The Last Testament: A Memoir

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The Last Testament: A Memoir Page 35

by God

sheep, 86

  shellfish, 86

  Shem, 18

  Sherman-Williams, 337

  Shintoism, 253

  Sh’ma Yisrael, 220

  shofar, 118

  Shore, Pauley, 335

  Shrewd Manager, 190–91

  Shroud of Turin, 145

  Siberian shamanism, 205

  Sikhism, 205, 252

  Simmons, Bill, 156

  Simms, Phil, 157

  Simon, 183

  Simon the Zealot, 195, 197

  Simpson, Homer, 301

  Simpson, Jessica, Canadian capital not exactly known to, 113

  Simpson, O. J., murders committed by, 153

  Simpsons, The, 337

  Single White Female (film), 146

  Sistine Chapel, 273, 275

  Sixth Sense, The (film), 143

  Sixtus the Pederast, 275

  Sixx, Nikki, on driving tour of Route 66, 354

  sky, 6

  Skype, 344

  slavery, 292

  snake, 11–13

  Snoop Dogg, vision seen by, 109

  soccer, 158

  socialism, God’s and Jesus’s argument about, 265

  social media, 304

  Sodom, 31, 33–35, 39

  Solomon, 122, 124–25

  Solomon, King, hospital visit of, 319

  Somalia, political unrest in, 338

  Song of Solomon, 125–26

  Sophocles, 117

  Southern Pentagram, Southern Cross replaced by, 342

  Sower, 188–89

  Spanish Armada, 288

  Spears, Britney, dealer and baby confused by, 109

  Spice, Ginger, ironic vomiting of, 110

  Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (musical), 124

  sports, 153–59

  sports radio shows, 153

  Standard Time, God’s foiling of, 353

  Starbucks, 332

  Star of Bethlehem, 177

  stars, 6, 8

  Star Wars Episode 0: American Graffiti, 332

  Steve, 10–13, 32, 319

  Stonehenge, 147, 339

  stories, 185

  Strait of Gibraltar, ominous tanker pileup in, 344

  Subliterate Anthropoid Beach House, 341

  Suez Canal, 292

  Sumer, 28

  Sumerians, Israel’s peace treaty with, 333

  sun, 6, 7

  SuperNanny (TV show), 307

  Super Tuesday, 335

  Supreme Court, U.S., 138, 217

  music volume adjudicated by, 334

  suras, 241

  Survivor (TV show), 396

  Switzerland, avalanche in, 331

  Tabitha, 175

  Tablets of Destiny, 28

  Taj Mahal, Trump’s plans for, 336

  Talmud, 99

  tantric orgasms, 320

  Tanzania, 335, 337

  Tea Party:

  funny clothes of, 136

  pancake requests of, 335

  tectonic plates, 52

  telegraph, as mockery of God, 291

  Ten Commandments, 83–84

  Ten Commandments, The (film), 71

  Ten Plagues, 74–78, 331

  Ten Plagues Redux, 356–57

  Tesori, Jeanine, 269

  Thaddeus, 195, 197

  Thanksgiving, 137

  thermodynamics, third law, 230

  They Live (film), 45

  “This Land Is Your Land,” Woody Guthrie’s violent acts recorded in, 145

  Thomas, 195, 196

  Thomas Furniture, Lebanon’s cedars used by, 354

  Three Gorges Dam, damage from collapse of, 353

  Three’s Company, 43

  Tiananmen Square, 336

  time, creation of, 304

  Time, shocking headline in, 345

  Tira, 61

  Titanic, 293–96, 338

  TiVo, 307

  Tobit, Book of, 117

  Tokyo, 55

  disasters in, 339

  Tola, 120

  Tony Awards, 342

  Top Chef (TV show), 307

  Tophel, 89

  Torah, 25, 31, 94, 99, 279

  Torquemada, Tomás, 271

  Tower of Babel, 22–23, 39

  Tree of Knowledge, 11–12

  Trinity, 270

  Trish (Lot’s wife, named for first time), 34

  Trump, Donald:

  inheritance of, 331

  koalas purchased by, 345, 352

  new casino opened by, 336

  ominous number of properties owned by, 350

  political appointment of, 354

  Trump National Golf Club, discoveries under, 341

  Tubal, 61

  Turin Shroudmakers’ Guild, 145

  Twain, Mark, 146

  12, 302

  Twelve Tribes of Israel, 46

  Twitter, 304–5, 336

  2 Girls 1 Cup, 304

  Tyler Perry’s Taking a Dump, 113, 335

  U2, 124

  Ugallu, 28

  Umberto, as model for Adam, 273

  UN General Assembly, 332

  Unitarians, 221

  United States:

