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Born to be My Baby

Page 14

by Lori Ryan

  Ben walked around the breakfast bar and took the spatula out of her hands, setting it down before slowly wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

  His mother slipped in willingly, her hands gliding around his waist as she quietly cried. Ben had comforted his mother several times since he’d been home. He couldn’t imagine the heartache she was going through. Mainly, because he’d never given his heart to someone. Ever.

  He couldn’t imagine sharing the kind of love his mom and dad had shared for over thirty years. It was hard for Ben to equate the kind of love his father had obviously had for his mother to the tough love he’d given Ben and his brothers, but he’d never questioned his dad had loved his mom. Anyone who met them could see it in every look that crossed between the two.

  His mother pushed back, wiping her eyes. “Well, enough of that. There’s too much to do today to waste it crying.”

  “Mom,” Ben stopped her from turning and gazed down into her tear-filled eyes. Eyes that had loved him unconditionally his entire life. Eyes that had watched him with pride any time he entered a contest, ran a race, accomplished even the tiniest of goals. His mother had been his biggest champion and staunchest supporter. It was time to be hers.

  “It’s all right, Benjamin. I’m fine.” She swatted at him. “Go,” she pointed to the bar stools, “grab a pancake, or twenty.”

  He situated himself back at the breakfast bar and loaded his plate full of his mother’s pancakes. He’d never found anyone, anywhere that could compete with his mom’s pancakes. They melted the minute they hit your tongue, and the buttery crispness around the edges told you these pancakes weren’t a healthy breakfast choice. But he didn’t care.

  His mother pushed a tub of butter and pitcher of warm syrup toward him. “So,” she leaned back against the opposite counter, “tell me about last night.”

  Ben swallowed the mouthful of pancakes, praying he wouldn’t choke. Could she see the guilt buried on his face? He’d had every intention of trying to convince Maggie to sleep with him last night. He’d figured he could convince her to take care of the tension that raced between them in the best way imaginable—between the sheets.

  “Umm, not much. Emmett and I went to Hank’s Place.”

  “Oh, I bet that was fun.”

  Ben nodded.

  “Who all was there?”

  “Just, uh, me and Em. We ran into some folks.”

  “Like who?” His mother turned and busied herself, cleaning the counters.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” He asked, trying to change the subject.

  “I’ll have some later.”

  It didn’t take much effort to see she’d lost weight since he’d been back, weight she didn’t have to lose.


  She didn’t turn and he assumed she was lost in grief again. Probably better to answer her original line of questions.

  “I saw Lily there.”

  “Oh, you did?”

  Yeah, she needed to think of something else other than the loss of her husband.

  “Yeah, she was pretty wasted.” Ben laughed.

  His mother stopped wiping the counter and turned to face him. “Lily?”

  “Yeah,” Ben spoke around a mouthful of pancakes. “I thought it was weird, too.”

  “Lily Sumner?” His mother touched her chest. “My niece, Lily Marie Sumner, was…”

  Ben swallowed. “Toast.”

  “Hammered,” Emmett laughed, walking in behind him. “We made sure she got home okay.”

  Ben turned as Emmett pulled a stool beside him.

  “My goodness. What in the world was going on with her?” His mother asked no one in particular. “I didn’t even know she drank that much.” His mother sat a plate in front of Emmett and nudged the platter of pancakes toward him. “Eat.”

  Emmett forked several cakes onto his plate, eyeballed the stack, and added a few more. “From what I could get out of Lily and Kayleigh, Lily had a spat with your contractor,” Emmett said.

  “Shawn?” His mother asked.

  “Yeah, apparently there’s some history there.” Emmett piled more pancakes on his plate. “Pass the butter and syrup.”

  Ben slid both toward his brother and surveyed his body, wondering where Emmett put all the food he consumed.

  “I never knew those two were ever together.” His mother shook her head.

  “Eat, Ma,” Emmett said, nodding toward the plate of pancakes. “You’re wasting away.”

