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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 32

by Robert Iannone

  As she reached the top, Meggy stood then went to her knees – bowing before the new Queen. She rose (while Egg knelt) and read the simple statements that would transfer power to her sister.

  “Eloise Grace Graystone, nee Lady Eloise of the House of M’earth, do you of your own free will accept the duties and responsibilities as supreme monarch of Aerianna?”

  “I do.”

  “And do you solemnly swear to protect and defend all citizens equally – be they dragon, serpent or human?”

  “I do.”

  “Will you pledge on your life to the people of our great world that you will do everything in your power to make their lives more meaningful, more prosperous and fulfilling?”

  “I do.”

  Meggy turned to her brother who handed her the sword. “By the touch of this legendary symbol of honor and sacrifice, I hereby anoint you Queen Eloise, the first of that name, and the fourth of the House of M’earth, sovereign of Aerianna,” and she touched the sword to each of Egg’s shoulders.

  Egg stood and Meggy removed her crown. The new Queen turned around to face the citizens while her husband stepped behind her and placed the new Crown upon her head.

  Meggy said her final lines. “Citizens of Aerianna, may I present your Queen. May her reign bring honor to Aerianna and prosperity to her people.”

  And the crowd roared.


  The Great Hall was designed so that someone speaking from the dais could be heard throughout the large structure. Egg took a moment to scan the attendees as if trying to make eye contact with each and every one. She had not written the speech she was about to give. For her, it was always easier just to talk from the heart and let ‘the chips fall where they may.”

  “Citizens of Aerianna, my family and friends, I thank you for this great honor. I have never felt so humbled in my life. You have entrusted your lives, and those of your loved ones, to me and that is a responsibility I will never take lightly.

  As you are well aware, I was not born here. Earth, my former home, is very different from Aerianna. Both worlds would have much to learn from one another. Alas, Earth is not ready for that exchange. Someday perhaps, but not today.

  I mentioned this for a reason. I have seen Aerianna as an outsider would. When you wander in the woods, you tend to see only the trees . . . and not the whole forest.” Egg stopped and smiled. “Yes, that was one of those earth saying everyone seems to enjoy (and the crowd tittered). I have experienced your amazing traditions, codified over centuries, which bind the past with the present.

  But as an outsider, I have glimpsed the entire forest. What I see is a path that will take all of us to a new future . . . one built upon the best of what was. The promise of that future is great but it can only be achieved through change. However, the universal truth is that few of us look forward to change . . . it frightens us. We are comfortable in what we know, in what has worked reasonably well. The thought of ‘upsetting the apple cart’ for what might be seems foolhardy at best . . . imprudent at worse.

  But there are ways to minimize that risk.

  First and foremost, we must all agree on our goals. If we could wish for anything, what would our perfect world look like? Naturally, we can never achieve perfection . . . but it can be the beacon that will guide us to a better tomorrow.

  Second, we must agree to a plan. There will be many obstacles that life will place in our path to stop us from achieving our goals. We must anticipate as many of these as we can . . . and be clever enough to react to those that surprise us. I am of the opinion that the best way to achieve this is to make incremental changes – small steps that we can easily manage and that will not disrupt our lives too greatly. Further, this will be a team effort. I have no intention of doing these things for you. As we earthlings like to say, “Everyone must have skin in the game.” A casual gift has less value than the same object that you paid for with your hard work and sacrifice.

  I know this is a joyous occasion – one for celebration. I do not wish to dampen your spirits by drowning you in tedious details of what I hope to accomplish. To that end, let me just state a few very brief ideas for you to consider.

  Another Earth saying – you can’t please all the people, all the time. So, there will be dissent. I only ask that you voice your concerns and not let them fester. However, in the end, please understand that what is good for the majority should be the overriding, though not necessarily the only, consideration.

  Lastly, I intend to withdraw from the Federation of Planets. In the future, Aerianna will only align itself with other worlds that share our values. The accumulation of wealth is not a sufficient reason to overlook governments that treat their people, or others, poorly. There will be more than enough opportunity to find partners that are moral and just and who can provide economic rewards to our citizens.

  I will close my remarks with this one thought. Too often we judge others by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions. Give others the benefit of the doubt – afford them the same courtesy you would want them to extend to you.

  I see that my Feminion is beginning to fall asleep . . . her not too subtle way of letting me know that I’m beginning to be a bore. So, I end this day by telling you it is actually the beginning. Our future starts now.


  Sighing Whorl

  Egg flew herself to Sighing Whorl and entered the fog-shrouded woods. In short order, she came upon the Myst Tree.

  “Welcome, Your Majesty.”

  The Tree was not easily surprised . . . as in never. At least, not until now. Egg didn’t respond to his greeting. Instead, she opened a basket she was carrying and took out a blanket. She laid it on the ground then sat upon it. She went back to her basket and fished out an apple-like fruit and took a bite.

