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Born to be My Baby

Page 15

by Lori Ryan

  Ben smiled.

  Oh, no. That smile. She’d been telling herself for the last few days that the way she’d been missing him was normal. Of course, she’d miss his smile. His laugh. The way he smelled. People missed each other after working together for a while, didn’t they? She was beginning to acknowledge her rationalizing was a load of crap.

  “Easy, Maggie.” He scooted closer.

  “Oh,” she drew in a deep breath, not surprised when his scent invaded her senses. God, he smelled so good. She closed her eyes, the image of his lips on her skin making places in her body tingle that had no business tingling.

  She opened her eyes and found him inches away from her.

  He sat the laptop on the wood table in front of them and reached down, taking her feet in his hands to untie her boots.

  “Ben, no.” She jerked back her feet.

  Ben held them firm. “They’re just feet, Maggie.”

  “But,” she protested, “I’ve been in them all day and what if they…” she stuttered.

  “Stink?” He broke into laughter. Without waiting for her response, he worked the laces until they were loose and slipped each boot from her foot, then laughed again. It was that deep grumbly laugh that always made her want to reach out and feel the vibrations rumble through his chest.

  Maggie looked down and noticed she had her black and white cow print socks on. Again, she tried to tug them away but he held them firm.

  “Cows?” He cocked a brow as his fingers began to massage the instep of one foot.

  Good God, she wanted to melt into the sofa, it felt so good.

  “What?” she practically moaned.

  “I don’t know—didn’t picture you for a cow print.”

  She fell back onto the arm of the sofa, her eyes fluttering closed as the weariness of the day overtook her. “I like cows,” she mumbled.

  “I thought you were afraid of cows.”

  Maggie cracked one eye. “Why?”

  “Didn’t you and Devlin Darby try to tip a cow at old man Jensen’s place? A bull behind you snorted and I heard you screamed like a girl and ran all the way home.”

  “First, I was a girl. Second, boys scream just as loudly as girls, I’ll have you know. And, third, it wasn’t a bull. It was a…calf,” she whispered. “And I was like ten.”

  “Okay.” He laughed.

  Her eyes fluttered closed. “Mmm, God that feels so good.”

  “That’s what they all say,” a familiar female voice said.

  Maggie’s eyes shot open and she stared in horror as Sally stood beside Ben, one hand on her hip, her lips tilted in a smirk.

  Maggie tried to jerk her feet free, but Ben held them firmly in his lap.

  “What are you doing here so late?” Ben asked.

  “Trying to surf the net for porn but your brother blocked all the good websites from the hotel computers.”

  Ben groaned. “Smart man.”

  Sally laughed and nodded behind her. “Not really. Your mom and are I working on concepts for the wedding barn.”

  Maggie turned and noticed Valerie walking toward them.


  This time, she did yank her feet free and pushed to a sitting position.

  Ben focused his attention on Sally, seemingly oblivious to Maggie’s inner turmoil. “You know, for someone who hates love so much,” he said, “you sure are anxious to get that barn finished.”

  “I don’t hate love,” Sally said.

  Ben scoffed.

  “Maybe I’m hoping Steve Perry will finally show up and sweep me off my feet. I’ll need a venue when he pops the big question. And Journey will play the reception, of course.”

  Ben rolled his eyes. “Of course, they will.”

  Valerie walked around the sofa and sat on the wooden table in front of them. “More like, she wants to keep Lily here,” his mother said. “If we keep the wedding barn, Lily has a built-in clientele.”

  “As long as I don’t have to run it,” Sally placed her palm on her chest, “we’ll be just fine.” Her eyes narrowed and she glanced from Ben to Maggie. “What are you two doing here all cuddled up and cozy by the fire so late?”

  Maggie glanced behind the women and noticed the fireplace was still blazing. Great.

  “We’re, uh, just…” Maggie scooted away from Ben.

  “Maggie was telling me about your inept software system,” Ben said, his voice somewhat wounded. He stared at Valerie. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed help, Ma?”

