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Cassie's Christmas Lesson

Page 3

by Maria Lake

  “That doesn't sound very loving Cass.”

  “I know it doesn't,” she sniffed, “but I do love you, and... and I would do anything to prove it to you.”

  “That's just words Cass, and I'm sorry but I can't really trust the words coming out of your mouth right now, not after you lying right to my face a minute ago.”

  “What if,”... she balked at the words she was trying to say... “what if I agree to accept that your role in our family is the head of the household?”

  He stared at her. “is this some kind of joke Cass? Because it isn't funny and I don't appreciate it. I know you too well to think you'd be okay with just surrendering yourself to me.”

  “I can't help it-- it just never seemed fair -- the idea that you would get to make the rules over me.”

  “Well with all our petty disagreements, I think things would go much more smoothly if one of us did that. Is that a role you are planning on taking on yourself?”

  Cassie thought about how it always seemed like she was dealing with one stressful decision after another, it was like constantly juggling spinning plates and trying to keep them from all crashing to the ground! Between volunteering at the library, looking after five kids, dealing with pick-ups, drop-offs, playdates, rushing from one sports or scouting or Church activity to another, feeding, bathing, picking up after, resolving sibling disputes, supervising homework... it was an endless and never-ending list of duties. The last thing she really wanted was to take on more responsibilities right now by becoming the head of the household. In fact, it would be a huge relief if she could offload more of her responsibilities to Mike to deal with. But even though it would be a huge relief if he took over, and even though Mike had always been a fair, even minded person, she didn't like the idea of giving up some of her power. Would the kids still listen to her, would adults take her seriously, if she was a submissive wife?

  “Cassie, I've given you plenty of time to come clean, I can even see you thinking about it right now, but you still haven't told me the truth. These receipts... I looked at them. You didn't just go over-budget Cass, you spent over ten thousand dollars... It's just... it's an unconscionable sum, but the worst part of it is that even now, even when I'm giving you the chance to make a full confession, you still aren't telling me the truth. This is the kind of thing that rips marriages apart Cass! How are we supposed to move on from something like this? Do you even love me any more?”

  Cassie looked down at her feet. She felt really low. And the worst part of it was that he was right. She didn't have any excuse for it. She had acted badly. Really badly. And now everything they had worked for was going to come crashing down... unless... unless she did something to right the ship…

  “I do,” she said, lifting up her face until her gaze was level with his, “I do love you. And I want to honor you. And... and if that means obeying you... than yes,” she said, “I know I haven't really done that before, but I'm going to do that from now on.”

  “Do you really mean that?” he asked, shocked.

  “I do,” she said, sniffing back her tears.

  “It's not just words?”

  “No,” she said. “And... and …,” she said slowly, “I understand that ...”

  “Yes?” He asked gently, encouraging her to finish her thought.

  “I understand that what I did is deserving of ... of punishment.”

  “What kind of punishment do you think it deserves,” he asked quietly.

  “The kind... the kind... th- that... that hurts...”

  “Do you think that our relationship will be stronger if I take you over my knee?”

  She looked down at her feet again, but he could hear her soft "yes."

  “Do you think that I should spank you?”

  “Yes,” she said again, “but...”

  “But what, Cassie?”

  “I don't know if your hand is going to be enough.”

  “Do you think I won't be able to spank you hard enough Cass?”

  “I think.. I think I also ought to be whipped.”

  Mike let out a slow whistle. “Cass, don't you think that might be a bit too much?”

  “No,” she said in a quiet but firm voice. “What I did … it was, as you called it, 'unconscionable.' And it deserves the belt.”

  “If it becomes too much Cass, you are going to have to tell me to stop.”

  “It can't be too much Mike.”

  “I'm serious Cass, this kind of thing, it needs to be done very calmly and carefully. If you think you deserve to lose sitting rights for the next few days that's one thing, but we don't want to do anything to cause a real injury.”

  “Fine Mike. If I don't think I can take anymore, I'll tell you.”

  “Then we need to go into the other room,” he said.

  She knew exactly which room he was referring to- there was a small sitting room that attached to their bedroom by way of her dressing room. They rarely used it, preferring to watch movies on the giant screen in the media room, but it was the furthest room in the house. If she cried, she wouldn't be heard anywhere else in the house. If she cried... there were no ifs about it, she was going to cry. She was going to lie over her husbands knee and get a solid spanking, followed by a painful whipping. Oh, there were going to be tears alright, and possibly worse sounds.

  Mike must have been reading her thoughts, because he not only checked to make sure their door was locked, he also turned on the clock radio. He was being very careful that they wouldn't be seen or heard. She made her way to the sitting room, pausing only when Mike reached over to open the door for her.

  Cassie shivered as they entered the small room. They hardly used it, so they usually left the heat off. She could feel her nipples tightening under her long sleeved tshirt, and regretted that she hadn't thrown on a hoodie. or even put on some socks. A pair of socks would have been a good idea.

  Mike sat down on the edge of the small sofa, and gestured for her to come over.

  Cassie stood in front of him.

  “Take your pants off,” he ordered her.

