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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 33

by Robert Iannone

  Egg smiled. Letting Rap’tor win was the least she could do to honor this new stage of their friendship.




  The door opened and Kreed entered. “You sent for me, Highness?”

  “Indeed. Please come in and have a seat.”

  The Captain did as he was asked. “How can I be of service, Sir?”

  “According to Gracie, you already have. I wanted to thank you in person. With all that has been going on, this was my first opportunity to do so.”

  “I appreciate that. However, your wife is both my Queen and, I hope, my friend. I did nothing that deserves recognition.”

  Benny smiled. “Probably true but my wife insisted. You will understand when you marry.”

  “That may be sooner rather than later.”

  “Did Sylvia propose?”

  They both laughed. “Not yet. But today may be the day.”

  “Kreed (by using his first name, Benny was indicating that the conversation was now friend to friend), I do hope you will say ‘yes’ if she does,” he continued the joke.

  “You know how women are on such things . . . so easily distracted that they forget to ask. So, I thought I might broach the subject to her.”

  “Very wise. When are you going to ask her?”

  “Later today. I’ll be escorting her back to University.”

  “You are aware of the Earth custom to offer the woman a ring as a sign of your good intentions?”

  “I took the liberty of asking Ashley for her advice. After much discussion, we agreed that something simple but unique would be appropriate for Syl. I then went to see Sassi and she created the ring. Would you care to see it?”


  He reached into his pocket, took out a small box made of wood and withdrew the ring. “Please,” and he offered it to the Prince.

  “Very pleasing. I’m sure she will love it.” He moved to hand it back to Kreed but the man refused.

  “Take a closer look at the geometry of the ring,” he said with a smile.

  The Prince did but saw nothing. “Sorry, what am I looking for?”

  “If you notice, the band twists. If you were to trace it with your finger, you would touch the entire surface without having to pick up your finger. On Earth, they have a special name for that.”

  “Pray tell.”

  “It is called . . . a Mobius Strip.”

  “You joke?”

  “Ashley has quite the sense of humor. She assures me that Sylvia will love the symbolism.”

  “You are a far braver man than I. If she doesn’t emasculate you, I’m sure she will accept your proposal.”

  “Benny, a moment ago, I was feeling wonderful about this. Now, you have sowed the seeds of doubt and a feeling of impending doom. Thanks a lot.”

  “What are friends for?”

  “When I get one, I will tell you.”


  “Honey, I’m home.”

  Benny went to greet his wife. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “So how is our favorite foliage?”

  Egg teared up when she told him, “He’s gone.”


  “Yup. We had a great talk then he transformed back into his true self and left.”

  “But why?”

  “He said his job was done. Apparently, me becoming Queen was the last piece in the plan of the Old Ones.”

  “Truly? Your coronation was foretold?”

  “No, not really. But since I did become Queen, somehow it means that Aerianna is on the right track and we no longer need the Tree’s help.”

  “That is quite a compliment to you.”

  “Who cares?”

  “I do.”

  “Benny, stop it. I’m so tired of everyone telling me that I am the seventh wonder of the world.”

  Not understanding the earth reference, he asked “Only seventh? What could possibly be one through six?”

  She looked at her husband and despite herself broke into laughter. “You are such a goof,” and she gave him a hug.

  Afraid he might be asking a sensitive question, he nevertheless asked, “Gracie, you said the Tree left? What does that mean?”

  “The light of the tree transformed into a blob-like shape then it winked out of existence. He said he was going to rejoin others of his kind; something he was looking forward to after a thousand years of loneliness. For that, I’m truly happy for him.”

  “I think we should institute a Day of Celebration in the Tree’s memory. He deserves to be recognized for all that he has done for this world.”

  “Great idea. Thanks-gathering.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “We’ll call it Thanks-gathering. We’ll celebrate the Tree and family and friends every year. It will be our first National Holiday.”

  “Excellent.” He looked his wife in the eyes and asked, “Feeling a bit better?”

  “Yeah. OH . . .” and she started to giggle.

  Benny knew his wife well. “Tell me.”

  “I asked the Tree how long I would have to wait for Syl’kie to be born. Guess what he said?”

  “No idea.”

  “Fifteen minutes,” and she smiled ear-to-ear.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “We’re having identical twins. Let me be the first to congratulate their father.”

  Benny went white. “Twins?”


  Trial for Treason

  Crimes against the Crown were judged by the Monarch herself. The accused presented his or her defense after an individual appointed by the Queen presented the case against.

  Normally the trial was a closed affair with just a few family, friends and witnesses in attendance. Egg had decided that would be a missed opportunity. She decreed that the proceedings would be held in the same Hall as her coronation. Anyone who wished to attend could do so . . . first come, first served. Royals would have to stand in line like everyone else.

  Sitting on the same throne that Meggy had sat, Egg nodded to Rap’tor to begin. He had been chosen to present the evidence against Kru-Ella and her five accomplices. “Bring in the accused,” he called to the Sentinels. The giant doors were opened and the six were led in. There were no handcuffs or orange jump suits. However, had the charges included physical violence, they would have had leg restraints.