  as a bit arrogant, 138–39, 219

  God’s blessings on, 135–39

  universe, God’s cheating with, 67–69, 286, 288, 293, 296

  Uriah, 123

  Uriel, 25, 26, 53, 74, 75, 80, 103, 118, 174, 274, 296

  Mary’s pregnancy and, 176

  on Sistine Chapel ceiling, 273

  Us, 108

  Us Weekly, Aniston’s deal with, 332

  Uzbekistan, God’s pity for, 354

  V8 Vegetable Juice, renaming of, 346

  value of material goods (VMG), 222, 223

  Variety, 336

  Vatican, 274, 333

  vernal equinox, new method of, 336

  vestigial tails, 9

  Vesuvius, 54

  Victoria, Queen of England, 230

  Victorian Era, God’s debauchery in, 291

  Vietnam War, 139

  virgins, 245

  Voltaire, 254

  Wailing Wall, 358

  outburst of, 350

  Walmart, children’s businesses displaced by, 342

  Wampanoags, 137

  Warhol, Andy, 232

  War of 1821, as placed in wrong year, 62

  War of the Spanish Succession, 230

  Warren, Earl, 153

  Washington Wizards, 157

  water, turned into blood, 76, 78, 356

  waters-division, 6

  Webber, Andrew Lloyd, 47

  web intitialisms, heaven vs. earth, 305–6

  “We Didn’t Start the Fire” (song), 299

  Weekly Prayer Report, 296

  werewolves, 260

  West, Kanye, 91

  West Virginia, mine explosion in, 352

  Wicca, 253

  Wii for Wii, 347

  Wikipedia, 252

  wild beasts, 75

  Williams, Barry, death of, 347

  Williams, Venus, planetary activities of, 334

  Wine Spectator, 350

  Winfrey, Oprah:

  boost to economy by, 336

  weight fluctuation of, 109

  Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 221

  Woods, Tiger, multiple adulteries of, 112

  Woodstock, 107

  Word-a-Day Calendar, apocalypse predicted in, 352

  World War I, spineless cowards of, 136

  World War II, 136

  World Wide Web, 304

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, 255

  Wrigley Field, 345

  Wyoming, 340

  Xenu, 344

  Yahapde tribe, 332

  Yahweh, as God’s true name, 299

  “Yakety Sax,” 350

  yeti, nonexistence of, 146

  yoga, 249

  Yom Kippur, 98

  You Just Gotta Love Christmas (song), 164

  Zach (H.G.), 166, 168, 174, 185, 186–87, 193, 195

  as active partner in God’s
business, 268

  details of Armageddon worked out by, 329

  God’s restraint urged by, 287

  in intervention with God, 296

  “Jesusism” disliked by, 204–5

  Jesus’s resurrection and, 202

  as Justin Bieber, allegedly, 305

  nickname given to, 167

  personality of, 168

  as proceeding from God, 289

  reform of Christianity desired by, 275

  Zebub, B. L., as up-and-coming tennis star, 346

  Zebulun, Tribe of, 46

  Zipporah, 93

  Zodiac Killer, Jeane Dixon as, 144–45

  Zophar, 130

  My Creation Weekly Planner. Before I made the universe it was very hard to find one of these at Staples.

  The first Casual Friday.

  Sparky and Pillow, the only two animals Noah took with him on the ark. (If thou countest not the 3,000 fleas and ticks.)

  There was something about the patriarchs that helped them see a unified vision of the future. (Not pictured: Bert.)

  Joseph was a lifelong bachelor.

  Outside some buildings, the Ten Commandments set the mood.

  Outside others, they kill it.

  David cheated.

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

  Jesus’s pre-Beatitudes checklist for the Sermon on the Mount. He later told me he calmed his nerves by picturing everybody naked, and baptized.

  Whenever my son seeth one of these, he blesseth the car with an additional 3 mpg.

  The Holy Grail. Photograph courtesy of the Mel Gibson Collection.

  Theological debate among the twelve apostles often grew heated. Here, Bartholomew (Henry Fonda) argues a finer point of the doctrine of transubstantiation with Simon the Zealot (Lee J. Cobb).

  They never show my son reading, or playing catch, or fishing. No. Always with the Crucifixion.

  This is as close to an image of Muhammad as Simon & Schuster would let me include. I said, “What’s the big deal?” They said, “God, trust us on this one.”

  The Crusades were wholesome high jinks for all involved!

  Martin Luther King Jr. and Martin Luther. I always forget which one gave his life in the name of love and which one wanted all Jews put to work as agricultural slave labor.

  James Madison. He begged me to add the Ten Commandments to the Constitution. I said, “No, make it ten amendments, and call it the Bill of Rights.” He said, “OK, but that’s a stupid fucking idea.”

  Charles Darwin. He himself “evolved” . . . into being dead. Zing!

  My favorite picture ever. Frankie, Sammy, Dean, and me. Vegas, 1960. Verily, we owned that town.

  From the Sistine Chapel in Rome to a converted HVAC warehouse in Queens. Story of my life.

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  Table of Contents



  Smitus (“On Natural Disasters”)

  Corrections (“On Errata”)


  Jewed (“On the Chosen People”)

  Glossy Ones (“On Celebrities”)


  Sell-A-Thonians (“On America”)

  Facts (“On Unsolved Mysteries”)

  Games (“On Sports”)


  Fillemin (“Godlibs”)

  Pleader (“On Prayer”)

  Effusions (“On My Favorite Things”)


  Hindus (“. . . and Other Heathens”)

  Fallopians (“On Abortion”)


  Collations (“Recipes”)

  Romance (“On Sex, Love, and Marriage”)




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