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Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3)

Page 15

by KL Donn

  “You ready for more, Sunshine?” he asked her greedily.

  “Ummm,” she hesitated. “I don’t know if I can. I don’t want to lead you on and have you disappointed again if I can’t.” The shame she held in her voice pissed him off. Not at her, but at the fact she was so scared.

  “Kennedy,” he waited for her to look at him. “We will stop anytime you want. Nothing will change how we feel about you, and we won’t take you before you’re ready. If all you want to do right now is lay here, then we’ll lay here. Hell, if you wanna do cartwheels we’ll do that too. The next move is yours,” he explained hoping to ease some of her fears.

  “Yeah?” she asked hopefully. When they both nodded yes she damn near knocked him on his ass by asking, “Could I be on top?”

  “You mean have those gorgeous tits bouncing in my face while you fuck me?” Linc asked crudely making her giggle and blush redder. Nodding her head, he told her, “Fuck yea, baby. Hop up on Big Daddy!”

  “Christ, Linc,” Creed growled at his brother.

  “What? You got to eat that gorgeous pussy first; I got dibs on loving it first,” he told them seriously and with a slight pout on his face that had Kennedy placing her hand on his cheek in sympathy.

  “Oh, for fuck sakes you big ass baby,” he growled, punching Linc in the shoulder as he got up to go in search of condoms.

  “Come on up here, Sunshine,” he heard Linc whisper to her. Looking behind him Creed saw her crawl seductively up his brothers’ body and was hooked on the way her breasts swayed as she moved.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Fucking girl was breathtaking as she crawled up his body. He was lost in the depths of her blue eyes, swallowed whole by the lust he saw shining there. She was stunning with the red flush to her body from his crude words, which was what he’d wanted when saying them. She seemed to be battling something when Creed asked if she was ready for more. So when she asked to be on top he’d jumped at the chance to watch her pleasure happen without having to miss the look in her eyes while he was pumping in and out of her tight sheath.

  “Linc?” she asked like she’d called his name a couple times.

  “Yeah, Sunshine?” he answered, fascinated when she spread her legs on either side of his hips and he got his first real look at her bare pretty, pink pussy with her dewy lips eager to take him.

  “I’ve umm that is… I’ve never…” she trailed off. It took him a minute to draw some blood from his little head back up to his big one until it finally registered. “You’re a virgin?” he asked incredibly. That was something neither of them would have expected.

  Nodding her head shyly, he watched as she lowered her eyes and was about to retreat back into her shell. Grabbing her hips, he jerked her forward so she fell against his chest and he captured her lips in a kiss filled with everything he was feeling— the want, the need, and the desire.

  The second she laid her bare pussy against his hard cock he was lost. Pulling back from her lips he looked into her glazed, passion-filled eyes and asked, “Are you ready?” At her nod he reached between them and lined his cock up with her pussy telling her, “Go as fast or slow as you need. No rush, Sunshine.”

  Her smile told him everything he needed to know in that moment. She was more than ready and nearly as eager as him for what was to come. “Oh fuck,” he whispered as she started sliding her silky pussy down his length. She was tight as a glove and he could feel every pulse. The wet heat was amazing; like nothing he’d ever felt in his life.

  He could feel his pre-come leaking out to bathe her in his essence, helping to lubricate the way for her. When she stopped and threw her head back in pleasure letting out a small moan, he almost came on the spot. With her nails digging into his chest and breasts pushed together he was on sensory overload.

  “Fuck, Linc!” Creed yelled at him, startling Kennedy into sliding down far enough that he felt her hymen. “Son of a bitch,” he whispered as she whimpered in need.

  “What the fuck, Creed?” he demanded through clenched teeth.

  “Condoms, you jackass.” Shit. He was at a loss of whether to chance it or pull her back up. For once common sense won and as he was about to pull her up she pushed down, lodging his cock all the way inside her and the fight was lost. There was no way he was leaving her now that he’d been all the way inside her.