  As they approached the throne, Egg could see the fear on the faces of the four humans. Deciphering the emotions of the two dragons was above her pay grade. The six came to a stop and, as was custom, stood. Making the accused comfortable by allowing them to sit was not part of Aeriannian custom.

  Rap’tor turned and faced Egg. “These individuals are charged with high crimes against Your Majesty. It was their intent and actions to see you taken hostage by the rebels of the Outer Reaches. This was done in the hope of causing you bodily harm or otherwise keeping you from ascending the Throne of Aerianna. If found guilty, the law of the land proscribes that these individuals must forfeit their lives.”

  At this pronouncement, which wasn’t a surprise to anyone, all six defendants involuntarily cried out in despair. Two of the humans – one being Kru-Ella – broke into uncontrollable sobs. In stark contrast, everyone in attendance went deathly silent.

  Rap’tor ignored the interruption and continued. “With your Majesty’s permission, I will now present the evidence of the prisoners’ guilt.”


  The dragon was taken by surprise. “I’m sorry; did you say no?”

  “I did.” Egg stood and walked down a few steps so that the distance between her and the six was halved. “Kru-Ella, did you conceive of your plan alone, or did any of these five help you in that regard?”

  The girl, with her head down to avoid eye contact, mumbled something through her sobs.

  “Kru-Ella, look at me.”

  Instead, the girl fell to her knees and her crying became howls of anguish.

  Egg descended the rem
aining steps and walked next to the girl. She reached down and helped her to stand. “Look at me.”

  The girl did. Her eyes were red, and there was mucous dripping from her nose. Her hair was disheveled and she looked to be in shock. The enormity of her crime was too much for her to bear. Spoiled little rich kids never expect to pay for their stupidity.

  “Answer my question. Was this your idea or did any of these others help you formulate it? Before you answer, understand that if this was entirely on you, the punishment will be truly beyond anything you can imagine.” Now that was ominous.

  The girl broke eye contact and looked down as she considered her words. In the hall, with a couple of thousand people in attendance, there was not a sound. Egg allowed the seconds to drag on. Kru-Ella finally found her voice. “It was me. Just me,” she whispered . . . her voice hoarse from crying.

  “Again. This time louder so everyone can hear.”

  “It was me. These others had nothing to do with it.”

  “Not quite true. They knew of your intentions and they allowed it to happen. Be that as it may, thank you for your honesty.” She turned to the other defendants. “I accept Kru-Ella’s declaration. Therefore, I will spare your lives . . .” but before she could finish the five simply fell apart emotionally as they realized the worse was not to be. Egg let them vent for a minute before she asked for silence. “Will any of you speak in defense of Kru-Ella?”

  The five looked from one to another, but no one had anything to say.

  “That’s what I thought. Kru-Ella, you just saved their lives but they feel no loyalty to you to speak in your defense. These are your closest friends and they will do nothing to help. What does that say about your ability to be Queen?”

  The girl looked at Egg, the picture of utter defeat. “It says that I was arrogant, stupid and a fool. I am so, so sorry.”

  “Sorry for whom? For yourself, knowing you are about to be sentenced? For your family that will also suffer? For me whose life you endangered? There is only one right answer so think carefully before you speak.”

  Kru-Ella, as we know, was not stupid. She was, in fact, highly intelligent. She also knew enough about Egg to guess that she was looking for a different answer than one of the three offered. “I am sorry for almost depriving the citizens of Aerianna their choice of Queen.”

  “Thank you.” Egg turned and walked back up to the Throne. “Defendants, do you wish to continue this trial or do you plead guilty?”

  They all pled guilty.

  “Then I will pronounce punishment. You are hereby stripped of your titles. All wealth that you possess, or will inherit, is forfeited and will be used to finance educational programs for the children of Aerianna. I sentence the five accomplices to spend seven years performing supervised community service. That leaves Kru-Ella.”

  “Please. I ask for mercy,” begged the girl.

  “You took full responsibility, sparing the other five, and that took courage. However, you put your Queen in harm’s way and that cannot be tolerated and for that your life is forfeited.”

  The gasps from everyone in attendance sounded much like the fog at Sighing Whorl as it whooshed over the rocks. No one on Aerianna had ever paid such a price. Kru-Ella, for her part, stood frozen – unable to force her body to react. Egg’s Sisters sat in shock – totally blindsided by their beloved leader’s words. Well, not Sylvia. The girl stood and spoke. “Your Majesty, may I speak?”

  “As my sister, or as my Feminion?”

  “As your Feminion.”

  Yup, Egg and Syl had planned this. “You have our permission.”

  “Thank you. Though what this woman did is indefensible, I should point out that technically you weren’t Queen at the time of the crime. Therefore, you do have leeway to grant clemency.” Serenity, realizing it was all an act, looked at Jax’x and rolled her eyes. Jax’x gave her a knowing smile in return.

  “As always, your advice is welcome.” Egg touched her finger to her lips as if she was reconsidering the sentence. “Very well. Kru-Ella, I will commute your sentence. You will spend three years on each of the three worlds of the Outer Reaches. There you will work alongside the citizens at whatever trade they choose to teach you. At the end of those nine years, you will come before the Throne so we can reevaluate your suitability to return to Aerianna. We are adjourned.”