  His mother smiled and lifted one cake to a plate in front of her and began to eat.

  Ben glared at Emmett. Why hadn’t she eaten when he suggested it?

  “Did you have fun last night, Emmett?” His mother asked.

  “Oh yeah,” he snorted, “it was a lot of fun, watching this one go all goo-goo eyes over Maggie.”

  “What?” his mother gawked. “My Maggie?”

  My Maggie? Ben was her flesh and blood, for crying out loud.

  “I did not,” Ben said.

  “Uh, did too, bro. You were watching her like a love-sick puppy,” Emmett said. “You should have seen him, Ma, it was pathetic. Any time she did something with another dude, Ben looked like he wanted to punch the other guy. I thought I was going to have to hold him back.”

  His mother stared at Ben.

  Ben ducked his head and cut his eyes to Emmett. “Asshole,” he growled, low enough so his mother wouldn’t hear.

  “Hey, speaking of last night,” Emmett swallowed, “how did it go taking her home? You’re welcome by the way.” He grinned.

  His mother’s fork lowered from her mouth. “You took Maggie home, Ben?” He couldn’t tell if her tone was accusatory or…pleased. Hell.

  “It was nothing, Ma.” Ben said quietly.

  “And?” Emmett elbowed him.

  Ben rolled his eyes. “I dropped her off at home, she got a call and had to leave.” Right after I stripped her naked in my mind.

  Emmett wiped his mouth. “What do you mean, ‘Got a call’?”

  His mother’s face went pale. “What time was this, Ben?”

  “Probably around eleven or so. Why?”

  “What is it, Ma?” Emmett stared at his mother then turned toward Ben.

  His mother searched the counter with her hands like she was suddenly stricken blind. “I need to call Maggie. Getting a call that late can’t be good news.”

  “Mom, what’s going on?” Ben asked.

  “Have you seen my phone?” She asked no one in particular.

  As if on cue, her phone rang in the pocket of her apron. She fumbled with the material, her hands shaking as she answered.

  What the hell was going on?

  “Maggie, dear, how are you? Ben told me—”

  His mother stood silent staring off at nothing.

  Ben’s heartbeat roared in his ears.

  “Yes, dear, I certainly understand. No, of course, you don’t need to explain. You rest.”

  Ben waited, holding his breath as he listened to more silence.

  His mother nodded. “Yes, dear I know, you don’t need to tell me. How is he now?”

  Ben wondered if the he was Maggie’s father. He mentally kicked himself for not asking her more questions last night. Obviously, her father was an alcoholic, he knew that from school. But he’d had no idea Maggie had been caring for him all this time.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that, Maggie, Ben can do it.” His mother’s head snapped up and stared at Ben.

  Ben nodded, having no idea what they were talking about. Whatever it was, he’d take care of it. For Maggie.

  “Sweetie it’s fine. That’s why he’s here. And Emmett, too.” His mother winked.

  Emmett gave a dazzling smile.

  Suck up.

  “Yes, well you get some rest. Do you need anything?” His mother took both their plates and dumped them in the sink.

  “Hey,” Emmett protested, even though his plate was nearly clean. “I wasn’t done.”

  His mother covered t
he mouthpiece. “You’re done now.”

  Emmett rolled his eyes.

  “No, dear, not you. Emmett.” His mother’s eyes snapped to his. “Yes, he’s here. All right. Yes,” she nodded, “I will. Okay, sweetheart. Bye bye.” His mother hit the button on her phone to end the call then slipped her phone into her pocket.

  “What happened?” Ben asked. “Is Maggie all right?”

  His mother drew in a deep breath. “It’s her father. He’s in the hospital.”

  “Hospital?” Ben and Emmett questioned simultaneously.

  “It’s a long story, boys, and it’s Maggie’s to tell, if she wants.” His mother turned to face Ben. “She said to apologize to you for running out so abruptly.”

