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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 75

by Tia Siren

  “Piper.” I rolled my eyes.

  “What happened at the Halloween party? We weren’t even there ten minutes, and you disappeared. Then, an hour or so later you reappeared and just dipped out without even saying anything,” she said. “And don’t try to deny it. I saw you leaving.”

  “I was just tired,” I said, shrugging.

  “No lies, remember?”

  “Fine,” I said sitting up and taking a deep breath. “I ran into these two guys that I have been talking to for a while. The room was bumpin’, the alcohol was flowing, especially since we took those pregame shots, and the mood was just right. I went with them into the back room and had sex with both of them. At the same time.”

  I scrunched up my face, waiting for Piper’s reaction. She knew I was interested in some light BDSM stuff from a conversation we’d had before, but she never knew I was the kind of girl to fuck two guys in the backroom of a club. In fact, until it had happened, I didn’t know I was the kind of girl to fuck two guys in the backroom of a club, not that I regretted it or anything. It was just surprising.

  “Good for you,” she said, high-fiving me. “I mean, I didn’t know you were like that.”

  “I never have been before.” I chuckled. “But I guess I got caught up in the moment, the lights, the costumes, and the seduction of it all.”

  “It sounds like some sexy movie minus the murder scene.” She laughed.

  “Yeah, that’s a good thing.” I scoffed. “I don’t need murder in my life, at least not right now.”

  “Yeah, save that for when you’re in your thirties,” she said jokingly.

  “Definitely,” I replied, looking away, hoping she would change the subject.

  “Sooo,” she said, smiling at me.


  “Who are these guys? Do I know them?”

  “I can’t say anything about who they are,” I said, scrunching my nose. “I mean, I really want to tell you, but I can’t. There’s too much going on in their lives for anyone to know about what happened.”

  “I’m your best friend,” she said with hurt in her voice.

  “I know,” I groaned. “And I’m dying to tell you, but I just can’t.”

  “Well, you certainly are a buzzkill tonight,” she said, pouting.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “How was your photo shoot?”

  “I can’t talk about it,” she said, sticking out her tongue.

  “Come on.” I already felt bad about not telling her without her rubbing it in.

  “It was fine. Just another engagement shoot,” she said with a sigh. “I really want to be able to make art. This is killing me.”

  “You will,” I said. “But you have to pay the bills, and if you ever want to stop serving coffee, you have to do engagement shoots and weddings and baby photos. At least you’re somewhere in the field you want to be in.”

  “I guess.” She shrugged. “My parents still don’t know I plan on leaving the shop when the business gets off the ground, but I don’t want to think about that right now. It’s too stressful. What I do want to think about is that Halloween party.”

  “Piper,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Hey, slutbag, it’s not all about you,” she said laughing. “I met someone, too, while I was there. I mean you left me, so I had to make up my own attack. That’s when I met him, this tall, muscular, tan, hunk of sex appeal. We laughed and danced all night, and then I went back to his place. It was pretty awesome.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “I don’t know if I should tell you,” she teased, laughing at my irritation. “Fine, his name is Less Bryant. I think he said he was a business graduate student like you.”

  “You think?” I laughed.

  “Hey, there was a lot of alcohol involved in the other night,” she said. “I’m lucky I remember his full name and what he looked like.”

  “That name sounds really familiar, actually,” I said thinking about it. “Yeah, I think he’s in my ethics class. I actually had that today, but I was, uh, preoccupied with class and didn’t notice who else was in the room.”

  “You really need to relax a little and start enjoying life,” she said. “Look around you once in a while, and get your nose out of your books.”

  “Yeah,” I chuckled, thinking about my class with Ben. “I’ll make sure to keep that in mind from now on. When are you going out with this guy again?”

  “I don’t know, should I?”

  “I don’t know anything about him besides the fact that he’s a graduate student,” I said.

  “I guess that’s a pretty good qualification,” she said. “Graduate student at an Ivy League school is pretty impressive.”

