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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 76

by Tia Siren

  “Oh, yeah, man, I understand,” he said. “I’m totally down for all of this, but it’s surprising. That’s all. I’m so used to having to chase a girl down for one time, and they never come back, not that any of them have been that good. Kylie is like gold, and I’m dedicated to wanting her to come back as often as we can. This could turn into something really sweet. What about the plan the dean wants for the new library in the business department, weren’t we supposed to work on that tomorrow night?”

  “Shit. I forgot about that,” I said, pulling out my phone.

  I scrolled through to my calendar and looked up the due date for that project. It wasn’t due for another week, and we both had our assistants working on pulling all the information. All we would have to do was take the numbers and put them together in the template I had created during my senior thesis. It had been picked up by several companies to use as their business plan template, tired of the old way and the outdated information needed. It really would only take a few hours to get together.

  “We have plenty of time on that, man,” I said.

  “Perfect,” Ben said, giving me a high-five.

  I could feel the excitement surging between the two of us. We were going to get Kylie back in our grasps, and we had some serious plans for that girl. She had submitted before, and I knew she was ready to do it again. I just needed the perfect plan.

  Chapter 8


  “My pussy is sopping wet,” I typed in the group chat.

  “You better save it for later,” Ben typed back.

  I had been sexting with Grant and Ben in a group chat all day. It was a little hard to concentrate on my day with the two of them constantly sending me messages, but I was way into it. Piper had given me a side-glance from time to time as she walked through the apartment, but I ignored it, not ready to tell her I was planning on fucking them again that night. The day was going by so damn slow, and I had prepared everything for that night already. I had showered, changed several times, and made sure I was very groomed and ready for them. Between the anticipation and the sexting, I was really turned on. Talking to them like that was super-hot, and I wondered how they were getting through their classes with constant hard-ons, especially after I sent a series of naughty pictures to tease them both. Grant had sent one in return, holding his big, hard cock in his office, obviously during his lunch period. I could already taste it inside my mouth, and I couldn’t wait to be in front of him.

  I had dated hot men before, and I had even sexted with other men before, but nothing like what was going on that day. I was so hot and horny, I was going crazy. I wanted to fuck the hell out of both of them, but I knew being a submissive, I had a bit of time to wait to feel their cocks inside of me. They had been dropping hints all day that I was going to be punished for all the chaos I created over the last week, and that was exactly my plan. Ben had sent pictures here and there of some toys he planned on bringing over, telling me they were a preview of what was in store. I hadn’t ever wanted anyone as much as I wanted the two of them, and it was almost addicting. I also hadn’t checked my phone or received so many messages ever in my life, which was what had given Piper the need to look at me curiously. I appreciated the fact that she wasn’t pushing to know what was going on. She had asked if I wanted to go get a drink that night, but I made an excuse about a study group that I was pretty sure she didn’t believe at all.

  The whole group sexting had started that morning when Grant had texted us the plan for the day. I was to go over to Grant’s house, that way we wouldn’t get caught being out in public together. Ben apparently lived in an apartment complex with a bunch of other professors, so that was definitely not the place for me to be. Just walking into the building would be suspicious, much less making my way to his apartment scantily dressed after hours. The idea of possibly getting caught in the club and then again in Grant’s office was incredibly arousing, but I wasn’t willing to take a chance that big and neither were the boys. We had to play it as safe as we possibly could. Luckily, Grant and Ben both knew what was at stake, so I didn’t have to worry about them taking unnecessary risks.

  When it was finally time to go to Grant’s, I found myself more excited than nervous. I made sure to put on a big coat, so Piper wouldn’t be suspicious, and took a cab over there, not wanting my car parked out front. I walked up to the door in the heels I had changed into in the cab, unbuttoning my coat for a peek at the outfit I had picked out. Grant answered the door and smiled charmingly at me, welcoming me in and taking my coat from my shoulders.

