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Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3)

Page 14

by KL Donn

  Nodding her head, she debated talking to him about what scared her most… Seeing Emily.

  Emily held a lot of blame towards herself for what happened, and Kenny had no idea how to react to that. She didn’t necessarily want to relive it with her, but they both needed to move on.

  “I can see you’re full of questions, Kennedy. Please, ask away,” he suggested gently.

  “I’m afraid to see Emily.” Her lungs froze saying her fear out loud.

  “That’s normal. What scares you most? That she’ll seek your forgiveness, or that she’ll want to talk about what happened?” Damn the man and his mind-reading.


  The more they talked about how normal all of her reactions and questions were the better she felt about going home. Every reassurance he gave her helped soothe small pieces of her that were terrified of what was to come. Knowing Emily was probably having some of the same questions helped alleviate her fear of seeing her again.

  “Do you have somewhere to stay once you get home?” he asked her.

  “Just my parents. I was still going to college when I left,” she said sadly.

  “Might I suggest having an alternate place to stay? Just in case you get overwhelmed by things,” he explained.

  “Oh, I didn’t think about that. My parents can be extremely lovey-dovey on the best of days. Guess I should expect triple on my worst, huh?”

  “It would probably be best to expect it,” he told her before asking, “Will they respect your boundaries?”

  Looking him in the eye, she saw the worry there. The worry that was probably ten times worse for her parents. Would they respect her boundaries of no touching? Could she stop them? The questions swirled in her head like a tidal wave.

  “In any case, don’t be afraid to be firm and stand your ground. Don’t let anyone force you to do what you’re not ready for, Kennedy. Okay?” he asked but it sounded like he was telling her. Which she probably needed. She loved her parents and seeing any hurt in their eyes would force her to comply with what they wanted instead of doing what she needed.

  Nodding her head in agreement, she had one last question she needed answered before deciding on whether or not she could go back home. “Do you think I was selfish for leaving?” She couldn’t stand to look at him while he answered, afraid that she was and he might not be honest in words but the eyes never lied.

  “Look at me, Miss Maxwell,” he demanded. When she looked up, he continued. “I think you were incredibly brave for knowing you needed to leave. That you needed time and space away from those you love. I also think you were incredibly foolish to come to an entirely different country without telling anyone where you were for months. But never did I think you were selfish at any point. You are a strong, brave young woman. You, Kennedy, are a survivor.” Simple, sweet, heartbreaking. She couldn’t help getting choked up knowing what he thought about her and how right he was about her choices.

  Standing up with a decision firmly planted in her mind, she was finally ready.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  When he’d woken up that morning just before the sunrise, Linc felt like they were finally coming to a head. They’d been sleeping beside Kenny every night since she’d told them what had happened to her, and the previous night was the first time since they’d arrived that she hadn’t had nightmares. It gave him hope that just maybe she was ready to face life again.

  When he and Creed had told her they were going for a run to get some exercise while she was gone, she didn’t have the panicked look lingering in the back of her gaze like she normally did when they announced they were doing something out of her sight. She’d simply offered them breakfast before they left. They’d eaten like a normal trio, like they did it every day. They’d come to know her pretty well in the last few days too. She had a few quirks that let them know how she was feeling without words, and they could probably anticipate her needs before she even knew.

  If she was scared she bounced on her feet, almost like a boxer. It also let them know she wasn’t going down without a fight. She got twitchy when she was nervous and couldn’t maintain eye contact either. But when she was content or happy, her entire body relaxed and she freely touched them letting them both know she was fighting to find the new her still. Those happy moments were the times they looked forward to most.

  At the moment, they had just finished their workout and were patiently waiting for her to get home in the hopes that she might finally be ready to head back to the States. She didn’t talk about going home very much, or family for that matter. He figured she was probably just scared of how things were back home. Little did she know, they’d made sure Nate and Ty prepared her folks about her fears and how she was trying to find the new her.

  She was still leery of talking to anyone back home. Even with Nate, she would only say a couple of words to let him know she was working it out in her mind. Other than that she avoided talking to or about them like the plague.

  “You think she’s gonna be ready?” he asked Creed.

  “I think she’s stronger and more resilient than she gives herself credit for. I say we bring up the idea of going back tonight. See how she feels and where her head is at on the idea.”

  “And if she’s not?”

  “Then we try to get her to open up about why she isn’t.”

  “You’re a logical bastard; you know that, right?” Linc half-joked.

  “Character flaw.” Creed smirked back before tackling him to the ground.

  “Fucking hell, Creed!” he hollered as they rolled around in the grass, each trying to gain the upper hand.

  Just as he thought he was winning he heard a vehicle pulling up and his distraction cost him as Creed put him in a headlock, winding his legs around his waist and cheering, “Victory is mine!”, as Kennedy climbed out of her little car laughing at them. A slight blush stained her cheeks as she watched him try to get out of Creed’s hold.

  When she walked by them still laughing, it caught his breath. It was like a light tinkle that floated on air. Then she slapped his ass. “Woman!” Linc admonished while loving every minute of it.