  She began to chew slowly, refusing to look at, or acknowledge, the Tree.

  “Have I offended you?” The confusion in his ‘voice’ was evident.

  Egg’s answer surprised him again. “Why are you leaving?”

  As if composing his thoughts, the Tree took a few moments to answer. “Aerianna no longer requires my assistance. With your coronation, the plan of the Old Ones is complete.”

  “They knew that I would be made Queen?”


  “I don’t understand?”

  “At some point Aerianna would reach a path that would lead them to fulfilling their destiny or lead them to ultimate failure. They chose Egg of Earth.”

  Ignoring the implied compliment, she asked, “So you were put here to see which path we would choose?”

  “To see and to help – but only indirectly. I could take no overt action.”

  “Way back when, you insisted that I find at least one dragon, one serpent and one human from Aerianna to help with the Quest. You nudged me into forming the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  “It seemed best.”

  “Yeah. Without them none of the rest of this would have come about.”

  “Perhaps. Perhaps not.”

  “And you helped me choose the right girls, didn’t you?”

  “It was you who chose.”

  “Liar. Did you have anything to do with Sylvia?”

  “That was Rose’Alynnia.”

  “Tree, what are you?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think you’re just like Zynnia. I think you created Aerianna and you hung around to make sure your experiment worked.”

  “Not quite. Those that created this world created me.”

  “So what are you?”

  “A tree.”

  “Liar. Do you love me?”

  She could feel the Tree smile. “Your mind works in mysterious ways.”

  “Do you? Or am I just someone that you needed to do your dirty work?”

  “At the beginning. But that changed. You changed me.”

  “When you leave Sighing Whorl . . . does that mean you’re going to die?”

  “No. There
are others of my kind and I will join them.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “As am I. I have been alone for more than a thousand years. Only Rose can understand the loneliness.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “You made it less burdensome. I have followed your life with much interest.”

  “Was my speech stupid?”

  “It was you.”

  “Why was I chosen for all this? Just because I was descended from Dazzle?”

  “In part. But it took someone more special than just that. The battles you fought; they were never about great strength but about strength of character.”

  “Will I ever see you again?”

  “No. For that I am truly sad.”

  “When will you go?”


  “Then you won’t be around to help Syl’kie when she becomes Flying Girl.”

  “She will have her Feminion. She will have Ellie Rose.”

  “Syl was right.”


  “How long will I have to wait for my second daughter to be born?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You carry almost identical twins.”

  “TWINS? Oh, my gosh.”

  Circle of Life

  Book 8 of Ever After

  The Finale of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  ©Copyright 2018, by Robert Iannone

  All rights reserved [Jan, 2018]

  Cover art by Sean Duffy

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – Twice Blessed

  Chapter 2 – Grammy

  Chapter 3 – 500 Words or Less

  Chapter 4 – Busy Work

  Chapter 5 – Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind

  Chapter 6 – Play Ball

  Chapter 7 – Loose Ends

  Chapter 8 – Little Sisters

  Chapter 9 – The Next Generation

  Chapter 10 – The First Hameggattic Conclave

  Epilogue – Eleven Years Later

  The Hameggattic Sisters

  left to right, top to bottom

  Jax’x, Sylvia, BreeZee, Egg, Serenity, M-egg’Alynnia,

  K’ssss, Sassi, Bl’azzz, I’za, Tee’ka,

  Spirit, Aeri’elle, and Soo’nami


  Sighing Whorl

  Egg and the Myst Tree

  “Why was I chosen for all this? Just because I was descended from Dazzle?”

  “In part. But it took someone more special than just that. The battles you fought; they were never about great strength but about strength of character.”

  “Will I ever see you again?”

  “No. For that I am truly sad.”

  “When will you go?”


  “Then you won’t be around to help Syl’kie when she becomes Flying Girl.”

  “She will have her Feminion. She will have Ellie Rose.”

  “Syl was right.”


  “How long will I have to wait for my second daughter to be born?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You carry almost identical twins.”

  “TWINS? Oh. My. Gosh.”

  Chapter 1 – Twice Blessed

  “Are you not happy? There is a special bond between such offspring.”

  “Overwhelmed, surprised, shocked and what you said.”

  “I will tell you that your daughters are destined . . .”

  “No. No, don’t tell me.”

  “You do not wish to know their future?”

  “Yes, of course . . . but no. If I know that something good – or bad – will happen, it’ll affect my behavior toward them. That wouldn’t be right.”

  “Most wise. However, may I give you some advice?”

  “Absolutely. BUT – no riddles.”

  “As you wish. Let your daughters take their own path.”

  “I shouldn’t expect them to follow in my footsteps?”

  “It is the journey that makes the destination achievable.”

  “You mean that the important thing is the journey not the destination?’

  “Not at all.”