  She couldn't believe he was giving her a command! If he had spoken like that to her yesterday, she would have either yelled at him, or stalked into another room, loudly slamming the door. She couldn't believe that she was doing what he told her to do, but she began lowering her yoga pants without a single complaint. She pushed the waistband down past her hips, and then, giving them a slight wiggle, they slid the last foot of so to the floor.

  Cassie barely had a chance to register how much chillier it was without pants when Mike lifted her up and placed her over a very solid thigh. He took the end of her t-shirt and rolled it until it ended at her belly, fully exposing the back of her cotton undies.

  “Do you know what is going to happen Cass?”

  She tried to turn to speak to him, but he pressed her back down. “I'm.... I'm going to get a spanking. A really... a really hard spanking.”

  “And who is going to spank you Cass?”

  “You are Mike. You are going to spank me until I turn very red, and then you are going to whip me with your belt until I'm bawling.”

  “And do you know why you are getting a spanking?”

  “Because I spent too much money on Christmas presents?”


  Cassie felt a sharp slap slam across her rear.

  “And is that the only reason?”

  “Because I didn't stick to our budget?”


  Another hard blow landed on her cotton clad bottom.

  “And because I didn't tell you the truth?”

  Cassie braced herself for another quick blow, but instead of spanking her, Mike pulled her panties down until they were past her thighs.

  “This lesson only works if it's painful,” he said, landing his first blow on her bare bottom, “and the more direct the punishment, the more effective the lesson. So I'm going to spank you some more Cass, on your bare behind, and once you've started to really feel it, well
then, I'm going to have to switch to my belt,” he said, before taking another hard swipe at her butt.


  The sound of his firm, muscular hand colliding with her soft flesh echoed across the walls of the small room.

  Mike's blows were really starting to sting. Cassie wasn't sure if this was because they were getting harder, or because after a while his hand was landing on places that he'd already warmed up. And warm wasn't even the right word for it, it felt like her behind had accidentally gotten way too close to a fireplace.

  He pulled her up a bit more, exposing more of her delicate underside, and went to work there. One heavy swat after another had her squirming back and forth. To stop her from moving, he hooked his other leg over hers.

  She was completely at his mercy. And he wasn't showing any mercy at all. Was she crazy to have agreed to this? It wasn't at all like that movie she'd taken that afternoon off to see with Jennie and Rita. Cassie couldn't picture herself making any of those sexy sighs under Mike's hand.

  And, yet.... even though he had her tightly secured, she didn't feel trapped. Her butt sure hurt, there was no denying that it hurt, but she knew she could take it, she wanted to take it.

  Cassie couldn't understand why her vision was suddenly blurry, and then she realized that she was already crying. She knew Mike would stop if she asked him to, but she didn't want him to stop. It was really starting to hurt, her behind was probably already glowing brightly, but she didn't want him to stop. She needed this. She needed him to keep going as long as he could.

  But Mike stopped and ordered her to get up.

  Cassie knew what was coming next, and she shuddered at the thought of the belt whipping against her sore rear end. Even Jill, who was quite happy to be in a marriage involving domestic discipline, had trouble coming up with something positive to say about the belt. The best Jill could manage was that if the belt comes out, that means it's really serious, and if he's using it on you, that's a sign that he is still willing to commit to the marriage, even if you really, really messed up.

  “Now, Mike said, “I want you to go over to the corner of the room, and I want you to stand there facing the wall while I go back into the bedroom.”

  She didn't say anything, but he must have seen the question on her face.

  “Yes,” he said quietly. “It's time for that Cassie. I'm going to go get a belt from my closet.”

  She was trying to keep her face from showing her rising fear, but she must have tried too hard, because he gave her a hard swat and repeated his command that she face the wall.

  Following his instructions, she walked over to the spot in the corner. It felt like she was there for ages before she heard the door open and could sense him behind her.

  “Your shirt is too long,” he said, surveying her, “it covers your bottom. If I try rolling it up, its only going to fall back down. So it's going to have to come off. Lift your arms up,” he ordered her, before tugging her t-shirt up over her head.

  When she had changed earlier, she had been relieved to take her bra off, but now she regretted it. Without her t-shirt, she was now completely exposed. Her butt was on fire, but the rest of her was freezing, and she could feel his hand brush against one of her hardened nipples as he undressed her. When was the last time he had even seen her fully undressed? It wasn't that she had been trying to hide herself from him, but after twelve years and five kids... well, they weren't exactly newlyweds. Generally she wore a long t-shirt to bed, maybe a nightie if he'd specifically asked her to. But going to bed fully naked? She couldn't even begin to guess when that had happened last.

  “I want you to take two steps back,” he told her, “and then bend forward slightly with your palms pressed against the wall.”

  Surprise flashed through her brain. She had thought this was going to be corner time, but it was now pretty clear that this was where he intended to use his belt on her. Cassie could feel her legs start to quake under her as she heard a swooshing sound cut through the air. She heard the snap it made against her left check at the same moment that she felt it bite into her fleshy rear.

  “Owwww...,” she groaned, unable to keep silent.

  “There's going to be nine more of those, and then you and I are going to go back to the sofa and talk some more, understand?”