  Unsurprised when Creed smashed his face in the ground chasing after her, he got up brushing off the dirt just as Creed picked her up tossing her over his shoulder and making their way inside.

  A pang hit him in the gut. Jealousy. Yup, totally jealous his brother had his hands on their girl. Jogging after them, he arrived at the door just as they fell in a heap on the couch, a tangle of limbs and lips locked. A smirk possessed his mouth as he thought about the possibilities.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  As soon as he’d seen her, something came over him like a man possessed. Creed needed to get his hands on her, have his mouth touch hers, have her under him. It was a need he was going to fulfill unless she said otherwise, and her laughter as he picked her up told him far more than words.

  Once they were inside and he let her slide down his body until her feet met the floor, she had a look of want in her eyes he couldn’t ignore. Descending his mouth to hers slowly he gave her time to pull away or say no, but the second she closed her eyes he knew she wanted it as badly as he did.

  The moment their mouths touched they lost control; at least, he did. He was on a mission to own every part of her. The way she seemed to explode under his ministrations had him harder than he could ever remember being. The way she rubbed against him left him panting for more.

  At her whispered, “Oh, Creed,” between kisses was when he started to push for more. Running his hands up her back and under her shirt, he pulled her as close as they could get without him being inside her.

  Without realizing it, he’d started walking her backwards toward the couch. When the backs of her knees hit it, they collapsed in a heap of limbs and passion. Her legs spread to fit him and he happily sunk against her heated core. Rubbing his length against her she let out a loud gasp of pleasure.

  “Well shit,” Linc said from somewhere behind them.
“She just lights up like fire, doesn’t she?” The awe in his brother’s voice had him pulling back so he could taste some of her passion. One last kiss against her neck and a grind between her legs, and he reluctantly pulled back.

  “Damn, Sunshine, you sure are fiery when you’re passionate,” Linc whispered against her lips, kneeling down beside her as an idea struck Creed.

  He watched as his brother took control of her passion before going to get what he needed to help prepare her for being intimate without fear. Grabbing the feather from a few nights ago and going upstairs for the perfect thing he’d seen a few days ago that would help to instill trust in them, he grabbed it quickly and made his way back downstairs just as Linc was circling her belly button with his tongue. He watched as her back bowed off the couch in pleasure and she rubbed her creamy thighs together to try and find the relief they were determined to give her.

  Watching her as he walked to the end of the couch where her head was resting, he kneeled and gently kissed her lips moving down to her ear where he asked quietly, “You trust us, Sunshine?”

  When her eyes flew open and met his, he saw the vulnerability in them, the need and want. “Yes.” She didn’t hesitate which had him smiling and holding up what he’d gone upstairs to grab. Her eyes widened in shock at seeing the wide silk sash from her curtains.

  Her breathing picked up, letting him know she wasn’t opposed to what she thought he had in mind so he explained, “I’d like to place it over your eyes. I won’t tie it, yet. But I… we need for you to trust that we’ll bring you nothing but pleasure. That you only need to focus on our touch.”

  She seemed to ponder his words for a few minutes. The longer she took, the more nervous he became that she wouldn’t let them show her the pleasure that a man’s touch, their touch, could bring her.

  When she finally nodded her head, they both let out a sigh of relief as she smiled at them. “Can we undress you?” Creed asked. At her approval, they began to slowly take off her clothes before placing the sash over her eyes so she could concentrate only on what they were going to do to her body.

  Pulling off his own shirt, he placed one of her hands on his chest telling her, “Feel me, Sunshine, learn who I am.” Her soft sigh told them she was with them all the way.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Kenny couldn’t believe she was letting them do this to her. Blindfolded and naked, she waited with anticipation and only a slight amount of fear for what they were going to do. When Creed had first shown her the sash she thought he’d meant to tie her up and fear had held her immobile, but then curiosity had won her over and she wanted to know what he had in store. Only to find he wanted her to focus on feeling by taking away one of her senses. Now she was impatient to feel what would happen next.

  With one hand holding the back of the couch in a tight grip and the other running across Creed’s extremely hard chest and even harder abdomen, she could feel her arousal heating up, the vibrations of anticipation along her skin.

  She jumped as she felt a feather-light touch run across the back of her hand that was on the couch and move slowly down her arm and across her chest. “What is that?” she asked softly, not wanting to break the quiet moment.

  Feeling breath just below her ear followed by a small kiss, they never answered her which only made her more determined to figure it out. Focusing on the soft feel of it across her breasts, circling her nipples and brushing down to her belly button, her breath picked up to a rapid speed. She was more turned on in that moment from the small touches of whatever they were running along her than she could ever remember being. Not that she had much to go on. She’d only kissed a few boys in high school that never led to more than light petting on their part.

  She had never wanted to just give her body to someone unless she was fully invested. She always wanted what her parents had; what her brothers had now with Keeley. And for the first time in her life she felt like it was finally there with Linc and Creed.

  Each brush of whatever it was across her skin was followed by gentle kisses and small nips of what she assumed were Linc’s teeth because she still had her hand on Creed’s chest, running her fingers over him and he hadn’t bent over.

