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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 10

by Tia Siren

  She laughed. “Please, call me Teresa.”

  I stared at Harry sitting in my parents’ diner, looking as if it was something he did all the time. I tried to picture William sitting in the booth, his arms stretched across the back, looking as comfortable as his brother. I knew that would never happen. Harry was also genuinely nice, something William wasn’t. He tried, but his niceness was always fake. It sometimes came off as aloof, which was something my mother would have been instantly irritated by. I could already tell she liked Harry. This could be very dangerous.

  “So, why did you hunt me down?” I asked. “I know it wasn’t because you wanted a messy burger and fries. This place isn’t exactly in your neighborhood.”

  “I wanted to see you.”

  I fought against the response his simple declaration made me feel. “Why?”

  “You know why. I’m really hoping I can convince you to take me up on my offer. I’m desperate.”

  I almost felt bad for the guy. “Harry, it would be wrong. I would hate myself for lying to your family.”

  “You don’t have to worry about my family. Once the engagement is over, how often do you think you’ll see them?”

  I took a sip of my drink. “I don’t know. I do work for them, and they do tend to throw a lot of parties for the company. I want to move up, which means I need to stay in their good graces.”

  “Perfect. Being my fiancée will put you on their radar. They’ll notice you and be more interested in the work you do. Trust me, my parents don’t know much about the inner workings of the company. They put on a good show and pretend to care about their employees, but it is all about the mighty dollar,” he insisted.

  “William knows,” I pointed out.

  “William knows and yet look how he treated you. If my dad knew what he had done, that little crown William sports would be tarnished. It has always been a rule in the family that we are not to fool around with the employees. My parents are frugal, and they understand the risks. I’m not saying you are a risk, but there have been plenty of women in the past who’ve tried to sleep their way to the top. My dad wasn’t always so discriminate and nearly cost the family a small fortune with one of his indiscretions.”

  “What!” I gasped. “Your mom and dad seem so happily married!”

  He chuckled. “I’ve told you; it’s all about the image. Wealthy people have their own rules about what’s acceptable and what isn’t.”

  I shook my head. “That’s why William thinks it’s okay to proposition me.”

  “He did what?” Harry asked, his charming tone gone and replaced by a low growl.

  I waved a hand. “It’s no big deal. I shot him down.”

  “Now I understand. He wants to keep you as his side chick, and you think that means he cares about you. Amber, you’re better than that.”

  “I know, and I told him I wouldn’t do that. I have to admit, it is very offensive. Of course, being asked to be a fake fiancée isn’t exactly an ego booster either.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right, but I do truly like you. I like hanging out with you. I’m not trying to insult you,” he said, looking at me with those blue eyes that could melt the panties right off a woman’s body.

  “I know you’re not. It’s just, I don’t like the idea of fooling your parents. I don’t want them to think I’m taking advantage of the situation or trying to get their money,” I explained.

  “You’re not. I don’t care what they think. When it’s time to end things, I’ll be the asshole. I’ll have cheated on you, and you broke it off with me. That will say a lot about your character. They’ll realize you weren’t in it for the money. Your reputation will be just fine. Everyone will still respect you.”

  My mom appeared with Harry’s meal and set it in front of him.

  “Wow, this looks amazing,” he said with a smile.

  “Thank you. Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” he told her, smiling warmly.

  “Alright, well, I’ll leave you two to talk. Amber, remember your manners,” my mom said before spinning around and leaving.

  “Yeah, Amber, remember your manners,” Harry teased. “Don’t reject a man who is begging you to consider his offer.”

  “No way.”

  “You know you want to.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can. You know you can. Will you please think about it? No one is going to get hurt. It only has to last a few months. You are going to be helping out a friend in need,” he said, looking at me once again.

  “A friend in need?”

  “Well, I will be in serious need if I can’t find a woman who meets their standards in a hurry. I don’t want to rush out and pick up one of their approved society starlets. Things would only get messy. I can’t stand most of the women they try to set me up with. I’d be miserable. I wouldn’t be able to pull off the charade, and then I would end up poverty-stricken.”

  I laughed. “You could get a job, you know.”

  He looked at me with horror. “I can’t do that. I’m a terrible employee. I don’t follow direction and I’m always late. I’d be fired my first day.”

  I shook my head. “You’re ridiculous.”

  I sat with him while he ate his burger. He continued his campaign to convince me to be engaged. I hated that I was even considering it. He made a lot of excellent points. It wasn’t like anyone was going to get hurt, and I knew it would help him out. I didn’t hate the guy. I would hate to see him suffer when I could easily end that suffering by playing along for a little while. It wasn’t like my pretend engagement was going to interfere with other men asking me out. There wasn’t a long line of suitors waiting to ask me out.

