucking you in the ass?”

  “Um. I’ve never done it before, but… Sure, why not?”

  “You willing to play with yourself for him?”


  “What about a gang bang? Would you be wiling to fuck two or three guys at once?”

  “I… I don’t see why not…” She suddenly felt somewhat insecure about her relative lack of experience.

  “Are you willing to be a complete submissive?”

  That was an easy question. She’d already done that with Justin. “Yes.”

  “How about being a dominatrix?”


  “Perfect! Please note that if you’re unsure of the proper techniques for some of these acts, we offer an in-depth training program so you don’t need to worry about places where your personal experience might be lacking. Now… Let’s see here. Oh! How could I miss this? What’s your bra size?”


  “If necessary, are you willing to get a boob job? If you’re hired, MCVI will cover the costs of any body enhancements.

  “Um… I’d never really thought about it. I suppose so.”

  “Do you have any questions for me?”

  “Ummmm… Are there any other job responsibilities other than coming to people’s rooms?”

  “Well, we work in eight hour shifts, It generally works out to two or three hours answering the phones and the rest either with our guests or preparing for them.”

  “That sounds … fair.”

  “Oh, it’s more than fair. You’re welcome to work longer but don’t expect any overtime pay. It’s just volunteer work when you’re not on the clock. Got it?”

  “Yup. So let’s see… Can you interview for the position tonight? Come by room number 611 at 11 o’clock and we’ll interview you to see if you’re the right fit for us.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Great! We’ll see you there!”

  Chapter 12

  Stella spent a fair amount of time looking for the right outfit to wear to her interview. She finally decided on a pink blouse that highlighted her curves and a denim skirt that came to just above her knees. Recalling what Lucy had advised her, she decided not to wear a bra or panties. She checked her watch and saw that she had ten minutes to go upstairs to room 611. She found a pair of heels and proceeded to the elevator, which she took up two flights.

  When she arrived at her destination, she knocked on the door. A woman’s voice behind the door called out, “Just a minute!”

  “Take your time!”

  After a short wait, a girl with long blonde hair opened the door wide as she adjusted her clothes. “You must be Stella! My name’s Cheryl. Come on in and make yourself comfortable.” She gestured for Stella to come in.

  The two of them walked down the hall to a large round table with six chairs. “My colleagues will be here in a minute. While we’re waiting for them, can I get you something to drink?”


  “What would you like?”

  “Ummmm. A glass of wine?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Cheryl walked over to a bar in the corner of the room, retrieved a bottle of a red wine, and poured two glasses, which she carried back to the table. “Cheers!”

  Stella took her glass and clinked it against Cheryl’s. “Cheers.”

  “You ordered our room service, right? Can you tell me who came to your room?”


  “Oh, he’s a good guy, isn’t he? I like working with him.”

  Stella almost said, “I’ll bet you do. I can’t think of a girl who wouldn’t like working with him,” but decided against it.

  Cheryl winked at Stella. “A lot of people, when they interview for a job here, wonder if our on-the-job duties might somehow extend to what we do when we’re not on the clock. Let’s just say that we all look out for one another here and, well, if one of us needs something, there’s usually someone who’s more than willing and able to help … meet those needs.”

  Stella beamed. “That’s really awesome!”

  “Yeah, I know. Working here really is like being in a good close-knit family and it’s such an honor and a privilege to be here.”

  “I feel honored that you’re even interviewing me.”

  “You should. You’re the only girl from this week’s group of guests who will get an interview. We only interview one guy and one girl from each group.”

  Stella sat back, unsure how to respond. Surely the other girls in her group would kill to know that she was even having this interview.

  “So let me tell you about our whole program, if you don’t mind. I want you to be honest now. Even if you haven’t filled out the paperwork, have you made any decisions about whether or not you want to buy a timeshare with us? If you weren’t being interviewed now, or if you don’t get the position, would you become a member?”

  “Ya know, since I got the card inviting me to interview, I hadn’t really thought about it. And, uh, I hadn’t made the final decision but I was definitely leaning towards doing it.”

