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Lost in You

Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  “I guess the two minutes are up,” she muttered.

  The muscle in his jaw clenched and Macy took his blaring silence as her answer. Jerking her clothes back in place, she kept her gaze on his. No way was he taking the easy way out of this. If he wanted to stop, he’d have to look her in the eye and tell her what the hell was going on.

  “So, what was this?” she asked once she was covered. Throwing her arms wide, she dared him to answer her honestly. “Was this you staking your claim because you heard someone else ask me out?”

  “I didn’t mean to touch you,” he murmured, glancing away as if he was ashamed of what just happened.

  “Well, you did a fine job of touching me for someone who didn’t mean to. Why are you so angry with yourself now?”

  Clasping his hands behind his neck, he blew out a breath. “I’ve been here before, Macy. I can’t do it again.”

  Now they were getting somewhere. Those demons of his had come out to play at the most inopportune time. But she wasn’t backing down, not when he was struggling. She was feeling frustrated, but he clearly needed someone, and if he was attempting to open that door even the slightest bit, then Macy was going to barge her way in.

  “Who hurt you?” she asked, suddenly not as concerned with getting upstairs, but more concerned with digging deeper into his life and figuring out what, or who, had done so much damage.

  His dark eyes hardened. Gone was the passionate, giving man of a few moments ago. “Nobody. I’m sorry I let this get out of hand, but I’m human and I lost it.”

  “I wish we could lose a little more control,” she stated, crossing her arms over her chest. “Because I was having a good time and I know you would too if you’d let yourself.”

  “I’m not in town for a good time,” he retorted. “I take responsibility for what just happened—”

  “Well, I’m so glad. Here I was worried I was responsible for my own orgasm.”

  Liam’s eyes narrowed. “Stop being snarky. I’m serious, Macy. I don’t want you hurt.”

  She pushed off the wall and closed the space between them. Ignoring his tense posture, she placed her hands on his shoulders. “I don’t want anyone hurt. Why can’t we explore what’s between us?”

  “Because there’s nothing between us.”

  He pulled away, went to the shelf, grabbed his discarded tape, and threw her a glance over his shoulder. “I’ll be sure to stay away from now on. It would be best if you did the same.”

  “Best for whom?”

  He faced the other way, only offering his back when he replied, “Everyone.”

  Maneuvering around her without touching or even looking at her, Liam went upstairs and closed the door. Macy sank to the floor, wrapped her arms around her drawn knees, and dropped her forehead. What she should do was leave him alone, but wasn’t that the problem? Hadn’t everyone left him? She wasn’t sure of his entire backstory, but she was slowly piecing things together. Liam was such a mess of emotions that even he didn’t know what to do with them.

  Macy might be a pain in his ass, but she was going to prove to him that he wasn’t alone, that someone actually cared, and that he had a chance at so much more if he’d just let his guard down.

  Chapter Eight

  “Please, tell me you’re not serious.”

  Liam wasn’t in the mood to discuss weddings, cakes, or anything remotely involving happy couples. But with Cora and Sophie sitting at the kitchen island, he could hardly turn them away. Now, if this were Zach and Braxton, he’d have no trouble telling them to get out of his kitchen.

  “You think that’s a bad idea?” Cora asked.

  Liam looked down at the picture of the bright yellow wedding cake with purple butterflies and pink flowers all over it and attempted to form words that weren’t too harsh. And that was just the exterior. The actual cake was marble. Marble. What was this? 1980?

  “It’s hideous.”

  Okay, that came out a little uglier than intended, but he wasn’t putting his stamp on this heinous cake and he sure as hell wanted something better for his family.

  Sophie burst out laughing. “We’re teasing you.”

  Cora’s fingertips felt along the counter until she came in contact with the notebook. Carefully, she flipped the page over and pointed to another picture. “I believe this is the real one. Did I turn to the three-layer cake?”

  “You did,” he informed her. Liam studied the simple, cake with fresh blue hydrangeas between each cream-colored layer. “Better. What flavor cake do you guys want?”