  “Wow,” he said, his eyes trailing over the skimpy black dress and thigh-high stockings I had worn over there, with my red ribbon tied around my wrist. “I see you didn’t forget your ribbon. Very fucking sexy.”

  “Thank you,” I said, biting my lip and turning to follow him to the kitchen.

  He walked in ahead of me and went to the stove, stirring whatever he and Ben were cooking. Watching these two strong men cooking food for me was incredibly sexy. It seemed like whatever these two did, I found arousing. Ben turned around and winked at me, looking me up and down and nodding his head in approval.

  “You can sit down,” Grant said, already switching into domination.

  I nodded and smiled, walking over to the dining room table and sitting down. I watched them move around the kitchen, catching glances from time to time from both of them. I sat quietly, waiting for them to be finished, the lust thick in the room. I crossed my legs, my dress inching up my thighs, the crotch of my panties almost showing. Grant glanced up and took in a deep breath, elbowing Ben in the ribs. He looked up and smiled seductively at me before turning and plating the food. Grant carried over the plates of food and filled our glasses with wine before sitting down across from me, Ben sitting next to him.

  They nodded their heads at me, and I pulled myself close to the table, placing my napkin in my lap. As we sat there eating, I couldn’t stop thinking about what was to come. I was getting more and more aroused with every second. About halfway through dinner, I had reached my limit. I put my fork down and finished off the wine in my glass. I put my hands down on the table and pushed back, standing up and bending over in front of them.

  “How about a little during dinner show?”

  “I think that sounds right up our alley,” Grant said, wiping his mouth and sitting back. “Let’s see it.”

  I smiled and walked over to the radio on the counter and turned it on, finding the perfect music. Slow Jazz piped through the speakers to the kitchen as I walked forward, closing my eyes and losing myself in the music. I swayed my hips back and forth, running my hands down my body and back up, lifting my dress up and letting it fall back down. I grabbed my breasts as I danced, my nipples hardening with the touch of my palms. I grabbed the edge of my dress and pulled it up and over my head, letting my tits bounce up and down. I tossed my dress at Grant, smiling at Ben as I danced half-naked in six-inch heels in Grant’s kitchen.

  When the song was done, I continued to dance, bending over and straightening back up, showing them just enough to be enticed. Grant pushed away from the table and put his napkin on his plate. He stood up and walked over to the radio, shutting off the music and grabbing me by the wrist. He looked back at Ben, nodding his head in the direction of the stairs. I followed along after Grant as he pulled me up the stairs and into his bedroom, watching as Ben entered the room. His room was immaculate, everything in its place. The bed was iron and had plenty of places for the boys to tie me to, if that was one of the plans, which I hoped it was.

  Ben took a bag from the corner and set it on the bed, pulling out a vibrator, some red ribbon, and a plastic toy that had beads attached. He ran his fingers over them, looking up at me and smiling. I bit my lip, excited to try something new, hoping they would both use them on me throughout the night. I walked over beside Ben and picked up the beads, my eyebrows raised.

  “They go in your ass,” he whispered. “I promise, you’ll never feel something so

  “I can’t wait to try them out,” I replied before picking up the vibrator and turning it on.

  “I think you know what that is,” he said, leaning in and kissing my neck.

  “Mmmm, but I’ve only ever used it on myself,” I giggled. “I want to feel you use it on me.”

  “That can definitely be arranged,” Grant said, walking up behind me and sliding his hand around my waist and between my legs.

  I groaned, leaning my head back on his shoulder and closing my eyes. His fingers pressed hard against my clit as his lips trailed down my neck. Ben reached forward and grabbed my tits, squeezing them gently.

  “But first,” Grant said walking over and picking up the red ribbon. “Lie down on the bed.”

  I smiled and hopped up on the bed, lying down on my back. Slowly, the boys took my arms and raised them above my head, tying me tightly to the iron rails. Grant climbed up and pulled my panties down my legs and tossed them on the floor. They tightly tied the ribbons around each of my ankles and then to the bedposts. I pulled on them and smiled, liking how this was going.