  I sighed, mulling it all over and running through the various consequences. I wasn’t going to tell him I was thinking about it. Not yet. Let him squirm a while longer. I walked him to his car once he was finished eating. He promised to be in touch. I promised nothing.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Amber was digging in. I couldn’t even think about what would happen if she was serious about rejecting my proposal. I looked around my extravagant bachelor pad and thought about what my life would be like without my family’s wealth supporting me. I hated the I was so dependent on the money. I hated the trappings that came along with the wealth and the pressure to marry right. But I also knew I wasn’t ready to work at a diner or live a different lifestyle. I wasn’t that down-to-earth.

  If Amber wouldn’t budge in her decision, I was going to have to look at other options. I dreaded the thought of having to spend time with someone like Tiffany. I wouldn’t be able to quickly end the engagement, either, without things getting messy. Offering the same deal to one of the socialites that I had offered Amber could get me in a lot of trouble. I didn’t trust anyone; I wasn’t sure where their loyalties would lie.

  My phone rang. I quickly recognized my mother’s number. I considered letting it go to voice mail, knowing it was likely more demands for me to show up for something to do with William’s wedding planning. It was going to be a long four months.

  “Hello, Mom,” I answered, hiding the irritation in my voice.

  “Oh, Harry, you’re awake. I thought you would still be asleep. I was preparing to leave you a voice mail.”

  I looked at the clock. It was nearly eleven. Her comment was a dig at my lifestyle. I ignored it.

  “What’s up, Mom?” I asked, knowing she hated when I spoke like that.

  She cleared her throat. “We’re hosting a small dinner tonight, just family. I’d like you to come.”

  I snorted. Gee, how gracious of them to invite me to a family dinner. A sudden thought popped into my head, and before I could think better of it, I blurted it out.

  “I’ll be there. I’ll be bringing a date.”

  “Oh?” she said nervously.


  “Are you seeing someone, dear?” she asked in a high-pitched voice.

  I had
to fight the urge to laugh. She hated the women I dated. I could already see her telling the serving staff to hide the good silver.

  “Her name is Amber. She works for the company.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know if I recognize the name.”

  “She works with William in his department,” I clarified.

  “Oh!” my mother said with glee. “I know who she is. That’s lovely, dear. Please, do bring her.”

  I smiled. Now I only had to convince Amber to show up.

  “Do you know her, Mom?” I asked.

  “Yes, of course. I know all our employees,” she said haughtily.

  That was bullshit. She liked to pretend she knew the little people who kept her living in the lap of luxury, but I knew better.

  “Will Tiffany be attending?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Of course. She’s practically family.”

  “Of course.”

  “We’re going to have a lovely time. I can’t wait to introduce Amber to the family. Does she know Tiffany?”

  I grimaced. “I believe they’ve met on a few occasions.”

  “Perfect. Your father is going to be very proud of you, Harry. I believe this is the first time you’ll be bringing a guest to dinner.”

  I chuckled. “I’ve brought dates to your dinner parties before.”

  She made a strangled sound. “Those are not women I choose to think twice about. Amber is a lovely girl. I have talked with her many times. She’s a beautiful young woman and smart. William is lucky to have her in his office.”

  Now I was the one feeling a twinge of jealousy. I hated that William saw her every day and talked with her and maybe even did more. I wasn’t sure if Amber would tell me if they were still fucking around. She said she wasn’t, but she had fallen for his charms once before. I quickly put the idea out of my head. I had no right to be jealous. She could screw around with whoever she wanted.

  “What time should we be there?”

  “We’ll serve cocktails at five and dinner will be at six.”

  “I’ll see you then,” I said, hanging up.

  Now to call Amber.

  “Hi,” I said when she answered the phone.

  I could hear a commotion in the background and remembered it was Sunday. She was probably at her parents’ diner.

  “What do you need?” she asked.

  “Will you go to dinner with me at my parents’ house tonight?”


  I laughed. That had been fast. “Please? It would really help me out.”

  “No. I already told you I’m not interested in your plan.”

  “Amber, I already told my mom I was bringing you. Please don’t make me show up by myself.”

  She let out a long sigh. “Fine. What should I wear?”

  “Nice, but not super nice,” I said, hoping that gave her some idea.

  “Gee, so specific.”

  “I don’t know, a cocktail dress. I think that’s what they’re called. I’m not all that hip on women’s fashion.”

  “Okay. I’ll find something in my closet. What time?”

  “I’ll pick you up at four thirty.”

  “Fine,” she said and hung up the phone.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. That had been a close one.

  I arrived at her place ten minutes early. When she opened the door, I was taken aback by her beauty.

  “You look stunning,” I said, admiring the gray dress that flattered her curves in all the right places but still managed to be tasteful.

  “Thank you. Am I overdressed? Underdressed?” she asked nervously.

  “You’re perfect,” I assured her. “Thank you for doing this. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I caved under pressure, and before I could stop myself, I told her I was bringing a date.”

  She smiled. “I understand. This is a one-time thing, though. I’m not agreeing to your proposal.”

  “Got it. Shall we go?”

  She took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”

  When we arrived at the estate, everyone was already there, sipping on cocktails and making small talk. Tiffany was talking with my mom. When we walked into the sitting room, everyone froze. The look on William’s face when he saw Amber was priceless. Tiffany nearly choked on her martini.

