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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 34

by Robert Iannone

  “Benny suggested a day to honor the Tree’s memory. I decided it should be a yearly occurrence – Aerianna’s first national holiday. But it’s not only to celebrate the Tree but family and all friends. I want to call it Thanks-Gathering.”

  “On the order of our Thanksgiving, I presume?”

  “Yes. But the emphasis is the gathering of friends and families to enjoy each other and celebrate their mutual love and friendship. I would like you and Ezra to organize the first one. Mind you, don’t be bound by Earth traditions. You’ll need to talk to as many folks on Aerianna to get their input. Then I’ll need you two to codify the whole thing so we can relay it to all citizens. Are you guys up to the challenge?”

  “Well, I’m sure we would love to give it a go.”

  “I’m afraid that if you do a great job – which I’m counting on – then I’ll need you to do it all again on Zynn-Zaz’zia, Splendora, Kallous and the Outer Reaches. It’s going to be a celebration for the entire Commonwealth.”

  “Oh my, that will take quite an effort.”

  “You can have as many people to assist you as you need. Off the top of my head, Sassi, Bl’azzz and Soo will be great at helping you understand the needs and traditions of all three species.”

  “That would be helpful. When did you want to celebrate the first one?”

  “In about seven months, it will be the anniversary of Mobius’s defeat. I think that sounds auspicious. However, I would like to announce the general concept as soon as possible. So, check with your hubby and the three sisters. If you all agree, let me know.”

  Grammy’s eyes were twinkling and she looked years younger. “I can’t wait to tell Ezra. Thank you, dearest. This is just so exciting.”

  “I hope everyone that I put to work is just as pleased.”

  Grammy stood and Egg walked over and hugged her . . . not letting go for a full minute. “I love you so much. I can never thank you for all that you have done for me. Never.”

  “Sweetheart, everything that you’ve accomplished – and will accomplish – is more than enough thanks. And naming your firstborn Ellie Rose won you a few points also.”

  “To be honest, I wanted to call her Grazy after your old neighbor but my husband refused me.”

  Grammy laughed. “I imagine there are very few things your husband refuses you.”

  “Yeah. He’s pretty much a pushover.”



  They had arrived at the university. Normally at this point Syl would give her man an appropriate thank you kiss for escorting her back to class. This time, however, Kreed took her by the hand and led her to one of the wonderful gardens that Aeri’elle had built. Sometimes great minds need a tranquil setting in which to contemplate the universe.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” asked Kreed.

  Sylvia didn’t answer because she was horrified. This stroll in the park had to mean that he was probably going to propose to her. That’s not what horrified her; it was her reaction. She felt flushed, weak in the knees with a stomach that apparently was home to a large flock of fluttering butterflies. For a woman that prided herself on always being in control, this wasn’t supposed to happen. ‘Please don’t let this be love,’ she whispered silently to herself. She was a strong, independent woman who didn’t need a man to make her complete.

  Yet she was desperately hoping that he would ask her to marry him. What a paradox.



  “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Her mind was still a bit befuddled and for a moment she thought he was complimenting her. “Thank you, that’s sweet.”

  Kreed scrunched his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Why should anything be wrong?”

  The man laughed. “I might have known you’d figure it out. Bringing you here was a dead giveaway.”

  “Sorry, what?”

  It was silly to try and prolong this little scenario. So, per Ashley’s instruction, Kreed went to a knee, pulled out the ring and asked, “Sylvia Hampton, will you marry me?”

  “Shut up.” It was an involuntary reaction consistent with her current state of mind and not meant literally.

  “Sorry?” That wasn’t supposed to be her response.

  “Stand up,” she demanded.

  “NO. Not until you say yes.”

  “You’re a stubborn, exasperating, infuriating man.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  She was trying to keep the upper hand for some silly reason even though she didn’t really want that. Then she stopped fighting herself. “If you’re not going to stand, then I’m coming down there,” and she knelt in front of him. “Give me that ring.”

  He was trying to keep the smile off his face. “First, say ‘Yes Kreed, I’ll marry you’.”

  “On one condition . . . it better be a great ring.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Kreed, I conditionally accept your marriage proposal.”

  “You’re such a romantic. Here,” and he took the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger.

  She examined it very slowly, then looked up into his eyes. “A Mobius Strip?”

  “Incredibly clever, right?” He fervently hoped so.

  “Kiss me, you fool,” and about a million butterflies flew away.



  “Come.” The door opened and in stepped Meggy, Ashley and Molly. “It’s the Spice Girls.”

  “Wow, that’s a bit dated,” responded her big sister.

  “What is the reference?” asked Meggy.

  “A British female band . . . all very cute,” explained Egg.

  “Her Majesty is too kind,” teased Molly.

  “Call me that again in private and we’ll see how kind I really am. So, come sit and tell me about your trip.”

  Ignoring the faux threat, Molly responded, “With my Queen’s permission, we leave tomorrow.”

  “Do you have a plan or are you just going to wing it?”

  “Unlike you,” responded Meggy, “we have given this adventure some thought.”