  “Can you do different flavors?” Cora asked. “I was thinking one classic white, one chocolate, and one raspberry. Your raspberry cake is amazing. But my favorite is still white and my parents would die if there was no chocolate.”

  Liam nodded. “Of course. No problem. What flavor do you want the icing?”

  As they went on to tell him what they wanted, Liam made notes on the page beside the picture. The two women were both in agreement on everything, which made his job easier. He’d only attempted one other double wedding and it had been two Bridezillas facing off and he’d landed in the middle. Weddings were definitely not his favorite event to come up with some grand, elaborate menu or cake. But he would go all out for his soon-to-be sisters-in-law.

  “Oh, and can you do some of those strawberry macaroons like you had the other evening?” Sophie piped up. “Those things are amazing. Feel free to have those at the resort anytime. The guests raved about them.”

  Liam nodded. “I’ll make sure to have them for every Wind Down with Wine when guests arrive and I’ll have them at your wedding.”

  “We can use the outdoor patio and the sunroom for the reception, but we should keep the cake inside in case it’s hot out,” Sophie went on, glancing to Cora. “We already have the seating and tablecloths, so we won’t have to do much other than centerpieces.”

  Cora nodded. “And since this will be a fairly small wedding, we won’t need to add any extra tables or chairs.”

  As the women went back and forth, totally forgetting they were here to go over the menu, Liam’s cell vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the screen. His heart sped up as he swallowed and excused himself. He answered as he stepped out the back door and stood on the porch.


  “Liam.” Mark’s familiar voice boomed through the line. “Is this a bad time?”

  “Not at all.” Liam glanced over his shoulder through the screen door. The ladies were still chatting, oblivious he’d even walked away. “I appreciate you returning my call.”

  “I know we parted with some heated words, but you were still the best chef I’ve ever had.”

  A bit of pride swelled inside Liam as his ex-boss cut to the chase. “I’m ready to discuss a price for Magnolias,” Liam prompted.

  Mark chuckled. “I knew you’d be on board with this. I’m actually glad to be passing it to someone I trust. But I’m a little surprised you’re ready to come back. I thought you’d stay in Haven.”

  Liam headed further out onto the porch and took a seat on the top step. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, but I was hoping you were up for this. I wasn’t sure how you were doing back in your hometown and I know you loved it here. Besides, the customers all miss you and this place would be in good hands if you decided to come back, especially as the owner.”

  Intrigued, Liam rested his arm on his bent knee. “May I ask why you’re selling?”

  “I’m getting tired. When you own a business, you’re essentially married to it.”

  Well, this was one marriage Liam wouldn’t mind having one bit. A restaurant of his own, fulfilling his life-long dream, coming full circle to the vision his mother had for herself. Bittersweet emotions tightened in his chest as he thought of how proud his mother would’ve been at the idea of Liam having his own restaurant, and one as successful as Magnolias.

  “I was hoping you could come in sometime soon so we could discuss specifics and then we can nego
tiate a price,” Mark went on. “That is, if you’re serious about this. I know you’d mentioned a few times over the years that you’d love to have your own place.”

  Liam had dropped some hints. And why not try to get an established business as lucrative as Magnolias? He already knew the staff, the customers, how everything ran. The business side of owning a restaurant would be new to him, but he’d seen enough with Bella Vous to know a bit more than he did a few months ago.

  This was a big risk, but everything he’d ever wanted was practically being handed to him. If he could get a loan for the place, everything else would be a non-issue.... Well, except for telling his family that he was moving back to Savannah to pursue his own dream.

  Zach and Braxton wouldn’t like this. Most likely they’d be furious, but Liam had to do what was best for him. He wouldn’t just leave them hanging. He’d personally find a chef to take his place and make sure the resort was taken care of. The transition wouldn’t be smooth, emotionally or physically, but there was no way Liam could walk away from this opportunity.