  “Harry!” my mother said, walking toward us. “I’m so glad you could make it.” She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to Amber. “Hello, Amber. Thank you for joining us as well.”

  Amber smiled and nodded. I knew she was nervous as hell. I was nervous myself. We were quickly given drinks. William made his way over to where we were standing.

  “Amber, I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said in a strained voice.

  She smiled. “Harry invited me.”

  I couldn’t help but stare at the woman. I thought she was far more attractive than the statuesque Tiffany who was making her way toward us. I had a feeling William felt the same way by the way he was looking at Amber. I was feeling a little territorial and wrapped my arm around Amber’s waist.

  “I didn’t realize you knew both brothers,” Tiffany said with a fake smile.

  “I do,” Amber said, not falling for her bait.

  “Lucky you.”

  “Are you two dating?” William asked.

  I shrugged and smiled.

  “We’ve gone out a couple times,” Amber answered.

  “Isn’t that sweet, William?” Tiffany asked.

  “Yes, sweet,” he said.

  The four of us stood there in awkward silence. Thankfully, dinner was served early, and we were quickly ushered into the dining room. Tiffany monopolized the conversation with talk of the wedding.

  “Have you ever seen Tiffany blue?” she asked Amber.

  I saw Amber bristle and nearly jumped in to tell Tiffany to back off, but my girl didn’t need me to defend her.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen it up close and personal. Where I’m from, we don’t put a lot of weight in where a piece of jewelry comes from. We tend to focus on the who and why. It holds more meaning, don’t you think?” she asked William.

  Tiffany looked as if she were going to throw her glass. She quickly remembered where she was and smiled instead.

  “Isn’t that cute. I guess it must be nice to live in such a simple world,” Tiffany replied.

  Amber smiled. “It is. I like the simple things in life. To me, that’s what truly matters. Materialistic things are so easily lost or broken or tossed out with the trash.”

  “I agree with Amber,” I added. “There are some things in life that simply can’t be bought.”

  “Well, that’s enough talk about money,” my mom said, quickly steering the conversation to safer ground.

  I was surprised by how kind my mother was toward Amber, my dad as well. They seemed to genuinely like her. She did a great job talking with them and appeared at ease. Tiffany, on the other hand, was a real bitch. She had a stick so far up her ass, I was convinced there was no removing it. Amber didn’t let it bother her.

  Once we finally made it through the meal, I made our excuses, and we were the first to leave. I couldn’t take another minute in Tiffany’s presence, and although Amber was putting on a brave face, I knew she had to be getting tired of the comments.

  “You did great,” I told her, taking her hand and walking to my car. “Thank you for putting up with all that.”

  She giggled. “It wasn’t so bad. The food was delicious, and I liked getting to talk with your parents.”

  “Want to go back to my place for a drink?” I asked hopefully.

  I expected her to say no but hoped she wouldn’t. Being near her all night was making me crazy. I wanted to touch her, kiss her, and do so much more. The sexual tension that had been building since that night we were together was making me want her even more.

  “Sure,” she said, and I nearly jumped in the air to kick up my heels.

  We got back to my place. She flopped down on the couch and
kicked off her heels before pulling her hair out of the updo she’d had it in. I made us a couple drinks and sat on the opposite end of the couch.

  “Tiffany is a real bitch,” I stated.

  Amber laughed. “Yes, she is, but I expect it from her. Women like her are convinced they are better than everyone else. I don’t care what she thinks about me.”

  “I’m glad you don’t, but she needs to learn some respect. I think she was even irritating my mom. My mom loves Tiffany, so that says a lot about her behavior tonight. I think she’s jealous.”

  Amber threw her head back and laughed. “I doubt that.”

  “She is. You’re prettier than she is and a lot smarter. You have more class in your pinky toe than she has in her whole body. She’s jealous and lashing out. Obviously, she is threatened by you.”

  “She has nothing to worry about. I don’t want her life. I would never want to be like her. The woman must spend hours getting ready every morning. I wonder what she looks like under all the makeup?” she said with a grin.

  I laughed. “That’s William’s problem. I wouldn’t want to see it. I like natural beauty like yours. You’re gorgeous inside and out.”

  “Can we turn on some music?” she said, standing and taking my glass to pour us another drink.

  “Sure,” I said, watching her move barefoot through my living room and into the kitchen.

  I flipped on the surround sound and followed her into the kitchen, the music playing loudly through the speakers. It was a club station and very different than the smooth jazz I had played the first night she had been at my house. The thumping bass stoked the fire burning within. I had to have her.

  I grabbed her from behind and spun her around, slamming my mouth against hers. I was suddenly feeling very aggressive. The need to claim her was all-consuming. I could think of nothing else but fucking her until she was screaming for mercy.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I knew exactly what would happen when I agreed to go to his house, but I could not have expected this. The man had me pushed up against the kitchen counter, his mouth covering mine. I moaned when I felt his hard length pressing against my stomach through his slacks.


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