  “Fuck. Me. Sunshine,” he demanded through gritted teeth while Creed was in the background still bitching about condoms. She finally came out of the clouds long enough to tell them, “I have an IUD.” Then she started rocking back and forth on her knees above him.

  “Well, fuck,” Creed groaned, obviously lost to the fact they could have her bareback and to the way she was lost in pleasure on top of him.

  They felt the bed dip at the same time, looking to see Creed climbing on behind her. He grabbed her arms and lifted them in the air above her head, linking their fingers together. “Damn,” he whispered in wonder. The position lodged him deeper inside her fluttering pussy and pushed her breasts out so he could lean forward and latch onto one with his mouth.

  “Oh God,” she whispered. “It’s happening again.”

  Oh, he could feel it alright. The way she fluttered around squeezing him tighter than a fist and when she finally let go he grabbed her hips and started pounding into her furiously to prolong her release and find his own. When it hit him, it came from out of left field. An orgasm so strong that he couldn’t breathe, his vision went black, his grip on her hips was bruising and his heart felt like it was about to explode from his chest. “Fuck, Kennedy!” he roared when he finally got his breath back as she slammed down on him again, collapsing against his chest.

  “Shit,” he whispered holding her close. He could still feel her pussy pulsing. She was breathing so hard he thought she might hyperventilate. Looking to his brother he saw the need reflected in his eyes as he massaged her back while she tried to catch her breath.

  Slowly lifting her hips, he started pulling out when she squeezed her walls to hold him inside, whining, “Don’t leave me, Linc.”

  “Not in a million fucking years, Sunshine.” Kissing her temple he closed his eyes, enjoying her weight on top of him.

  When Creed cleared his throat, he looked back to his brother nodding his head. He watched in wonder as Creed slowly drew his hands down her back, drawing little circles along the dimples above her ass cheeks. A shiver ran down her spine, whether in anticipation or from the light breeze kissing her damp, sweaty skin he didn’t know, but she didn’t tense up or complain as Creed grabbed hold of her ass cheeks and started massaging them.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Heaven. This is what heaven must feel like. All the pleasure coursing through her body was almost more than she could bear. But the way she received it was something she could definitely live with every day for the rest of her life.

  When Linc had pulled out of her she’d felt the loss like her favorite teddy bear when she was a small child. She loved the way he filled her. Like a piece of her soul had come back to her.

  She could feel Creed massaging the globes of her ass and was pleasantly surprised to not feel the overwhelming fear she had the last time he’d touched it. She trusted them both implicitly; she had for a long time. Now, though, felt different because they’d been intimate and she had an innate sense to please them however she could. The fact she was willing to let him anywhere near her ass told her that more than anything. She loved these men with everything she was or ever would be.

  “Creed?” she half moaned, half questioned.

  “Yeah, Sunshine?”

  “I need you.”

  “Yeah?” His voice sounded strangled.

  “Very much so.” She smiled when he growled and lined up his cock with her eager and wanting pussy. As he started to push inside her slowly she closed her eyes, needing to feel every inch of him. The way he fit her like a glove, filled every tiny spot inside of her and was so gentle, making sure she was comfortable.

; When she felt him seated to the hilt she started to squeeze her walls around him, needing him to own every part of her the way Linc had. “You ready, Sunshine?” he whispered.

  “Mmmhmm,” she moaned out as he started pulling back making her squeeze his cock tighter so he couldn’t leave the heaven she was currently in.

  When he started a slow in and out motion she was out of breath almost immediately, lifting her ass in the air and telling him without words that she needed more. He picked up his pace, pounding his flesh in and out of her faster and harder, sending her over the edge quicker than she could have imagined.

  This time when she let out her scream of pleasure they let her as they listened and enjoyed it. “Let it all out, Sunshine,” Linc whispered in her ear before sucking the lobe into his mouth and biting down, sending her into orbit. Her body lit up from the inside out— stars blurred her vision, lights burst in every cell of her body. When she finally came down, she felt Creed pull out of her and spray her ass and lower back with his own cum. Rubbing every rope of his seed into her skin.