  “I can meet with you,” he replied, gazing out onto the pond. A few of the guests were taking a walk toward the dock, where they could feed the ducks. “It would have to be an evening.”

  The second the date and time were set, Liam knew he’d placed a ball into motion that would continue to roll for the rest of his life. This was the moment he’d been waiting for, a chance to make his own dreams come true. After years of cooking being just a hobby he shared with his mother, then as a way to continue to hold her memory alive, Liam didn’t know anything else. This was his skill, his livelihood. And in a short time, he might be the owner of one of the hottest restaurants in Savannah and the surrounding areas.

  Once he disconnected the call, it took a moment for him to remember Cora and Sophie were still in the kitchen. Female chatter sounded through the screen door. Liam came to his feet and stretched, placing the phone back into his pocket. For now, he was keeping all of this to himself. If by some chance this business didn’t come to fruition, nobody would ever know he’d thought of leaving Haven.

  Years ago he’d wanted out because of all the heartache and tension after the accident. Now he wanted out because he craved being back in his comfort zone, in the lifestyle he’d grown accustomed to for the past ten years. And if getting his own restaurant and fully being his own boss came along with moving, then he was ready to pack his bags.

  Nearly all of his savings was tied up in Bella Vous, though, but he had some retirement he could cash in, if he wanted to pay a penalty. There were just so many variables to think on, to plan out, and everything was going to come down to timing and funds. Liam had to be patient and wait, praying everything would fall into place.

  As he stepped back inside, Sophie stopped midsentence and looked his way. “Everything okay?”

  Liam nodded. “Yeah. Just a friend from Savannah.” Not a complete lie.

  Cora came to her feet, reaching for Heidi’s collar. “I need to get back. I have an appointment coming in shortly. As far as the cake, I’m fine with anything and trust your judgment.”

  “I promise you’ll love it,” Liam assured her.

  Sophie pushed off the counter and stood as well, reaching over to close the binder. “I need to get moving, too. I told Macy I’d make some calls and draw up a simple invitation to her father’s surprise party.”

  Just the mention of Macy’s name had Liam’s entire body on alert. Granted, the frustrating woman was never far from his mind, but especially after last night. He could still feel her trembling against him, still feel her warm pants against the side of his face. It had taken every bit of his willpower to walk away, but her words would haunt him forever. The look on her face after he’d denied her more had kept him awake nearly all night. Somehow, he needed to fix this.... But how did he approach her again without seeing a look of hatred or rage looking back at him?

  “Hey,” Sophie said, her brows drawn together. “Something wrong?”

  Liam shook away the thoughts as much as he could and offered her a smile. “Just thinking ahead to your wedding cake.”

  Though worry was still etched in the slight wrinkles between her brows, Sophie tipped her head and grinned. “I can’t wait. I know you’ll do an amazing job. Macy mentioned asking you for some help with her father’s party. I’m sure that’s a lot on your plate with our wedding, too. I’ll see what I can do to help Macy. Surely I can throw something simple together.”

  “No.” Liam reached out, touching Sophie’s arm before he could stop his actions or his mouth. “I’ll help her. It’s not too much. The party is before your wedding, so we’re good.”

  And he hadn’t realized until this exact moment that he would actually help Macy. Perhaps that was a way to call a truce while he was here. She clearly needed someone to pull the party off and he needed to apologize in a major way. As much as he feared spending more time with her, there was no way around this. Macy needed people to band together, to show her and her father that she was cared for and appreciated. He wasn’t a complete jerk—just when he couldn’t control his hormones.

  And from now on, he’d be in total control with Macy. He couldn’t afford not to be.

  Sophie’s smile widened. “I was hoping you’d help her. But seriously, if you need me to do anything at all, please just tell me.”

  Liam closed the space between them and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “You’re too good for my brother.”

  “I don’t know about that.” She laughed as she patted his back and rested her head against his chest. “I think he’s pretty great.”

  The back screen door slammed shut. “Do you always hit on my fiancée when I’m not around?”

