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Fallen Death (The Trihune Series Book 3)

Page 27

by RB Austin

  “I’ll see you soon,” he said.

  She swallowed. Hoped he was right.

  Lucas walked her back to the motel. There were faces in the windows of the other rooms, unmoving as well. Someone’s door was half-open, a foot sticking out.

  “Momma, this is so cool. It’s just like an Avengers movie.”

  “It is very cool,” Lucas said. “But I need you to keep it a secret, Keandre. Can you do that?”

  “Like Batman and Spiderman keep secrets.”


  Asjhone half-listened to Lucas coaching her son on what to say. Keandre didn’t appear traumatized by what happened, but tonight’s events would eventually take its toll. Tears burned at the back of her throat. She swallowed again. Not now.

  “Asjhone, I want you to wait here. Outside the door. The police are going to see me walk on the scene—”

  “You’re staying?”

  Lucas touched her shoulder. Warmth seeped through her at the contact and some of her panic ebbed. “Of course, you’re family now, but as far as the police are concerned, I’m a friend. I followed to help you get your son back, but we were separated in traffic.”

  “I understand.” He was staying. She wasn’t going to be alone. No matter what happened her son would be safe.


  Her grip on Keandre tightened. She glanced at her boy.

  His lips were in a firm line, expression serious. “I can do this, Momma.”

  “I have no doubt, lil’ man,” she whispered, bringing him close to kiss his cheek gently. “We’re ready,” she told Lucas.

  Chapter 52

  Three and a half hours later, Keandre was asleep on her shoulder. Her lower back and side were killing her, but she wasn’t letting him go. Even when the EMTs arrived to check them over, she hadn’t. She finally had ice on her face, which started to throb thirty minutes into questioning. Her right eye was now swollen shut. And a large bruise had begun to appear where Wayne had punched her, but she refused pain meds.

  “You’re free to go, Ms. Williams,” the detective said. “I have your number. We’ll call if we need more information.”

  In the beginning, Asjhone assumed Lucas worked some hocus pocus on the detective. The man too readily believed her story. How she met Wayne. When the abuse started. The birth of Keandre. How she’d been running from him ever since. That it was self-defense.

  It wasn’t until afterward that the cop told her about Monique. The nurse had been found strangled in her apartment. A neighbor had given the police a description of the man she’d been seeing and the car he drove. Both pointed to Wayne.

  “You’re lucky,” the detective had said.

  What almost broke her was listening to Keandre talk about Wayne luring him out of the house, the fall on the pavement, and then the slap.

  “It hurt, Momma.” Tears had rolled down his cheeks.

  When they were in Lucas’s car, Keandre sleeping in the back seat, Lucas’s jacket over top him, she started shaking. First her hands, then her whole body. “There was blood on the floor. From Sarid. What if they check that against Wayne’s blood? And the wall. Do you think the detective believed the crack was from Wayne pushing me? And what if he checks the phone records?” Asjhone had told the detective that she’d called Lucas right after hearing from Wayne.

  “I’ve already spoken to Michael at the HQ. He’s working on the phone records. If the detective checks it out, it’ll clear.” His gaze swept over her face. “And yes, the detective believed Wayne pushed you into the wall. Don’t worry about the blood. If forensics runs a DNA test, I’ll know about it. The results will show the blood is Wayne’s.”

  She rubbed her hands over her arms. “Do you think the detective believed me? About how I killed him.”

  “Believed you? Asjhone you were telling the truth. You shot Wayne in self-defense.”

  She glanced in the back before speaking. “But I didn’t. Not really. He was just standing there. He wasn’t coming at me. Or Sarid. He was yelling. I picked up the gun and . . . I just pulled the trigger.”

  “You did what you had to do. He would’ve hurt you, Sarid, and Keandre even more if you hadn’t shot him.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right.” She was so tired. “Are you taking me to Sarid?”

  “Is that what you want?”


  “Then, yes. And, Asjhone?”

  She glanced at him.

  “Thank you for protecting him. Protecting us.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “I do. And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you and your son are safe for the rest of your life.” Lucas smiled. “Just as I’m sure Sarid will.”

  The ride back didn’t take as long as the drive to get Keandre. The shaking eased when Lucas turned on the heat. Shock, she supposed. She should’ve known that immediately. Her brain was still fuzzy.

  Lucas stopped in front of the house, running a concerned gaze over her injuries. “The paramedics said you could have a concussion. We need to watch over you tonight.”

  “I know the signs. I’m not dizzy, nauseous, or seeing double. As soon as any of those hit I’ll go to the hospital.” She pushed open her door, stuck one foot on the driveway. “I just want to see Sarid.”

  “By now, he’s fine. I’m surprised he didn’t come back to the motel as soon as Martha extracted the bullet.”

  “Because Cade threatened to shoot me again if I tried to leave.”

  Asjhone startled. Sarid stood a few feet away. His coloring completely back to normal. No winces when he walked toward her. No hesitation in his step. A vision of perfect health. Nothing said he was practically dead a few hours ago. “You’re okay.” Tears began to flow. Cries, she’d held back all night, burst from her mouth.