  “True,” I replied. “I would give it a shot at least. What do you have to lose?”

  “My dignity, my heart, my focus,” she listed. “You know, the important things.”

  “Now who’s being a stick in the mud?”

  “I’m being safe,” she laughed. “You’re just being boring, minus your secret rendezvous with two abstruse lovers.”

  “I think that counts,” I said, giggling.

  I turned off the movie and sat up, still talking about what had happened over the weekend. I remembered how nice it was to have my best friend so close to me, it was really refreshing to have her to talk to. I wanted to tell her who Ben and Grant were, but I knew the fewer people who knew, the better. Piper was completely trustworthy, but I had to stick to my guns, keeping what Ben, Grant, and I had going to myself. We sat there talking for hours, reminiscing about holidays in the past years, gossiping about the guy in my class, and just relaxing. Still, off in the back of my mind, the movie from Saturday night was playing, and I knew if I didn’t get them in bed again, it was going to drive me crazy.

  “Oh my gosh,” Piper said, looking at her watch. “It’s already one in the morning. I have to be at the café at seven tomorrow. I need to go to bed.”

  “Yeah, I have class in the morning,” I said. “Then I work the evening shift.”

  “I’ll be there with you. Lily called out, and now I work and open to close.” She groaned. “Sometimes I hate that my parents own the place. I have no options other than just to work. They don’t even ask anymore. They just tell me what needs to be covered. It’s exhausting.”

  “I’ll bring you a cookie from that bakery when I come to work,” I said, standing up and stretching.

  “Perfect,” she replied. “Good night, crazy woman.”

  “Night, girl,” I yelled after her.

  I walked around the room turning off all the lights before heading to my room and taking my clothes off. I crawled into the bed and pulled the covers up, lying on my back and staring up at the ceiling. I moved my legs against the cool, soft sheets, feeling tingles moving up to my chest. My mind drifted over to Halloween night when I was straddling Ben with Grant behind me. The feeling of two dicks inside of me, the lust that flew through us, and the intensity of that orgasm struck me hard.

  I turned over and tried to close my eyes, knowing I needed to go to sleep, but it wasn’t working. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see the boys standing in front of me, their big, hard cocks in their hands, stroking them up and down. I tossed and turned for several minutes before turning over on my back and sighing. There was no way I was going to go to sleep with all this pent-up sexual tension in my stomach. I was more than super turned on. I ran my hand down my stomach and stopped at the edge of my panties, closing my eyes and envisioning Ben and Grant in one of the classrooms. As I dipped my hand down into my panties and rubbed lightly over my mound, I thought about walking into the classroom and locking the door behind me.

  I walked up to the two of them and put my hands out, watching as Grant tied that red satin ribbon around my wrists. Ben pushed whatever was on the desk onto the floor and then led me over to it by the wrists. I looked down at my body and found myself already naked, looking back up as Ben lay down on the desk. I climbed on top of him and slid down h
is cock, gasping as my fingers slid through my juices and plunged inside of me in my bed. I began to ride him, my wrists still bound.

  Grant walked up behind me and pushed me forward, leaning over and licking my ass. He stood up and pushed his cock into my ass. I opened my eyes for a moment in the bedroom as I tossed the covers off me and pulled my legs up and to the side. With one hand, I fingered myself, and with the other, I rubbed my thumb over my ass, feeling the pleasure pulsate into my clit. I turned my head into my pillow and gasped as I brought myself closer to orgasm. I shut my eyes tightly and returned to my fantasy.

  I was still riding Ben, his cock deep inside of me, but now my hands were tied behind my back, and Grant was holding onto them like a lasso as he slammed his big dick into my ass. I moaned low and quiet, imagining him slapping my ass cheek hard, the pain and pleasure pushing the heat in my stomach to a full-out explosion. I pushed another finger inside of my wet pussy and finger fucked myself hard and fast as I pushed my thumb slightly into my ass. I screamed into my pillow, visions of getting double penetrated by the guys taking over my senses. Ben reached up and grabbed my nipples hard, thrusting deep. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my hands going limp as I came hard in my bed. I let the waves of pleasure take over, numbing all my other senses for longer than I could remember before.