  “I knew you were busy, and your dad—”

  “Didn’t think I could do it.”

  “Ben, that’s not it at all.” Valerie reached toward her son, but he stood.

  “It’s late, I’m taking Maggie home,” Ben said.

  “Wait, what?” Maggie shook her head.

  “Maggie can stay at the lodge.” Valerie stood.

  “No, really, I’m fine. I can get home on my own.” She stared at the two of them. When had they decided to take over her world?

  “That’s a great idea, Mom. Come on,” Ben slid his hand into Maggie’s. “We’ll check on a room for you.”

  “Ben,” she shrieked as he tugged her up and toward the front desk. Maggie glanced behind her, silently asking the women for help.

  “Have fun,” Sally waggled her brows. “But not too much fun.”

  Ben walked behind the check-in counter as if he owned the place, which Maggie realized, he kind-of did. He moved to the computer and began clicking away.

  “Room 214 is empty,” he said.

  Maggie was amazed at how quickly he had learned their computer system. It was inept, as Ben had said earlier, and it definitely wasn’t the most intuitive system. But then again, Ben was a software engineer, owner of his own company. There was probably nothing he couldn’t do when it came to software.

  “Come on.” He walked around the counter and took her hand in his, tugging her toward the stairs.

  “Ben,” she squeaked.

  Ignoring her protests, he led her to the grand staircase and practically pulled her up the stairs. “You’re not driving home, Maggie.” He glanced back at her.

  “You’re not the boss of me.”

  He turned with a scowl, continuing to climb. “You sound like you’re in second grade.

  She yanked out of his hold as they reached the top of the staircase. “And you’re acting like a controlling jackass, toting me around like I’m a child.”

  Ben stepped closer, his chest only inches from hers.

  She moved to step back but felt the railing mash into her behind.

  “You’re dead on your feet, Maggie.” He studied her body from head to toe. “You’ve been operating on fumes for days.”

  She had to admit that part was true. Between driving back and forth to visit her dad in the hospital and continuing her duties as manager, she was definitely overstretched. Despite Valerie’s insistence that she take some time off, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. The lodge needed her too much. Valerie needed her too much. Especially right now.

  Ben turned her toward the hallway and pushed on her back. “Go.” He nudged.

  Maggie finally conceded. She needed the rest. And she knew firsthand how comfortable the beds were. She and Valerie had tested the thick mattresses a year ago before they’d ordered them.

  “Here,” Ben stopped in front of the room and slid the card through the reader. The light turned green and he depressed the lever, holding the door open as she entered the room.

  He’d chosen one of the smaller ones, thank goodness. There was a mini fridge and microwave tucked under the dresser. The bathroom to the left was illuminated and she thought how amazing a long, hot bath would feel on her weary muscles. She didn’t have the energy for it, though.

  “I don’t have any clothes,” Maggie said.

  “Go take off your clothes and change into the robe,” Ben said. “I’ll take your clothes down to the laundry and get them cleaned for you by the morning.”

sp; Maggie thought about handing off her bra and underwear to Ben. No way.

  “Don’t worry, Maggie.” His hazel eyes held a knowing gleam. He pressed closer to her, pinning her to the entryway wall.

  Her breath caught as he leaned in. “I…,” she stuttered, not really knowing what she was trying to say, but it didn’t seem to matter.

  Ben reached toward her.


  His arm extended behind her as he reached and pulled the plastic bag designated for laundry from the room’s closet and handed it to her.

  God, she felt like a fool, thinking he wanted to kiss her.

  “You can even bag it up,” he said. The smug smile on his face said he knew exactly where her mind had gone.

  Maggie snatched the bag and ducked under his arm and into the bathroom. She stood, her back pressed against the door, taking deep breaths and telling herself what a world class idiot she’d just been.

  Ben knocked on the door and Maggie nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Quit thinking so much, Maggie Mae.” His deep, rich voice filtered through the door. “Just take off your clothes and give them to me.”