  Marking her.

  Branding her.

  They owned her.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Laying in bed after a short nap, Kennedy’s mind was a whirlwind of questions without answers that she was in desperate need of. Could she go home? Was she ready? Would her family accept the new her; the her that was reserved and quiet and jumped at all the small noises in the night? The one burning most in her mind was what would she do if they couldn’t? Her family was everything to her. Before her abduction her entire life revolved around three things— family, school, and fashion. She’d already lost two of those and didn’t think she could handle losing the most important… her family.

  Lost in her thoughts she was startled when Creed asked her, “You ok, Sunshine?”

  “I don’t know,” she told him honestly.

  “Talk to me, tell me what’s going through that gorgeous brain of yours,” he whispered nuzzling her neck.

  She could almost forget when he did that, lost in the pleasure they’d given her not long ago. Looking to her other side she saw Linc was out cold. “I’m starving,” she told Creed looking back to him.

  He helped her out of the bed without waking Linc. Grabbing her robe she made her way downstairs immediately, going to start some coffee. Realizing it was much later than she thought when she looked out the window to see the sun setting, she quickly decided to make dinner rather than a snack.

  “Alright, Sunshine, talk to me,” Creed told her as he entered her tiny kitchen, sitting at the small island.

  “I wanna go home,” she said rather bluntly. “But I’m scared of how everyone will act around me now.”

  “Aww Sunshine, you know we won’t let anyone treat you bad, right?”

  “Yes, I know. It’s not that I think they’ll treat me bad or anything; it’s that I’m still afraid they’re going to expect me to be who I was and you know I’m not that girl anymore,” she tried to explain.

  Coming over to her, he wrapped her in his arms. She felt safe there, safer than she could ever remember feeling. “It’s gonna be an adjustment for everyone. They’ll want to treat you the way they normally do so you don’t feel like they’re trying to force you into anything, but Sunshine, you need to let them know when you’re uncomfortable. Communication is key.”

  “When did you get so wise?” she murmured looking up into his strong, handsome face. She could get lost in his dark eyes. She once thought them to be empty, but now she was able to see all his emotions reflected back at her. He felt so deeply.

  “Good genes,” he winked teasing her.

  A derisive snort coming from the stairs announced Linc’s presence. “More like blind luck.” He smirked at Creed as she tried to stifle her laughter behind her hand. “C’mere, Sunshine,” he told her while reaching his hand out for her.

  Walking into Linc’s arms felt natural like she’d been doing it her entire life. When he bent her over one arm and swooped her in to kiss her, she could have sworn she felt her panties melt away to dust. His kiss was so intense she felt her entire body light up like the Fourth of July fireworks. She vibrated with lust and need for him as he devoured her mouth.

  When he finally started to pull away, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth making her moan out loud thinking of other things he could be sucking on. Her entire face flamed at the thought. He, of course, caught it and immediately called her on it. “Dirty thoughts, Sunshine?”

  Looking down so as not to meet his eyes she whispered, “I’ll never tell.” Smiling at his speechless face she let go of him and made her way to the fridge to pull out what she needed to make dinner.

  “Shoot,” she mumbled after she dug through the cupboards unable to find the peanut oil she needed. “I’ll be right back.” Darting upstairs she quickly threw on leggings and a sweater to run over to Deedee’s villa in the hopes she hadn’t left yet.

  “Hang on there woman; where ya going?” Linc asked grabbing her around the waist as she was about to put on her sandals.

  “Dee has peanut oil. In fact, I think it’s my peanut oil.” She growled trying to break free of his arms.

  “I can go get it. I like the idea of you naked and cooking for me,” he whispered in her ear seductively.

  “No, that’s ok. She’s leaving to go home tonight and I’d like to say goodbye to her again. I won’t be long.” She smiled back at him.

  “Alright, but we’ll be watching,” Creed told her as he opened the door for her.