  “A tie?” she guessed again. It was driving her nuts trying to figure it out. With still no answer from either of them, she figured that was a resounding no.

  When Creed brushed it along the insides of her thighs ever so close to her center and followed it with Linc’s fingertips massaging her quivering flesh, she held her breath. Not really sure what she wanted, just needing more.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned out in pleasure when Linc’s exploring fingers reached a particularly sensitive spot behind her knees. As Creed reached her overly ticklish feet, she finally figured out what he had. “A feather?” she guessed hoping to be right.

  Neither answered her just yet so she waited with baited breath as her legs were spread further apart. “Linc?” she asked nervously.

  “God damn, your gorgeous, Sunshine,” he told her reverently, quelling all of her insecurities in one shot.

  Letting out a relieved breath she waited for what they would do next, shocked when they both got up and she heard some rustling around. Wanting to know what was going on she was about to remove the sash when one of them pinched her nipple lightly, making a zap of pleasure trail throughout her entire body, and she felt her pussy spasm so intensely she moaned.

  “Ready for the good stuff, Sunshine?” Creed whispered in one ear.

  “You mean that wasn’t the good stuff?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Oh, Sunshine, you have no idea,” Linc whispered in her other ear.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips she asked shyly, “What else is there?”

  “Everything,” they whispered at the same time.

  Oh my, she thought. She could feel them pulling away from her as one trailed the feather along the side of her body not covered by a pillow and managed to lift both of her legs in the air before placing one along the back of the couch and the other firmly planted on the floor.

  Fear tried to take over but all she could think was that they wouldn’t hurt her. She knew it with every fiber of her being; however, making her body understand that was easier said than done.

  “Breathe, Kennedy,” one of them whispered so lowly into her ear she almost couldn’t figure out which it was until his scent caught her nose, spicy and sweet, all… “Lincoln,” she sighed in pleasure.

  A brush of air along one of her nipples had her shivering again. Her nerve endings were on their last thread and her body felt ready to explode. A kiss between her breasts had her reaching her hands for whoever’s head was there. Creed’s silky hair greeted her as he placed light kisses down her stomach, stopping to dip his tongue in her belly button and nip her playfully.

  “Creed!” she squealed in surprise.

  When he started going further south, again she tensed up. Half alarm, half anticipation. He started to blow cold air all along her bare flesh as Linc placed his hands lightly on her breasts playing with them. Her panic fled, quickly replaced with eagerness for what they were doing to her body.

  “You ready to fly, Sunshine?” Linc whispered in her ear just as Creed’s mouth landed on her nether lips making her back arch in pleasure yet again. Just when she didn’t think she could love the soft touches and gentle kisses anymore, they started devouring her body in the most pleasurable of ways.

  Creed was licking and sucking all along her pussy leaving no spot untouched. Meanwhile, Linc had moved so he could kiss and suck on her breast while massaging the other with his hand. She was helpless to stop the pleasure. She quickly realized she didn’t want to.

  With one hand still lost in Creed’s hair, she was gripping Linc’s in what she thought would be a painful tug until she went to release him. He bit and tugged her nipple before releasing it and growled, “Don’t even fucking think it, Sunshine,” before going back to sucking on her other.

  So consumed by pleasure she
lost track of time and space until Creed sucked and bit down gently on her nub and a loud scream rent the air. Not realizing it was her until Linc’s mouth landed on hers roughly, swallowing every ounce of pleasure she had.

  Her orgasm took her over in totality. She felt it running through her hair and tingling all the way to her toes. Bright lights flashed behind her eyes; her brain went to mush and every nerve ending was shrouded in pleasure so intense she passed out.


  “Well,” Creed murmured still basking in her pleasure, enjoying the taste of her as he continued to lick her swollen pussy. He could feel it pulsing beneath his tongue as he moved over her opening. He was fascinated by her body’s reaction to him. With every swipe of his tongue she quivered and moaned. “I think that went well,” he finished, reluctantly pulling away from her gorgeous body.

  “She is something special,” Linc said as he nuzzled the space between her breasts lovingly.

  “I’ll get a warm cloth to clean her up and you bring her upstairs,” Creed said hardly able to take his eyes off her long enough to do what needed doing.

  When he found them upstairs, his brother was laying naked beside her rubbing his hand along the inside of her firm creamy thighs. With her spread out so openly, he was tempted to dive back in but figured they’d wait. Get her reaction to what they’d done and see if she was ready for more first.

  He couldn’t help kissing her nipples as he cleaned her up though. When she started to moan and move he looked up to see her lashes fluttering open. Her gorgeous blue eyes were filled with pleasure and what he hoped was love for them.

  “Wow,” she whispered in wonder.

  “How you feeling, Sunshine?” Linc asked still busy playing near her pussy.

  “Magical?” she whispered shyly, asking, “How’d we get up here?”

  Chuckling, Linc told her. “Sunshine, you passed out after your orgasm.”

  The blush that immediately worked its way up her chest and neck and finally splashed her cheeks was incredibly arousing, and he could feel his cock leaking with the need to be inside her, filling her.


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