  “That’s good to hear, since we only hire people out of our membership base. One of the prerequisites of taking our job is that you must be a member. Plus we’d give you the choice of having the cost of membership deducted from your paycheck, or if you’d pay it separately.”


  “No need to make that choice now. But let me look through some of the items on your file if you don’t mind…” Cheryl began to shuffle through some papers on the table. “I see here that you asked that Justin have long brown hair and green eyes, huh?”

  “Um… Yeah. Is there something wrong with wanting that?”

  “No. Not at all. That’s just an intriguing combination.”

  “Wait. Are you saying that he’s not really a brown-haired, green-eyed sex machine?”

  “Oh, he’s definitely a sex machine.”


  Cheryl looked around tentatively. Satisfied that no one else was nearby
, she lowered her head and gestured for Stella to come closer. “I guess I can safely tell you this,” she whispered conspiratorially. “I mean, if you’re hired, you’ll find out soon enough anyway. We’ve got a machine. When someone calls and asks for a certain, um, kind of person, the next person of the right gender steps into the machine and, well, they’re sculpted to match the, um, requirements we got over the phone. For us girls, that usually just means the length and color of our hair and the size of our boobs, but, you know…”

  “I got you. How long to the changes last?”

  “Until the next time you need to change or the end of your shift, whichever comes first.”

  “That’s cool. D’you mind if I ask, is that your natural look?”

  Cheryl cupped her breasts. “Almost. I went up to a room on the second floor where the guy asked for small tits. So I got reduced. I’m normally a little bigger.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “But this isn’t about me. Let’s talk about you for a minute. D’you mind if I ask, what made you decide you wanted to work here?”

  “Well, as you know, I had Justin come to my room, and he left the card in my bathroom.”

  “Yes. The first people to call room service get the card.”

  “So I thought about it and thought it seemed like a fun job. I asked Lucy on the trip to the Space Needle and she said it’s an amazing experience. And I’d already been thinking that the amazing experience was when Justin came to my room. So I figured I’d apply.”

  “Now you understand that if you’re hired, you’ll have to leave your life back home behind. Quit your job and move out here, living here at the resort.”

  “Yes. I don’t really have that much holding me there. A few friends, but I’m not excited about what I do there.”

  “Does this excite you?”

  “Oh, yes.” Stella hoped her enthusiasm would be obvious. She suddenly felt even more excited, thanks to the wine she had been sipping.

  “What do you do there?”

  “Mostly data entry. Doesn’t exactly challenge me, or put my, um, skills to much of a test.”

  “Well, one thing that’s important about working here, is you need to be able to think on your feet. Or, more accurately, you have to be able to think on your back. Can you do that?”

  “I think I can.”

  “You know we’re going to ask Justin about his experience with you. Do you think he’ll agree that you can?”

  “Ummm… I, uh… I think so.”

  “Good. We’re almost done with this part of the interview. Could you please stand up?”

  Stella stood up, as requested.

  Cheryl walked around Stella, assessing her overall body size and shape.

  “I thought you said that you had a machine that could mold you as necessary for customer requests.”

  “We do, but I’m looking at the way you carry yourself. We can do whatever we want with your body, but if you don’t put it to proper use, all of the molding and shaping isn’t worth anything.”


  “Lift your skirt please.”

  Stella reached down to the bottom of her skirt and calmly lifted it, careful not to look down or give off any appearances of being less-than-confident in her ability.

  Cheryl knelt down before the interviewee and inhaled her scent. “Nice. You smell really sweet. I see you keep a ‘landing strip’ above your pussy. This is probably going to be fine for most of our clients, but some people prefer their girls to be completely shaven down there. Is that a problem for you?”

  “Oh no. Of course not.”

  “Great! Let’s go on to the next part of your interview.”

  “Um… All right. What’s the next part?”

  “You’ll see. Just follow me.”

  The two women walked into the next room, which was more brightly lit and looked like the suites in the resort she had seen.