  Ben nodded. His fingers tingled from the memory of the fantasy he’d woven the night before. Not now, dipshit. One thing was clear. His mother and Maggie were even closer than he’d thought. No wonder Maggie had so clearly tried to stick him in the ‘friends’ category with that handshake last night. He needed to give up the fantasy and focus on helping his mom and Maggie meet the loan requirements.

  Then, he needed to get out of here. He needed to head back home and get himself far away from Maggie Lawrence before he did something stupid.

  “Ben,” Emmett called, snapping Ben out of his lust-filled daze. “I’m heading in to the lodge. I’m meeting with Chip Stevens to go over marketing strategy.” Emmett turned to his mother. “You guys have done a great job, Ma, but I think Chip and I are going to update the website, maybe even replace it.”

  “Oh, thank you dear.” His mother reached over the bar and patted Emmett’s face. “Your father was so good at handling all those things.” His mother’s hand fell and she turned. “Ben, could you help me out today in the office?”

  Ben had to give his mother credit. She understood when the hard work had to be done and sucked up her emotions.

  “Of course. I’ll be in soon,” Ben said.

  “Maggie is going to be out today,” his mother continued. “She just got home and wants to rest for a bit.”

  Ben glanced down at his watch. It was just after seven. She’d been up all night?

  “I want to go over some figures with you anyway,” he said.

  “No more figures, Benjamin.” His mother rolled her eyes. “Do you ever stop and just live? You’re always preparing for the worst. You’re just like your father.” The statement might have stabbed if she hadn’t laughed as she said it.

  Ben didn’t. “I’m a geek, Mother. Numbers are what I do.” His words were harsher than he’d intended.

  Emmett stared at him in warning.

  His mother shook her head. “Opening up the bed and breakfast was the best thing I could have done for your father when he retired. It forced him to live in the moment. Maybe you need to dive into it with your heart instead of your head and see if it brings the same kind of magic to your life.”

  “Are you serious, Ma? Magic?” Ben raised a brow, fighting not to laugh.

  He doubted his father had ever lived in the moment. He was just as Type-A as Ben. He’d been an architect. Planning for the worst was part of their nature.

  “Yes, that settles it.” His mother nodded. “I’m going to make you focus on the here and now, slow down and smell the roses. I might even teach you yoga.” She smiled, a glorious smile, as if she’d just discovered the key to life. Or to his life.

  “What are you talking about?” Ben studied his mother with suspicion.

  “He hates roses, Ma,” Emmett said. “And yoga, I’m pretty sure.”

  “Well, I’m going to make you stop and smell something.”

  “Maybe Maggie’s perfume.” Emmett snorted.

  His mother glanced at Emmett then back to Ben. “Do you like her, Ben?”

  “What?” His head was spinning at how fast the conversation was changing. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Being in the moment, smelling shit, yoga, keys to life and—”

  “Language, son.” His mother’s warning gaze zeroed in on him.

  Emmett laughed.

  Ben shot him the finger behind his mother’s back. Dick.

  “Ma!” Emmett shouted. “Ben just shot the bird behind your back.”

  His mother turned. “Benjamin.”

  “What’s going on with Maggie’s father?” Ben asked, thinking a change of subject would be good.

  “He’s stable,” she said. “He’s in the hospital. You know he’s an alcoholic, but he’s in recovery so he’s had a lot of complications this last year.”

  “How’s Maggie?” Ben asked.

  “She’s tired. But she’s strong.” His mother smiled. “She’s a survivor.” She leaned in closer. “And she just might teach you a thing or two about living in the moment.” She winked and without another word, marched toward the stairs.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Maggie slumped in the huge leather sofa that sat in the middle of the great room of the lodge and stared at the screen of her laptop. Her mind was unable to focus on anything. It was after eleven in the evening and she was fried.

  It had been three days since her father had been admitted to the hospital. Three days of driving back and forth to Blue Falls. Three days of reviewing his medical condition with doctors and specialists. Three days of worrying, for a man she didn’t want to care about. Somewhere deep inside, she had no choice. Not caring wasn’t in her nature.