  “What is your safe word?”

  “Safe word?”

  “The one word you say that will make us stop everything,” Ben said, running the vibrator up my thigh.

  “Helicopter,” I said.

  “Then let’s begin,” Grant said.

  Ben walked forward, running the vibrator up my thighs and across my pussy. I flinched, feeling the shaking between my thighs. Slowly, he slid it inside of me and then back out, running it up to my clit and pressing down. I moaned out, pulling my arms up as far as they would go and leaning my head back. He did this over and over again, pushing me closer to my climax and then pulling back. I screamed out as he pulled the vibrator out and pressed it even harder against my clit, pushing the speed up one notch and holding it there.

  “You like that?”

  “Yeah,” I screamed out.

  “You gonna come?”

  “Uh-huh. I’m so close. God, don’t stop,” I moaned.

  “Close? How about now?”

  “Yes,” I growled. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Why don’t you wait?” He pulled the vibrator back and smiled. “You come only when a dick is inside of you.”

  “Fuck me,” I whined.

  “Are you demanding me to?” Grant raised his eyebrows.

  “No,” I said sweetly. “I’m asking. Please, fuck me.”

  “I think she deserves it. What do you think, Ben?”

  “Maybe just a little taste,” he said, smiling.

  Grant climbed up onto the bed, holding his hard cock in his hand, stroking up and down the shaft. I bit my lip and shook my head, whimpering loudly. I was exhausted from holding back. I wanted to feel him hard inside of me. I knew if I said anything, though, he would change his mind. He tapped the head of his cock on my clit and slid it down, grabbing my waist and thrusting hard inside of me. He pulled back out and then thrust again, forcing a scream from my throat. I moaned and whimpered, feeling him filling me over and over. My clit was so sensitive from all the teasing that instantly, I was on the edge of orgasm. He pumped his hips faster and faster until my entire body went stiff. I arched my chest in the air and threw my head back as waves of pleasure flowed through my body. Grant groaned, feeling my juices explode over his cock.

  He pulled out and jumped up, calling Ben over. Ben jumped on and immediately started fucking me, rubbing my clit with his fingers and pushing the sensation of orgasm round and round in my belly. Before I was even recovered from the first, I could feel my body surging up for another. I grabbed onto the ribbons coming from the bedpost to my wrists and called out, as I rolled right into another climax. My body shook almost violently with passion, and I opened my eyes, watching Ben smiling down at me. If this was how it was going to go, I was in for a very long night, and I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 9


  I couldn’t believe that in the first hour Grant and I had managed to push Kylie into her first rolling orgasm. I really had enjoyed using the toys on her, watching for her almost begging for release. The moans intertwined with laughter and pleasure was something I hadn’t experienced from a submissive in a very long time. I could already tell this girl was going to exhaust me by the end of the night, and it was a really good thing. After I made her come, I hopped off and grabbed the toys again, using the vibrator on her as we gave her a slight rest to regroup. She was writhing on the bed, begging for more already, and I wondered how long it would take until she was too tired to go on. She seemed almost insatiable, which was really good for my cock because it was ready for another taste of her sweet ass.

  When Kylie’s body was rested enough, I turned off the vibrator and loosened her restraints just a bit. I walked over and sat down on the bed next to her, running my fingers over her hard nipples. Grant stood at the end of the bed staring down at her, stroking his cock and thinking about what was next, but I already had an idea.

  “Lift your body up,” I demanded.

  She nodded her head and lifted up as far as she could go as I slid underneath her, wrapping my hands around her waist and lifting her ass up. I grabbed my cock and lathered some lube on it really fast before setting her down slowly, guiding my cock into her ass. She moaned loudly as she lay back down on top of me, lifting her legs up and open to the side. She looked up at Grant and bit her lip, obviously wanting him too.