  Maggie glared at herself in the mirror. Yeah, easier said than done, Romeo.

  Turning away from her reflection, Maggie slowly unbuttoned her top and watched as it fell to the floor.

  Next, she unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them over her hips, tugging them loose from her legs. She turned and gazed at her reflection, standing in just her underwear.

  She didn’t think she was spectacular, but she couldn’t help but wonder what Ben might think.

  She quickly popped the fastener of her bra and tossed it with the pile of clothes and shimmed out of her underwear. Reaching for the robe, she tied it around her waist and scooped up the pile of clothes, shoving them into the plastic bag. She opened the door, expecting to see Ben standing in front of her. Instead, he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Oh damn.

  Immediately her mind went to the dream she’d had the other night, her thoughts flashing hot and wild. Images of herself splayed naked across the bed as his heated gaze traveled up and down her body. Him, falling on top of her, his impressive erection pressing between her legs. Her face blushed and her heart thundered in her chest.

  “What the hell are condoms doing in this room?”

  His voice woke her from her lusty dreams. Without looking, she knew what was in his hand.

  “I, uh, read in Hotel Management magazine that one of the biggest complaints guests have is not having condoms in the room.”

  Ben’s brows shot up. “Are you serious?”

  “Totally.” Maggie walked toward him and plucked the condom out of his hand. Well, she tried to.

  He held it firmly, pulling her arm back toward him.

  She gazed down. His light brown eyes had suddenly darkened to warm chocolate and his heated gaze traveled up and down her body. Much like her dream. “I guess I can kind of understand the need.” Ben stood to his full height, which was nearly a head taller than Maggie.

  She watched as he moved in, his chiseled chest pressing against hers when he stepped into her. She moved to step back, but he slid an arm around her waist, stopping the motion.

  Ben’s other hand slipped into her hair, bringing her face toward his. “God, you smell amazing.”

  She tried to pull from his hold. “I stink. I’ve been running around all day.”

  Ben bent lower so their faces were even. “Nah, Maggie. You’re beautiful. You always have been.”

  It’s a damned good thing you’re pretty, Maggie. No one will ever want you for your mind.

  Why did her father’s voice always intrude at the worst times?

  Maggie shook the memory off and smiled at Ben. “Thank you,” she said, determined to take the compliment without letting her father’s words ruin what was a perfectly nice thing for Ben to say to her.

  Assessing eyes held hers as he tilted his head. “Are you okay, Maggie?”

  “Always.” She nodded toward the bed. “Just, tired.”

  Ben reached behind him and pulled the white down comforter back.

  Maggie stared up at Ben. Part of her wanted to ask him to join her. Would he say yes if she did? Would he think she was trying to manipulate him?

  She passed on the invitation and slipped into the covers, robe and all.

  Ben raised a questioning brow.

  “I’m not taking off the robe.”

  “Okay,” he shrugged. Did he look disappointed? God, she hoped so.

  Maggie snuggled in to the crisp clean sheets, releasing a heavy sigh.

  Ben tucked in the sheet and comforter to her chin and sat on the edge. “You know, I think you’re pretty amazing, Maggie Lawrence.”

  She yawned. “Why’s that Benjamin Sumner?”

  “You’ve helped build and operate this lodge with my parents. To be honest, until I came here, I never understood just how much work it takes.”

  She nodded, thankful for his acknowledgment. That was the kind of thing that made it easier to turn off her father’s voice in her head.

  “It doesn’t mean we don’t need to talk about some cuts though,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Tomorrow, Ben, please.”

  He reached down and kissed her forehead before staring at her with eyes that cut right through her defenses.

  “What?” She asked.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your dad, about what was going on?”

  She closed her eyes, not wanting to have this discussion with him. The fewer people who knew about her dad the better. That’s why she’d put him in a detox and inpatient treatment facility two cities away.

  “Look, Ben, it’s not something I talk about to a lot of people.”