  “You all right?” A deep voice sounded above her.

  Maggie glanced over her laptop and saw Ben standing above her. She’d avoided him for the last few days, not wanting to have to explain her father’s condition. But now, she had things about the lodge she needed to discuss. He’d filled in for her in her absence and she needed to clarify a few of the changes he’d tried to implement.

  “I’m good,” she sighed.

  “Liar.” He plopped down beside her. “You look bone tired, Maggie Mae. What are you doing here so late?”

  She let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t have Wi-Fi at home.”

  “Why?” Ben looked dumbfounded.

  She didn’t have the heart to tell him she couldn’t afford it. Her father’s care was plowing through all the money she’d managed to save up in the last few years. In fact, he was running over any dreams she had of opening her own bed and breakfast someday. “Why are you here?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Going over sales projections and paperwork for payroll and taxes.”

  Maggie’s brows furrowed. She’d known John had done a lot, but until Ben had stepped in to lighten their load, she’d never considered how much. She needed to be nicer. She also needed to figure out how she and Valerie were going to manage to do everything once Ben left. She could handle some of the payroll, or maybe it was time to promote someone to night manager and have them take on some of the responsibility. They really needed someone with managerial authority and responsibilities to be on overnight.

  They’d made do with assigning certain people on each team as “leads” each evening, with Maggie on call for anything that came up, but they couldn’t go on like that forever. It was really time to change that.

  “What can I do to help?” Ben asked.

  “You can stop fiddling with the processes we have in place.” Her words were tense and accusatory. So much for being nice.

  Ben sat quietly.

  Crap. “I’m sorry, I’m just tired.”

  “I know,” he smiled, pushing back a piece of hair from her face.

  She liked the way his touch made her feel. Like he actually cared.

  “If you’re referring to the way I have housekeeping working in teams,” he said, “I just thought streamlining their job functions would help them work faster.”

  “Well, that may be fine in theory,” Maggie pointed to the screen, “but it screws up our numbers.”

  Ben took the computer from her lap and stared at the screen. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this software.” He sounded disgusted, as if he were ho
lding a dirty diaper. His fingers worked over the keyboard, scanning through screen after screen.

  Maggie pointed to the base number. “Now it looks like it took Denise’s staff twice as long to turn the rooms.”

  “Well, that’s because your computer system doesn’t allow for conditional statements.”

  “Allow for what?” Maggie frowned.

  Ben typed on the keyboard. “This program is completely antiquated,” he said. “It needs to be replaced.”

  “But we just bought it a year ago.”

  “I know.” Ben rolled his eyes.


  “It’s another large expense I noticed. And look,” Ben waved his hand in front of the screen, “it doesn’t even let you run the parameters to meet your needs.”

  “We couldn’t find a hotel management software that did everything we needed. This was the one that met most of our needs for the money we could spend.”

  “Then why didn’t you call me? That’s what my company does, Maggie.” Ben sounded hurt. “It’s not like I would have charged you guys a dime, and my team could have put together exactly what you needed.”

  Maggie shrugged. “It wasn’t up to me. It was your parents’ decision.” She pressed her lips together as she watched his face go blank. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I think your parents didn’t want to take advantage of you.”

  Ben just grunted like he wasn’t buying it, but she didn’t press it. She’d already put her foot in her mouth.

  “What are you looking for?” he asked.

  “In what?” Maggie’s heart thrummed.

  “In a computer program, Maggie.” Ben laughed, tapping the computer.

  “Oh, well, um, I’d like to run projected forecasts based on daily, weekly and monthly data.”

  “Easy enough,” Ben said.

  “And, I’d like there to be a better user interface.”

  Ben nodded. “Goes without saying.”

  “And it would be wonderful if we could have the system available on a mobile app so the different departments can be alerted immediately of any issues, instead of having to come back to their computer.”


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