  “Angel.” Sarid enveloped her in his arms. “Don’t do that. I’m fine. Completely healed.”

  “I’m sorry.” She gasped into his shirt. “It’s just, I just . . .”

  “Ssshh, I know. Let’s get you inside.”

  She stepped back, scrubbed a hand over her face. “Keandre—”

  “I’ll get him.”

  Sarid lifted her son into his arms, then with an arm around her shoulders guided her into the house.


  She and Keandre were finally safe.

  Chapter 53


  Sarid shoved his hands in his pockets and paced back and forth in the driveway. Andrew had just texted him. Asjhone and Keandre cleared the gate.

  Why in the underworld had they made the driveway so long? It was taking them forever to get here.

  When her car finally pulled around the last twist, he grinned.

  Mine. The demon purred.

  “Sarid!” Keandre opened his door.

  “Keandre Bryan Williams, I don’t ever want to see you taking off your seat belt or opening the door until the car has been shut off. Do you hear me?”

  Keandre froze. “Sorry, Mom.”

  After accepting another stern look from his mother, Keandre launched himself into the air, laughing when Sarid caught him. “Is Mr. Gabe here?”

  Sarid lifted an eyebrow. “Mr. Gabe?”

  Keandre wiggled to get down. Sarid put him on his feet. “He said the next time I came over we could play the new game he got.”

  “The new game he has.” Asjhone came around the car. “And what is this game? It better not be anything with guns or swords or blood.”

  “It’s a driving game. Need For Speed.” Keandre bounced from foot to foot. “So is Mr. Gabe here?”

  Sarid clasped Asjhone around the waist, pulling her to his side. “Mr. Jeeves will tell you where he’s at, Keandre
. Although Ms. Martha has something for you in the kitchen. A thank you, she said, for the picture you drew her.”

  His eyes lit up. “Can I, Momma? Can I have what Ms. Martha has to give me?”

  Asjhone laughed. “If you remember your manners.”

  “Yes!” Keandre raced up the stone steps.

  Sarid took Asjhone in his arms, pressed his nose into her neck, inhaled deeply. His body instantly relaxed.

  She snuggled closer. “So, what do you have to show me?”

  “It’s a surprise. Come on.” He led her inside, up the main staircase and toward his wing in the house. “How was your day?”

  After telling him about her shift at the hospital, she paused, and, “I spoke to my Mom today.”

  The pause in his stride was slight. “You did? How did it go?” She’d been nervous to make the call. Worried about her parents’ reaction. She hadn’t spoken to them since the day before Keandre was born.

  “She cried. She’d thought I was dead.” Her inhale was shaky.

  He pulled her in his arms. “You did what you had to do to protect Keandre. And yourself.”

  “I know. And once she stopped crying, Dad got on the phone, then he was crying. And I started because hearing my Dad cry.” She shook her head. “I explained what happened. Told them why I had to run. They were angry.”

  “Angry?” Sarid’s eyes flared blue. The demon stirred. “Why—”

  She cupped his cheek. “Ssshh, they were angry because I didn’t say anything. Didn’t go to them for help. It’s fine, Sarid. I understand. I’d be just as angry with Keandre if he did something similar. I’m his parent. It’s my job to protect him no matter how old he is.”

  Sarid’s eyes narrowed. “Well, did they yell at you?”

  She laughed. A light, tinkling sound that made him grin in response. His favorite. “I love you.” Arms around his neck, she kissed him right in front of his bedroom door.

  They were both breathing heavy when he lifted his head. Asjhone’s pupils were big, her hips slowly circling against his erection. He bit back a groan.

  “Are you going to ask me inside?” Her voice was low, husky.

  And just like that his lust downshifted into anxiety and nerves.

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

  He didn’t answer, just shoved open his bedroom door, stepped aside to let her enter.

  The night of the shooting, when he’d brought her upstairs, she’d barely glanced at the large room that only contained a box spring and a mattress on the floor. Not wanting Keandre far from her, she’d lain him on the bed and practically fell down next to him. The king size mattress felt huge in comparison to Asjhone’s full-size, so Sarid had laid down, too, content to watch them sleep. But when she woke and saw his sparse room, then his other room next door that he used for clothes and weapons; well, the look on her face, tears in her eyes, the understanding in her gaze when she held him tight and whispered her love . . . there were no words to describe the bubble of feelings in his chest or the strange desire to change, not for her, but because of her.

  Now his gaze fell on the elaborately scrolled wooden head and footboard of the new bed. The two large matching dressers. One filled with his clothes. The other empty. The love seat in the corner of the room. A small table with a mirror and chair that Emma said Asjhone could sit at to do her makeup or hair. The lace curtains on the windows.

  “I know this is probably too soon and I’m not trying to pressure you, but I thought maybe when you came over you’d want to be comfortable and have something more than a mattress on the floor. If you don’t like anything let me know, I’ll take it back. I want you to be comfortable. Like how you are when you’re at your house. But, no pressure. I’m not asking you to move in or anything. Unless you want to,” he added hurriedly. “Because I’m ready whenever you’re ready. Just want you to know that.” He took a breath. “Emma helped me pick out some stuff. Kate, too. And Martha—well, come next door.”