  Egg waited for an explanation but none was forthcoming. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  “You had the Quest and Mobius, they will not.”

  “Are you telling me that I have that horrible man to thank for all that I’ve achieved?”

  “In large part. Without him, your path would never have led to Aerianna.”

  “Ohhh. You’re right.”

  “As to your daughters, sometimes eleven-year olds need to believe that they are wiser than their parents.”

  Egg scrunched her face. “Eleven?”

  But the Tree ignored the question. “It is time, dear friend.”

  “Oh, Tree, I will miss you so.”

  “Would you ask me to stay?”

  “And have your loneliness continue? I would hope you know me better than that.”

  “I was required to ask. I apologize if I offended you.”

  “Don’t be silly. Actually, would you mind if I was?”


  “Yes. I’ve never hugged a tree before. I would like to start now.”

  “I am at your mercy. Since I am rooted to this spot, I give you leave to do as you would.”

  His attempt at humor was as pathetic as ever, but Egg forced herself to belly laugh. “Very funny.” She stood and walked up to its massive trunk and gave it a hug. “Can you feel that?”

  “I will always treasure the memory of your touch. May I return the gesture . . . perhaps you would care to see what I really am?”

  “Are you kidding me? Of course, I would.”

  “Please take a few steps back.” Egg did. “Goodbye, Egg of Earth; Queen of Aerianna . . . and my dear friend. Your legend will live in memory for as long as the sun shines and the stars twinkle.”

  As Egg watched, the light from the branches of the Tree coalesced into a jellyfish-looking form . . . or maybe a scoop of orange sherbet.

  This new entity hovered for a second then, somewhat anticlimactically, it simply winked out of existence. What remained was just a big tree . . . a big, dead tree.

  Egg stared at the corpse of her friend (she was being a bit melodramatic). And for the next few minutes she cried for her loss, she smiled for the end of the Tree’s loneliness and she laughed at the memory of all his ridiculously incomprehensible riddles.

  She took a deep breath then exhaled loudly. This part of her life was now officially over. She felt it in her heart that there would be no more great adventures of her youth. It was time to be Queen and, in less than a year, the mother of twins. Her life was about to get way more challenging.


  She flew back to Q’umulus where she would land on a balcony outside of her bedroom to avoid the usual throng of citizens all waiting to see their new Queen. A few miles from her destination she spotted a dragon heading in her direction.

  Had she been on the ground, no one would be allowed to approach the Queen without consent. However, up here amongst the clouds, there was no protocol. As the dragon drew near, she realized it was Rap’tor. He circled around choosing to await her permission to approach.

  Since it was virtually impossible to be heard, Egg flew up to her friend and smiled. “Hi there.”

  Rap’tor returned the smile. “Your Majesty, I was just informed that you went to visit Sighing Whorl. You should not make such a journey without an escort.”

  “Up here I’m Flying Girl; not anyone’s majesty.”

  “With respect, with or without your crown, you are Queen of Aerianna.”

  “Don’t be such a killjoy.”

  The dragon’s eyes seem to glaze over and he didn’t respond.

  “Sorry, it means . . .”

  “Wait. Please. I should like to see if I can disce
rn your meaning.”

  Egg smiled again. “Let’s make a bet. If you can’t figure it out, I get to ride on your back.”

  “And if I do?”

  “You’re a little too big to ride on my back.”

  “Eek. I do believe if any human could carry a dragon, it would be you, Majesty.”

  “You know what; I changed my mind.”


  “If I win, you have to call me Egg.”

  “I would be honored, but only in private.”

  “Agreed. So, what do you want if you win?”

  “I would like to take an active role in your plans for Aerianna and the new Commonwealth.”

  This time Egg laughed.

  “Did I say something inappropriate?”

  “No, but it was funny.”

  “You do not feel that I am worthy to serve?” He sounded hurt.

  “Just the opposite. I have big plans for you.”

  “May I ask what they are?”

  “How about we postpone that discussion until later? I’d rather have both feet on the ground when we talk.”

  “As you wish. Now, if I may, I would like to decipher your earth word. Someone who would kill joy would have to take every word or action seriously; probably too seriously. They would, in effect, dampen the mood. Is that what you were implying?”



  “What? Oh, sorry. Bingo is an earth game. When you win, you yell bingo.”


  “Not so much. Anyway, you win. Congratulations. What would you like for your reward?”

  “Having Flying Girl ride upon a dragon could be the stuff of legends.”

  “Yeah, it probably would. So, nope. I have a better idea. Let’s see who can reach Q’umulus first. Are you game?”

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  “Great. But if you let me win, I’ll make you wear a pair of pants for a month.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “Lose and find out,” and she took off like a shot.

  A moment later the dragon caught up. “I will tell the Prince that his wife will be arriving shortly,” and he flapped his enormous wings and left our heroine in the dust.


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