  When I finally started to come down, I put my legs down and pulled the blanket back up, opening my eyes with disappointment. I was still there in my room, no Ben, no Grant, and no really fucking amazing sex. I shook my head and turned over. At least I would be able to sleep now.

  Chapter 7


  I was not feeling like teaching at all, but I had to go in, I didn’t really have a choice. It had been the first time that something on my mind has intruded so much that I wanted to skirt my daily responsibilities. As I rounded the corner, like she knew I was thinking about her, Kylie was standing outside of my office. I looked around for a second as I walked up and smiled.

  “Kylie,” I said, nodding my head.

  “Professor,” she replied, nodding back, glancing up at passing students. “I needed to discuss some classwork with you.”

  “Sure,” I said, unlocking my office and opening the door. “Come on in.”

  I held the door open as she walked past me, goosebumps forming on the back of my neck as the smell of her floral perfume hit me in the nose. I closed the door behind her and turned, watching her ass as she walked. She was wearing tight stretch pants, a short sweater, and boots, and her ass looked absolutely perfect. I cleared my throat and walked around her, standing by the edge of my desk.

  “What can I help you with? Is it the last assignment?”

  “I’m not here to talk about school,” she said pointedly, walking toward me.

  “Okay,” I replied, her hands reaching out and rubbing up my chest. “What can I do for you then?”

  “I want to fuck you and Ben again,” she said without the least bit of holding back. “I want to fuck you two very soon. I can’t stop thinking about the other night.”

  I looked deep into her eyes and saw traces of lust just like Halloween night. She didn’t know how much I wanted to hear her say that, and for a moment, I felt like the submissive. I was really surprised she had the balls to come to my office and tell me that face-to-face, and the fact that she did was extremely arousing. I wanted to fuck her again, too, but I was waiting for her to come around and hint at it. She had done more than hint at it, and immediately, my mind started working, coming up with ways to get her alone with me and Ben again. She was standing so close that I could barely catch my breath, and I took in a deep breath, trying to steady myself and get the control back in my voice.

  “I have to get to work,” she said, smiling. “I am off tomorrow. That would be the perfect time.”

  “What about right here and right now?”

  “Mmmm,” she said brushing her lips across my neck. “As much as I would love to submit to you right now, I have to get to work. I have no extra time, and I don’t want this to be rushed … at all. I want this next time to be calculated, slow, and I want to feel every inch of your cock inside of me.”

  I swallowed hard, feeling her that close to me, knowing someone could walk in on us at any second. I ran my hand down her arm and grabbed her wrist, pulling back and looking at her in the face. My lips were stern, and my hand was tight. Slowly a coy smile fluttered across her lips, knowing I was putting on my dom hat and putting her in the place she needed to be at that moment.

  “I’ll talk to Ben and set something up,” I said. “You better be preparing yourself. I’m not holding back this time.”

  “It disappoints me that you held back last time,” she pouted. “You better get ready to punish me for coming into your office.”

  “I’ve already started thinking about your punishment,” I said, my eyes darkening. “I really liked smacking that tight little ass.”

  “You better talk to your cohort, because I know he has some serious plans for this tight little ass,” she said, grabbing my hand and putting it on her ass.

  I grabbed on tightly to it, watching her face light up in pleasure as I pulled her into me hard. I flexed my hand on her ass, groping her right there in my office. I reached forward and bit down on her bottom lip, sucking it and pulling back. She smiled, her breasts heaving against me. The lust and want in the room were thick, and I considered punishing her right there on my desk. I glanced over, and she smiled, putting up her finger and waving it back and forth.