  “Okay.” He reached down and softly brushed his lips over hers. “But I’m here if you need me.” “Get some sleep, beautiful.” he said, standing up.

  Beautiful. He’d called her beautiful.

  Ben bunched the covers over her shoulders and brushed back her hair. “I’ll see you in the morning with fresh clothes.”

  She nodded, staring up at him, trying to remember if she’d ever been tucked into bed? Not that she could remember.

  “Night, Maggie Mae,” Ben said over his shoulder as he picked up her clothes and shut off the lights.

  Night, she said silently as the door closed. She was out within seconds.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ben sat at his desk in the lodge office, trying not to think about Maggie in the shower earlier. He’d brought clean clothes to her hotel room that morning. When he entered, he’d heard the shower running. Rather than knock and interrupt her—or join her—he’d quietly placed the clothes on her bed and left.

  He’d been attempting to bury himself in work ever since but the images of her naked body covered in bubbles, water sluicing over her—

  Ben groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face, trying to focus on the papers in front of him. His raging hard-on was making it difficult.

  He mentally tallied the bills in front of him, holding one invoice in particular. A bill from an interior designer for the wedding barn for almost $50,000. When was his mother going to learn? He slumped back in his chair with a sigh.

  “What’s wrong, big brother?” Emmett asked from the desk behind him.

  Ben turned, invoice in hand, and stared at his brother. Emmett had been working so hard and Ben didn’t know what he would do without him here. If nothing else, just to bounce around ideas. “It’s this bill,” Ben held it high. And Maggie, naked in her shower, he thought, but didn’t voice that concern.

  “What’s it for?” Emmett asked.

  “A bill for interior design. For the wedding barn. That isn’t even finished yet.”


  “And,” Ben sighed, “we don’t even have it built yet. And we won’t for another six months. The first covenants are due to be reviewed in two months.”

  “Dude, relax.” />
  “Relax!” Ben growled. “Do you know what this barn is costing?”

  “Yeah, I do. And do you know how many hits we’re getting on the new site? How many emails and phone call requests are coming in for info about that wedding barn? It’s pulling people in.”

  Ben stared at his brother, puzzled.

  “Besides, I’ve talked to Max and I’m pretty sure he’ll be here in a few weeks. He said he can help with the build-out since he worked construction all through high school.”

  Emmett’s revelation that their brother Max would be here soon was like music to Ben’s ears.

  “He’s going to bring a few buddies too,” Emmett continued. “Shawn said that should up our timeline.”

  “You got him to come back?” When had Emmett done all this? Probably while he was fantasizing about Maggie.

  “Yeah, Max sounded kind of excited actually.”

  “And the barn idea is really getting that many inquiries?” Ben asked.

  “Yeah, ever since your old girlfriend, Daphne came in, she’s been raving about it on social media. It’s great for business.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” Ben said.


  “She’s my best friend’s fiancée, dumbass.”

  “But still,” Emmett smirked, “you’d like to tap that, right? I know I would.”

  Ben rolled his eyes. “I thought you only had eyes for Elle.”

  Emmett’s smile fell, his lips pursed as an unusual scowl crept across his face. His head turned and he focused on his computer.

  “What?” Ben asked. Elsbeth Noble, or Elle as everyone called her, had been his brother’s girlfriend in high school. Well, maybe not his girlfriend, but she was Emmett’s something back then. The two had been inseparable since they were children. He’d seen Emmett hiking out toward the Nobles’ land a few times this week and wondered if his brother was trying to spot the woman.

  “I don’t have eyes for anyone, least of all Elle Noble.” His tone was cold and flat, so unlike Emmett.

  “But you did, when you guys were in school.”

  Emmett remained silent and Ben let it drop, moving back to his spreadsheets. He looked at the barn numbers again. If what Emmett said was right and the barn was really pulling people in, maybe they could talk the interior designer into cutting her bill. Maybe she could implement some of the ideas, but cut corners on the rest or something.


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