  “Ouch. On the other hand, what fun is it if you know what’s going to happen?”

  “Some of us don’t have your lucky streak,” said Ashley. “So we need to know where our next step will fall.”

  “Okay, Grammy, if you say so.”

  “You’re in a feisty mood. Is it the raging hormones from your pregnancy?”

  “Probably just the joy in knowing the three of you will be out of my hair for a while.”

  “Wow, little Sis. You really are feeling your oats today. What’s got you in such a great mood . . . besides our imminent departure?”

  “I guess I’m getting more and more excited about the future. So many programs I want to implement here and with the sisterhood, organizing the new commonwealth, anticipating the beginning of my new family . . . all of it really has me energized. Having that nasty trial behind me also lifts a big weight off my shoulders.”

  “You and your Feminion were brilliant,” complimented Meggy.

  “Meggy, what would you have done?”

  “Egg, like you, I could not have taken her life. However, I would probably have imposed a lifetime banishment for her, and her family, from Aerianna.”

  “Yeah, I get that. But it seemed like a waste. Anyway, let’s get back to your trip. What do you have planned?”

  They talked for a better part of the hour. The trip had three objectives.

  First was a whirlwind tour of as much of the US, and then the rest of the world, as they could - taking in the most famous cities, museums, and landmarks. Meggy’s interest in culture and religion would be their guiding light.

  Next, sampling the best cuisines in every country they visited and bringing new gourmet delights back to Aerianna was Ashley’s main objective.

  Lastly, and most importantly, they wanted to go shopping for clothes, shoes and jewelry and do it completely free of guilt. Apparently, t
his was a priority of Molly’s but the other two seemed very amenable.

  “How long are you guys staying?”

  “We figure about two months, maybe a bit longer,” answered her sister.

  “Sounds like fun but also incredibly ambitious. I do have one concern. If you get into trouble, how will we know to send help?”

  “Got it covered, little Sis. Spirit has volunteered to meet us there in her ship.”

  “Ha. You need that ship to bring back all the stuff you intend to buy.”

  The girls smiled. “Told you she’d figure it out,” said Molly.

  “Well, that’s incredibly generous of her. But, it’ll take her two or three weeks to get there. So, do try to stay out of trouble for as long as you can.”


  “Yes, Ashley?”

  “I’m going to look up your old boyfriend, Zeke. Maybe get a picture of him now that he’s all grown up.”

  The Queen was about to protest, but her curiosity won out. “If he’s incredibly good looking don’t you dare not show the picture to my husband.”

  It took a moment for the others to realize that Egg had just used a double negative. “Want to make Benny jealous, do you?” said her sister.

  “Absolutely . . . in about seven months when I’m the size of Bl’azzz.”

  The girls chuckled. Meggy ventured a better comparison. “More like the size of our dear sister K’ssss.”

  The chuckles turned to laughter when Egg did her best impression of the overweight serpent’s laugh. “H’ssss.”



  Egg was getting cabin fever stuck in the palace and wanted to ‘stretch her wings’ so to speak. She kissed her husband. “I’m going to Se’rene to talk to I’za.”

  “Gracie, how long do you think you can fly until your two passengers tell you otherwise?”

  “Hmmm. Well, the suit will expand to fit whatever shape I’m in, so that’s not a problem. The twins are as protected as I am when I’m Flying Girl. I talked to the doctor and he said, and I quote, “None of my human patients can fly, so I am at a loss.” Does that answer your question?”

  “Not really. Can you and I agree that when you enter your third trimester, you will put away your suit for the duration of your pregnancy?”

  “Sure,” and she gave him another kiss.

  “What about your second trimester?” Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  Egg gave him a fake smile. “No. Bye-bye” and she launched herself out the window – an always unnerving sight for her husband.

  Benny watched her fade from sight. Once she was gone, he turned and headed for the communications center. He decided to call Azure on Zynn-Zaz’zia and ask her how Wind’ dancers handle their pregnancies. Then, if he didn’t like the answer, he would call Splendora and talk to the Medicus about Sky’lords. He felt the need to be reassured. And without realizing it, Prince Ben’Edikk, had transitioned from a theoretical father to the daddy of his twins.


  Egg landed at Se’rene and entered. She had changed the rules, with everyone’s concurrence, to allow husbands to be in residence with their wives. At the moment, only I’za and V’az were there. Spirit had been, but she was about to head back to her ship then onto Earth.

  It was V’az who greeted her. “Your Majesty. We were not expecting you.”

  “V’az, when we are alone, it’s Egg.”

  “As you command.”

  “No, no. You are married to one of my sisters – that automatically makes us friends. Just treat me as you would any of the others. Please.”

  “Sorry, Egg. I should know better. Are you here to see Spirit off?”

  “Actually, I want to talk to her and I’za. Are they around?”

  “They should be back momentarily. They took the boat out sailing. It is something my wife had never experienced. She simply can’t get enough.”

  “I can understand. Spending your entire life onboard the Ark would make me claustrophobic. So, how are you adjusting to all the changes in your life?”