  Not letting go of Sophie, Liam glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. “Every chance I get.”

  Zach grunted and reached for a banana out of the decorative bowl on the counter near the back door. “Get your own woman.”

  Liam smacked a kiss on Sophie’s forehead and released her. “All the good ones are taken.”

  Sophie clutched the notebook to her chest. “Your amazing brother is all set to make us the best wedding cake ever.”

  “I’d rather have a slab of ribs,” Zach muttered around the bite. Sophie shot him a glare. “But whatever you want is fine.”

  Her smile beamed. “That’s what I thought.”

  “How about I plan on a meal with smoked meat and some killer sides?” Liam suggested. “I have a new recipe I’ve been wanting to try, but I wasn’t sure what venue to use it at.”

  Sophie leaned against the center island and shook her head. “No. You’re doing enough. Between the cake and then helping Macy—”

  “Helping Macy?” Zach chimed in. “With what?”

  Liam resisted the urge to groan, but before he could answer, Sophie continued. “She’s throwing a surprise birthday party for Phil and Liam is helping with the food.”

  Zach quirked a brow, instantly turning his attention to Liam. “Is that so? Sounds like more sleepovers are in your future.”

  Scratching his cheek with his middle finger, Liam returned the glare.

  “I’m glad you’re helping Macy,” Zach went on with a slight grin.

  “Helping Macy with what?” Braxton asked, stepping into the kitchen from the hallway.

  Liam rolled his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. “Why is everyone in my kitchen? Don’t you have classes to teach?”

  “This is my short day,” Braxton replied as he moved further into the room and took a seat on one of the bar stools. “So what’s up with Macy?”

  Could a guy not just get his work done and go home without all the gossiping and the people putting their noses into his business? Even if they were family, Liam didn’t want to discuss Macy with them. Hell, he couldn’t even wrap his own mind around what was going on between them. All of this up in the air chaos was seriously wreaking havoc on his sanity.

  “Liam is helping Macy throw a surprise party for Phil,�
�� Zach stated.

  “I’m not helping her throw the damn party,” Liam yelled. “I’m doing the food. That’s all.”

  Braxton’s eyes crinkled behind his glasses as he grinned. “Sounds to me like you’re helping her throw the party. Don’t forget to send me an invitation.”

  Gritting his teeth, Liam shoved his way past Zach and jerked on the fridge door. “I’m not doing the invitations. Right now, I’m starting on dinner for the guests, who actually appreciate me. Now, the rest of you get out.”

  “Why am I being shunned?” Sophie asked.

  Liam threw her a glance. “You’re guilty by association with your fiancé. Besides, you’re helping, too, and nobody is giving you grief.”

  Liam pulled out the chicken and the seasoning mix he’d prepared earlier. The three stooges continued to stand around and stare at him. Damn it. He didn’t want them to get in his business, but he knew they did because they cared—even if they had an annoying way of showing it.

  Guilt slithered through him, making him question if he should keep pursuing the Magnolias option. But how could he give up a chance at having everything he wanted? His mother had instilled that in him, and the Monroes had as well. Now that they’d all forged together for Chelsea’s dream, wasn’t it time for him?

  His selfish thoughts had him swallowing back a lump of emotions. When was it okay to be selfish? When was he allowed to put his needs ahead of others? And did they actually need him here? If he found another chef, what would it hurt if he moved on?

  “He’s trying to ignore us,” Braxton whispered.

  Sophie laughed. “Come on, guys. Let’s leave him alone and let him work. I don’t want him taking out his revenge on our wedding cake.”

  “And he promised smoked meat,” Zach chimed in.

  Braxton scooted the stool back and came to his feet. “Say no more. Smoked meat and cake for my wedding? I’ll do whatever he wants.”

  As much as he hated to, Liam laughed and shook his head as he took the seasoning and sprinkled it on the chicken. “Get out,” he chuckled. “Let me work so our guests are kept happy.”


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