  Grant walked forward, chuckling, and climbed up on the bed, looking her in the eye as he thrust fast and hard into her pussy. Immediately, I started to push my hips up and down, fucking her in the ass hard as Grant did the same with her pussy. She screamed out in pleasure, pulling on the restraints. Grant reached over and undid her legs, pushing them up as he drove deep inside of her. Her moaning grew louder and louder, and it was really fucking hot, making my cock even harder. I reached up around her and grabbed her tits, pulling her back onto my chest and ramming myself inside her. I moved my head to the side and looked up at Grant who met my stare and nodded his head.

  He pulled out and waited while I fucked her a little bit longer just like that, grabbing her hips and pulling her down onto my dick. Grant walked over and untied her wrists from the bed frame, and I lifted her off, jumping up from the bed and watching as she gathered her breath. She looked over at me and smiled as I nodded my head for her to come to me. She scooted off the bed and stood up, holding onto my shoulder as her thighs quivered beneath her. I grabbed her face and kissed her hard before pulling away and turning her around. I walked forward and pushed her down on the bed, looking at her perfectly round ass.

  She was so damn sexy, and I had to think about what I wanted to do next. I never realized what kind of restraint being a dom really took, but I could tell Grant had a lot of practice. He nodded his head, showing me he knew exactly what I was thinking. I pulled my hand back and lightly slapped Kylie’s ass, watching it jiggle. She gasped and giggled, not expecting it.

  “Shhh,” Grant said leaning toward her face. “You’re being punished.”

  I reared back again and slapped her a little harder, reaching over and grabbing the anal beads. I thought about it for a moment but decided I would much rather have my dick inside of her. I reached back one more time and slapped her again, this time leaving a red mark on her ass. She moaned in pleasure, and I grabbed onto her hips, ramming my cock into her ass. She screamed out with passion, grabbing onto the bed and smiling. I reached over and picked up the vibrator, pulling her away from the bed and situating it between her thighs. I laid her back down, feeling the vibration shaking her clit around my cock.

  Immediately, I started to thrust my hips back and forth, fucking her deep while the toy did its job. She moaned out, putting her face down on the comforter and spreading her arms out in front of her. I slapped her ass again, continuing to plow into her, feeling the tightness around my shaft. She screamed out, laughter following, showing me she was really enjoying it.

  “You’ve bee
n naughty,” I said through gritted teeth. “Were you supposed to tease me in class?”

  “No,” she moaned.

  “Were you supposed to give me a hard-on during class?”

  “No,” she screamed out. “I wasn’t. But I was a bad girl.”

  “Yes, you were,” I groaned. “Do you think this is enough punishment? Or do you need more of a spanking?”

  “More. I deserve so much more,” she moaned.

  I slapped across my waist, catching her left ass cheek, jiggling it with my hand to lessen the sting. She growled into the comforter, the pleasure mixed with pain surging through her body. I grabbed onto her waist and pushed in deep over and over again, listening to her whimpers becoming higher pitched by the second. I slapped her ass again, this time grabbing on tightly to both cheeks and fucking her faster. She grabbed onto the bed, breathing heavily as the vibrator massaged her clit. I reached around and clicked the notch up one, causing her whole body to tighten.

  She was getting close, and I wanted her to feel every wave of pleasure that washed over her. As she screamed out and began to shake with her orgasm, I rammed into her rapidly, pushing her pleasure to the next level. When her body began to relax back onto the bed, I pulled out, slapping her again on the ass and chuckling at her whimper. Grant walked behind her and lifted her up, pulling the vibrator off and tossing it to the side. He flipped her over onto her back and rubbed his hand down her face, kissing her lips gently. She breathed heavily, her fingers gently touching her raw clit. I smiled and backed up, sitting down in the chair and stroking my lubed cock.

  I wanted to watch her get fucked, to see every expression on that beautiful face as she wavered between pleasure and pain, arousal and agony, and finally when she came hard for Grant, which I knew she would. Grant was gentler than I was, which was a good difference between the two of us. He leaned over and ran his lips down her chest and across her nipples, flickering his tongue against them. His hands trailed down her body as he stood up, looking down at her with a straight face.


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