  Cassie didn't know whether talk meant actually talking, or more spanking, but she didn't have a chance to dwell on the question for very long, because the next blow was a hard one, causing her to stagger slightly to her right. She let out a nervous whimper.

  Instead of helping steady her with his hand, Mike quickly applied the belt to her other flank, causing her to teeter back to her original spot.

  “Step back some,” he ordered her, “but keep your hands against the wall.”

  Positioned like this, she was now nearly bent at the waist. She had always been happy with being a relatively modest B-cup, but standing like this, without support, it just left her breasts dangling under her. But worse was the exposure of her opposite end. Just as it had been when he had pushed her up more on his lap, that very sensitive underside was now on display. There was no danger of her rear losing its new found holiday glow as he used upward strokes to crack the belt where she was most vulnerable.

  “Owwwwwwwww,” she groaned as each swish of the belt left her reeling under its sting.

  Cassie's groans began to blend with each other as Mike brought the belt across her rear with quick successive strokes.

  When it was over, Mike picked her up over his shoulder, fireman’s carry, but keeping one firm hand on her backside, as he brought her back to the sofa.

  Cassie wasn't surprised to find herself back over his knee. If you don't wiggle, he said, then I think ten more by hand ought to be enough for tonight, as he brought his hand smack down on her reddened butt.

  But she was so sore, it was hard to stay still. She didn't mean to kick her legs at him, but that earned her five more.

  By the time he lifted her up, she was exhausted. He held her against his chest, and looked down into her eyes while he began to rub her sore hindquarters.

  Suddenly she felt an incredible wave of release wash over her body. She gave a deep sigh. She had never felt so relaxed, so secure.

  She could feel his heartbeat under her breast, and was surprised to find that his heart was actually racing. Yet, he had been so still and calm throughout her punishment...

  “That was probably one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do in my life,” he told her, kissing her on her forehead. “I promised to love, honor and protect you, but I never expected to be called upon to do... to do what we just did... I know that must have hurt a lot,” he said, continuing to rub her sore behind, “and I appreciate how you were willing to submit to your punishment to show how much our marriage means to you. I hope you understand how much I love you,” he said. “And even though I intend to stay head of household, that doesn't mean that I'm planning on suddenly ruling our home with an iron fist. You are a college educated woman and you are more than capable of making intelligent decisions. So tomorrow you and I are going to sit down and work on a new budget, and I will listen to what you have to say. I want your participation Cass, but I do expect you to keep to whatever finalized budget we come up with. Can I trust that there will be no problems this time?”

  She winced.

  “Is something wrong with that plan?”

  “Just... sitting doesn't sound so good right now.”

  “No,” he said, “and it probably won't for a few days. I guess sitting is one of the things you'll be looking forward to in the new year.

  “What happened tonight, that wasn't the only spanking I'm going to get, is it?”

  He put his arm around her, embracing her. “What do you think Cass?” he asked. “Do you think I punished you enough?”

  Cassie felt warm, and safe, and full of love. “I think … I think you were a lot nicer to me than I deserved.”

  “Then you tell me when you t
hink you should get another spanking, okay Cass?”

  “Just... just your hand from now on?”

  “That belt must've really stung, huh? But that's alright Cass, taking you in hand again is more than enough for me. But for now, Cass I just want to stay like this for awhile. It seems like it's been way too long since I've held you in my arms like this,” he said, his left hand sweeping the hair off her neck as he bent forward to kiss her there. “I do love you very much, Cass, and if you think you can handle it, right now more than anything I just want to show you how much I love you.”

  It had been a tough decision to submit to Mike for her punishment, but this was a different form of submission, and Cassie didn't hesitate to respond, passionately kissing her husband on his slightly open mouth.

  "If it doesn't hurt Cass, he said, stroking her shoulder, then I'd really like to love you like this. Do you think you can?"

  She nodded.

  "Good," he said kissing her forehead. "Then hold on a little tighter around my neck, okay, Cass? I'm going to lift up a bit so I can get my pants down. Tighter now, Cass, I don't want you tumbling off my lap," he said, rising slightly so he could adjust his clothing so that both his pants and his boxers could tumble down to the floor on their own. Mike shifted slightly as he tugged his feet out of each pant leg, and she could feel him straining against her belly.

  "Do you think you're ready Cass?" he asked, his voice thick and husky as he slid his hand into that special warm place between her legs.

  She felt his fingers press against her, separating her, stroking her secret depths until her skin tingled and her breath became labored.

  "Just gonna lift you up a little more Cass," he said, and she felt his hands raise her until her warmth met his part, and he entered her slowly, careful not to grip her too hard as he rocked her back and forth with a steady hand.

  They came together, joined in love, his deep groan complimenting her higher pitched cries.

  Mike held her against his chest for a long time afterward, stroking her back while kissing her face. "This is where you need to be Cass," he whispered, "in the arms of the man who loves you. I'm sorry Cass, for letting things get to the point where you felt lost and lonely and confrontational. I should have thought more about why that was happening. You've given me a lot more responsibilities now, but I'm going live up to them Cass. And I'm going to have to do a better job of making you happy."


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