  Stella looked around. “This looks like my room!”

  “Yes.” Cheryl looked around. “Except for the pictures on the walls, it looks like everyone’s room. Wait here a minute.”

  Stella did as she was told.

  Cheryl walked a short distance down the hall and turned around a sharp corner nearer to the bed. Stella heard some whispered dialogue but she couldn’t tell what was being discussed, or, for that matter, how many people were talking.

  Cheryl went back to be with Stella. “All right. You ready?”

  “Um… I…”

  Before Stella could finish her thoughts, Cheryl knocked loudly on the inside of the door and called out, “Room service!”

  “Come in!” a man’s voice that sounded familiar called back from the room. Wherever he was, he was out of Stella’s line of sight.

  Cheryl gave Stella a slight push on the back and said, “Go for it!”

  She suddenly realized what was happening and realized that she was about to do the part of a girl who had just been called up to someone’s room. The very thought of doing this thrilled her and she suddenly felt more confident because of her arousal. She held her head up, pushed her chest out, and walked confidently into the main part of the suite.

  Once she had reached the beds, she saw two men, each sitting on one of the beds. She recognized Peter, the man who transported her from the airport to the resort, but the other man was a mystery. “Hi, boys,” she said seductively. “I’m Stella. What can I do for you?”

  The mystery man spoke, and Stella recognized his voice, but couldn't place it. “Good evening, Stella. We’re glad you could be here. My name’s Brad and this is my friend Peter. We thought we’d have some fun with the room service tonight and you…” he paused while he looked her over. “You’ll do quite nicely.”

  Stella realized where she had heard Brad before: the man who took her call when she first hired Justin. “Thank you,” she giggled. “Tell me where you want me.”

  Peter gestured to his bed. “Why don’t you stand right in front of my bed.”

  “I can do that!”

  “Now just hold still.” Both men walked up to her and began to unbutton her blouse; Brad from the bottom and Peter from the top. In no time, they had taken her blouse off and let it cascade to the ground. “Nice. Do you usually go around without a bra?”

  “Sometimes. It just … felt right tonight.”

  “Good choice,” Peter grinned as he began sucking on one of her nipples. Brad quickly moved in and took her other breast into his mouth.

  Stella began to moan at the pleasure these two attractive young men brought to her.

  Peter stopped his teasing of her nipples and instructed her not to hold back.

  “Oooooh… I… I… I don’t h-h-hold back…”

  “Good.” In a swift fluid motion, Peter unbuttoned her skirt and pulled it to the ground around her ankles.

  Brad stopped his oral stimulation of her breasts long enough to cup both of her breasts in each hand. With a slight bit of pressure, he pushed her down onto the bed. “Now get on your knees.”

  Stella did as she was instructed.

  The two men nodded to one another, and Peter walked around behind her. She heard the sound of him unbuttoning and unzippering his pants. She shifted on her knees in the bed as she felt him positioning himself behind her.

  “Now hold still, Stella,” Peter said reassuringly. “Good. Now spread your legs a little bit. Right there. Perfect!” He placed his hands on her butt. “You have a good ass.”

  “Thank you.”

  She knew what was about to happen and it thrilled her, filling her with excitement from the anticipation alone. She began breathing harder, wondering when she’d feel something more than just his closeness.

  When the penetration did not come soon, she turned her head to see him. Both men started shaking their heads. “Uh uh uh!” scolded Brad. “Look at me.”

  Stella immediately turned back to face Brad, whispering “Sorry!”

  Brad began to perform a striptease for Stella, which distracted h
er. Once he was naked, he grabbed the shaft of his cock and pointed it straight at Stella. “Do you like what you see?”

  “Oh, ye--!” She couldn’t finish her words because at that moment, Peter pushed his way into her engorged pussy from behind. “Oh, Mmmmmmmm!!!! That’s it! Deeper! Harder!” She clenched her muscles around his cock as he started to thrust forward into her. She needed to steady herself on the bed with her hands.


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