  “You can’t be selfish,” she whispered. “What about Ben?”

  “He won’t be mad,” I groaned.

  She leaned in, running her hand up my neck and through my hair, pressing her lips hard against mine. I grabbed her gently around the neck and felt her moan into my mouth. I wanted to pull away, chastising her for making a move on me without permission, but she tasted so good, I couldn’t pull away. My cock instantly got rock solid, and I could feel her body rub up against it, her lips curling into a smile. I let go of her wrist and pulled my hand up to her face, taking control of the kiss, my lips moving wildly over hers. She whimpered in my grasp, but I didn’t let up, feeling the lust in her movements against my erection, tight in my pants. When I pulled away, we were both restless, and she ran her lips across my cheek and perched them by my ear.

  “I want you both,” she whispered. “It’s both of you or none.”

  She tossed a piece of paper down on the desk and backed up, straightening herself up before walking over to the door and pulling it open. I watched her ass as she moved, grabbing onto my cock and rubbing it through my clothes. I bit my lip and leaned against the desk, trying to keep myself from acting on the animal urges surging through my veins. I wanted to grab her and pull her back in, press her up against the wall and fuck the hell out of her, but I knew I had to wait. She winked at me and walked out, closing the door behind her. She was driving me absolutely fucking crazy, even more so since I spent the last couple of days imagining fucking her again. I let go of my cock and sighed, walking behind my desk and plopping down in my chair.

  I reached down into my pants and pulled my cock up, situating it in the band of my boxers and pulling my jacket around and buttoning it. I shifted back and forth in the chair and reached over, slamming my hand on the paper and sliding it across the desk. I opened it up and smiled, she had left her number for me to call her for the arrangements. I knew I could have looked it up in the directory, something I had been thinking about doing for days, but now that she had left it, things would be much simpler. There would be no academic trail of my connection to her, which was exactly the way it needed to be. We had to be careful, to sneak around if we were going to do this because a lot was at stake if we got caught. Just thinking about those curves, though, made all the risk worth it in my mind.

  I sat there in the office for a while, waiting for Ben’s class to come to an end and making sure my erection went down. Every time I thought about having Kylie aga
in, though, it would shoot right back up. I turned on my computer and answered some emails, graded some assignments, and did anything I could to keep her off my mind. I looked down at the clock when the sound of students walking the halls echoed into my room. I made my way to Ben’s classroom and smiled as the last of his students collected their things and left.

  “What’s up, buddy?”

  “Kylie just paid me a little visit,” I said.

  “Uh-oh,” he said with a worried face.

  “Worried is not the face you should have right now,” I chuckled. “She told me she wants to fuck both of us again and soon. It was pretty intense. She’s teasing the fuck out of me, trying to make me dominate her.”

  “She did the same thing to me during class yesterday,” he replied. “I almost jizzed my fucking pants while I was teaching.”

  “She’s quite the handful,” I said, smiling. “I’ve been thinking about this girl ever since Halloween night. She’s the fucking perfect submissive, and she really likes it when we both give it to her strong. I think this next time, we shouldn’t hold back as much. It’s time to start seeing how much she’s into this and push it a little bit further.”

  “I completely agree,” Ben said, packing up his stuff. “I see ties in her future since she likes to disobey us so much. Put her in her place.”

  “And toys,” I replied. “We need toys.”

  “I have the toys,” he said smiling. “I have toys that will tease the fuck out of her.”

  “Perfect,” I replied, shaking my head. “This is crazy. I really thought it was going to be that night and that was it. I didn’t think she would want it so bad. Not that I’m complaining.”

  “I know, man,” Ben said, sitting in his chair and leaning back. “I can’t believe she came right to you like that and just told you she wanted it. I don’t think I’ve met a girl like that before, someone so bold to tell what she wanted like that.”

  “Yeah, but at least there’s no wondering, and we don’t have to work so hard to get her back into bed,” I pointed out.


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