  Out in the hallway, he opened the door next to his. Asjhone entered behind him. “Martha helped me do this room. I figured since she raised two boys she’d know what to get. She said her kids loved bunk beds, but I wasn’t sure. I know Keandre understands why Devan can’t come over, that he can never really have friends here, at least not right now, but maybe one day, so I got them. He might enjoy picking out which bed to sleep in every night. I chose the toys.” He glanced at the shelves holding Super Hero Masher figurines Keandre didn’t have. “Only a few. I know you wouldn’t approve of spoiling him.” He huffed out a laugh. “You should’ve seen the stuff Gabe ordered. Ridiculous. I told him he had to send it all back.” Sarid frowned. “I don’t know if he did. I’ve a feeling he’s going to give Keandre presents every time he comes over. If it gets to be too much just let me know and I’ll make him stop.” Sarid exhaled. Finally turned to Asjhone and froze. Her eyes were teary, gaze on the one painting on the wall. “Emma did that. I gave her the picture of us from the zoo last week.”

  “It’s beautiful.” Two tears slipped down her cheek.

  “Then why are you crying. If you don’t like the rooms, we can pretend I never showed you. Just keep things as they are. I’m really not pressuring—Umph.” Asjhone had thrown herself into his arms.

  “Be quiet,” she said. “I love both rooms and I love you for doing this for me and Keandre.” Then she kissed him. And kissed him. Annnd kissed him . . . He swept her into his arms.

  Back in his room, he set her on the floor, walked until her legs hit the bed. His fingers played with the edge of her shirt. He lifted his head. “You do? You really like the rooms? You’re not upset?”

  “No. And the answer is yes.”


  “Yes, we’ll move in with you. Though on one condition.”

  “Anything,” he said quickly.

  She laughed. A short, high peal sound.


  “I want you to come with me next weekend.”

  “Absolutely.” He swooped in for another kiss, brushed his tongue along her bottom lip enticing a moan. Trailed his lips along her jawline, heading for her neck. “Where are we going?”

  “I want you to meet my parents.”

  He stilled. Pulled back.

  She studied his face, smile dimming. “I’ll be with you. The whole time. I’ll keep the demon in check.”

  He swallowed thickly. “That’s not what I’m afraid of. The Other would never hurt your parents because that would hurt you.”

  Her forehead wrinkled. “Then what’s the matter?”

  “I’ve never met parents before. I’m not good at meeting people. Talking to them.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You did fine with me.”

  “That was different. You’re different.”

  She lifted her chin, pressed her mouth on his. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. I know they’ll love you. Besides, I already told them about you.”

  “You did?”

  Another laugh. “Yes, silly, why wouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t know, I never thought—”

  “I love you. And I want you to meet my family.”

  He inhaled. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Her eyes were hopeful.

  “Okay,” he whispered, then continued exploring her gorgeous neck with his mouth.

  “Sarid!” Keandre burst into the room. “Can Ben and I play together? Mr. Gabe said I couldn’t play with the wolves because they’re mean and might bite me.”

  “That’s not true, Keandre,” Sarid said. “Mr. Gabe was joking.” And would be getting a talk from him later.

  “Oh, well can I play with Ben anyway? He wants to.”

  Sarid’s eyebrows drew down. “Ben? You mean Benjamin?” The Behn from Sept S
even who could astral project.

  Keandre shook his head. “No, I mean Ben.”

  Sarid glanced at Asjhone who shrugged. “Who’s Ben, lil’ man?” she asked.

  Keandre pointed at Sarid.

  “Me?” Sarid asked. It took a moment, but then understanding dawned. “You mean the Other?” He couldn’t bear to say demon in front of the child.

  Keandre still had nightmares from what happened with his father. He said he didn’t see the demon in them, but Sarid thought the monster had to be deep in his subconscious, contributing to the dreams’ darkness.

  “He doesn’t like that name.”

  Asjhone stiffened.

  Sarid crouched until he was eye level with the boy. “How do you know that?”

  “He told me.”

  “Told you? Told you how?”

  Keandre bounced from foot to foot. Tapped his head.

  Sarid stilled. “You heard him in your head?”

  Keandre nodded.

  Asjhone gasped, steadied herself with a hand to Sarid’s shoulder.

  Sarid kept his eyes on the boy, voice calm. “Can you hear my thoughts, Keandre?”

  He shook his head. Dug his socked toe into the carpet. “I just hear him.”

  “Now?” Sarid asked.

  “Yes. He wants you to move closer to Mom. He doesn’t like that’s she’s scared.” Keandre looked up at Asjhone. “What are you scared of, Momma?”

  Sarid didn’t hear Asjhone’s response. He spoke to the demon. How are you conversing with the boy?

  I don’t know.

  You don’t know how you’re doing it or you don’t know how the boy hears your thoughts?

  Both. I learned a week ago. At Ours house. The boy replied to a thought I had.


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