  He smiled brightly. “Every day brings a fresh sense of wonder. To be free of the confines of the ship, to see the sky each day, the sunrise and sunsets, the smell of wind . . . sorry, the list is endless and if given the chance, I would name them all.”

  “I am so happy for you and all your people. Please, if there is anything you need, I command you to ask.”

  “As a friend or as Queen?” he asked with a grin.

  “Yes,” and she smiled back.

  “Unhand my husband, you hussy”.

  “I mostly certainly will not,” and Egg turned to accept a hug from I’za.

  “Can I get one of those?” came a voice inside Egg’s head.

  “That can be arranged,” and it was. “I hear you’re on your way out.”

  “Yes. But I’m so glad you came. I need to ask you something.”


  “When I get to Earth, I want to go see that colonel I met all those years ago.”


  “I want to bring him to Aerianna.”


  “I think you need to help your home world take their first step in understanding the universe around them.”

  “Spirit, where is this coming from?”

  “It’s something that’s been bothering me ever since we crashed landed on Earth. You’ve helped so many people, so many worlds, except the one you were born on. It feels wrong to me.”

  “They’re not ready. Trust me on this.”

  “I know. I also know that the Colonel is ready. Maybe if we helped him to understand the benefits, he could help the rest of Earth to work together and reach out for the stars. It may very well take a long time but I think you owe it to Earth to start the process.”

  Egg stared at her alien girl while she considered the proposal. “If you can do it safely, go for it.”

  “Oh, thank you sister.”

  “The only reason I’m saying yes is that I’m not getting goosebumps. Well, that plus the fact that it’s a really great idea. Thank you for that.”

  “Spirit,” asked I’za, “how are you going to convince the Colonel to come to Aerianna?”

  “I’m not going to convince him; I’m going to kidnap him, of course.”

  Chapter 3 – 500 Words or Less

  After Spirit left, Egg sat down with I’za and V’az. “Egg, I thought you and Sylvia were wonderful at that trial,” complimented I’za. “That was a very difficult situation.”

  “Syl gets all the credit. Without her brain, I’d be lost.”

  “Since we’re friends,” added V’az “I have to disagree. Your sister may have provided the loophole, but you conducted the interrogation brilliantly. Your . . .” but his wife interrupted him.

  Knowing that her sister wouldn’t want to dwell on the topic, I’za said, “Forgive him, Egg. He is very easily impressed. So, is this a social call or are you here on Sisterhood business?”

  “A combination of Sisterhood and Aerianna business. I would like you, and V’az if he’s willing, to undertake a little project for me.”

  “We would both love to help.”

  “I’m not one to complain, but before she became a Hameggattic Sister, my wife was much less assertive and self-assured. Now, she thinks she can speak for the both of us.” The two women stared at the poor guy who was just trying to be funny. “And, of course, she can. In fact, I prefer it that way.”

  Egg and I’za chuckled. “That’s a good boy,” replied his wife as she patted his head. “What’s the project Egg?”

  “I want to engage all citizens in the changes to come . . . that includes the children. To that end, I want to hold a contest for any girl who wishes to participate. In five hundred words or less, I want each to explain why she would like to become a Hameggattic Sister. I need the two of you to organize the contest and do the initial screening of essays.”

  “How wonderful. Is there an age limit?”

  “No. If they’re old enough to write, then they’re old enough to enter.”

  “May I ask,” began V’az “how do serpents and dragons write?” He and his wife looked at Egg.

  “Serpents use their tongues much like we use our hands. Dragons, even though they seem big and ungainly when they’re not flying, can use their talons.”


  “When will the contest begin and end?” asked I’za.

  “Begin as soon as you get it organized. The end date is for you to decide. My suggestion is to give them ample time to do it, but not so much time that this drags on.”

  “Very good. Since most Gek’a are in residence on Aerianna, are they eligible to enter?”

  “Absolutely. In fact, I’ll want you to go to all the planets of our new, though no quite finalized, commonwealth. I would also like you to visit First Citizen Vayder of the Solaxis Amalgamation and ask if he would like to include his granddaughters. Afterwards, go see his son and invite him and his two daughters to come back to Aerianna with you.”

  “Fulfilling your promise, I see.”


  “Does the winner get to join the Sisterhood?” asked V’az.

  “Not exactly. The top applicants, with their parent’s permission and after interviews with us, will be invited to participate in a pre-sisterhood training program. Whether they make it to the full sisterhood will be up to them.”

  “Do you have any details on this program?” asked I’za.

  “No. It’s just a concept. I’ll be looking to you to help flesh it out with input from all the sisters.”

  “That’s quite a project.”

  “It is. Are you two up to the task?”

  Without hesitation, I’za replied “I would love to,” purposely answering only for herself. Both Egg and her husband smiled in appreciation.

  “What about you, V’az?”

  “Let’s see. Do I want to help my wife and my Queen, who is also my friend, recruit an army of women to make the galaxy safe from evil? Women who will strike fear in the hearts of men . . . any man, all men? Women who will dominate their poor husbands, driving them into submission with their superior intellect and strong will. Women . . .”


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