  Chapter 2 – Grammy

  A week later

  Egg had invited her grandmother to breakfast the next day. Life was moving so fast and she had so many things she wanted to accomplish as soon as possible. But she was feeling guilty for not spending more time with the two people who were most influential in her life – Grammy and Dazzle.

  “Your Majesty,” and the older Eloise did a very nice curtsey.

  Egg grinned. “You have our permission to rise and approach,” she said in her best royal voice.

  “You are as kind as you are beautiful,” and she walked to her granddaughter and accepted her kiss.

  “Come on, let’s sit. I have a fresh pot of coffee and I know how grumpy you get without your morning mug.”

  “I never get grumpy, dearest. Perhaps cantankerous and irritable, but never grumpy,” and they both laughed.

  They sat down and Egg poured the coffee for both of them. “How’s Ezra?”

  “He’s fine. Still struggling with his speech but his spirits never flag.”

  “And how about you?”

  “Growing older as gracefully as I can.”

  Egg was about to say something flattering but stopped. “Grammy, when did your hair go grey?”

  The woman laughed. “Ten years ago, there about. I decide it was time to accept what age is giving me and I stopped coloring it.”

  “Well, you look very distinguished.”

  Grammy laughed. “That actually isn’t the compliment you think it is.”

  Now Egg laughed. “I told Meggy I was lousy at diplomacy.”

  “Dearest, there isn’t anything you’re lousy at.”

  “Don’t you start too.”

  “I am your grandmother and I will never stop complimenting my granddaughter even if the Queen of Aerianna demands that I do.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Now it’s my turn to ask you how things are going.”

  “Well, I’m glad the trial is behind me. If it weren’t for Syl, I’m not sure what I would have done. There was no way I was going to put her to death even if the law required it. On the other hand, even the Queen can’t disobey the constitution. And just as bad, if I showed leniency, then others might decide Kru-Ella’s methods might be worth the risk.”

  “A real conundrum. As always, your Feminion served you well. So, what else? How’s your husband? Still happily married?”

  “He always makes me laugh.”

  “There probably is no higher praise. And your morning sickness?”

  “The ginger helps. Oh, by the way, I might have forgotten to mention that I’m having identical twins,” and she gave her grandmother her biggest smile.

  “Oh my. Oh my. That is wonderful.”

  “Why?” teased Egg.

  “Why? Well . . . well because you’re twice blessed.”

  “Good answer. So Syl’kie, the next Flying Girl, will be about fifteen minutes younger than her big sister.”

  To Egg’s shock, Grammy began to cry.

  Egg hurried over and knelt by her grandmother. “What’s wrong?” She involuntarily looked at her arms to see if there were any goosebumps. There weren’t.

  Grammy found a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes. “It’s nothing sweetheart. Just an old lady feeling nostalgic. It seems like it was only yesterday I took you up to the attic in that old farmhouse and opened that musty trunk. And now you’re about to be a mother.”

  Egg laughed and Grammy gave her a look. “No, sorry. I’m laughing at me. When you took out the flying suit and told me what it did I thought you had gone crazy. I think I even asked you where the batteries go,” and that started them both
to giggling. When Egg stopped, she told her grandmother, “Hang on a sec,” and she went to her desk and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for. “Remember this . . .”

  “Your diary. How could I forget?” She took it from her granddaughter and stared at the cover. “Did you ever notice that there are seven stars in the sky?” and she pointed.

  “How weird. If I did, I don’t remember. Anyway, let’s see what it says about the day I became Flying Girl . . .” and she took the book back and thumbed through the pages.

  “Egg, dearest. Let’s not reminisce.”

  “Okay,” and Egg closed the diary. “Is there something else you rather talk about?”

  “Sweetheart, you are now the Queen and your to-do list must be enormous. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to visit with me. But, you have much more important things to do than babysit your old grandmother. I should leave you to it. Besides, Ezra needs my company; he’s feeling very useless and it does depress him. For a man who was used to being very active, each day does drag on for him. In fact, we’ve been discussing moving back to Earth . . . to his little cabin in the mountains.”

  Egg understood, though she wasn’t sure why she did. Events on Aerianna were moving very fast while Grammy and Ezra were relegated to the sidelines to watch. They needed to feel needed. She felt ashamed that she hadn’t realized this earlier. Both her parents and grandparents needed something to do – to contribute in some way.

  “Grammy, you have it wrong. I only wanted to reminisce so I could guilt you into accepting an assignment. I need to put you and Ezra to work but I was afraid you would turn me down.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean. What work?”

  “Only Benny knows that the Myst Tree is gone. He’s left Aerianna.”

  “Really. How does a Tree do that exactly?”

  “He returned to his original form. He kind of looked like a big scoop of orange sherbet. Then he simply winked out of existence.”

  “He died?”

  “No. He returned to join others of his kind. He spent a thousand years on Aerianna keeping an eye on things. He said it was incredibly lonely.”

  “I can only imagine. What does his leaving have to do with me?”


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