  Kissing him on the cheek, she jogged to her friend’s villa hoping she wasn’t too late. She really did want to say goodbye again. As she got closer, she noticed the same car parked in her drive that she’d seen nearly a month ago. The one that had spooked Deedee so bad she’d come running to Kennedy’s house.

  Looking behind her to be sure the guys were still watching, she gave a little wave as nerves took over her belly. Reaching the front door, she was about to knock when it flew open and she was met with a large man’s back who was yelling inside. “It’s time to face your father again, Deidre! You can’t run forever.”

  “Who says I’m running you overgrown jackass!” she heard Deedee yell from somewhere inside the house. Just as he turned, she was about to leave. The look on his face scared her in ways she hadn’t felt since her men had arrived. He was more than just angry at Dee; he was furious.

  Taking a step back from him, she waited for him to pass but he watched her so intently she felt it in her soul. It made her start to fidget. Looking out of the corner of her eye she tried to see if she could catch Linc or Creed’s attention, but she quickly noticed she was too far away for them to see a simple look.

  “Umm, hi,” she said in a small voice.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he demanded in a menacing voice.

  Clearing her throat, she tried to sound stronger than she felt in that moment. “I’m Kennedy. Dee’s neighbor.” She couldn’t meet his eyes no matter how hard she tried. He intimidated her that much.

  “What the hell— Kennedy!” Dee stopped yelling at him as soon as she noticed her standing before them both. “What’s going on, Ken?”

  “Ken?” he asked dismissively.

  “Yeah, Ken, you jackass. It’s called a nickname. People give them to other people when they care about them. But in order to care, a person must have feelings first. Something you’re lacking. Now fuck off.”

  “What the fuck? Dom? What the fuck are you doing here?” she heard Creed demand angrily, but she was trapped. Almost like tunnel vision, she could see and hear everything going on around her but her fear was holding her hostage. Her vision was starting to blur and she was becoming light-headed the longer she stood there.

  When she felt hands on her shoulders she jumped, but it was an almost instant calming. She knew it was Linc from the way he held her, wrapping his arms around her, shielding her. Keeping her close. It helped ease some of the fear that was raging to come out.

“Well, looks like our business was in the same place after all,” the man, Dom, laughed.

  “Ignore him guys; he’s an ass. An ass who needs to leave now because I’m sick of looking at your perfect face.” Deedee growled at him, but she saw a flash of longing in her friend’s eyes.

  “Perfect, huh?” He smirked at her very angry face.

  “Dom, why are you here?” Creed asked again.

  “Cool your jets, Black. I was hired by Deidre’s father to bring her home, but she ran off here and I had to find her again.”

  “He’s not my father, and it certainly isn’t home,” Dee told him mutinously.

  “You’re coming with me, Princess. Even if I have to drag you back kicking and screaming,” he warned her, leaning in close to her face.

  “Ahem,” Kenny cleared her throat, drawing the attention of everyone. “Who exactly are you? And why do you need to bring her to her father? It’s called free will for a reason.”

  Laughing, he looked to her saying, “I’m Dominic Slade, and I have to bring her home in order to own her.” She wanted to smack the arrogance from his face.

  “Own? When did she grow a tail?” she snapped, getting more pissed by the second at the way this man was talking about her friend. Fear forgotten she continued on. “You’ll back the hell off. If Dee’s going anywhere it’s with me. She’s not leaving with some egotistical bastard like you.”

  “Wait… What?” Dee sounded confused so she shut her mouth. “What do you mean bring me back so you can own me?”

  “He never told you?” Dee shook her head no so he continued. “Fuck sakes. Your father and I had an agreement when you were younger. Once you hit a certain age you were mine, no matter where you were in the world. Only I had to bring you back to him one last time.”

  Shock. Yes, the feeling running through her system was shock. It’s the only possible reason for everyone’s silence at his admission.

  “You mean he sold me to you?” Dee asked quietly.

  “No. He traded you. Your life for his.”


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